
A Family Reunion

Noah had struggled all of his life with issues of abandonment. That was a pretty standard condition for people who had been adopted but he had made sincere efforts to address his concerns and unpack his baggage. He hadn't managed to establish a healthy, long term relationship in his 30 years of life but he was ever hopeful. 

The first and most important step in that journey toward wholeness was finding his birth mother. It was a relatively easy process; she only lived less than two hours away for his entire life. She had been looking for him just as he had been looking for her so it was a matter of signing the appropriate papers and waiting for the red tape to be cut by adoption agency personnel. Their reunion had been awkward and rather uneventful. They decided it would be best if they chose to meet their first time at her home to avoid any emotional outbursts at Olive Garden or some such place. Noah's heart was in his chest as he made his way to her front door. There were still lots of unanswered questions and unresolved issues when the initial meeting was all said and done but Noah and Andrea were well on their way to establishing a healthy relationship and a good friendship. Certainly, the rapport was there without much effort. The age difference was minimal and Noah was awed at how at ease he felt with his birth mother and that their similarities. Finding her had been one of the best things he'd ever done in his adult life, a step that would lead to closure for a lot of emotional triggers in his life that left him distancing himself from women.

As is the case with most busy singles, Noah had resorted to the internet to aid in finding love. It was as a viable an option as any other in the day and age and he opted to use paid sites to weed out the insincere and the fake. There were very few sites like that that catered specifically to African Americans so he'd search to the top three dating sites to cast a wide net. The $100 or so investment was well worth it if he could find his dream lady. He was pretty aggressive in his search He had a list of criteria that was pretty extensive and there wasn't much room for deviation. She had to be a woman of color, intelligent, articulate, spiritual, affectionate, and exude sex appeal. The other things were intangibles that would amount to chemistry and connection upon meeting. 

Within 100 miles of San Francisco was a decent distance to travel to find his one true love. As with many search options on dating sites, he had to expand some of his criteria in order to get a fair sampling of profiles returned. Always having an attraction for older women and having exhausted profiles that were in his distance range, he expanded his age range to get a better selection of profiles. Satisfied that 80 profiles would be enough to explore for the evening, he settled in to go over them with a fine tooth comb. He had limited his search to profiles with pictures to prevent any time spent getting to know someone that he wasn't physically attracted to and to save time for all involved. 

He hadn't clicked on more than three or four profiles when fate would alter his reality forever. "Degreed Blk Fem sks intimacy, communication, and passion," read the headline. Noah shook his head in disbelief and stared at the screen for a few minutes in a daze. There was no mistake about it, no way to misconstrue that the profile belonged to Andrea, his birth mother. He felt like he was invading her privacy and he closed the profile and moved on. Distracted and shaken, he returned to her profile again, this time to explore every detail. 

First, he looked at all the photos. The album held five photos, all tasteful, all showing facets of a very beautiful woman. Noah told himself that the man that got his mother as a partner would be a damn lucky man because there was not way to deny, even at 46, she was a breathtaking beauty that looked more than 10 years younger than her age. Her delicious honey colored complexion was flawless and Noah marveled at the pictures, seeing his own complexion reflected in the womanly curves lady that gave birth to him. He made note of the fact that none of the photos were vulgar but yet they all oozed sensuality. She showed subtle flashes of leg, a rounded bare shoulder, even a sweet, casual shot that wasn't glamorous at all but still showed off her natural beauty. He wondered to himself what his reaction would have been had she had a nude photo of herself among her collection. Noah rated her photos an A plus and went on to explore her profile more.

There was something a little uneasy for Noah to deal with and it was the activity in his pants. He shook his head and made a conscious effort to focus on the computer screen and deny the fact that he had an erection had to do with a taboo that was almost too unthinkable to comprehend. He adjusted himself and kept on, obsessed with finding out anything and everything he could about this mysterious woman to whom he was more connected than any other person on the planet but he knew so little about. Even as he scrolled down the profile, he rationalized that there was probably some genetic DNA predisposition that was responsible for the fact that all the traits he sought in a woman, his mother possessed. 

