
Chapter 1

I opened my eyes. I could see blue lines and i panicked. I bought up my hands to rub my eyes but the appendage looked like a bunch of freaky threads that glowed blue. I was scared and the panic increased two fold.

'calm down.' I yelled out in my head. I took a deep breath and repeated over and over again, till i felt my heart beat decrease. I opened my eyes again and slowly the colors came back. 'Thank god'

I was on my back and stayed there for what eas about 10 minutes. I stood up and realised something, the world felt taller. No, i was shorter by almost a feet. 'What?'. I looked down and felt the panic set in again. 'These are not my clothes. And last time i checked i was not black. Fuck'

"Max. Get here sweety." a woman yelled out.

'Max? Who is...' memories upon memories played in my head. 'Maxwell Dillion. Max. That was my name. But how? I was clearly not this Max person. This was clearly not my body.'. With that thought i did the only thing I could do and passed out.

Needless, to say the entirety of the next few days were spent trying to figure out what the absolute hell had happened to me. I searched up my name online on social sites and that turned up nothing. On the plus side, i knew where i was. In the freacking MCU. Yeah, that MCU. Iron-man, Hulk and captain America were real here.

My home situation was wierd. Anita Dillon or 'My mom' was a total control freak and was coddling 'Max' into the ground. Seriosly, the moment she found me unconscious, she had called all the parademedics, SWAT and a few other agencies to the house, despite the fact that i was up and about before any of thsoe had arrived. The medics cleared me of any problem and told us that i was hungry and overworked. and had to deal with  mom for about 2 hours before she was calm.

On a side-note, I really was skinny and underweight for my age . Looking through memories, Ifound out that Max didnt really get much exercise and rarely went outside his house. The trend started when Jonathan Dillon, Max's father ran away with another woman and since then Anita started coddling Max and became the control freak that she was now. Since then things were different. Max despite never liking this situation never spoke up. He loved his mom and that had carried over to me as well.

Now, the other major thing was that I now had superpowers. Control of electricity, minor control of metals and ability to live of elctricity entirely. The last on was freaky though. I found that one out by accidently scocking myself when I was hungry and then realised that I was no longer hungry. I also realised that whatever my powers did to me, they also gave me really good memory. Well, atleast I figure that they must have made it so that the memories or the electrical circuits in my brain that actually formed the memories no longer decayed. Well, damn. I could now ace all the exams just by paying basic attention to all the classes. Apparenty, I also attended Midtown High and had a class with a Peter Benjamin Parker. There were also a few names i recognised from my previous life. Harry Osborn, Flash Thompson, Liz Allen, even Ned Leeds from that Spiderman movie. I was certain that i was in MCU because the Iron Man was Tony Stark and he was apparently been teasing the News about a supposed Expo of sorts. Which meant Iron Man 2 and load of drones blowing up.

The next day, I got up and decided to talk to my 'mom' about the crontrol and the overprotectiveness she had but, how do i even begin to start that off?

"Mom, i am going to school tommorow." I said at the breakfast and she looked at me like I had admitted to doing drugs. WTF?

"Sweety, better rest up a few more days." She replied and got back to her food.

"Mom, the doctor said 2 days was more than enough and you made me stay here for 5 days." I said looing at her. She frowned and glared at me.

"No, you will take the required rest and go when I tell you to." She said with her voice strained.

"We will talk about this tommorow after school." I said and got back to my meal.

"Maxwell, you will listen to me young man." She yelled out.

"I am listening to you but I will follow what yo say when you begin to make sense. Seriously, I am in good health now." I say looking at her.

"fine do what you want." she yelled out and left the table.

Sighing, I began to clean up and went to my room afterwards. 'what a mess.' The real Max would have broken down crying after that. The current Max, me on the other hand was feeling sad but nothing too bad. The next day I got up early and went out for a jog. I kept a slow pace for a few minutes then I began to push myself. I kept on running and it felt great. My powers were keeping the muscles super charged with energy and the total energy expenditure was negligible. I kept on the fast pace till I reached a secluded spot. An abandoned trainyard, with overgrowts and rust all Ober the place. There was even a warehouse which looked like it was about to fall apart.

I made a few rounds around the yard and look out all the surveillance cameras nearby with a zap. Now, it was time to train, hehe. I closed my eyes and felt the energy within my self, which was really not hard to do, it was right there like a lighthouse, begging to be used. I pulled it out and formed an arc of lightning between my hands. Since, the electricity was being channeled back into myself the arc was stable and looking beautiful. I stoppedthe charge and the arc vanished. Next, I tried to move the energy within myself and there result was mediocre at best. My skin now had vein like blue patterns all around and that was it. Maybe it was usefully to cover my identity. I chanelled a bit of lightning into my brain and well, nothing happened really. I looked aroun tried to move around to feel the difference but nothing. Sighing, I headed to the gate, there I found a few pigeons. Strangely enough, they all looked like the were unfurling their wing but really slowing. 'is this my power?' I asked myself. I felt around the pigeons for a trace of my powers but there was nothing

I realised that the tiny bit of electricity I had directed to my brain had increased my processing speed by a lot. I smiled and drew back that current. The moment the energy cleared my head exhaustion slammed into me like a truck. My breath and heart beat was erratic, I was sweating and my body was sore. I channeledsome electricity to my body to seed if that helped the situation and it did. The soreness was receding and the exhaustion was being washed way. Soon, my energy wasquarter way depleted and I was back on my feet. I tried that againbut this time I Chanelled some electricity to my body as well. I moved around and did some stretches before releasing all that energy. Surprisingly, the soreness was less this time around but the electricity in body was nearly depleted. Damn, my energy reserves were too small for this to have any practical application.

