
Plea for Help

The next morning, Hadrian awoke to loud, fast knocks, hitting his door.

"Ugh...", Hadrian groaned as he rolled out of bed.

He opened the door to find two familiar figures, it was his grandparents!

"My poor baby!", Dorea exclaimed as she reached forward to hug him.

Hadrian took out his wand and pointed it at both of them.

"Hadrian?", Charlus asked, confused as to why his grandson looked ready to gut him, "What are you doing?"

"Name one of the three families that were with us during the holiday break.", Hadrian said.

"Hadrian!?", Dorea shouted, "Stop this at once!"

Charlus placed his arm on her shoulder in an attempt to pacify her, "Best do as he says, love.", he said before turning to face Hadrian, "The Greengrass family was one of the TWO families that were with us."

Charlus glanced at Dorea encouragingly, prompting her to do the same, "The Notts were the other. Now explain to us at once! Why are you getting ready to attack us?"

"I needed to be sure.", Hadrian replied quietly.

"I think it'd be best to explain from the start, son.", Charlus started, "We haven't heard much of what happened, and your headmaster said that you weren't very forthcoming with yesterday's events either."

Hadrian nodded, before willing his wand to return into his forearms.

"I'd have to start from a couple of days ago when my friend, asked me..."

Hadrian then went on to tell a recollection of what happened yesterday, whilst omitting some parts about the demonic beasts, prophecies, and traitorous Deputy Heads and Aurors.

"Are you okay, Hadrian?", Dorea exclaimed as she hugged him, "We're leaving this school, gather your things."

"No.", Hadrian resolutely declared his disagreement, "I'm staying."

"Hadrian, what if they come after you again?", Charlus pleaded, "We don't even know why they want you."

"I don't know either, but I'm not running away.", Hadrian lied. "Did you run away during the war?"

Dorea shook her head, "That was different! We were defending our home, you do not live here!"

Hadrian stared back at them impassively.

The elderly couple sighed collectively, before Dorea said, "Are you sure, Hadrian? Really and truly?"

Hadrian nodded.

"There are better schools out there-"

"-We'll talk about this later, hun.", Charlus said, "Let's leave him to get dressed first."

As his grandparents were about to leave, Hadrian tapped Charlus' shoulder. Charlus stopped, which in turn made Dorea stop.

"What's the matter?", Dorea asked, glancing from Charlus to Hadrian.

Hadrian looked at Charlus pleadingly, hoping that his grandfather would understand.

"Ah, I promised Hadrian we would talk about certain... 'man issues', he was facing during a mirror call.", Charlus coughed, it was a lie - an awfully embarrassing one at that, but it would have to do.

Dorea blushed slightly before she too cleared her throat and said, "Uh, yes. That's fine. I'll leave you here, then."

"What are 'man issues'?", Hadrian asked, his head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Don't worry, it was just a lie.", Charlus awkwardly replied, "Don't worry about that at all..."


"Ahem!", Charlus coughed again, hoping it would clear the uncomfortable and perplexing air he managed to create, "What was it you needed Hadrian?"

Hadrian stayed silent for a few seconds, mulling it over in his head. Finally, he replied, "I need your help, but you can't tell Grandma Dorea about it."

Charlus grimaced, Dorea did not like having any secrets between them, which was understandable. It was more her reaction when she found out about said secrets, that made Charlus apprehensive.

"What do you need help with?", Charlus replied.

"My friend, the one I went on a date with, was kidnapped.", Hadrian began.

"-And you want me to help you...rescue her?", Charlus finished off for him.

Hadrian nodded.

"Do you know how dangerous that is?", Charlus whispered angrily, "You want me to help you go against a group of necromancers to take back a girl you're friends with?!"

Hadrian winced, before nodding again.


He looked up at his grandfather, who was now smiling warmly at Hadrian, "...I would've done the same thing."

"Thank you.", Hadrian said as he hugged his grandfather.

"Now.", Charlus continued, "Tell me what really happened yesterday."

Hadrian then retold the story, complete with details on his transformation, and the subsequent powers he gained from said transformation. He also told Charlus about Limbani's betrayal...

"Do you think Headmaster Bwezani is in on it too?", Charlus asked.

Hadrian pondered for a few seconds before answering, "I don't know, but I don't think so. Otherwise, he would've been mentioned in the conversation Limbani had with the necromancer."

"We don't have very long to save the lass, do we?", Charlus realized, "They'll be attacking the school soon, so we'll have to prepare for before then. I'll tell Dorea that I'm staying and then-"


Powerful blasts explosions sounded around the school, seconds later - chaos ensued.