When he got to the essay portion of the profile he swallowed hard and began reading. She articulately described herself and exactly what she was looking for in a man in detail. She wrote, "I'm an accomplished, successful woman who is at a crossroads. I need companionship and friendship with a partner that can allow me to explore my new found sexual liberation. Understand that I'm not looking for someone to romance me and sweep me off my feet with little or no substance. I need a man that can be open, a good listener, honest, available and accountable. Once you've shown me that you are worthy of my heart, I'm looking to share my body with you in ways you probably can't imagine. There aren't many men that meet my standards and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to share a side of me that needs more exploration and expression. Younger men are more than welcome to apply because I need a man that can keep up with my rather insatiable appetites." 

By the time he finished reading, his dick was in his hand and he was stroking it furiously. Her unapologetic yet sophisticated call for a lover to rock her world yet be more than a fuck toy, to actually be a man committed to the person not just the just package it came in, was arousing on so many levels he could barely control himself. He jerked his hardness, reading the words over and over again. He tried to imagine the unimaginable promises of pleasure Andrea had alluded to. He called her name as he envisioned her satisfying herself in the absence of a man on the very couch they had shared tea when they met. He imagined her sexy breasts glistening with sweat as he pounded her while she dug her nails into his back and screamed for more. His cum erupted as he thought about it being deposited in the very womb that nurtured him for nine months. 

He awoke in the morning, hoping it had all been a nightmare. Before his eyes were completely open, he sat in front of his computer screen and pulled the bookmarked profile up again. He noticed that her last visit to the site was within the last 24 hours and he panicked. What if she were to find his profile in the same way? He immediately made his profile invisible to other viewers and went back to her profile again. He pulled his semi erect dick out and picked up the phone. He placed the call without even having a game plan in mind. All he knew was he had to see her and soon.

They chatted and caught up in the uncomfortable way that only adoptive mother and son are prone to do. "Listen, I don't know if you are into this sort of thing but I was hoping you might want to join me next Saturday and go to the Crocker Art Museum. I've exhausted all the museums in the Bay area and I couldn't think of coming to Sacramento without seeing if you would like to join me . . . If you are into that sort of thing," he said, knowing full well that she was. He played on her emotions by adding, "It would make me so happy to be able to share what I love the most with the most special woman in the world to me," his comment had many more layers and implications than Andrea could comprehend. 

Andrea, wanting to be open to any hand of civility her son extended to her, accepted before he could finish his little speech but Noah hadn't heard her. She let him finish and repeated her answer, adding that she was flattered that he would ask her and how grateful she was that he didn't hate her. There was a long moment of silence on the phone as the two dealt with their own adoptive demons. 

They made plans for him to come there and pick her up next weekend and she even invited him to spend the night in her spare bedroom if it got too late to drive back. Noah hung up the phone and shot off another load within seconds of doing so. What had he just done? More importantly, what was he going to do? He hadn't even planned it out thoroughly; he was going on pure adrenaline and lust.

Over the course of the next few days, Noah tried desperately to purge himself of sexual thoughts of Andrea. He rationalized that most teenage boys had at least a masturbatory fantasy or two about their mothers. It had to be some sort on rite of passage or some natural occurrence in nature, he was just going through his later in life, and it would certainly pass. All week long he would read her profile over and over again, at work, at home; he had even printed it out and memorized every detail, justifying it as a way to get to know this very intimate stranger.

The drive to Sacramento seemed to take forever. He turned up his music loudly and he and Tupac lamented over the trials and tribulations of being a black man in a society that wanted to keep them oppressed. He tried to ignore the constant dull ache in his nuts and half hard dick he would get occasionally but the closer he got to her house, the more he let himself fantasize about being the man Andrea called her man. Hell, except for that pesky little fact that she had given birth to him; he was exactly what she was looking for and vice versa. They shared the same likes and dislikes, predilections and preferences, and they were both in need of the same type of relationship. 

