
Chapter 8: Ninjas and Pirates

Chapter 8: Ninjas and Pirates.

Dissclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

"Join my crew. Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I told you, I'm not leaving here to join your crew!"

Luffy pouted at Sanji's exclamation, before folding his arms and sat down. "Well I'm not leaving here until you join us. We need a cook, and I want you to be him. Besides, the ninja's are coming with us, so why not come along to see them?"

Sanji growled at this dilemma. Luffy had been pestering the sous-chef for 3 days past. 'He's been at this for the last 3 days. I can't leave here due to my promise to the old man. I need to repay that until the day he dies,' he reminded himself.

'Well, this idiot's go to get tired eventually. So, I'll just wait until he finally gets the point and leaves. And takes Naruto's sexy-jutsu with…'

"AHhhh!" The pervy-cook began to yank at his hair, realizing he wouldn't get to see a nude woman so regularly if Naruto left the restaurant.

"Hey, Straw Hat." Zeff's voice rang through the kitchen. "You've got my permission to take Sanji. Besides, that brat Naruto would want him to come as well, so he's yours."

"Shut it, geezer! I'm not leaving here until the day after you die. And don't try to pawn me off like some commodity!"

While the pair began a fresh argument, Kakashi eyed the kitchen doors, chuckling. 'Well, Zeff did order me to only keep order here in the dining room so at least that problem isn't anything to worry for. I do wonder though, why he's trying to push Sanji to leave despite how close they are.'

Meanwhile, Sasuke and Zoro were outdoors, on the deck of the Straw Hat's ship: the Going Merry. Sasuke's torso ached, arms searing with pain. The boy could feel Zoro's eyes on him, spurring Sasuke on to complete his exercises to the swordsman's standards.

Sasuke had followed-through on his request to train along with Zoro. After Zeff approved of it, the Uchiha began spending more with Zoro throughout the past 3 days. While Naruto continued to work with Sanji on learning the Black-leg style, taking to it with more enthusiasm than the rest of Team 7. Team 7 still training under Kakashi's watch in the mornings, but Sakura only completed the bare minimum before getting to work in the restaurant or spending time with Nami.

A marked difference from Sasuke, who rapidly found Zoro's training sessions gruelling and unenviable.

On their first morning, Sasuke was amazed to see Zoro was already working through his sword-katas. After seeing him arrive, the swordsman sent the boy to run laps across the water. After some initially protests, Sasuke had found a sword near his face. "If you want to train, follow what I say with no refusal or complaints, kid. If you don't like it, you can walk away with nothing at any time."

His serious mood sparked new respect from Sasuke, who began to run. After 10 laps, Zoro called him back, tied a series of weights to Sauke's arms, legs and back. Then sent him out again. 20 laps later, Sasuke was exhausted; both physically and mentally from the strain of keeping his chakra from failing through the water.

This was followed by strength exercises, push-ups, jumping squats, sit-ups, and more. Zoro even worked on hand-stand lifts with the boy. While Sasuke was amazed at the sight of Zoro doing the same with a single arm.

This was followed by sparing, Zoro with his blades while Sasuke used kunai and shuriken. Kakashi demanded to supervise it, as the Pirates had not completely earned the Jonin's trust. Initially, Sasuke had not believed his Sharingans were necessary; but Zoro's unique and practiced technique proved that notion wrong. The Genin was slightly faster and more agile, but not by a decisive margin. Zoro's combination of strength, practiced speed and focused technique forced Sasuke to use his eyes to make-up the difference.

This had been followed by some explanations about them, to the entire crew; though Kakashi and Sasuke avoided any private details about Sasuke's clan. Now Zoro watched carefully as Sasuke was on his 13th hand-stand lift.

"I'll admit. You're doing pretty well, Sasuke. But your physical prowess is only admirable to a basic person, kid. Nothing's really exceptional yet. Keep working, then we'll start sparring before Kakashi and I go again." The swordsman smirked at the last comment.

Sasuke began to grind his teeth, chaffing under someone commenting on him being less than exceptional. But he couldn't spare the breath to argue without collapsing in a heap. The Uchiha grit his teeth and began to focus on the exercise.

Kakashi moved outside and eyed the pair, carefully. He'd been on the docks before, keeping a close watch on Sasuke during his run in-case the Genin fell in the water, and perhaps drowned from the weights. 'Hmmm. Sasuke's strength really is less developed than his speed. And sparing with Zoro has improved his perception with his Sharingans. This training isn't so bad for him. And….hhhhh I have promised Zoro that sparring session, soon. Still, finding out of his abilities might not hurt too much. But I've been losing time to read more of Icha-Icha Tactics, or Icha-Icha Paradise again.'

