

After logging out, checking the time, being confused, and finally looking it up, he found out the reason Another World was so popular is that inside the game time moves 5 times as fast, meaning as long as you stayed in the game you would live longer from your point of view, one hour in the real world is 5 inside it, and who wouldn't want to live 5 times longer.

Paul logged back in after having a drink of water, as he wandered around the city he pondered, he had his life back, he had a source of income, but is that what he wants? just that? he wandered into the guild district, full of large ornate buildings of different designs, some modern looking office blocks, some palaces, some castles, even one that looked like a bowling alley, did he want to be part of a guild? not really, at least not yet, he headed back towards the main street an as he left he spotted a few high level players some in heavy armor carrying a shield and sword or a large weapon, some wearing robes with glowing runes on them, some wearing chain-mail with a shield and mace glowing with white light, ok he wanted to look that cool defiantly, but as they walked they were mobbed by people asking to be part of their guild or for autographs ect. nope that part he could do without, urgh planning his future was difficult!

For now he decided to focus on the immediate need, making some money and seeing what new recipes he could find, he looked in his inventory to cook the rabite flank once he was in a secluded spot but what he had wasn't a rabite flank it was a rabite fillet, it was higher quality than what he had before, maybe since the monster was higher level the ingredient was as well? he had to test it out, so he found a quite spot and got out his portable stove and began to cook:

acquired: 1 smoked 'bite fillet

+1 agility

As he ate it this time something happened he didn't expect, he could taste it!

The fillet was tender and easily came apart, full of meat juice and a light smoked gamy flavor, the smell filled his nostrils and the meat slid down his throat, it was the best thing he had ever eaten.

Within minutes he had left the city and began hunting, so many tastes to discover, the monsters were not very strong and he hunted many, all the island monsters were here and he hunted them all, he now didn't need any elaborate plan as he was much stronger and armed, the dirk stabbed the cleaver slashed, and he ate.

His stat points only increased by 5 but that didn't matter, the sweetness of the syrup, the tang of the eggs, the crunchy bacon, the salty crab and Tusker, and also the 'bites, he didn't even save any to sell, he just sort of sat there in a taste induced trance, suddenly he heard the sound of something rushing at min, damn bad place to space out something must have re-spawned, as he turned he saw a player, in full white and silver armor, a sick smile on his face as he swung his sword which faded as he realized he had been seen, the last thing Ulric saw was his hp drop to nothing.

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