
Chapter 19 who are you...

Alex looked a bit worried as he saw able eat fast "what did those people want," Alex said Abel looked up he looked a bit upset "why do I and people say my name wrong it's Abel not able sorry mister and I don't know really you see mister I'm a orphan they took me from the continent of abrak you people who live in the continent of ultima probably don't know it it's a continent south of here known for its cold summers they took me from my home there welling wasn't really a home you see I'm a orphan the kehan clan people didn't really like me or my mama when she was alive I don't know why they hated us I think it was because I'm half human but anyway after I went to my grandparents house my dad died when I was young they were the only people who supported us but then there... was a fire it took both my grandparents lives but mine was not tooken because they lived on a huge ranch not a city, village or kingdom for miles I was scared so I just ran outside leaving all the animals but one my dog..... sue and We both left walking for days I kept walking and walking until one day my.... dog sue died of starvation and soon I was too follow.... but I guess the gods have other ideals for me as hours later a doctor found me he took care of me for..... a time then he sent me off I loved on the streets for a year then someone knocked me out and threw me in a barrel bringing me here I waited a while they acted around people like I was their daughter but the minute I saw a way to escape I left oh and the only reason everyone fell for it is because of my long hair and no one could understand my markings," Abel had said.

Alex looked at him scanning him if he was lying "how old are you Abel," Alex said Abel thought about it "my momma died 5 years ago and I only lived with my grandparents for a year I was with the doctor for a week and I was on the street for a year I'm 7 years old my momma taught me how to do that just remember the past events and stuff and you'll find out your age," Abel said pointing out his fingers "ok so when we get to emerald city there's a orphanage I'll drop you off there," Alex said.

Abel looked rather upset about this decision he quickly got on his Meade beggingly "please mister I don't want to go to no orphanage mister please I want to be with my own kind all I ever wanted his to be a full breed not a human please," Abel begged Alex knew he couldn't let Abel into his head but he couldn't help it he felt guilty "fine you can stay with me but you listen here if I even get a leaf of trouble from you I'll send you to a orphanage without even blinking," Alex said Abels face smiled "thank you mister any way do you want to know anything more," Abel said.

Alex nodded as he wanted to know more about who he was taking care of for a while "my name is Abel I had a older brother Cain but he ran away from home joint a gang of kids he's only 5 years older then me but anyway my mom didn't follow the original kehan teachings and religion she actually followed the human religion arcism my dad died before I was born he died protecting my mom from a gang of outlaws he was a wizard so he did his best to protect us he wasn't all that physically strong but he was mentally and magically strong so he took out most of them except one the he failed to take out so before he died he used up all his power and magic to summon a explosion that took out him and the last outlaw a few days later I was born I guess I was also the reason my brother left and hated me my mom always talked praises of him calling him smart, nice and loving but would a loving kid just up and leave without saying a word she always passed it off saying he would come back soon but he never did as you could also tell by my background my momma wasn't... totally their she lost it after my dad died she went even more when my brother left it was a wonder too me though was she really taking care of me or was I the one always taking care of her," Abel said.

Alex frowned "you poor boy don't worry I'll protect both of us as I'm both physically, mentally, and magically strong so I'll protect us both," Alex said Abel nodded and gave a little smile.

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