On their first day, Naruto had begun to share stories about Konoha with the Straw Hat Pirates. His version of the truth was far from humble, even painting himself as the top student in the academy and immensely popular with everyone. Sakura and Sasuke intervened and told a more honest version. Including their adventures in the Land of Waves.

Inevitably, Zabuza came up and made Zoro very excited.


"Swordsman! Seven of them?" A hungry tone came from the Santoryu-inventor.

"Yeah. Zabuza was one of the most renown swordsman in our home island. Part of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist. Each one with a unique weapon, and very deadly skills." Sasuke explained.

"Hmmmm," a growl reverberated through the restaurant; filled with lethal excitement. Sakura and Nami trembled, while Johnny and Yosaku traded fearful looks; 'Big-Bro Zoro's getting hyped! This aint good!'

"Y-y-yeah Mmr. Z-Zoro." Sakura brokenly replied. "Zabuza r-really—wa-was—"

"Oi, oi. You really should tone-down your excitement, Zoro. It's scaring the customers," Kakashi interjected. "..and my Genin." A threat hung in the air. Zoro noticed it clear, and gradually eased back. While everyone started to breath again, the swordsman glanced up at the Jonin.

"So, Kakashi. From what Sasuke described, Zabuza had quite a ferocious reputation. A Demon among killers." Zoro inquired.

Kakashi was quite a moment, drawing more of the swordsman's attention. "Yes. Zabuza was known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist; and gained that reputation long before he ascended to the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist."

Now, the Pirate Hunter's exhilaration was clear to see. "And you were the one who defeated him."

"Yes." Shrruuink-. That one syllable. At the sound, Zoro clicked a white katana from it's sheath. Soon, he was at his feet and marching to the kitchen door.

"In that case. You and I are going to spar with each other, right now! I want to see where my skill would measure against this Demon Swordsman, and your experience is the best way to do that. Plus, if we're headed to the Grand Line then we'll need to know what each other can do, and how skilled they are. Follow me outside for a spar!"

The man strode forward with passion and focus.

"Ummm. Zoro. Not everyone's as eager to spar as you, and I'm quite comfortable right here. Besides, if you want to spar, shouldn't we move to the front door, not further inside?" Kakashi lazily gestured his thumb toward the right direction.


Since then, Zoro and Kakashi had sparred twice, and left strong impressions with each other. The Pirate Hunter wasn't skilled enough to drive the Hatake to need his Sharingan, but Zoro's might, dedication and innovation with his own distinct style impressed Kakashi.

'He is a far-cry from Zabuza's league overall,' Kakashi reflected as he watched Zoro now sparring with Sasuke. 'Though regarding the degree of his skill with pure swordsmanship, it's very close to Hayate and Yugao. They would likely win over him, but only after using a blend of Ninjutsu techniques and swordsmanship rather than solely from their skills with a blade. On top of that his own strength and training regimen is almost comparable to Guy's.'

'He's also a fast learner, no question there. He's already applying some advice I gave him after our second spar to this one. He's growing more and more every time he fights.'

Kakashi continued to follow Zoro and Sasuke's sparring match, with the Uchiha clearly loosing against Zoro's might and pure skill. Yet, the older teen was more measured and observant against the Uchiha; with fewer holes in his guard than against Kakashi two days earlier.

Meanwhile, inside the restaurant Sakura was writing a bill for some satisfied customers with a smile on her face. The girl's long pink hair glistening as the doors opened, letting the sunlight gleam through it, thanks to some products loaned to her from Nami.

Naruto was chatting with Ussop at one table the Straw Hat sniper and navigator were seated at, alongside the bounty-hunters Johnny and Yosuku. After she finished with the customers, Sakura walked over the table and began chatting with Nami.

"Uhg…I'm so glad you came here, Miss. Nami. Being the only girl around all the boys here was getting impossible to handle!"

The Navigator beamed, enjoying her time with the younger girl. "I can agree. It can be a challenge to handle all boys on the crew, but it's never a problem if you keep them under your thumb." A sinister grin crossed Nami face, while Ussop and Luffy left an ice tremor down their spines. "By the way, that shampoo I loaned you really did wonders for your hair," the busty navigator complemented Sakura.

"Oh!" Nami shot to her feet. "Before we talk about anything else! You owe me 6,000 bellies for that shampoo!"

"What! I-I-I thought you were loaning it to me?" Sakura asked, perplexed.

"Yeah! But I can't just take back the amount that you used. Pay-up, girl, that bottle was worth 40,000 bellies!" Nami demanded. Neglecting to mention how it had been a gift from Kya, for free.

