Having no idea how long he had been unconscious, Big Nose slowly came to. He opened his eyes and then shivered, trying to jump up. But it was at this moment that Big Nose realized he didn't know when he had been chained to a stone pillar. Then, close by, he heard Braids' voice.
"You're awake?"
Upon hearing this voice, Big Nose finally relaxed. He turned his head to look at Braids beside him. She, too, was bound tightly to a stone pillar with chains, just like him. Not only them, but others around them were in the same situation.
"Yes, it seems we've still been caught by those bastards."
Confronting Big Nose's complaint, Braids shook her head with a peculiar expression.
"In fact, it's not just us who were caught."
"Huh? What do you mean..."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: