
Chapter 29: S2-E5: The City of Bones 1/2

Chapter 28: The City of Bones

Forward: Credit for edits from Rainsfere and beta reading from Wilamelm2.

Ciri – Somewhere in the Red Wastes – One day after Geralt Leaves Dragonstone

A month and a week…a time that seemed to stretch forever to Ciri. She had forgotten how harsh the desert was since the day she had ended up in the Korath Desert in her hurried escape from Thanedd Island when a coup broke out and Vilgefortz tried to capture her. She experienced what it truly feel thirsty, exhausted and tired during that time, something she had hoped not to endure once more. The Red Wastes were similar, though at least she had supplies and people to rely on this time.

The trek south was a difficult one even with the large amount of water the group had gotten from the snow she brought. Everyone knew they had to move quickly through the rough terrain while unyielding sun made every mile grueling. Whenever they camped, the Bloodriders and abled bodied men would head out to hunt for anything in the area or find any sources of water. Ciri in time would take part in these hunts, giving her time to practice her warping abilities to quickly take down the agile gazelle and skittish dune rabbits. It gave her time to practice her powers, knowing she needed to be at full strength if any new threats came along. Even with her abilities they had suffered some losses mainly with the older members of the khalasar being unable to handle the tough journey. Daenerys grieved every loss, but understood some deaths were unavoidable.

During their traveling, Ciri woud spend much of her evenings around Daenerys and Jorah, learning as much as she could about the world. If she planned to play the role as the young woman's sister, she had to understand the Targaryen family's history in case anyone tried to question her. She'd also begin to learn bits of Dothraki and High Valyrian, a stepping stone to learning the two very exotic languages.

In the meantime she helped Dany care for her dragons who were growing at an amazing rate. Ciri was lucky to have kept her journal and already was dedicating as much time as possible into writing everything she learned about these creatures. Already they were the size of cats and beginning to actively hunt small pests whenever they camped. While they still desired cooked meat, anything they hunted down they brought back to be cooked for them to be eaten. They were showing adaptive learning while listening to Daenerys as if she was truly their mother. Though in a way, she was considering how she had an important part in their birth. Ciri had a theory that the magic involved in reviving the eggs could be why they shared such a close bond with the Targaryen and explain why they were also growing up so fast.

"I'm sure Vesemir would have some good theories." She muttered to herself, a soft yet sad smile showing on her face.

"Your mentor I take? I remember you mentioning him before in a few past conversations." Jorah remarked, making Ciri snap to attention and glance at the gruff man. While the man was used to roaming this harsh region, his skin was red in patches from sunburns and the dry climate, though seemed unfazed from it all.

Ciri nodded. "He was more like a grandfather to me and a father to all the other Witchers. He was a masterful swordsman and wise teacher." She'd paused for a moment, glancing away. "He…died trying to protect me."

Jorah was silent, gaze looking sideways as he felt troubled on the matter. "Always hard to lose those close to you. I'm sorry if I brought back bad memories."

"Its fine. It has been months since it's happened, and he's been avenged." Ciri took a deep sigh. "Right now I shouldn't be focusing about the past, not when we're on the brink of dying from thirst." She licked her dry lips, glancing at her near empty waterskin on the side of her saddle.

"We're on our last water rations now." Jorah remarked. "Only a day…maybe two if we really push ourselves."

"Any chance we'll get lucky finding a source of water?"

"Maybe…but if it isn't soon we'll lose people quite quickly. Right now our best bet for survival is the City of Bones."

"Considering we are looking for a ruined city in a vast desert…well…could be we've passed it or haven't even reached it. The Wastes are a massive place after all."

"Then all we have is faith or luck to get us by." Jorah chuckled, trying to make light of their dire situation.

Ciri chuckled wearily at the remark before nodding as she guided her horse up a slopping hill. By now the sun was getting low, casting a light orange haze across the red sands of the Waste. Reaching the top, the two paused to gaze over the new horizon, a vast flat valley stretching even further south. Out in the middle of that open space was a rocky formation main up of dusty white stone. "Wait a moment…that can't be natural…" Ciri muttered as she'd reach into her pack, taking out a small telescope she had packed for the journey.

Jorah squinted his eyes to gaze out, nodding in agreement. "You're right. Hard to make out but that outer circle looks like-"

"A wall." Ciri finished, peering through the telescope and looking over the ruined fortification. "I can see buildings and towers, even a yard with a well." She'd handed the telescope to the former knight, who looked through it, a small grin hinted his lips.

"We must inform the Khalessi then." Jorah handed the telescope back to Ciri, the ashen haired woman taking it back and putting in her pack. However, she'd suddenly slip off her horse and begin picking out a few supplies and tools from her saddle pack. "What are you doing?"