"Hey!" the pinkette exclaimed. She tried to argue with the Navigator, but couldn't make any headway. Grumbling, Sakura stomping upstairs to her room. After taking the right amount, she returned to Nami and handed over the money. Which immediately had the greedy-girl giggling with delight; stroking the bellies adoringly before hiding them in her cleavage.

"Wow. You really like money a lot, don't you Miss. Nami."

"Of, course I do! You can't get anywhere in the world without it!" the navigator proclaimed. "That's why you even start working here, to earn cash and travel to your home, right?"

Sakura nodded at the point. "Yeah. Our home…." A wistful look crossed her face. Nearly a month had passed since she had been ripped out of the Elemental Nations and placed in this strange new sea. All the time, away from her parents, friends, and familiar surroundings. They were taking their toll on her.

Surprisingly, a comforting arm draped over her shoulders; pulling the girl into a comforting hug. Nami had noticed a change in Sakura's mood, and felt a compelling sense to comfort her.

"Hey. You'll make it back home, if you have the drive to do it. And now you've the road to get there by coming to the Grand Line and find your island!"

Glancing up, Sakura eyed a strange smile on Nami' face. Reaching the orange-hair's eyes, but awkward and solemn. As if…..it rarely ever came, and spoke of how the girl was familiar with hopelessness.

Bwaaannggg! POOFFFFFF! Plobbbmmm! "Ahhhh!"

"Shishishishishishshishishishishishishi!" "GHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Owwweeee! We got you so good, Kakashi!" Usopp called out.

"Big Bro Kakashi!" Johnny and Yosaku cried. The pair shot to their feet, and causing piles of wanted-posters to scatter about.

In the doorway, the Jonin was caught in a net, covered with feathers, and splattered with neon-orange paint. Courtesy of a small cannon in the corner of the door, and several well-placed throws from a Naruto-clone. Ussop collapsed where he stood, in the blind-spot of corner, overwhelmed with glee.

"Ghahahahahahahahahaha! We got you good! Didn't we sensei! You didn't even see the net when that horn went off! Believe it!" A certain orange-Genin gloated with pride.

Some customers were amused or frustrated by the prank, including Nami. While Sakura was fuming on the outside, but cheering their success inside her mind. Zeff, Luffy and Sanji had come from the kitchen, and gaped at the sight. With the Straw Hat Captain barrelling with laughter.

"Huh. So, you finally set-off that prank, did you brats?"

"Heh, yeah we did!" Ussop proclaimed. "Just an air-horn rigged to the door to distract him, pulling his attention away from the corner I was in. Then the net went-off, followed by Naruto throwing paintbombs, and my feather-cannon!"

"Hahahahahaahaha! Ussop, you really are a genius! Now he can't sneak around anywhere like a Ninja should! Using those smaller-paint-balloons to avoid getting stains on the walls or other spots was really great!" Naruto cheered.

"Excuse me." A familiar voice came. Everyone froze. Then looked back to the door. Where a 2nd Kakashi was standing, green-book in hand, and untouched. "But, you missed."

PHewww- The Kakashi in a net dissolved into smoke.

"I noticed you were planning something for a while. Ussop. Naruto. So, after noticing Naruto creeping away from the wall near the doorway, I decided it became a wise choice to send a clone in ahead of me."

Everyone gawked at the Jonin. While Ussop and Naruto began sulking, dissapointed and depressed over wasting their prank on a clone-Kakashi. While the rest of the restaurant began to laugh.

"Awe man!" Johnny complained, while he and Yosaku began to gather up the papers.

"Hmmm?" Sakura noticed one poster by her feet. 'What is this? A man. He looks strong, with a gold chain and fur-coat, wavy hair and sideburns. But I can't make out these markings.'

"Hey, little-sis Sakura. Checking out that Wanted Poster?" Yosaku called her.

"Wanted? So, this man is a criminal?" the girl asked, her sharp mind buzzing. "Is this how you and Johnny find different criminals to chase down? I can't read the writing here."

That lead the shaven man to blink. "You can't read? Isn't that a little dumb, little-sis?"


Taken by surprise, Yosaku was knock flat on his back, with several bruises on his face. A fuming Sakura raised her fist.

"Dumb? I am one of the smartest people you will probably ever meet!" the girl leered at him, angered by the insult to her only source of pride; her intellect.

"I have just never seen this type of writing before. Do you ever use your head? If I couldn't read, how could I write-up bills or catalogues for this restaurant? It's nothing more than that, got it!"