He knocked on the door but he hadn't prepared for what he saw when it opened. Andrea was dressed in a sexy black dress with thin spaghetti straps and a low cut v-neck that showed off just the right amount of cleavage. The dress hugged her toned, athletic body perfectly. She wore a pair of sexy, stiletto heels that showed off the blood red nail polish that accentuated her perfectly pedicured toes.

Noah stood speechless for a moment unable to speak. Andrea, sensing some tension, panicked and said, "Oh, I'm overdressed aren't I? I have been trying to figure out what to wear for an hour. I'll go change." With that, she turned towards her bedroom. Noah grabbed her hand and stopped her. 

"No, what you are wearing is fine, you look beautiful." The heat of her hand in his burned his flesh as he felt himself becoming completely erect 

"I really do appreciate you offering to take an old woman like me to the museum today. I'm appreciative of any time I can get to spend with my favorite boy," as she patted his cheek gently. Noah's heart did a back flip, hearing words that gave him more comfort than he'd ever known before. "Well, let me go get my wrap and we'll be off. Does that sound okay?" Noah nodded in silence and tried to adjust himself so that his throbbing erection couldn't be seen as she walked away. 

The two made a striking couple. There was no way in hell anyone could tell that they were mother and son, Andrea only looking four or five years older than Noah at the most. Granted she was just barely 16 years older but Noah had dated women that had looked and been older than she in his lifetime. He held the door for her as she got in and out of his truck held her by the small of her back as they strolled among the artwork. They started to let their guards down and they seemed more at ease with each other than one would imagine. Their tastes in artwork were similar and they shared more information about each other in an effort to catch up on lost time. They both liked the same movies, they both had a love of travel and had been to some of the same places and had even stayed in the same hotel in Paris, twenty years apart. Noah could not stop looking at Andrea and he was more and more curious about the sexual beast that lurked inside her that she alluded to in her profile. 

They had stopped strolling around and sat on the bench and were deep in conversation. Noah had placed his arm around her shoulder and Andrea had responded by turning her body completely towards him and resting her hand on his thigh. Another black couple, obviously deeply in love, strolled by hand in hand. The woman made eye contact with Andrea and gave the universal sista look of, "Go ahead, Stella, do your thing." The couple stopped and the woman turned back and said, "Isn't love wonderful? You two look beautiful together." 

Both Andrea and Noah panicked and pulled away from each other. They both mumbled thank you and awkwardly stood to leave. The couple apologized for interrupting, aware that they had caused some sort of disruption in the flow of things and went on about their business.

"I think it's time to go, we've seen all we can see here." Andrea held her eyes to the floor and had lost some of the joy in her voice. 

Noah, not ready to end the evening, tried his best to salvage the chemistry that had been interrupted. "Andrea, you are a vibrant and beautiful lady. I'm sure that's not the last time someone will mistake you for my date. Listen, it's still early, what do you say that I take my favorite lady out for dinner?" They both smiled and got a little teary and took a deep breath at the same time. 

Andrea smiled and sunk back into the level of comfort and ease that they had shared before the interruption. The place she chose for dinner was a small, intimate restaurant that was perfect for lovers. For a brief second, Noah allowed himself to contemplate that the sexual attraction he felt for Andrea might be reciprocal. He held her chair out and took her wrap. He "accidentally" caressed her smooth shoulders, or at least he hoped that it had seemed accidental. Once seated he quickly placed the napkin in his lap to hide the protruding appendage that threatened to betray his deepest desires. 

Noah ordered a bottle of wine rather than a glass, hoping that the beverage would loosen both their inhibitions and lead to a more intimate connection. The waiter, also assuming they were lovers, or soon to be lovers, poured on the charm and suggested the most romantic dining suggestions, finger foods for appetizers that could be fed to one another, entrées that could be shared, and decadent desserts. After the first glass of wine, Andrea had relaxed sufficiently to let her guard down and she was becoming openly flirtatious with Noah. Noah didn't miss a beat and started going into full mack mode. He was versed in how to make a woman feel like the center of the universe and he was pulling out all the stops. They conversed freely about music and art and politics and eventually the conversation got around to dating. Andrea listened intently as Noah confessed with bitter honesty his adulterous, playboy past and his longing and desire to connect to "the one" and how she had remained so elusive in his life. Andrea was tortured with guilt at being the reason Noah felt so alone in his life and she reached out to embrace him in her arms. 

