

At that point though she realized she was one assassin short, broken nose having instead gone for the carriage. "Dany!" She saw the man already climbing in but staggered back and yelled in pain. Ciri could just see the man had her dagger stabbed into his shoulder, making him drop his own weapon.

Then hisses and screeching followed as Daenerys' dragons lunged, the trio tackling the man out of the carriage. "Guwds murcy!" He stammered out; words garbled because of his offset nose. His arms were up warding off the bites aimed for his face.

"Heel!" Dany spoke out, making her 'children' stop their attack and hurry back into the carriage. Ciri looked up at the Targaryen, the young woman obviously shaken after stabbing someone. When she got a clear view of the battle in the alley, she glanced away seeing the dismembered bodies spewed about. "Is that…all of them." She asked, doing her best to remain composed.

"On this side yes…though from the sounds of it the fighting in the street is over." Ciri answered back. Looking to the wounded assassin, she frowned as she grabbed the back of his desert garb, yanking as she'd drag him around the carriage and into the street. She now had a proper view of the other fight, the Blood Riders pacing their horses about as they looked over their kills while Jorah was busy examining one of the slain. From what she could tell there had been another group of six, totaling twelve attackers.

With her approaching, Jorah glanced up and gave a small sigh seeing Ciri alright. "Glad to see you're not hurt. Is the Khaleesi-"

At that point the carriage door opened as Dany stepped out, showing herself unharmed. "Shaken…but untouched." She answered. "Just…who are these men? What drove them to recklessly attack us?"

"I wouldn't say reckless." Jorah remarked before glancing further down the street to the spilled crates and wagon still in their way. "This was planned. The accident ahead drew our attention away, letting these men close in. I feel the group we fought was a backup since they showed up not long after you yelled out. It even seems this 'merchant' who drove the cart slipped away during the chaos."

Ciri nodded in agreement. "Makes sense. One of the men had boarded the carriage roof even when we suddenly came to a stop. Nearly straggled me even."

"Still…to attack guests of a Thirteen…" Dany muttered in a worried tone. However her thoughts were silenced when the sound of nearing horses came from behind them. Looking back they saw Harito leading his elite sellswords forward, everyone looking alert.

"What in all the heavens and hells happened?!" He cursed out, looking over the carnage before dismounting. "I was informed about a battle, so I hurried here as fast as possible…though it seems you have everything under control."

"An assassination attempt from our reasoning." Ciri remarked as she got a piece of cloth torn off a slain attacker to clean off her blade.

Harito didn't speak as he approached one of the bodies, tugging off the cloth wrapped around the face. He grunted before moving onto another body then another, examining the whole group. "Mongrel Men." He muttered.


"That is who attacked you. They go by many names, yet this is their common moniker."

Jorah seemed just as perplexed. "I think I heard of such a name in Vaes Dothrak. They come from a city beyond the Bone Mountains."

"Aye that is correct." Harito confirmed before gesturing at one of the slain. "It's a ruined city at the crossroads of all the land routes of the far east. Countless groups have battled for it, giving it a thousand names though none have claim to it."

"No doubt because no one could hold it." Ciri commented.

Again Harito nodded. "Exactly. In the end it was deemed neutral ground to all, making it become a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. It's a place filled with orphaned or abandoned children, all having erotic parentage from the four corners of the continent. Thus being called Mongrel Men" Approaching the wounded assassin, he grasped the blooded man who stammered fearfully. "Normally they work as laborers, though not unheard of them becoming small time assassins and muscle for hire. Being mix cultured they can't be traced to larger groups, perfect scapegoats."

"Whatever the case, we have at least one captive." Ciri stated. "We should take him to Xaro's palace, figure out who hired them."

"Agreed." Daenerys muttered before approaching Harito. "May I ask that you have your men clear up this matter? It would be best if word of this attack doesn't spread too quickly."

The Prince of Blades nodded in agreement. "I'll see to it Khaleesi, though I'm certain the other Thirteen will learn of this by the day's end." He replied back. "It is a great dishonor for a welcomed guest to be attacked…this won't be brushed aside, mark my words."