"Whoa there, little sis." Johnny step in. "Yosaku was just a little surprised. Th-that's no reason to hit 'em. And yeah, actually that pirate right there is the one the Man-Demon Gin is connected to. Don Krieg, a Pirate commodore with 5,000 men. Basically, if Yosaku and I can beat these guys in a fight then we get the reward money."

"Wow," Sakura murmured, her eyes falling to the amount listed.

"Yeah, it a pretty lucrative business, huh little sis. That guy is worth a lot too, 17,000,000 bellies, the second highest in the East Blue."

"17,000,000!" Sakura exclaimed. "Wh…what did this guy do to earn that much! That's more than the base-line charge for an S-class mission back home!"[1]

"Wow. That' pretty…uh….big sis Nami." Johnny asked, cautiously.

Yosaku and Sakura glanced at the older girl, spotting her clenching one poster in his hands.

"Miss Nami? You're trembling." Sakura called out to her.

"Hhh-hhh—Huh?!" the navigator glanced up, to find each of them eying her carefully.

"Uh..oh, uh, nothing. It's nothing at all," fooling nobody as she slid the poster behind her.

"You…are you sure, big sis?" Johnny pried. "You know who that poster was, right? That someone a little too much for Yosaku and me to go after. We'd probably lose, but only just. Still, even just by a little, that guy might kill us."

The other bounty-hunter nodded, slipping the other posters back into his pocket. Then recoiled a few steps. Nami fixed the boys and Sakura with a hateful glare.

Every dropped the topic and returned to their regular activities. A handle of hours later, The Pirates, Bounty Hunters, and Ninjas gathered out on the Going Merry. Heavy fog had dropped in across the waters, casting a blanket of eeriness and foreboding over the sea.

"Well," Kakashi began. "I just finished talking with Zeff this morning. He's disappointed to see us go, but doesn't have a problem with Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and I leaving with you, Captain Luffy."

The future Pirate King grinned with excitement at the news. "Great! I'm glad to have you guys along."

"I'll admit," Zoro spoke up. "Asking the four of you to join us was a really great choice, Luffy. And not just because they can walk on water either."

Ussop grinned, "Yeah, Naruto is totally awesome too! Plus, he and I really need to catch Kakashi in a prank sometime, huh, Naruto!"

The Jinchuuriki blinked in awe. For the first time in his life, he was….welcomed. Someone had loudly praised him. And proclaimed they wanted him along. Accepting him with question or hesitation. The boy could barely speak.

"I agree with them too. And it's great to finally have another girl around, huh Sakura." Nami chimed in, seemingly indifferent to the moment with the Wanted Posters.

"Oh, yes, I agree Miss. Nami." Sakura answered. 'CHAAA! Finally, Girl Power Grows! Miss. Nami and I are going to rule this crew!'

"Hmm. I'll admit, going with them means we might get back to Konoha again is good enough," Sasuke commented. "Their captain's a bit of an Idiot, but if I can train with Zoro more often and get stronger, then that's fine by me."

Luffy stood proud, eager to begin adventures with his newest Nakama. "Right! But, we cannot leave yet." The ravenette palmed his fist, lightly. "I still need to convince Sanji to come with his as our cook. Then we'll be ready to head out!"

"Ummmmm. Maybe. But before that, perhaps we should introduce ourselves to each other, Captain Luffy." Kakashi interjected.

"Hm. Why? You're coming with us, so what's so big about that?" the often-clueless captain replied.

"Oh…..habit?" Kakashi shrugged. "In our home village, new groups often start like this. We talk about..likes. Dislikes. Hobbies. Goals. Abilities. Just some general stuff since we barely know each other too well."

"Makes sense," Zoro replied, seriously. "Why don't we alternative. One of us, then one of you. Starting with Kakashi?"

"Hmmm. Alright. My name is Hatake Kakashi. I like my cute little Genin, Naruto Sasuke, and Sakura…anything else. I guess you might find out with time. Things I hate…I don't really feel like sharing those. My dreams for the future…nothing noteworthy. As for my hobbies. Well, I have a lot of them."

"My skills and abilities." Zoro and Luffy leaned forward eagerly at this topic.

"I have many different ones. The details are not important. And there, you everything to know about me."

Each of the Straw Hats frowned, while Team 7 pouted over the same repetition from their instructor back in the Konoha Academy.

"Well," the Jonin eye-smiled at the group. "Now how ab—"Tw-Bang-Crawkk.

Kakashi's hand snatched Luffy's fist inches from his head, before Zoro struck from behind. One sheathed sword was caught, while the other nailed Kakashi from his blind-spot.