"Scouting it out for trouble." Ciri simply answered back. "I'd rather not have the khalasar run into a group of slavers who could be camping in the same spot."

Jorah couldn't deny she had a point, but a concern hint showed in his eyes. "It seems risky to just go off by yourself. It will take us hours just to reach the ruins, even if we push ourselves at full speed."

"Heh, still worried I can't handle myself?" Ciri chuckled playfully as she finished picking out needed belongings. "Even if there is trouble lurking down there, I doubt it can be worse compared to what I've faced back home."

In the end Jorah sighed before nodding. "Just be on your guard." He simply replied back. Taking the reins of her horse, he turned to face downhill, though glance back at her. "Once I inform Daenerys I'll write ahead to try and meet up with you."

"Of course…" Ciri hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit odd with the man's kind concern for her. "Anyway don't rush yourself. Rather not have you pass out on the way there." With that small jest given she'd glanced back out to the distant ruin, taking a deep breath as she focused on the square she had seen that well at. Letting her power flow through her, she'd disappear in a soft flash of light.

Jorah waited for a moment before shaking his head, feeling silly that he was acting up like this around the young woman. "Damn old habits…" He muttered to himself as he'd begin a quick pace back towards the khalasar and inform his queen of their discovery.

Was alert as she reappeared in the courtyard, one hand reaching back for her sword to be quickly drawn if needed. Her gaze drifted around her surroundings, dusty white buildings and narrow alleyways in all directions. The whistling sound of blowing wind echoed around, truly making this city feel dead. Relaxing, her attention focused on the nearby well which she approached and leaned over to peer inside. With the low sun casted plenty of shadows, there was just enough light to see the gleam of water below.

"Need to see if its clean to drink." Glancing around, she'd notice a bucket half buried in the sand and quickly pull it free…along with a dry skeleton hand. She flinched at first before the skeletal hand fell off the bucket grip, clattering into many pieces when it hit the ground. "Right…City of Bones for a reason." She muttered before getting out a short line of rope from her pack. Tying it to the bucket, she dropped it down the well until hearing an echoing splash from below.

Getting the rope on a snug nook of the well's side, she'd begin to tug the filled bucket upward at a slow pace. Even with her fit body it was tricky to do without a proper pully, but after a few minutes the bucket neared the top. Quickly grabbing the grip of the bucket, she yanked it out of the well without spilling to much water. Staring into the contents, she grinned seeing as the water was clear except for the few bits of sand at the bottom. Ciri nearly dunked her head into the bucket, gulping down water and soaking her face before pulling back with a gasp. "Yep…definitely safe." She took some time to wash off her face of dust and sweat before taking a few more drinks.

She poured the last of the remaining water into her waterskin before turning to face the many different paths out of this yard. Ciri knew she had to head northward where the khalisar would be approaching from. While she could teleport outside the city wall, it made more sense to explore the ruins to get understand of its layout and find a suitable spot for the group to camp at. Figuring out which direction was north, she headed down one alleyway which led into the winding maze of backstreets that went throughout the city. At every corner she used a rock to mark a clear arrow so she or anyone else wouldn't have any issues retracing the path back to that lone well.

"This place is massive…" Ciri muttered as she passed by ruined villas with overgrown gardens full of exotic fruit trees and decorative plants. She enter a large market square at one point, a huge cracked fountain with a worn statue depicting a sphinx like creature. Across the walls and even sand encrusted ground she could see mosaics that depicted images of Essos mythical creatures or everyday life within the city. She felt like she could spend months shifting through these ruins and only find a fraction of this city's past.

What was troubling was the main aged bones she found, countless people who died from forgotten causes. In a way it reminded her of the horrible discovery she had found within the realm of the Aen Elle. The elves had invaded that world and wiped out the humans, leaving only isolated ruins filled with piles of bones. The image of those countless skulls had her shiver, making her put that distant memory behind to focus on the present.

"This square would work well for the group. Lots of space, intact buildings for shelter along with nearby wells and places to collect food." She muttered to herself as he pace around the empty market. After while surveying the area to ensure it was clear of possible threats, she found a wide open street leading further north, letting her avoid the confusing alleys she had been using so far. There was rubble in the path, but nothing too difficult to get around or over. At last she could see the worn walls and a city gate, it's heavy metal and stone doors long broken by forgotten invaders. Passing through the opening, she gazed off into the vast desert that stretched northward and the tall hills where they had discovered this lost city.