Noah felt her touch and sunk gently into it from an emotional level. He had craved that sensation, that feeling of safety and comfort that only a mother's loving embrace could provide. If only the woman providing that sensation wasn't biologically linked to him he would be in heaven. Andrea, feeling the need to open up, shared the secrets of her emotional past as well. She spoke about looking for love and how she had come up short time and time again. She revealed that she was looking for a person to stimulate her mind and spirit first and that would be the impetus to transcendental love making. The wine had loosened her inhibitions and she was having a conversation that she normally would have thought was a tad inappropriate. She placed her hand on Noah's lap, dangerously close to his dick and kept on with her revelations, perhaps oblivious because of the slight buzz she was feeling. Andrea could no longer deny the attraction and she downed another glass of wine and relegated herself to the fact that she was involved in a dance of seduction that had horrific implications. Her body was betraying her mind. Her nipples protruded brazenly from her dress and her clit was throbbing to the point of distraction. She excused herself to go to the ladies room and wipe away some of the moisture that had collected between her legs lest he smell her arousal at the table. 

When she returned, Noah had paid the bill and was holding her wrap for her. They made the trip back to her home in virtual silence, not daring to speak, both afraid of what was happening. He pulled into the driveway of her home and came around to open the door for her. She gently placed her hand in his as she stepped down and they both stood inches apart from one another, the electricity between them could light up a stadium it was so strong. She tried to say something about, "thank you for a wonderful day," and her words were cut off with a passionate kiss that took her breath away. Noah had lost his resolve to keep his fantasy to himself and he kissed the woman that was the focus of all of his desire. He pulled her body to his tightly and ran his hands over her ass. He thrust his dick against her body and started grinding on her. She responded in kind, holding his face in her soft hands and sucking his tongue sensuously, wrapping her arms around his neck. He picked her up and placed her back on the seat of his truck and she wrapped her legs around him as he began to slide his hands up the smooth skin of her thigh. They kissed more passionately this time. 

"No, stop, we can't do this!" Andrea grabbed his hand and stopped him. 

Feeling profound shame, Noah backed off and started to hyperventilate. Had he destroyed the relationship he had only just started with his birth mother? He started to mumble an apology when Andrea stopped him. "We can't do this here. Let's go inside." 

She grabbed him by the hand and tilted his face to hers. She looked him in the eyes as they kissed again. She held his hand as they made their way to the front door. Once inside, she kept the lights off and felt Noah's presence behind her. He pulled her wrap from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He caressed her bare shoulder and kissed it softly. She leaned back into him and rubbed her ass sensuously against his dick. Gentle moans escaped her lips as his hands roamed freely over her sides, gripping her hips tightly. 

"God, I want this, I want you." Noah was in a fog of lust. Everything about the woman before him was what he had been searching for. He felt driven to experience all that she had to offer, not just sexually but emotionally as well. He wanted his Mommy to love him, in every way possible. 

Andrea turned to face Noah and she kissed him with more passion than she had thought possible just a few hours earlier. She was driven by this insane lust of the taboo and the fact that she had an attraction to a man that she had carried inside her for nine months. She reached for his crotch and felt the evidence of his lust for her. She kissed and nibbled on his neck and whispered in his ear that they should make it to the bedroom to get more comfortable. 

For a brief second, things were awkward again. Andrea made her way around the bedroom and lit candles while Noah stood and watched. He wondered if he shouldn't just stop things where they were and go home; perhaps they could pretend that none of this ever happened. Ignorance is bliss so they say. The precum dripping from the head of his dick was motivation enough for him to erase all those sorts of thoughts from his mind. 

