
An Accessory

"You better not let your emotions ruin our plan, or someone else will be sent to replace you." Saying the words, the cloaked figure burst into a cloud of smoke as she disappeared into thin air without leaving any trace behind.


Dana let out another groan when the cloaked figure was no longer in her line of sight.

Not being able to hold the weight of her body any longer, her knees gave in as every ounce of energy was squeezed out from her body. Bringing her knees close to her chest, she continued to lay still on the wooden floor as the burning pain grilled her insides.

All she could do then, was to lay still on the floor until the pain subsided on its own. She knew a couple of countering spells which could help her in levitating the spell, but she knew better than to give it a try.

The spell the blue cloaked woman had used on her was no simple magic, but rather a deadly one. Even if she tried to use a counterpart of the spell, it would only worsen her condition and the pain instead of doing her any good. Every single attempt of hers to relieve herself from the tormenting feeling would only worsen her condition.

The only option she had was to bear it until it lasted.

As a lone tear managed to escape her eyes, she found herself reliving the blurry memories of her past.



"Your Highness! I offer you my deepest sympathies." A brown haired girl bowed her head and spoke in her melodious voice which could be considered to be on par with a siren's.

It was the 20th death anniversary of their crowned prince. Just like each year, every being who could be considered as a creation of light was gathered. All of them were gathered in the halls of the Crystal Palace, just to show their sympathies to their King, the ruler of the World of Light. Especially the ones who belonged to the elite faction of angels. And the girl who was standing before the Supreme Lord at the time was one of them.

"Thank you for your concern, Dana." The man who had a sad frown marring his forehead, replied to the lady who finally looked up from the heterochromic tiled floor.

"How are you holding up?" He continued as he gazed at the lady with concern.

"I am doing fine, your Highness. It is getting easier with time." She replied to him in the same polite tone.

The site of the divine lady conversing with their Supreme Lord, was enough to capture the attention of some people who were standing close to them. Just from a single look, they could tell that the lady somehow still had importance for the man. As to why? Only a bunch of people were aware of the reason.

"It's a good thing that you are doing better now. I know it's not easy for me to cope with the loss of a son even after so long, but at the same time I can understand that it's not easy for you either. After all, you were betrothed to the lad." He continued in a mellow tone which was laced with sadness.

Under his pitiful gaze, the lady let out a mocking chuckle but made sure that she wasn't being too loud with her words. "I apologize to you if my actions reek of impudence, my Lord. I mean no disrespect, but I was chosen to be his partner by you and the council. He never saw me as his partner."

"My dear, you know why it was the case. He was already blinded by that demon girl. If it wasn't for her using God knows what kind of charms and potions she used on my poor son." The man spoke up as he stood up from his seat and covered the steps between them.

Bringing his steps to a halt before the young lady, he rested his hands on either of her shoulders and continued. "If it wasn't for the dark magic which was entrapping his mind and soul, he would have even looked at that woman. I know my son that much, or I knew him."

"But what excuse could you give, my Lord, for the years when that woman wasn't a part of his life?" She let out another mocking laugh, but it was her own self she was mocking. "I am fully aware that the settlement between the two families was done right after I was born, and that he wasn't aware of the fact. But even after being raised with him and spending more than half of my life within these walls, he never looked in my direction the way he looked at her, not even once."

"I can understand your dilemma, my dear. But you were raised to be his better half, to be the next Queen. No one could have been more suitable than you to be his partner." He gave her shoulders a slight squeeze while trying his best to make the lady feel better.

"Do you think that the demon girl was any less than me? She was raised to be the Queen of the Nether World, a ruler. I was just raised to complete him, more like to be an accessory for him. I guess that was the sole reason that he never developed any feelings for me. He wanted to have more in his partner." She scoffed at herself.

"I agree with you, but it was really naive of him to think that way. He wasn't grateful for what already had, you. And look where it took him to? The only thing which he got was death. All because he took you for granted. His greed for wanting more than what he was blessed with, didn't give him anything." He took a brief pause and stepped closer to her. Lowering down his voice further, he continued. "But I am more than sure that he won't make the same choice again."


Your author is deprived of her wifi as her router got burst... so the updates might take a while. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

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