Screams and sounds of people fleeing filled the hallways.

"Not now!!", Hadrian groaned.

"Dorea!", Charlus remembered, "We have to find her! Stay close to me!".

Charlus swung open the door and began running with Hadrian right beside him.

"This way!", Charlus shouted as they turned a corner.

"How do you know!?", Hadrian said, maintaining his running as he asked the question.

"Potter Rune Magic!", Charlus answered, "I placed a Tracking Rune formation on her as a precaution!"

At the end of the hallway, a group of necromancers blasted through the door.

Hadrian looked at Charlus and saw the unbridled rage in his eyes.

He got ready to throw one of the spells in Merlin's grimoire at them but was blocked by Charlus, who stood protectively in front of Hadrian as he charged up his own spell.

The necromancers caught sight of them, but it was too late.

Charlus carved a pattern into the air quickly, before stabbing at it.

A large, purple, rune formation stood above their head - before flashing brightly. The group of necromancers were thrown onto the floor, their bodies unable to move under the tremendous force.

Charlus then began running at them, prompting Hadrian to follow.

He then slashed at the subdued necromancers with his wand, as he quickly separated their heads from their necks.

He stepped past their bodies whilst shouting, "I'm losing her connection! We have to hurry!"

Hadrian followed, but internally - he was shocked to see his kind-hearted grandfather so quick to kill.

He'd heard him talk a lot about the war, but he'd never truly understood what it was like. Hadrian understood then, that that was what someone that came from an era of war, would act like.

Especially when that person was Charlus Potter, and the safety of his family was in question.

"Lord Black! Hadrian!", someone shouted from behind them.

Charlus and Hadrian quickly spun around and found Headmaster Bwezani running after them. They were also shocked to find Limbani right beside him!

Charlus flicked his wand at Limbani, causing a grey rune formation to form on his body. Limbani was instantly stopped, held in stasis.

"What are you doing?!", Bwezani shouted, "This is Deputy Head Limbani! He's not a necroman-"

"Is he not?", Charlus replied, "My grandson doesn't seem to agree with that statement."

Hadrian was already quick to have his wand trained on Headmaster Bwezani.

Charlus lunged forward and got right in front of Limbani's face. He then dug his wand deeply into the man's neck, "Where did they take her?"

The low, gravely tone Charlus used to whisper the question, made Limbani's eyes widen in fear.

"Lord Black!", Bwezani cried out in indignation, "He is my colleague! You have no proof, no-"

"Do not interfere, Headmaster.", Hadrian warned, "I saw him personally, I'm willing to take truth serum, later on. However, for now...you will not interfere.", Hadrian whispered in the same tone as Charlus, keeping his wand targeted on Bwezani.

"I lost her signal. It happened a second after you called out for us...I knew we wouldn't catch up to her.", Charlus said, "...You. You can tell us where they took her. So do it. Tell me where my wife is."

Charlus twisted his wand, loosening the inscriptions that surrounded Limbani's head. This allowed Limbani to speak and move freely from the neck up.

"I don't know!", Limbani exclaimed.

Charlus nodded, to Limbani's relief.


Limbani's foot was cleaved off. He let out a deafening scream.

"Tell me where she is.", Charlus repeated, "I promise to you. If I have to ask one more time..."

"Hermilinet Caverns!", Limbani shrieked out, "That's where they're keeping the girl, your wife will probably be there too...!"

Hadrian turned to Bwezani, "You have your proof now. Your colleague helped orchestrate this attack."

"Now, take us to the caverns.", Charlus said.

"What about him?", Bwezani said as he glanced at Limbani's bleeding foot.

"What about him?", Charlus hissed, "This man is responsible for the deaths of your students, and you wish to stay here?"

"No.", Bwezani shook his head, "I meant what are we doing with him."

"He'll be fine, the stasis formation will stop his blood from oozing out of the cut appendage."

Bwezani then nodded, before shouting, "This way!"

Charlus and Hadrian followed him closely.

As they turned the corner and left the hallway they were in - Charlus subtly flicked his wand.

The rune inscriptions that circled around Limbani's foot broke, whilst keeping the ones on the rest of his body intact.

Blood spurted out of Limbani's foot. He stood there...unable to stop the flow.

Last chapter got mixed replies :/

-Fun fact, did you know that if you sever an artery in the foot, you could bleed to death in 30 minutes?

Also, I'll be updating quite late nowadays, but I will stick to my schedule.




ty for reading and reviewing - discord link, https://discord.gg/wbkeeVh

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