Andrea stood before him and lowered the straps to her dress. She stood in her high heels and a pair of black satin panties and Noah had to swallow hard to keep from slamming her hard on the bed and taking her without any foreplay at all. He wanted her to exploit his fantasies; to highlight his fantasies of being a little boy that Mommy was teaching how to be naughty. He had engaged in role-play like that many times before with other women in similar ways but this was about to take on whole new dimensions. He wondered if pushing the issue would cause her to panic and back out of the situation so he kept his silence. 

There was little reason to do so. Andrea was like a woman possessed, loving every aspect of the mother/son incest and she was tipsy enough to let go of whatever inhibitions she might have had. She lay back on the bed and spread her legs. She rubbed her pussy through the thin material and slid her hands inside to put on a show for Noah. She told him to get undressed and she fingered herself while he revealed the perfect sculpted body of a man half her age. He stepped out of his boxer briefs and she started fucking herself that much harder, sliding her panties down to get better access and to show off her aroused and shaved cunt to her sweet baby boy. 

Without saying a word, Noah climbed on top of Andrea and started kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and explored his mouth with passion. She could feel his erection sliding between her legs as his mouth explored her neck and she was moaning very loudly. Noah could feel the softness of her breasts crushed against him and the hardness of her nipples pressed against his chest. There was no mistaking the fact that his dick was rubbing the wet slit of her pussy and he could feel her aroused clit rubbing on the length of his hardness. The heat emanating from her core was like a furnace and she was becoming more and more vocal as things got more and more heated. 

"Oh, your dick is so big," she moaned and she reached for it to put her delicate hands around it and stroke it. 

Noah almost came right then and right there. It felt so good that he needed to think about Stock Market futures in order to keep from losing his nut. He began kissing his way down her body to the place that was the single focus of his desire, her breasts. He looked Andrea deeply in her eyes as he lowered his mouth to her hardened nipple. There was a soundtrack of ooohh's, and ahhhh's and mmmm's as he began sucking her titties. The softness of her boobs was pleasure untold for Noah and when she grabbed his head and said, "Oh you make Mommy feel so good," he almost lost it. 

In a voice that didn't sound like his own and was decidedly adolescent, Noah said, "Does Mommy like when I suck on her titties like that?" 

Andrea, fully into the forbidden lovemaking, responded knowing full well where this was going to go. "Yes, sweetie, Mommy loves when you suck on my hard nipples like that. Drink Mommy's milk baby, my titties are so swollen and full. Do you like when Mommy feeds you like that?" 

Noah was outside of himself. He was in a realm of arousal he'd never experienced before. "Yes, Mommy, I love sucking your titties. I love doing anything that makes you feel good Mommy. I just want to make you happy."

Andrea cradled Noah's head and reinforced that Noah was a very good boy for making his Mommy feel good. His mouth went from nipple to nipple and Andrea's moans got louder and louder. She was chanting, "Oh yeah, suck my titties baby, drink mama's milk, oh, fuck that feels so good."

"Mama, you said a bad word!" Noah could barely believe how easily his role as pubescent boy came in the arms of the woman that gave birth to him. 

"Yes, sweetie, it's okay. Grownups are allowed to say bad words when they have their clothes off like this. It makes it feel better."

"Mommy, can I say those words too? Am I a big boy Mama?" 

"What words do you know, sweetie? Who taught you those naughty words?" 

"At school, some of the boys say, you know, stuff. And one time I. . ." His voice trailed off.

"What is it dear? You can tell Mommy, I promise I won't be mad." Andrea stroked his hair and soothed his pretend fears. 

"One time I watched you and Daddy playing when you were naked and lying down. He said a lot of naughty words." His eyes got big like he was telling a secret, fully aware that they hadn't even discussed who his biological father had been up until that point, just getting off on the nasty fantasy. 