Narrowing her gaze, she saw the outline of the khalisaar at the hill top, beginning their careful approach downward to the city. Three riders were quickly approaching the city from the main group, no doubt Jorah and a few of the Bloodriders seeking to meet up with her. The exiled knight was at the lead when the group reached her, being quite dusty because of the sprint he had made his horse go. "Told you I'd get here quickly." He chuckled, though he seemed a bit winded from racing to the city gates. "No trouble inside?"

"Just dusty streets and old bones, no lurking bandits or monsters if that is what you're worried about." She playfully answered back while he dismounted. "I told you didn't need to rush yourself." She'd pat one hand over his shoulder, a thick plume of sand and dust coming off him.

"Haven't had a good bath since we've first met anyway…" He started before the ashen haired woman took out her waterskin and poured it over the man's head, soaking over sun bleached hair and his dry face. Jorah blinked water from his eyes while the Bloodriders chuckled out as Ciri shoved the half empty waterskin into his hands.

"Well…it's a start." She sarcastically remarked, making Jorah smirk a bit in amusement, easing his formal mood. Glancing at the horses the group had rode in, they had dozens of waterskins attached to them, empty ones collected from the Khallisar. "Getting water for everyone before they arrive."

Jorah nodded, shaking the remaining water off his head as he took the reins of his horse. "It was Khalessi's idea that we get water for everyone. Most are at the brink and too weak to collect water at a well…so it will be up to us to collect water for now."

"The well I found is a few blocks away. Just follow the main street to reach an empty market, then enter an alleyway with an arrow marking. I left more to guide the way."

"Perfect. Hopefully we'll get most of this before the group settles in." Jorah remarked before gesturing to Aggo and Kovarro to lead their horses into the ruined city. "We'll follow your directions while you and Rakharo wait here to guide everyone to the market square. By the time everyone is settling in we'll have plenty of water to go around. I'll see both of you hopefully within the next hour." Mounting his horse again, he led the Blood Riders into the city, all three disappearing behind the rumbled buildings.

Rakharo gave a tired sigh as he began to pace around the ruined city's walls, gazing up at the sun-bleached stone with a thoughtful look. "So this is the City of Bones. I wonder if my ancestors really did destroy this city ages ago."

Ciri shrugged as she'd stare across the walls too. "Unless your people had siege weapons back then…I don't think so." She remarked.

The Blood Rider frowned slightly at the statement. "I have come to respect you Ciri…but insulting the strength of my people is pushing it."

She sighed and shook her head. "I'm not though. It's just even a city in its decline would have been difficult to raid without siege weapons and proper tools." She explained. "Considering what I've learned about your people you don't know much about such engineering."

"Ingin-what?" Rakharo muttered in confusion, making Ciri snicker a bit in amusement. "If what your saying is a joke, I don't get it."

"There is no joke…it's a bit complicated to explain really." She'd pause in thought before continuing. "So besides fighting other Dothraki, have you fought proper soldiers before?"

Rakharo paused in thought. "Battled the Unsulled a few times. Merchants buy their services to protect their caravans. Fearless and disciplined warriors, though empty in purpose." He'd smirk a bit. "Being all eunuchs does deprive them much of life after all."

She had heard a bit about the slave warriors the Blood Rider mentioned, though it was disturbing that tens of thousands were raised in such a way. "Yet how many and in what conditions? I know the Dothraki are unmatched in surprise charges attacks, but all it would take is the right formation to ward off a move." She again gestured to the wall. "And unless your horses can batter down city gates or climb walls, I don't see how you could take any city like this."

Her blunt remarks at first made Rakharo remain silent, putting some of his pride aside under such hard remarks. "So how do you know so much when it comes to the way of war?" He asked curiously.

Now it was Ciri's turn to be silent before looking back at the Dothraki. "Because my father expected me to know."

With the harrowing statement though, both could hear the cheering voices of the Khalssar nearing them. At the front of the group was Daenerys herself, the young woman seeming quite exhausted considering her weary movements and having dust coating her pale skin. The tired Dothraki surrounded Ciri, giving out a mix of prayers and thanks to her for finding shelter after so long. It was a bit overwhelming really having so many people around her, smiling back and thank them back kindly.

"Seems fate has been kind to us once more." Dany said with a small chuckle. Her voice sore from the lack of water and dry air. "I hope there is water within the city for us all."

Ciri nodded before taking out her waterskin to offer it to the Targaryen. "There seems to be intact wells within the city. The water seems pure enough, so it should all be safe to use." However, she noticed that Dany didn't take the waterskin from her. "Daenerys, you need to drink sooner than later. You've been skipping your rations for everyone else."