"I'll hold you to that, Prince of Blades." Giving a respectful bow, Dany moved to return to the carriage while the men finished clearing the route forward.

Ciri decided she would walk the rest of the way, feeling Daenerys needed some time alone and to calm herself after that fight. It was rare to use just her sword fighting skills, so she couldn't help but feel a bit of pride without needing to rely on her Elder Blood powers. Soon the group continued on, the Blood Riders making sure to travel close to the carriage, one Dothraki at each side. Jorah meanwhile had the assassin's arms bound up and was leading him along, muttering something that made the Mongrel Man tremble.

Moving to join the knight she spoke up. "Trying to make him talk?" She questioned.

"While Xaro's palace be suitable…I feel it would be best our host doesn't become involved too quickly." Jorah answered. "Right now we have plenty of suspects, both allies and rivals alike." Glaring at the assassin, he spoke directly to him. "So why don't you make this easy. Tell us what your goal was and perhaps you'll get a life in a cell instead of an executioners axe."

For a moment the assassin didn't answer, wheezing slightly through his ruined nose before muttering. "The dragons…we were hired to take the dragons."

The claim drew surprised looks from the two, though it was short lived. "It makes sense. They would have been better armed if they aimed for both you and the Khaleesi." Jorah said. "A quick snatch and grab. Problem was you didn't expect Lady Vaera to be such a skilled swordfighter."

While it was a simple compliment, Ciri couldn't help but blush faintly, though she hid it by brushing her hair back.

"That woman is a demon." The Mongrel Man muttered. "Never seen a woman as strong or fast as that. It's not natural."

"If it makes you feel better…I'm sorry for the nose." Ciri remarked in a taunting manner.

Grumbling at the remark, he muttered something in his own language, getting a short jab to the back from Jorah. "So who hired you? One of the Thirteen…the Warlocks?"

"Hah…you think any of them personally meet us?" The Mongrel Man chuckled. "Don't know who hired us. The chief was the one who did the dealing…yet the Targaryen beheaded him, so you'll learn nothing else."

"Then what about the cart driver? Know anything about him?"

The assassin shrugged. "We were told where the ambush was to take place and moved when the chief gave the order."

Ciri sighed. "I doubt that driver was anyone important. Easy to buy off any lesser trader to pull off what happened."

"I wouldn't be too hasty on that." Jorah remarked back. "The notable detail about that driver was his cargo, being herbs and spices."

"That is curious…though it seems far too obvious." It seemed odd that the Prince of Spices would have a hand in this. Overall he had been the most neutral of the Thirteen, though from what Xaro and the other trade princes shared, was the most in favor in keeping the status quo. Then again they weren't dealing with master strategists…well at least one of them was at least, so perhaps the opposing Thirteen did have a hand in this.

Her thoughts were cut short though when they neared Xaro's palace, the gate open for their arrival. At the lavish courtyard, Xaro's Unsullied were standing while Xaro and Pyat were at the steps leading into the palace. It was obvious they had gotten word of the attack, though they seemed quite calm over the matter.

"Lady Vaera and Ser Jorah." Xaro greeted them, his gaze quickly focusing on their captive. "I just received word of the attack. At first I feared for our ladies safety, but it seems no one has suffered harm."

"Only our attackers." Ciri replied back as she nudged the captured assassin.

Pyat paced closer, the thin warlock eyeing the Mogrel Man with curiosity. The assassin though seemed very nervous, shuffling back whenever the pale mystic leaned in and tugging at his bounds. "Curious…" Pyat muttered. "I take it you've questioned him already?"

"Yes, though he's little more than a thug or quite the talented liar." Jorah explained. By now Daenerys would exit her carriage along with her handmaidens carrying her dragons out in their baskets. Xaro was quick to approach her, gently holding her hands and speaking softly to her.

Whatever was said made a faint blush show on Dany's face before she nodded and spoke back. "Thank you for your kind words Lord Xaro." Bowing her head, she moved towards Ciri and Jorah, the Trade Prince walking beside her.