By this time, Andrea was holding her breasts up for Noah and making him suck them harder and harder, thrashing around on the bed and consumed with the fantasy of sexing up her adolescent son when it was in fact her thirty something son. It was the fulfillment of her dirtiest desires, desires she hadn't really contemplated as real because she never thought of finding her son, she had assumed she would go her entire life with no knowledge of what happened to him, how he turned out. Until that day in her life, she felt relatively safe that her mother/son fantasies were harmless fun between her and her very adult lovers. 

"Mommy, I feel funny . . . down there." Noah pointed to the erection that was leaking and he grabbed its full length like only he knew how to do and forced out more precum. There was no way his enormous prick could be mistaken for a child's. 

"It's okay, sweetie, you can use the grown up word for it. Mommy likes when you use the dirty words." Andrea was so turned on, more than she had ever been before in her life and it scared her a little to think of how far she would go in her lust. 

Noah said, "Oh Mama, my dick is sooo hard. Do you like my big dick?" 

Andrea reached between his legs and felt the hefty organ that was engorged with blood. "By all means, Mommy loves your big, hard dick. It makes Mommy's pussy really wet. Mommy wants to suck that big, fat dick. Come here and let me put it in my mouth." 

"Oh Mommy! Are you sure?"

Noah rolled over and lay back on the bed. Andrea wasted no time in getting between his legs and giving him head like he'd literally never had before in his life. She grabbed his erection and started stroking it, making it leak more precum. She licked the salty treat and told him how good he tasted. She took the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around it and Noah could barely control himself. She went down on it slowly, licking and sucking with painstaking precision. She was getting every inch wet with her mouth and tongue and sucking it expertly with her lips. She swallowed the entire shaft and Noah made a sound that he'd never heard before. Andrea was moaning and slobbering all over his dick like a cock craved whore and fingering her pussy at the same time. Noah, with the awareness of a grown man, grabbed her and made her stop because he knew all too well that a few more minutes of exceptional head like that would make him shoot his load and he definitely wanted to wait.

Andrea wanted more. She wanted to taste her son's cum and she wasn't ready to stop. She was looking him in his eyes and asking him if he liked it. Noah was out of his mind, it was sensory overload. She focused on sucking the engorged vein on the underside of his dick and it allowed him to calm down enough to regain normal control of his breathing. The room was spinning and it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. She started humming on his dick, sending vibrations up his spine and talking dirty. It was the wanton slut of his dreams, intelligent, sophisticated, beautiful, sexy and desperate for cum. 

"You like Mommy's mouth on your hard cock? Use those nasty words you know, treat Mommy like a filthy whore, it makes mommy feel good when you say nasty things to her like a big boy." 

Noah was ready to explode and they went past the stage of pretending, it was mother who got off on giving her son nasty pleasure and a son who desperately wanted to fuck his mother. He grabbed her head and started moving it up and down on his dick, fucking her throat. Andrea didn't miss a beat and she gagged a little but it only seemed to inspire her to be that much nastier. It seemed she couldn't get it wicked enough, she was in a zone where she wanted to be nasty, with her flesh and blood baby boy. She was deep throating him and stroking him and licking his balls. The raunchier she got, the more she needed verbal stimulation. 

"Lick my dick real good and get it nice and wet so I can ram it in your wet pussy. Yeah, your little boy is going to fuck you senseless. Is that what you want? You want your son to ram his big hard dick in you so hard you scream like it's going to rip you apart? " 

Andrea wasn't satisfied, she wanted more and she wasn't afraid to go for it. She was inspired by the fact that she had crossed a line that was so forbidden, so taboo, that she had never been so turned on in her life. She was in a sexual fog, a lust inspired by this incredibly sexy man that she was with and knowing that she had birthed him through the pussy that was now soaking wet and screaming for him to fuck her. "No, I want more." 

This was going too far for both of them. It was unexplored territory and they were both on a sex high that was like no place they had ever gone; only dreamt about. It was pure, unbridled, uninhibited sex with someone that you trust completely. Granted, there's was a trust that defied rational thought. They were linked genetically but they hadn't known each other more than 12 hours total. Noah sat up and forcefully flipped Andrea on her back. He climbed on top of her and kissed her deeply. "Now, it's my turn. I'm going to make you cum so hard you pass out." 