"Sensei!" Sakura and Naruto cried. "Hey, what gives captain Luffy! What did that come out for!?"

Kakashi rose to his feet, rubbing a purple shade covering his one good eye.

"You know, Captain Luffy. It's really not a good idea to simple abuse your own crew on a whim."

Luffy frowned, confused. "Huh? What does that mean? You weren't telling me anything big or exciting. You talked about sharing things about us, so share already. Tell me something good."

"Yeah, that's right!" Ussop declared. "Why should we trust you with knowledge about ourselves if you aren't willing to tell us anything about yourself. Or how can we fight together properly if we barely know anything about your skills?"

"He's right," Zoro chimed in. "First, the Captain wants to know more about you, Kakashi. Here on the Merry, the Captains authority is the highest authority. That is indisputable. And Second. This isn't a case of you working with other ninjas. We're pirates now, part of the same crew on a ship. The trust for that needs to go a lot deeper than just knowing a person's name."

Kakashi's eye swept over the assembly, all firmly together in their desire to learn more about it.

"Here. I'll showing what you should really tell us," Luffy decided, standing tall and pronounced. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I like meat, adventures, fighting, and this Straw Hat! I dislike cowards, people who hurt my friends, or those who don't care about dreams. I ate the Gomu-gomu Devil Fruit and became a Rubber Man. And some day…"

Slowly, the raven-haired teen raised his arm to cover his hat. Grasping the Straw hat, tenderly.

"I decided long ago that I am gonna be the King of the Pirates."

The Konoha Genin stared at the boy; one with amazement, three with despair.

'He cares about food, adventures, and a near-impossible ambition. Just like Naruto.' Sasuke observed.

'Great. Another one.' Sakura bemoaned.

'Noooooo! How will we survive with a second Naruto around! Ahhhhhh!'

A pair of voices echoed in Sakura's head.

While Kakashi sighed in resignation. "Well. Guess I have no choice," in rueful tone. "Alright. You already know my name. I like my Genin students, books, dogs, and training. I hate people who abandon or betray their comrades. I am known as the Man who Mastered 1,000 jutsu. And my dream….well, one is to get my Shinobi Team back to our home. Another…maybe to make up for all the mistakes I made in the past…."

A dark mood fell over the Jonin, reaching out across the new Pirate crew…. "And all the people I betrayed and failed," he finished with deep-seeded, guilt.

Naruto was deeply surprised at learning more about his sensei. As was Sakura. 'How much has sensei suffered from? And does he hate himself for neglecting others?' Sasuke was the least perturbed. Recalling their talk back in Hanma village, and the loss of Hatake Sakumo. While their new crewmates were either excited at Kakashi's reputation or curious, even apprehensive, of his words.

Particularly Nami about betrayal and abandonment.

She froze as Kakashi's single eye rested on her. "W-what! What is it?"

"Hm. Well, I just finished my own introductions. Why don't you go next, Miss Nami?"

"Oh. Well, you already have my name, Nami. I like money, navigating and Tangerines, and that's about it. I dislike pi-…" The girl took a side-glance at Luffy, before she continued. "I dislike murderous pirates and giving away money to anyone. I can sail a boat almost anywhere on the East Blue and am pretty good with a bo-staff. And my dream is to one day draw a complete map, of the whole, entire, world," her arm spread out to emphasize her dream.

Kakashi nodded, quite surprised at the answer. 'They have some, similarities. But she's almost the opposite of Sakura. Focusing on ambitions and the material world, rather than boys or romantic dreams.'

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Can I go next? Can I? Can I? Can I?" Naruto was jumping to catch their attention.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, believe it! I like Ramen, my sensei Kakashi, the Straw Hats, the cooks here at the Baratie, chef Zeff, Sanji-sensei, and learning their black-leg fighting-style. I dislike people who hurt others just because they can, or want to, or get greedy. I also dislike the 3 minutes you have to wait after pouring water into an instant-Ramen cup before you can eat it. My hobbies are eating different types of Ramen an comparing them. And my dream is….."

A wistful look came over the boy's face, reminded of how distant his dream truly was. Yet, calling on practiced habits, a mask slipped over his face to drive those feelings down. "My dream is to get back to Konoha, and then become the Hokage, someday. That's the best ninja in our village. Once I become Hokage, everyone will have to start treating me like I'm someone important and strong!"

Luffy couldn't help but nod at Naruto's dream, and his love for food. Zoro and Usopp nodded, each finding something they respected. While Nami was surprised by the boy's demeanor.

"Hey, Zoro. It's your turn," Luffy declared.