"Khaleesi, perhaps it would be better if you let me question this man." Pyat offered. "While I'm sure Lady Vaera and Ser Jorah are capable questioners, there are some…methods better suited at gaining answers."

"You mean torture." Jorah accused, drawing a faint smirk from the warlock.

"Nothing as crude as that. I can assure you the answers I'll get are will not be from duress."

The assassin though seemed to be near panicking, struggling that Jorah had to strongly grasp both the man's arms to keep him still. "No! I know nothing! You…keep your whispers from my head!" He yammered out before babbling in his foreign tongue, though Ciri couldn't tell if it was a curse or prayer.

Daenerys had a cold glare at the man though before glancing to Pyat and Xaro. "I'll allow you to question him, though he must be able to be presented to the Thirteen. He's living proof of the attack after all."

"Of course Khaleesi. I'll personally ensure that." Xaro replied before gesturing for two Unsullied to take the assassin away.

The man's struggling doubled as the slave soldiers grabbed him. "Curse you daughter of the dragon!" Yammering more in his native tongue, he spoke clearly again. "You give yourself to the bastard of Leng! His coils will strangle even the dragon!" Whatever else he said was muddled by his ravings before disappearing into the palace.

"The curses of a condemned man. Do not let such superstition trouble you." Xaro assured both Ciri and Daenerys. "Both of you have gone through enough today. I will try to call the Council tomorrow, though I'm sure the Prince of Blades and Lady of Whispers will encourage it as well."

"That would be welcomed." Ciri replied. "The sooner we can find these conspirators the better." Glancing to Daenerys she didn't respond, only nodding in agreement. "Anyway…we will retire early for the evening." Taking Dany's hand had her look to her attentively, relaxing only after seeing Ciri's kind face. The two headed inside while Jorah remained to direct the Blood Riders, though looking back she could see concern on the knight's face.

Arriving at the hallway where their rooms were, Ciri escorted Dany to her chambers, the handmaidens delivering the dragons as well. "That will be enough for today." Daenerys muttered to her female servants. "Please, do eat and rest." The women bowed and spoke kind praises before leaving the two girls alone.

During the long moment of silence, Daenerys would move to the bed where her dragons climbed up to join her. She seemed distant, the only comfort being her 'children'. At this point Ciri had to be direct with her. "Why are you so shaken? Is it about the attack still?"

"I…in a way yes." She started. "Battle and blood isn't anything new to me, I've seen plenty already with the Dothraki. It's just…when that bloodied assassin forced his way into the carriage, I felt terrified. I barely remembered having the dagger you gave me, but when he reached from my dragons I just stabbed him." At this point she drew the weapon from her gown, having tucked it behind the waist cord. Fiddling with it, she'd draw the weapon from the sheath to show the blade, faint blood still on it. "I was trying to go for the heart like you've taught me…though it seems I confused that with the right shoulder." She chuckled in a show of dark humor.

Reaching forward, Ciri took the weapon back before going over to a nearby table, using a cleaning cloth she had to clear the mess off the blade. "Left side of the chest if you remember. Quickest and cleanest way to end a fight." Cleaned, she returned it to the sheath before looking to Daenerys. "You're shocked over hurting someone, even if the man was threatening you."

Dany nodded. "It was strange stabbing him…I…I'd rather not describe it." From the way she gulped and glanced, the memory seemed almost nauseating for her. "Just the reaction, the emotions shown. Shock, anger, pain and fear. I don't know how you or other warriors can endure such things."

She understood that initial shock very well, having gone through it before in her first real fight. "Just a matter of getting used to it. In the end its either them or you." Pacing back over to Daenerys, she smiled faintly. "What matters is that you and your dragons are safe."

Nodding, Dany sighed as she'd pet her 'children', the trio relaxing around her. "I didn't expect them to pounce on the man. Perhaps all that blood sparked their instincts."

"Or just their protective nature. You are their mother from their point of view."

"Heh, perhaps." She scratched Drogon under the chin, making the black dragon murmur. "I am sorry if I'm worrying you and the others. By tomorrow I'll be better for the meeting with the Thirteen."

