
Elvish Queen

Suddenly she was being lifted from her chair. Warm arms wrapped around her and she felt Caith's heart beat as she rested her head on his chest.

She could see a blur of soft lights until she closed her eyes and fell asleep in his embrace.

In her dreams she heard a soft voice. That sounded sweet like honey flowing through her thoughts.

"We could use new blood in the Blühen tribe."

It said the words confused her in her disorientated state.

"I am honored that you would offer your hand in marriage to someone who's not an elf. Especially myself who's a halfbreed. But I respectfully decline." Caith's voice replied in the fog and Sionna stirred but couldn't seem to open her eyes.

"Do you decline because of the fox?" Said the soft voice.


"That is the truth, why would you waste all of your potential? You are powerful beyond means and you can control it. Look at the fox, she was unable to control herself with wine. Can she really amount to anything?" At the words Sionna's heart went cold, she realized out the woman was talking about her.

"She isn't a normal shifter. She's of noble blood and has more power than any ordinary shifter. More so than myself. She will learn to control it. But until then I would treat her with more respect. She may be small but she has more power than then you ever will." At his words Sionna mustered up the strength to squeeze his arm.

"Then perhaps you both should stay. We can find a way to break the curse. In exchange you merge your bloodlines with ours."

Thank you got the offer, but I would like to see my father. Good night."

Sionna felt Caith's lips on her forehead and realizing the conflict was over she drifted off again.




A small shop with thin wooden walls filled with shelves of crystals and vials. Potions with small labels and a row of crystal balls covered in silky fabric sat atop shelves next to the doorway. On the other side there was a round table with a decorated cloth and a small old woman sitting next to it. A large black cat sat on here lap with golden green eyes watching seemingly nothing in particular.

When the door opened the cat watched the cloaked woman enter the room.

"Hello Ciall," said the old lady who's eyes were still closed.

The cloaked women let down her hood to expose her greenish grey skin. She seemed confused, and was about to speak.

"The crystal balls are behind you. I normally charge a silver coin but you only have gold. I do not have change unfortunately." The woman cut Ciall off and continued talking with her eyes closed. Only the cat watched her with open eyes.

Tentatively Ciall turned around and grabbed a ball and it's cloth. Putting it in her pocket she took out a gold coin. The cat's eyes made her think of Demarcus and her heart felt heavy as she placed it on the table.

"Thank you, Ciall. I do wish you made a different choice though." The woman relied not moving from her spot.

Ciall turned around confused looking at the crystal balls behind her.

"I am not talking about your choice of crystal, sweetheart." The woman said and realizing what she meant Ciall left abruptly.




Sionna woke suddenly sitting up in bed unsure of her surroundings. She was in a room with wooden arches on the ceiling that connected to a large tree. The headboard of the bed was up against the bark of the tree and she reached out to touch it. The memories of the night before raced back as she felt the giant tree's back.

"I told you to be careful about the wine." Caith's voice said and she looked over the other side of the room. He was wearing his usual black attire but it had silver buttons on it.

She squinted at him under her mess of bed hair and smiled.

"You are right," she said feeling her dry cracked lips. "I need water."

"Here" he said and took a pitcher from the table, filled a small glass and gave it to her.

She stood up straighter and drank. Her eyes staying on him and she noticed his hair was went. When she finished she asked.

"Was it raining?" He looked confused for a moment and then remembered his hair.

"No they have a rain bath. Which is what they call it."

Sionna sipped the water while looking at Caith for a better explanation.

"Here let me show you," he said seeing her expression. And she got out of bed and followed him to the other side of the tree. Large leaves almost as tall as Caith hung and he pushed them aside to what looked like a strange branch. She stepped closer to examine it and saw that the floor behind the leaves was full of tiny roots that felt like a sponge under her feet.

"Back up," Caith said and she did. Then he stroked the tree under the branch and water poured out of the strange branch looking like a rainfall.

"Wow," she said stunned and Caith nodded.

"Why don't you try it. They left some new clothes for you." He said indicating to a leaf green dress handing against the vine covered wall. She gasped it looked almost like it glowed because of the sunlight peeking through the wall. She scurried over to examine it. The entire thing looked like it was made of leaves but felt like silk.

"You are right, the elves sure can create beautiful things."




"How do I look?" Sionna asked walking into the bedroom and giving the dress a playful twirl.

"More beautiful than any female forest elf." Caith said quietly in case anyone was listening. Sionna blushed at his compliment.

"You can't mean that."

"Oh but I do," he replied walking up to her. Gently he lifted her chin with his hand and gave her a little kiss.

He could feel her lips turn into a smile as he pulled away. Grabbing their bags Caith exited the room first and Sionna followed close behind. He seems to know where they were going in the city of trees.

Finally they arrived at the same spot they had dinner but the table was gone. It was just a long hall and the elf queen Anfällig stood in the center of it. Careful they approached her and she smiled in response, and lifted one hand up.

"Praise you for visiting to our home. My hope is that your time here was pleasant. Here is a final gift." She said an elf brought them a package covered in two large leaves and a silver wine bottle.

"In the parcel is ewig so that you may never hunger. In the bottle is dauernd so that you may never thirst." Caith took them from the elf.

"Thank you Anfällig, you have been very kind and we deeply appreciate all you have done for us." Caith replied finishing with a bow and Sionna quickly followed in his example. He then put them in Sionna's pack.

"Caith and Sionna you are always welcome to return." She said acknowledging them both then looking directly at Caith. "My offer still stands, please keep us in your thoughts as gracious host."

"Of course, for as long as we live." The queen nodded at his reply and moved aside letting them pass. The brown haired elf followed them out of the city and when they exited the tree back onto the forest floor she gave them a nod and the back enclosed over the tree once more shutting them out.

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