"Don't threaten me. Eat my pussy." 

He got between her legs and stared at the place he came from. He knew he had to squeeze off a load before he fucked her or else he would nut too damn quickly when he finally rammed himself in her. He started eating her pussy and stroking his dick. Andrea was giving direction, inspiring him, telling him how much she loved his mouth on her wet pussy. He licked and sucked her asshole with equal enthusiasm and they sunk to new depths of depravity. He shot his load on her feet and licked it off before going back to sucking her clit to orgasm. Andrea was grabbing the sheets and screaming bloody murder, her inhibitions had disappeared like David Blaine on a HBO special. Noah hadn't even gotten soft, he was so aroused and so out of control. 

Andrea reached her first orgasm of the night and she planned on having a few more before it was all over. She turned over and got up on her hands and knees and looked back over her shoulder. "Fuck me!" 

There was no need for the mother/son reference because she was a woman that needed to get fucked by a man. She was desperate to feel every inch of that hard meet rammed in her cunt walls and she needed him to do it hard and fast and rough. He grabbed her hair and pulled it like reigns on a philly. She responded by chanting, "Fuck me, fuck me, NOW!"

Noah took careful aim. He lined up the fat head of his dick with her hole. He grabbed her hips and with one fluid, fast motion, he rammed the entire length of his dick deep in her uterus. She screamed out in pain but begged for more. For a brief moment, they slipped into a zone of familiarity and peace. Neither of them had ever experienced such profound love before. Noah was experiencing maternal love and Andrea had found the peace she'd given up 30 years ago. Their union was symbolic of the truly forbidden and the transcendent. 

Noah began fucking Andrea with the force and the stamina that he would fuck a man and she took it all and begged for more. He worked his thumb up her ass and she started using her muscles to coax out another load of cum. If he hadn't busted off one earlier, that would have been the end of him but he held on tight. He started smacking that ass and reached around to her breasts. He pulled her tits and twisted them in his fingers and she encouraged him to do it harder. "Ohhh, it feels so good."

Andrea gasped for air and gripped the sheets tightly, sweat was forming on her body and she was in agony and ecstasy. The sensation of Andrea's tight pussy on the shaft of his member was so intense, he was sweating trying to work all 9 inches in and he didn't understand who she could even take it all. She reached for lube on the nightstand and tossed it to him. He flipped the top open and poured half the bottle on her and it dripped on his balls, her pussy, the bed, everywhere. Andrea took control and started fucking him back. "Oh Daddy, fuck me, make me a bad girl Daddy." Obviously roles were irrelevant at that point. All that really mattered was pleasure. 

Noah grabbed her hips and started pounding. Andrea lowered her head and stuck her ass up in the air so the last few inches could get the right angle and sink deep in her. Andrea was moaning loader, begging for it harder. Fucking was supposed to be dirty and primal and filthy in every way and Andrea and Noah were two untamed wild animals that were lost in debauchery and pleasure. Andrea had craved the sensation of losing herself to a man completely and it was in that moment, when the head of his dick was pounding into her that she started to cum. It was a mental orgasm, a freedom from society and rules and inhibitions. 

Noah grabbed her hip and started ramming himself deeper and harder, practically ramming Andrea's head in the wall. "OHHHH FUCK! Take it, take my load." He collapsed on top of her and drifted in and out of consciousness for a few moments. Andrea cradled and comforted him as they fell asleep from exhaustion.

Noah awoke in the early morning hours, shaking his head for clarity and trying to recollect what had happened, hoping it had all been a dream. Andrea was there, awake as well, this time to comfort him and reassure him that everything would be okay. They'd gone places mother and son shouldn't go. They had explored depths from which there was no turning back. "Mom . . . "

Andrea held her fingers to his lips. "Son, we have the entire rest of our lives to figure out how to make sense of all this. I promise, I'm not going to leave you again, even if things are difficult."

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