

After checking the mechanisms and the thunder prison, the only thing left for Sam is to create something that can help him in the near future and for that, he has to use something the Arian Emperor gave him.

The feces of the fire type Level 7 beast.

When the emperor gave him the feces, he was still quite confused about how Sam would use something like this.

He passed the feces which are stored inside the spatial ring and asked.

"May I know what you are going to do with this? I am quite curious."

Sam didn't reply and chuckled.

The Emperor might have even got the answer if he dumped all of this in a pit, but he stored it in a spatial ring as if it was a treasure, and judging from the size of the ring, it seemed to be quite a high grade one.

Sam just took the ring without answering and threw then inside the pit a large pit that was dug open by the ape.

After he closed the whole pit, he went on with designing something.

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