
Are ghost towns monsters?

The world seems to be disintegrating, since the betrayal of the dark god and his minions, many friends and powerful gods are mysteriously disappearing, even the avatars could not be found, there was no way Aillil could deny that the dimensions had entered Chaos Era, it only remained to know what these agents of chaos wanted, because between the conquest and the complete obliteration there is a big difference that can demarcate the survival of the deities and current living beings.

Aillil for a moment thought of the dimension of the gods of nature, he felt that he should go back to his home and see how things were, he had to hurry and break this ghost town.

"The requirements for opening a portal to the abyss depend on the executor" Azarphy commented thoughtfully, believing a little in Aillil's theory. He himself witnessed the portal to hell that was made right under his nose.

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