"Fine," the swordsman replied. "My name is Roronoa Zoro. I like swords, booze, training, fighting, and opponents who can challenge me. I dislike cowards, or those who would give up on their own dreams or aspirations. I invented my own sword style, the Santoryu three-sword-style, and I like trying different kinds of Sake. Plus a few other things I don't want to share. Otherwise…I don't have a dream."

Slowly, the man raised a trembling hand to his swords. "What I have is an ambition, and a promise."

That caught everyone's attention. Especially Sasuke and Kakashi.

"To become nothing less, than the World's Best Swordsman.

The Kakashi spoke-up."So. Why have you become a Pirate? I heard from a few customers that you were known a Pirate-Hunter Zoro. It's…a confusing paradox now. Wouldn't you say?"

Zoro shrugged.

"Someone else gave me that name. I never adapted it myself. A while back I faced-down a pompous Marine, and the bastard decided to execute me. I couldn't fulfill my promise if I died. Since I officially fought against the Marines, I figured why not become a pirate? Luffy made me an offer and saved my ass, so I accepted."

"Yup, I sure did!" the captain declared, yanking Zoro in a playful head-lock. "Besides, the King of the Pirate wouldn't have anything less than the best on his crew. That and he was already really famous, so I decided Zoro would become the first member of my crew. Even if he said no."

"Really. And now, you want the same thing to happen with Sanji?" Kakashi observed.

"Uh-hu!" the captain's head bobbed with excitement.

'Well…..looks like Sanji might be coming with us in the end after all.' The Jonin silently mused.

"Uchiha Sasuke." A new voiced cut through everyone's attention.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I barely like anything, but I do enjoy training, taking long walks, and developing my Sharingan. I dislike too many things to count, and I especially hate one…person. I don't have any hobbies at all. But what I do have…" His Sharingans flared to life. A prior talk with Kakashi led him to think back on the day his life was shattered. He clearly saw the memory and the figure responsible.

"What I have in an ambition," a dark glare settling over the boy. "My ambition is the get back to the Elemental Nations. So, I can restore my family. And destroy, a certain…someone."

Nami and Ussop were shaken. While Kakashi noted the small changes in Sasuke's answers from the first he gave back in their home village. Luffy eyed Sasuke carefully, his own thought travelling back to a brooding boy he met, sitting atop a dead bear. While Zoro took special note and interest in Sasuke's answers.

The swordsman and the Uchiha met each other's glare. Both felt the weight, the burden, behind their different ambitions. The bond between both was growing.

"Alright," Luffy's voice cut through them. "Hey, Ussop. You're turn.

"Huh! Uh-uh-ye-yeah!" with the serious mood, the Sniper dispensed with his usual fabrications. Well, most of them.

"I-I'm Ussop from Syrup Village. I like being a sniper, making up new stories, being seen as a brave hero, and being a pirate. And I like Miss. Kya a lot too. I dislike those who pick on weaklings or call people liars. A-a-and I really don't like villainous pirates. My hobbies are inventing new sling-shot stars like my own exploding-stars and new flame-stars. I'm also pretty good at painting or other odd jobs. And my Dream is to become a Fierce, Brave Warrior of the Seas.

"That sounds really cool!" Naruto responded. While Sakura took a breath, mentally preparing to go last.

"Um….My name is Haruno Sakura. I like my teammates, especially Sasuke, and working at the Baratie. I dislike being so far away from home, people being disappointed in me, and…" a guilty mood settled over the girl.

"And I dislike how I used to treat my teammates Naruto and Sasuke. Until Kakashi-sensei straightened me out. My hobbies are trivia games and reading books to learn more about the rest of this world. And my dream is to get back home to my village, and my fam-ckhemmm-…..my friends. And hopefully have a family, someday"

While unremarkable to the Straw Hats, Team 7 were baffled by Sakura's response. Particularly their sensei.

'Well, it appears to be Sakura's turn to have grown the most out of all my students. She's not acting like a love-obsessed fan-girl, and was honest about herself to everyone. Guilt really can be a strong influence…don't I know it.' His thoughts closing on that sad notion.

"Right," Luffy spoke up. "Now I need to go get Sanji. He's gotta do this too since he's part of this crew too."

"I am not joining your crew! Can't you get that!" Sanji voice rang-out from a balcony on the restaurant.

"Huh? Um, Zoro? What's that!" Sasuke spoke apprehensively. Everyone glanced at the boy, who hand outstretched towards a looming silhouette in the fog. It was massive, twice the size of the Baratie. And moving closer.

Zoro's eyes narrowed….

Ussop, Nami and Sakura looked on curiously. While Luffy and Kakashi remained nonchalant.

