
Chapter 11

As Logan, or rather, Eclipse, headed his way home, he was rudely interrupted mid-flight by getting T-boned by Vulture, who was currently running from Spider-Man. "Oh for fuck's sake!" Eclipse cursed, wriggling out of Vulture's instinctive grasp and using his wings to propel the uppercut he aimed at Vulture. Said uppercut was cloaked in shadows, and it nailed Vulture directly under the chin. Spidey took complete advantage of this, webbing the bottom of Vulture's foot and yanking, bringing him careening to the ground but also back into Eclipse's shadowy fist. Vulture was knocked out before he ever hit the ground. Logan glided a bit back down to the ground. "He done?" Vulture did nothing for Logan's stats, but he did get a rank or two in shadow manipulation.

Spidey shrugged. "For now. Thanks for the assist." Logan nodded, before he flew off again with a bright light.


If he ever got a peaceful night, it would be the best day ever. Tonight was not that night. It was like 3am, and he was woken up again. This time, not a knock on the door, but a massive showdown that he stretched to his neck of the woods. He peeked his head out his window to see what was happening, and he was met with almost being decapitated by a flying shield that instead hit some guy in a yellow hazmat suit with a jetpack and a gun. He sighed in frustration and engaged his trenchcoat and his scythe, which he could now use with a level 5 in shadow manipulation. He dove out of his window and did a flip before he reversed his momentum with his wings to go find somebody to talk to about what the fuck was happening. He was met with the sight of the Avengers fighting who he assumed was A.I.M. He sighed heavily and shot into the air, sending his scythe through the torso of a jetpack A.I.M soldier and sending them to the ground below, sapped almost entirely of life essence. Logan noticed that his health bar had a temporary increase of its max, but it wasn't very much.


[Involving yourself here has triggered this quest.

Goal: Defeat or repel the A.I.M soldiers and aid the Avengers.

Success: You are an associate of the Avengers, and you have a small amount of trust with them (also a shoe-in with possibly the younger teams)

Failure: The Avengers don't see potential in you, and they don't consider you worth their time. Also, an Avenger could die.]

He grunted a little in acknowledgement and chucked a ball of darkness at an A.I.M soldier who was sneaking up behind Black Widow. He paid it no mind, spinning back around with his scythe in one hand and his staff in the other. He used subconscious Shadow Manipulation to send the scythe around the area, weakening the A.I.M soldiers so the Avengers could deal with them easier. He took several soldiers down with his staff as well, booming sounds coming from it occasionally and creating hairline fractures within some of the soldiers' bodies. A few moments later, his scythe and staff were back in his inventory and he was face-to-face with the Avengers.

Steve was the first to speak. "Good work out there soldier! Thanks for the help." He stretched his hand forward to shake and Logan responded by switching to his light robes, with the blinding part off, so that he could be tactful with them.

"No problem, Cap. You were in my neck of the woods, just taking that seriously." His lightmask was up, but the light was condensed into basically just white cloth, with darkness as the eyes. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, Black Widow was a tad antsy. He gauged distance and back up so she wasnt in his five foot area of hotness that his system had cursed him with.

Tony shrugged. "I mean, we had it. But still, it could've gotten messy, especially with all the houses over here." He was classic sarcastic Tony, and he had even lowered his mask so you could see his smirk (RDJ the G.O.A.T)

Widow off to the side smiled a bit nervously, not entirely sure what had come over herself a moment ago. "We never say no to help, as long as it's the right kind of help. Thanks." Logan gave a nod.

"No problem. If shit starts going down near here again, just send me some kind of signal and I'll come running." He turned, saluted, and flew off before they could ask about what the signal should be. He switched to his darkness trenchcoat as he flew off.

[Quest complete!]

[Rewards loading...

Level up! 3 stat points available.

Logan Taylor

Level: 6

HP: 70/70

Stamina: 100/110

MP: 200/250

Str: 10 + 1 = 11

Dex: 15

Con: 11 + 1 = 12

Int: 11

Wis: 10 + 1= 11

Cha: 12

Luck: 3 + 1 for happenstance = 4

Shadow Manipulation level 6!

Surpassing level 5 in an element grants access to a new element, choose wisely.

Fire Manipulation

Water Manipulation

Electricity Manipulation

Earth Manipulation

Air Manipulation

Selecting one does not disqualify you from the others.

1 random item! Loading...

!NEW! Ever-full Canteen -

A canteen of water about the size if the average water bottle. When empty, the canteen must remain in your inventory for 30 minutes. Afterwards, it is full again.]

Logan blinked twice before not hesitating in the slightest to pick Water Manipulation. An always full Canteen of water? Duh.

[Water Manipulation chosen!]

!NEW! Water Manipulation Lvl 1-

You can influence water around you to do simple things, like separate into separate bodies of water, overfill from wherever it is, or turn it hot or cold.

Rank: 1

Ranks for Next level: 5

Next level: You can make globes of water move where you want them too, or turn those globes into a stream of water. You may also freeze small portions of water.

Logan yawned and went back into his house to sleep. As he went to sleep, he recieved another notification, but he passed out half a second later. It could wait until morning.

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