
Prison Break

Claire and Leon quickly run through the door, sprinting for the jail. Running inside, darting past all the cells of zombies, Ben is taken by surprise when they suddenly sprint into view.

"What's wrong?" Ben asks as he jumps up.

"It's here," Leon says as he starts fidgeting with the panel parts.

"What's here? Are you talking about Tyrant? You said it couldn't get down here!"

"Well, that was before we turned on the power," Leon replies. They hear a door slam open in the distance.

"Hurry up!" Ben exclaims as he grabs onto the bars.

"I'm trying!"

Leon finally gets the circuits aligned, a loud buzzer going off and Ben's prison cell opens up. The three of them hurry back into the hallway, where they see all the other cells have opened up, the zombies stumbling out, blocking the path. Heavy footsteps can be heard from the other side, and they see Tyrant appear. It turns down the hall, spotting them.

"Maybe the zombies will take care of it," Leon mutters as they all stand there, staring at it. As Tyrant makes its way into the hallway, a nearby zombie tries to grab onto it. The Tyrant shoves the zombie aside, not slowing down at all as it starts plowing its way through them.

"Or not…"

Claire looks over to the left where another path is. A locked gate blocks their path, but there's a switch next to it, it's their only shot.

"This way!" Claire states as she runs over and pulls the lever. To her relief the gate opens up. The three of them make a mad dash, turning right and running down an empty hallway. They hurry down it, making another right and heading for the entrance room. As they run past the other hallway, they see the Tyrant has already turned around and is heading for them. They run out into the parking garage, running over to the exit. Ben quickly inserts his key card into the machine, and the gate starts opening up. As soon as there's enough space, Ben gets on the ground, crawling through. Suddenly, a wall bursts open, the Tyrant breaking through it.

"Go! Go!" Leon exclaims as he ushers Claire under the gate.

"Come on, I got ya!" Ben says as he grabs Claire's arm and pulls her up once she gets to the other side, "Hurry up blondy! He states as he kneels back down. Leon gets on the floor, Ben and Claire pulling him to the other side as the Tyrant marches towards them. Leon stumbles up to his feet and the three of them run up the ramp. The Tyrant walks up to the gate as it slowly continues to rise. It places a hand under it, and pushes it up, breaking the machine, until there's enough space for it to move under.

As the three of them run out into an empty street, a stree light illuminating a staircase blocked off by a wire fence. To the right, near a massive hole in the street, is a gun shop. Even as far away from them as it is, they can tell the hole is ginormous and probably goes down farther down than the tallest building in the city. It spans over the entire width of the street, and thensome, and is easily about twenty meters long.

Sherry and Katherine spot them as the two of them run down some stairs.



"Katherine?!" Ben says with shock as he turns to them, "Katherine!"

"Sherry! Thank god your alright!" Claire exclaims as her, Ben, and Leon all run over to towards them. However, something suddenly emerges from the hole, jumping onto the street.

"Sh-Sherry!" The thing cries out.

"N-No way," Claire mutters as the all come to a halt, "I blasted that fucker into the abyss, how is it still alive?!" It's the man from before, but even more deformed, what looks like a second head of sort starting to emerge between his right shoulder and head. It's right hand now has massive, bloody claws jutting out from it. It lunges at them with surprising speed, jumping into the air and raising its claw up. They dive to the sides, Claire going to the left, Leon and Ben jumping to the right.

The thing's claws scrape against the street, digging partly into the pavement. Ada emerges from the gunshop from hearing all the noise. She sees the heavily mutated man, and the Tyrant in the distance. The mutated man's attention is caught by the Tyrant, which engages first with a powerful swing.

Ada spots Leon and Ben stumbling back up onto their feet.

"You two, this way!" She calls out to them.

"Claire, come on!" Sherry cries out as she pushes open the door.

"Katherine!" Ben cries out.

"Ben, run!" Katherine calls out, "Hurry!"

"Hey, moron, hurry!" Ada calls out as Ben stands there.

"I swear I'll find you, I promise!" Ben calls out before he turns and runs into the gunshop, Ada closing the door shut.

"I know," Katherine mutters.

"Katherine, come on, we need to hurry," Claire states, grabbing her arm to pull her. The three of them run up the stairs as the two monsters continue to clash. The man swings its claw at Tyrant, breaking through the coat and slashing partly into its shoulder. The Tyrant barely flinches, and as the man goes to swing at him again, it grabs the arm. It grabs onto the claw arm with both hands, and swings the man around, slamming him into a nearby car. It then punches the man in the head. The man out of commission, the Tyrant continues its chase, going after Claire.

The mutated man sits there, barely breathing. With a sudden surge through its body, his body growing slightly larger, he starts getting up.

"Sh-Sherry…" He mutters as he stumbles up onto his feet, barely able to stand, using his claws as a crutch.

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