"Miss Nami. Isn't that a ship called a galleon?" Sakura ventured.

The navigator and the swordsman blinked in shock. "…..That's right, Sakura. Good job."

"I read it in a book Chef Zeff loaned me. They used to be called 'floating fortresses,' primarily meant for military might or transporting treasure. With thick hulls, and more than 4 decks bellow, mostly storage rooms and over a hundred cannons. They were powerful, but heavy and very slow." The girl recalled, as the looming threat approached.

"G-G-G-Guys! Don't-don't panic now. But I think this is our cue to leave right nooowww!" Usopp cried in terror.

"Hourglasses." Sasuke voiced, his Sharingans trained on the boat. "There's a pair of hourglasses on a flag. With a skull and crossbones."

"What! But-but-but that's Don Krieg's Flag! He's one of the most powerful pirates in all the East Blue!" Nami cried in shock.

At those words, most of the crew grew serious, while Ussop and Nami were afraid.

"Team 7, Zoro. Let's move inside and let Zeff know. Nami, Ussop, Luffy, you guys should stay with the Merry." Kakashi suggested.

"Nope," Luffy answered. "If there's danger, then the captain has to face it head-on before any of his crew. Besides, they said Gin was part of that pirate crew. Maybe he came back to repay Sanji and Naruto for giving him lunch."

Many people disagreed. Kakashi shrugged at Luffy's answer, and moved back to the restaurant with his students, Zoro and Luffy. While Ussop and Nami stayed with the Merry. Once inside, they and the cooks waited in silence. A pair of foot-falls echoed from the decks, joined by a looming silhouette in the windows. Growing closer…louder….bolder….

Kakashi glanced around at the diners, noticing Johnny and Yosaku nearby sharing grim looks. "Hey there. Outside, Nami mentioned that ship has the flag of someone named Krieg. You two know anything about this pirate crew?"

"Uh. Y-y-ya big-bro Kakashi. It's the ship of Dirty-trick Commodore Don Krieg," Johnny replied. "He started his pirate career by murdering a Marine officer and taking their ship. The guy is known for his pretty nasty tricks, like flying a Marine flag to get into a port then tearing the place apart. Or giving a white flag before stabbing someone in the back."

"Yeah. Even Johnny and me might lose again him. We'd just lose, though, by a thin margin and after a great effort." Yosaku chimed in.

Kakashi nodded, while the footsteps had paused.

The front doors were thrown open by two figures.

"Gin!" Naruto cried in surprise. The Man-Demon stood in the doorway, holding up another figure, dressed in yellow shirt with black patterns and a purple cloak with fur-lining. The man wore a gaunt expression. His figure barely sustained by Gin, who was pleading with the cooks.

"Please, s-save him. MY captain's close to starvation, and has been for weeks. We have money to pay this time, for both him and our crew. Well…wh-what's left of us anyway…"

"No way!" Patty exclaimed. "Yeah," Carne joined in. "If we helped him he's just turn around and slaughter us. This man is known as the most treacherous of all pirates, the ruler of the East Blue. Plus he's unmatched in physical combat, there's no way he'd just leave us alone."

While he spoke, the very cut-throat in-question sunk to his knees, begging for food and care. "I promise. I won't attack this restaurant. Just give me food."

"Don, no! Gin cried. "This is unbecoming of you."

Meanwhile, the Genin eyed the pair carefully from behind their sensei. Sakura strained to keep her fear in-check, recognizing him form the Wanted-posters earlier. Naruto frowned, his arms crossed over his chest. 'Hmm. A dirty cheater like this guy definately doesn't deserve food. He's just faking it then he'd jump us easily. I'm not falling for his fake story.' While Sasuke sneered at the bandaged, side-burn-sporting captain. 'This man has no pride at all. Lowering his head to beg so easily is nothing a true leader would do.'

Eventually Sanji stepped forward, carrying a hot meal towards the Pirate commodore. Patty was thrown aside, while Kakashi and Zeff just looked on.

"Sanji-sensei! What are you doing! This guy's nothing like Gin, and he's definitely lying about that promise! He should just be thrown out." Naruto cried in dismay.

Sanji didn't respond, just lying the food with reach of the pirate, who began shovelling handfuls into his mouth.

"C-Captain Luffy. Do you really want someone who helps villains like that man to join your crew? And if he does attack us, can you and Kakashi-sensei beat him?" Sakura asked.

Luffy looked on. "I don't like him, but I don't like seeing people go hungry either. If he wants to fight later." The teenaged man gripped his Straw-Hat. "Then I'll just kick his butt, and anyone else with him, no problem."