I walked back home and took a shower. Put on a plain black T shirt and some jeans, which by the was one least nerdy looking stuff had.then, I headed down stairs only to find a bunch of pan cakes and some lunch money there. 'Damn. I need to apologize to mom.' The thought came instinctively. Huh, guess there is a bit of Max left in me after all.

"Thanks mom. Love you." I yelled out as I headed to the door.

One bus ride later, boom, i was at the school. I sighed and headed to my locker. I was taking some books out when I felt a push on my back. I instinctively channel a bit of electricity all over my body and heard the world slow down again. I carefully moved out of the of the push and looked at my assailant. Lo and behold, it was one of the Flash's goons. I cleared up the energy and felt the world return to normal.

"Damn, boy. How did you do that?" Kong asked.

"Fuck off." I said in a low tone.

"Care to repeat that." Kong said as he got close to me. He was a tall motherfucker, nearly six feet tall and the wide shoulders were intimidating too.

"F. U. C. K. O. F. F." I pronounced each and every syllable and with each letter, he got angry. He leveled his hand to push me down but I ducked out of the way cleanly.

While he was still out of balance I quickly kicked his leg and he fell like a sack of potatoes. I quickly grabbed the book and slammed the locker shut, then I did the best move possible and ran away.

"Dillon." Kong roared out and began to chase me but I made to class just in time. I could have used my powers to make this easier on me but, meh, I need to excersice.

"Maxwell, early to class I see." the Math teacher said with a smile and I nodded back to her as I slowly breathed out.

"Dillon, I will see you later." Kong said through gritted teeth and I nodded at him.

The class was interesting to say the least, because I cheated whenever I could by speeding up my brain to prosess things better and it absolutely worked. I was even able to answer a few of the questions thrown at me and I loved it. I did same thing with physics and well all the other classes. Then lunch arrived and well, let's just say that Kong bought a few of his buddies and I had to employ my power to run away. It was embarrassing really because this body was supposed to belong to a super villian. I really needed to get in shape.

The rest of the day went eventless and I was glad about that. There was another interesting news I had found out. Peter was bitten by a spider and was rushed to a hospital. Doctors said it was a bad allergic reaction and released him for a week's rest. That was about to end tommorow, things were getting interesting.

I reached home and found mom in the kitchen. I sighed and walked behind her and pulled her into a hug.

"Aah." she yelped and turned around to face me. Her face immediately took on frown.

"I am sorry. Mom." I said holding her hands.

"it's okay, sweet." mom said as her eyes watered up. "I know I am a bit overprotective but I should not have reacted like that."

"Hey. I was my fault as well. I should not have spoken to you like that." I sighed. "but mom, you don't have to worry about me. I will aways be here."

That broke the dam and she pulled me into a hug. We both sat down for a little talk and went back to cooking. Well, it tried to help but kept on messing up she had to literally kick me out. I laughed and well down stairs again. I immediately recognized the wire Max was trying to fix but well, we know what happened. I looked around and found dad's old exercise equipment and slowing began to clean up the dust. There was basic bench press and Lad pull which had to be oiled. That took me a few minutes to fix up but I managed that.

Then I began to warm up with a few stretches and skips. Time for truth. I got down and did a few push ups. Well, pathetically, I could only do 20 before I felt like I was dying. I resorted to my powers and got ready for another round. I repeated that till my powers were entirely depleted. Then I went out side for a jog till the nearest transform for a quick charge up. A shower later it was time for dinner.

"I saw you found Jonathan's stuff." mom said with a smile.

"Well, I need to get in shape to impress some girls." I joked and mom chuckled.

The next day I got up early and went to the train hard for superpower workout. I felt a bit stronger then yesterday but it was negligible. If I want to be any where near the real Electro's strength, I needed to get 100 times what I am today. I headed back home and took a shower.

"Hey, mom." I said and quickly kissed her cheek.

"Sweety, you don't need to over do it." mom said with a smile.

"hey, I know when to stop." I said and dug into the pancakes. Mmmmm, maple.

I soon reached the school and avoided the bullies, which was not that hard considering they ignored me for the new meat. Peter Parker. I headed to the commotion they were causing and saw Peter avoiding everyone like a champion with yelling apologies even faster. Wow. It was like watching a martial artist in action, well if that martial artist was a 15 years old and was on crack. A teacher finally stopped the commotion and dispersed everyone. I finally approached Peter and stopped him from what what appeared to a deep internal conversation.

"Hey, Max." he said as he finally recognized me.

"Hey. Those were some moves you pulled." I said with a grin and he scratched his head.

"I don't know, adrenaline and all that." he said looking worried.

"Just run away from those idiots. It's not worth the hassle. Just trust me on that." he said.

"Yeah, I know." he said. "What is up with you today?" Peter asked.

"Feeling a bit different, that's all." I replied heading to the class.

"You have no idea."he said under his breath it i heard him. 'oh, I know.' i said with a chuckle.

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