"Good. We'll need that sharp confidence you showed last time if we're going to figure out who was behind this." Giving a short hug to Daenerys along with a pet over Viserion before turning to leave. "Sleep well."

Daenerys smiled softly, waving goodbye as Ciri left the room. Now alone, she let out a deep sigh as she fell back onto the bed, long silvery hair pooling across the sheets around her head. "One step at a time…" She muttered to herself, staring up at the ceiling while her dragons surrounded her, cozying up around her slender form. Their closeness brought a relaxed comfort to her as she closed her eyes, drifting into a welcomed sleep.

Night – Midnight


The voice was but a whisper yet to the young Targaryen it was like a shout. Her eyes snapped open before sitting up. Despite her sudden movement, the dragons surrounding her hardly stirred. Quickly she glanced about the dark room, trying to find the source of the voice. "Who is there? Ciri…Jorah?" There was only silence. Getting out of bed, she lit a candle, picking it up by the holder it was in to provide light.

…Mother of dragons…

Again the voice, its tone indescribable, both one voice yet many at the same time. It came from the doorway, making her look over to it. "I must be hearing things." Yet something was compelling about the voice, a fascinating curiosity. The guarded side of her though didn't want to go off unprotected. Moving to a locked chest, she took out a key to open it before sifting through the valuables she had. Under red silks was Siglion, the Valyrian short sword, having a new sheath similar to the old one it had been found in. Picking up the weapon along with the light belt bought for it, strapping it around her waist before moving for the door.


The hallway was dark, the only light being her candle and whatever fluttered in from outside the open windows. Looking about, her gaze focused on Ciri's door, which for a moment she thought of knocking.


…Do not awaken her…

...A queen must stand on her own…

Again the voice whispered, coming from the right side of the hallway. She hesitated, taking a deep breath before closing the door to her room, making sure to lock it behind her. Slowly she moved down the hallway, the voice whispering at each turn and split as it guided her along. Soon she realized she was guided towards Xaro's room, having visited it a few times during their conversations. Oddly there were no Unsullied guarding the way, the slave soldiers missing from their posts.


…You are close…

…See and listen…

She approached the double doors, pressing against one carefully to slowly open it. With it just parted, she could hear familiar voices beyond inside the room. Xaro's chambers were just as glamorous as the rest of his home, though Dany's attention wasn't on the regal furnishings but more on the other individuals in the room.

Sitting in a chair was the assassin from before, arms bound to the arm rests. She couldn't see the man's face clearly between Xaro and the other figure standing in the way. He was still, though Daenerys could see he was alive from the faint movements of his chest.

Beside the bound man was a towering figure, standing at least seven feet tall and having an even thin build from what the loose robes hinted. The garment was a deep purple color with silver gold trims along it in perfect symmetrical patterns. In his hand he carried a strange staff, the shaft being a black wood while the head was a silvery ornate flat piece whose shape reminded her of a star. The staff head had openings along it with the bottom ones having rings looped through, three on each side with each ring being a different type metal.

"This was not what was promised!" Xaro spoke out, making Daenerys snap to attention. "You assured me the girls would be safe, that none on the Council would threaten them."

The robed man shifted to look at the Trade Prince, keeping his back towards Daenerys as he spoke. "Not everything can be predicted. While we can be certain of our choices, we cannot be sure of others." The voice nearly made Dany gasp as she recognized it, the same voice of the Grand Warlock, though that had been from Pyat's own lips. Already she questioned if this was the Grand Master himself or…was it through a medium again?

"That doesn't change the risk the sisters and the dragons faced. I…we…need them both unharmed and alive."

"Your 'needs' are very different to mine Xaro. What you care is for yourself…while mine are of greater importance." The voice was cold, making both Xaro and Dany shiver. "To the Targaryens and dragons, you see possessions to control. There is so much more to them than you'll ever understand."

"The point is your tactics have members of the Thirteen on alert. Even if Daenerys agrees to marrying me or allying with some of the Council, their reactions will be fierce."

"Like I said before, they are a greedy and fearful lot." A sad sigh escaped from the figure as he moved to the bound assassin. "How sad it is seeing my work undone. Centuries of planning upended by base greed."

