
Wolf in the Land of Water

After a day of a voyage from the Land of Waves to the Land of Water, we have finally arrived at the docks that will lead us to the HQ of the resistance.

When we arrived, 3 more ninjas appeared to welcome us. I don't really know about much about this 3 ninjas. I just know that they are quite strong and their around Kakashi's age.

After we embarked on the ship, we then made our way to their HQ to meet the Leader of the resistance.

But on our way there, a group of Mist Ninjas around 10 in number appeared to ambush us.

"AMBUSH!" Ao said while you can see distinct veins around his covered eye. I also noticed that there was an ambush but Ao beat me to announcing it.

My team and Neko's team broke out to fight the Ninjas that are clearly hunter nins of Kiri.

Usually, this kind of ninjas are around Jonin in strength that's why Neko's team and mine battled 1 Hunter nin each while Yugao and I battled a hunter nin each. Ao was flanked by 3, while the other 3 battled our escorts 1 on 1.

My opponent was clearly strong but not quite at the level that put me at a disadvantage.

It was a ninja that uses water jutsus with his fluid Kenjutsu, but I just vanished from my spot and arrived around him with my Flicker Bunshin Combo.

Even though Ao was fighting 3 of the hunter nins, you can see clearly that he was surprised that I was able to defeat and kill my opponent with ease.

'These Wolf is strong.' He thought.

I then arrived in his spot while I sneak attack one of the hunter nin that was distracted by my kill. After that, Ao and I were able to defeat 1 of the hunter nin each while the others finished theirs a few minutes after.

"We should hurry back to the HQ. If they were able to ambush us here, that means that they know that our base is around this route." Ao said while we rushed to our destination.

While we were running non-stop to their HQ, Ao then slowed down his speed and ran beside me.

"Thank you for the save out there, I would have been overwhelmed if you haven't finished your opponent that fast." He said.

"I was doing my job, and you are the right-hand man of the Resistance Leader. If you were to die on our watch, our mission would have been a lot harder and your Leader would think that Konoha had sent an incompetent team." I said.

We then proceed with our travel. The rest of the team ate soldier pills to replenish their chakra due to the ambush that we just received.

I can honestly say that my team Ox, Crow, and Monkey are around high Chunin in strength while Yuugao's team also has the same individual strength, that is why the 3 of them together can contest a Jonin level opponent or survive an Elite Jonin. Yuugao has the strength of a mid-Jonin to high-Jonin while I can say with confidence that I'm around Elite Jonin in strength just like Kakashi or possibly stronger.

I don't know how much we'll be able to help the Resistance with our team's strength composition but we will do our best to complete the mission.

After a few minutes of high paced travel, we finally arrived at their Head Quarters that is under attack.

There are fire and smoke coming inside the place while explosions, yells, and cries echo around the place.

We then immediately entered the battlefield.

"Wolf, Neko, please kill anyone with a Kiri headband and don't kill anyone that doesn't have one. Wear this scarf so no one from our side will attack you." He said.

We then nodded at his orders and flashed in a different direction from Ao and the 3 ninjas.

"Neko, my team and I will handle the east part while yours handle the west part." I said.

"Okay Wolf, be careful out there and don't die, okay!?" She said.

"You too Senpai." I said while my team and I made a swift run at the east part of the headquarters.

My team and I were able to eliminate quickly most of the Kiri ninjas that we were able to meet, while most of the resistance members were shocked that Anbu's are wearing resistance scarf.

After a few kills here and there, Crow then proposed something.

"Taichou, should we split up so we can kill more enemies?" Crow said.

"Okay, but all 3 of you will stick together, that is an order okay. We'll meet up after the attack is quelled." I answered.

They then nodded at my order and went on a different path while I flashed with my Shukuchi around the place and every time I appear near an opponent, they'll surely fall down dead after I left.

In this kind of situation, I usually count my kills as a distraction of the disgust I feel about taking a life. After the battle, I always pray for the souls of the lives I take as respect. Right now, my kill is 82 and it's steadily increasing.

After flashing around the vicinity I then saw a familiar-looking girl around my age, fighting a bunch of unknown ninjas with difficulty. I can see that she uses a very distinct way of fighting by using a flute in battle, but it is clear that she is a long-range fighter.

I then decided to enter the battle because the girl was wearing distinct clothes that the resistance wears.

"Are you sh*tting me! Another one?" She said when I arrived in the middle of their battle.

I wore the scarf on my neck that's why this girl won't miss it if she is from the resistance.

"Hey dogface, where did you get that scarf?!" The girl said.

"I came with Ao, do you need help?" I asked.

"Ohhhh I can battle 5 against 1. Of course, I need help dumbass. You can see that I was struggling right!" She said loudly.

'This girl reminds me of Naruto in a bad way with all of her swearing and loud voice.' I thought.

"Leave if you don't want to die! We came here to take that girl to our master." One of the ninjas said.

When I looked closely at the 5 Ninjas in front of me, I seem to remember 1 of them who seems to have 6 arms.

'That looks like Neji's opponent during Sasuke's retrieval mission in the future. Then this girl is ….�� I thought while I glanced behind me.

'TAYUYA!' I thought.

"What will you do? Will you fight or leave?" He asked.

"Well if you want me to leave, then I'll leave." I said while the 5 ninjas in front of me smiled maniacally while I can hear Tayuya behind me grinding her teeth in anger.

"I'll leave with the girl behind me after I kill all of you." I said while I Shukuchi at them.

My first target was clearly the guy I recognized and before he can react or say anything, his head was already separated from his body. My Shukuchi Clones charged the other 4 Ninjas when I made my move and I was able to kill all 5 of them just like that.

"F*ck me sideways, that was awesome!" Tayuya yelled in shock.

"We'll do that later okay? First, let's go and kill the other Kiri Ninjas around the place. Can you still fight?" I teased her while I asked for her well-being and winking with my exposed eyes from my mask.


'That's surprising. This guy's the first person that didn't dis my words.' She thought.

"You sure do have a colorful vocabulary. Then let's go." I said while I grabbed her shoulder and vanished from our spot.

AN: I'm very sorry guys for being absent for a whole 2 months. Life just caught up to me and I had to pick what to prioritize first when it hit me hard. Due to the outbreak, I wanted to help my family financially and I got 2 jobs. I thought that I can handle it together with writing this fanfic but I bit more than I could chew and I had to give up at least 1 of them. That's why I decided to put the novel on hold.

Right now, I'll be honest that I won't be able to upload daily, but I assure you that no matter how hard it is, this Fanfic won't be dropped. I'll try to upload atleast 3 chapters a week but I won't promise anything in regards to the consistency of the upload.

Thank you guys for the support and I hope that all of you are doing fine out there reading this story.

Walker Out! ✌🏻

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