
Chapter 48

The next morning Ashlyn woke up to see Lake next to her in the bed all over the place. She found Li Zi on the sofa with a blanket and Luke on the floor with a bunch of pillows and thick blankets. She looked at the messy room with drinks and wrappers along with empty bowls that held crums of popcorn. She sighed at the messy sight and got up.

She remembered how after dinner they watched a few movies they soon lost control of themselves and made a complete mess. Ashlyn shook her head with a smile knowing she enjoyed being so close with her friends. She went to the bathroom and freshened up.

After changing her clothes she walked around the room and started picking up the mess they had made. She did everything quickly and then started waking them up one by one. Lake apologized for initiating the results of the mess. They admitted that they intended to cheer her up.

Ashlyn sighed. " Thanks, guys but don't worry about it I'm fine. " Ashlyn told them.

Li Zi yawned. " What time is it?" She asked. Luke looked at his phone and his eyes widened. " It's 9 am." He responded. Li Zi panicked. " All of you go to your rooms and get ready we can't keep wasting more time!" She shooed them all away from her room because she was afraid they would be late for the shoot.

They all rushed to their rooms and started preparing. When Ashlyn arrived at the room she had woken up in yesterday and she found it empty. She sighed and laid on the bed. There was not a single piece of evidence that he had stayed there last night. She could tell that this time around he would keep his promise.

Twenty minutes later they reunited at the entrance of the hotel. They were all ready and only waited for their driver. " Mother, assigned a driver for us. He will be with us for the whole week in New York." Luke informed them as he looked as his watch. " Later she will pick us up for dinner." He continued and led them inside the cafeteria for some breakfast.

They ate their breakfast and at 10:40 the driver was outside waiting for them. Since they were still early Li Zi suggested that they stayed in a coffee shop nearby. They all agreed and did so. They ordered coffee and sat down at Starbucks waiting a few more moments.

At 11:30 they entered the building where the shoot would be taken and found out half of the people were already there. Ashlyn greeted a few people and most of them were only polite and respectful while others were naturally nice, warm, and welcoming. Another handful of them were trying to suck up to her.

The director of the shoot came and greeted Ashlyn. Li Zi, Luke, Lake, and Ashlyn all recognized him as an old friend of Ashlyn's mother.

"Ashlyn!" The director extended his hand with a warm smile on his face. Ashlyn smiled back and shook his hand. " It has been a while." He told her and Ashlyn nodded. "It sure has. I hope today's shooting goes well and we can catch up." Ashlyn replied. " Yes, indeed I'm happy to see you following your mother's footsteps. I'm sorry for your mother…..I wish we could have met one last time." The director sighed.

"No worries it's all in the past now," Ashlyn told him signaling she didn't want to talk about it.

He nodded and showed her around. He explained the concept of the shoot and introduced her to the people they would be working with. " Alright everything is set we will be waiting for the male model. You arrived pretty early but I'm sure he will be here soon." The director explained and showed her the changing room she would use and Li Zi was next to her also, taking in the information.

Meanwhile, the twins started introducing themselves to the team because they would be there with them all day. They also started taking notes on how to attend Ashlyn during the shoot.

A few minutes later the male model finally arrived. He greeted everyone playfully and Ashlyn could already tell she would have a very hard time today, dealing with him. "So where is the beautiful lady I will be working with today?" The man asked.

When he spotted Ashlyn next to the director he winked at her and took her palm in his. He proceeded to kiss the back of her hand and he introduced himself as Leo. Ashlyn simply smiled at him and nodded her head. "Ashlyn." She replied when he asked for her name.

If he weren't a model and she would have taken the time to admire his handsome face. But, she didn't. She was not in the mood this time. Leo expected her to be affected by his charms but to his surprise, Ashlyn was polite and yet indifferent to him. What effect could he possibly have on her anyway? She already married someone rather superior to him in looks.

At this point, she couldn't help but compare him to Conner.

After the introductions, they got to work. Lake did Ashlyn's makeup and Ashlyn got into the dress she should be wearing for the shoot.

She laid down in the rose petals on the ground and slightly parted her lips. She positioned herself so that the camera could get her best angles. Leo laid down opposite her and he lifted his hand to touch her cheek. He caressed it slowly and the photographer started taking the pictures.

Ashlyn was not wearing the brand of the lipstick and instead another kind. In the next photo, her expression turned into a painful, heartbreaking look.

Her eyes teared up and her lipstick was smudged.

Her eyes watered and she looked like her heart had been broken. "Cut! That's perfect keep that one." The director ordered and the first part was done.

"Change of plans." He called out. " We will use this same position for the video first and the part of we would use for the video would be for the magazine." He ordered them and the change of plans happened quickly. Everyone could tell that this would happen once both models started the shoot.

Surely enough both of the models were very effective. Although Ashlyn would only have to take the picture for the cover the director asked her if she was okay with the video and she agreed. She didn't expect the director to be this satisfied with her performance. In the end, she hasn't been on camera for a while and she may make mistakes.

The next scene started and it was Leo and Ashlyn letting go of their hands and they parted. The scene ended with their heartbreak. The next scene started and this time Ashlyn was wearing the purple lipstick on her lips and was dressed in black with a bright smile on her face. Leo appeared and they glanced at each other from far.

Ashlyn took the drink in front of her and then left the scene. The camera closed in on the cup and highlighted the fact that her lipstick did not come off after she drank from the cup. The cover picture shoot ended with her demonstrating the product and the day came into an end.

After reviewing the final results the director asked to add a few things but it wasn't a big deal. Ashlyn was very satisfied with Leo because he was very professional but in the end, he still insisted to flirt with her after the shoot.

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