Dany stared wide eyed as the robed figure moved aside to reveal the Mongrel Man's face. His head rested loosely against his right shoulder; mouth lightly gaped as he drooled on his dirtied shirt. The eyes though were the most shocking part, blood shot completely that trails of it hinted the corners of his eyelids.

"Pyat, while talented, isn't as delicate with his work. At the least the knowledge this one had will be useful." One hand reached out to cup the man's chin, tilting his head up properly. The skin on his hand was pale yet colored oddly…almost as if it was faintly green in pigment. "How low have my former countrymen have fallen. I will have to uplift them when I return."

"If you return." Xaro muttered with a faint smirk. "I think you believe too much on your myths if you believe these Targaryens can fix you."

A low chuckle escaped from the figure as he glanced slightly to Xaro. "No…not a Targaryen." His words drew an odd look from Xaro, though the robed man continued. "However I feel we are being rude to our other guest." The remark made Xaro look to the doorway, seeing it just opened and the hint of Daenerys at the doorway.

"I…uhh…Khaleesi-" He started nervously, one hand even fumbling towards the curved knife at his silken belt.

At that point Dany reacted, dropping the candle and drawing Siglion out. She stepped forward into the room, gripping the sword with both hands and in a defensive manner. "No excuses Xaro? No sweet words to try and sway me?" She muttered back, spite hinting her words. "I should have expected as much. I knew it deep down somehow…"

"Calm." The figure raised his left hand up as he said that single word. That instant Daenerys felt relaxed, the bubbling anger washed away by peace. It didn't remove the feelings she felt towards Xaro, but all aggression was gone. Even Xaro seemed to react the same as his hand moved away from his knife.

"Why…why is she here?" Xaro muttered, seeming almost short of breath.

"Because I invited her." The figure stepped to turn around, the rings of his staff softly chiming with each step. "I should have been more direct, yet I need time…strength to speak truly to you." Slowly he stepped towards Daenerys, the girl standing there wide eyed as she gazed at the figure.

Dany trembled at the sight of the figure. It was too hard to comprehend him, the raw power and regality that made him seem divine. Part of her screamed to fight…to lunge forward and sink her blade into his heart. That thought though drew a trembling gasp, a single tear from one eye at the idea of harming such gracefulness. Slowly she lowered her blade, the will to fight melting from her.

"You are scared…confused of your role in this chaotic world." The voice was kind, the only way to describe it being like a loving father to a child. "You will bring order to the world. Set it right. You only need me to show you the path." One hand moved to gently cup her chin, tilting it to gaze up at his divine visage. "I will forever be in your service…once you have saved me."

His touch made her sigh, closing her eyes as she felt at peace. "I…what can I do? What do you need?" She asked as she stared into those eyes, eyes that to her felt as deep as the night heavens.

A warm smile followed. "Your sister, the one you are bound to by fate instead of blood. She must come to us." He let his words sink in. "It is time to go to the House of the Undying. You will see everything…know everything…understand everything. She will follow and be enlightened as well, set on the right path. For now rest. Go to the place you long for the most."

At that instant everything changed. Xaro, the figure and the palace were gone. Instead she now stood in the opening of a tent, the familiar sounds of a crying baby and a soothing deep voice just within. A faint smile crossed her lips as she stepped forward. She knew this was a dream, yet this time she welcomed it. That is all she wanted…an escape…though from what she couldn't quite remember.

Notice: Quite the rollercoaster this chapter yes? I am curious to know what everyone thinks of Harito and Siranea, who I had been working on properly introducing for a while. Considering Dany didn't collect many proper advisers, it seems more fitting her new path leads to such people. That aside, the Grand Warlock makes a more direct move and openly shows a hint of what he can do. Also what clues can you deduce about the Grand Warlock that the chapter has hinted so far?

Next chapter we continue as Ciri faces her greatest threat yet. Even the a wielder of the Elder Blood, the mind is very much as sensitive place. For within the House of the Undying, what is reality and illusion is almost seamless. Expect deep insights into the past and futures for both Ciri and Danerys.

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