Glancing back to the scene, Sakura watched as the cooks berated Sanji for giving food to the criminal, while Zeff had disappeared and Kakashi stood calm, nearly uninterested in their company. After the waste of a man shovelled the last hand-fulls to his mouth, a fist struck Sanji in his face!

"Sanji-san/sensei!" she and Naruto cried as the cook was stuck by the Don.

"Don Krieg!" Gin shouted. "Why did you do that?! He saved my life, and yours. I only brought you here because y'd promised not t' attack!"

"Hmm. The food was delicious." Krieg spoke up. Ignoring his subordinate and glancing around the ship, greedily. The patrons fled through the back doors, leaving only the cooks, Johnny, Yosaku, Luffy, Zoro, and Team 7 inside. "This is a pretty nice ship. I think I'll take it."

"No way! If you try to do that, we'll kick your butt. Believe it!" Naruto challenged, angry as a bull with steam pouring from his nose.

"Don Krieg!" Gin pleaded. "Please!" But his words were ignored. "Sanji, Naruto. I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean f'r th-this t' happen."

"I have about a hundred men on my ship, all weak with hunger. Feed them and leave," the Don commanded. "and I'll leave you alive."

Now Naruto was fuming, at Gin for seemingly betraying their kindness and being ignored by the Don.. "Ya know, I changed my mind!" Pulling a kunai from his hip-pouch, the blonde started running at Krieg. "I'll kick both your ass!"

Now, Krieg noticed the boy, and pulled a single pistol from his coat, as Naruto was barreling forward stupidly. Kakashi was torn, to go for his student or the Pirate. Before he notice Luffy.

Whamm!- Two figures fell to the ground, while the pistol clattered aside.

"Naruto. A ninja does not charge in recklessly," Kakashi scolded him, after knocking Krieg back with a solid kick. The blonde was at the feet of the Jonin, after Luffy knocked him in the head with a light, extended punch.

"Ooowwwww. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Sensei, you heard what he said. I was just gonna-"

"Get yourself killed." Zoro admonished, while Naruto was nursing his swollen head. "Next time, throw the knife instead of just running in like that. A single mad-rush to someone like this guy will only get you killed."

"Yeah, just stand right there Naruto. We'll blast this guy apart!" Patty declared, holding a lobster-shaped cannon. While Krieg smirked condescendingly at those assembled, eying Kakashi shrewedly.

"Here." Zeff entered the scene, with a large sack slung over his shoulder. Walking forward like a one-legged Santa Clause, he dropped it beside Kakashi, then crossed his arms. "That's about a hundred meals for your men."

"HEAD CHEFF ZEFF!" "What!? Wh-why are you helping those criminals, Head Chef!" Sakure cried in confusion.

"Um, are you sure that's smart?" Sasuke inquired.

"Hold it! You!" Krieg gasped in awe. "You're Red Foot Zeff, aren't you!? The unrivalled captain who was also the ship's cook. So you are alive.

"Yes, I am," the chef acknowledged. "I lost a leg, but I can still cook."

"Give me your logbook," Krieg demanded. "The Grand Line—AH!"

The Con-Don was cut-off by a knife at his throat. Following it, the pirate met the narrow eye of a single, grey-haired man. "Sorry, but I doubt he will do that. And even more so, I won't allow it. You know of it, as any captain would. But such a tome is a sacred treasure to him, as a reminder of the comrades, the friends, he had once before their untimely deaths."

"I will not allow you to steal it from him," the Jonin released his killing-intent at the Pirate, causing Krieg to hesitate, then call out. "Gin!" Quickly, a pair of tonfa struck for Kakashi, who ducted around and put distance between himself and these foes.

"Hey, nice work Gin. Took you long enough to defend your captain." Krieg declared, recovering his bravado.

"Yes, Don." The Man-Demon nodded, twirling the weapon in his hand. While his superior hefted the sack of food over his shoulder.

"Now, like I said. That Log book is exactly what I need to conquer the-"

Crackkkksh! "Gum-gum: Bazooka!"

The Don was cut-off, hit square in the face by a pair of arms. Sending the man flying head-over heels through the open doorway, back to his ship.

The remaining people turned to Luffy, and the pair of fresh holes in the wall where his arms stretched back. The Captain didn't care, facing the direction he'd sent Krieg flying.

"The only one who will be King of the Pirates is me. He nearly hurt my nakama Naruto, and did order one of his guys to hurt Kakashi. Men, get ready for a fight!"


[1]-Naruto S-class missions often start at 1,000,000 ryo in-universe.

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