At first Dany seemed ready to argue back, only for her people quickly focused on her. From what Ciri could pick out, they were pleading for her to drink after so long, showing their thanks and concern for her. In the end, she smiled and nodded to them before accepting the waterskin. A few small sips soon became quick gulps, unable to resist sating her thirst. Finishing, she coughed a bit before handing the waterskin back. "I didn't realize I was that parched." She chuckled, her voice clearer now. "Thank you Ciri."

"Your welcome Khaleesi." Ciri turned to the gate where already the group was starting to enter the city. They seemed fascinated with the ruins, though many were just glad to be in shade after weeks being exposed to the sun. "Anyway I found us a perfect spot for us to camp. We best get there quickly since a few of us seem to be ready to collapse."

Daenerys glanced around her weary people, nodding in agreement. Glancing to the side, she looked to a ruined statue nearby which her dragons were clambering over, their growing wings letting them just flutter upward as they played about. "Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. Come along now." She kindly spoke out to the dragons, making the three look towards her. Quickly they hurried over to her, Drogon giving a short fluttering jump to get onto the young woman's back and perch on her shoulder, while Dany carried Rhaegal in her arms. Viserion though moved to Ciri, the dragon giving chirping sound as it hopped around the woman's boots. "Heh…seems he's taken quite a liking to you."

"Most likely because I'm babysitting them all the time." She teased back before picking up the green scaled dragon. Even though she had been around these creatures for over a month, she still couldn't believe she was holding a dragon in her arms. Petting across the smoother scales, Viserion murmured as he closed his eyes to take a short nap. "Doubt even Geralt will believe this."

Soon the group arrived at the market square, everyone quickly setting their supplies down as they took shelter in the more intact buildings. Many quickly laid out bed mats and collapsed, too tired to do anything more and just wishing to cool down from the days out in the sun. A larger room was saved for Dany and her dragons, so they could rest more privately. Rakharo would remain outside the doorway keeping watch, ready to alert the two women of Jorah's returned. The three dragons would quickly go about exploring the room, no doubt eager to hunt down any critters lurking about. Ciri meanwhile would get bedding out for Daenerys, the young woman nearly collapsing when she at last could lay down.

"Safe…we're at last safe…" She muttered; one arm draped over her face across her eyes.

"It has been a hard trek Dany. You've done your best in leading your people this far." Ciri assured her.

Daenerys could only mutter in response, too tired for any more words. By now her dragons returned, crawling over to her prone form to curl up around her sides. In the end her arms moved to gently hold the creatures close, a soft smile crossing her lips as she fell asleep.

"Rest well Mother of Dragons." Ciri whispered, getting a light blanket to cover Dany and her children before quietly leaving the room. Outside she'd see Jorah and the other Bloodriders arriving, the waterskins on their horses now heavy with water. Quickly the tired Khalisar hurried to their side as they were quickly handed the filled waterskins. The air filled with words, even singing praise as at last they had fresh water after so long. The sight of joyful faces brought a hopefully smile to the silver haired woman, knowing that things were about to turn around for this desperate group.

The City of Bones – Two Days Later

Bit by bit the Khalisar had been patching up the buildings in the market, giving them basic homes as they gradually recovered from their month-long trek. The square was filled with activity as the Khalisar were busy with mending clothes and tools, sorting out supplies and tending to those in need. The group was quickly recovering thanks to the ample supplies of water and food the ruin city provided, though it would take well over a week before they were able to travel further south. Daenerys spent a day and a night just sleeping, her dragons never leaving her company during that time. Only on the second day did she go out to greet her people, easing their growing worry for her.

Jorah had proposed to search around the nearby districts of the market to look for supplies, mainly anything that possible travelers had left behind, or smugglers hidden away. Groups where made up of the fittest men, the Bloodriders, along with Ciri and Jorah as well. Currently she and the knight where checking the northern district, which from their investigations had been dedicated to crafting.

"Sand…bones…and rusty tools." Jorah sighed as he examined a ruined workshop. It's presumed owner, a dried out skeleton laid slumped in one corner, an ancient spear shaft between his ribs and a hammer just within his grasp. Reaching down, he looked the aged tool closely. "Never seen so much death just…left here. Like as if this army just swept in, killed everything in sight and then simply left." Tossing the tool aside, he'd stand up to look at Ciri who was caving over the small work anvil that had toppled over the years.

"Reminds me of how the Wild Hunt worked. Arrive without warning, killing and taking what they wanted before disappearing just as suddenly." She remarked. "The surprise and terror…it can make even a hardened warrior stand in complete shock before being cut down."

"Well I doubt an army of ghostly horsemen did this." Jorah chuckled, having heard the woman's tale of the otherworldly riders. "In the end it doesn't matter. What happened here is long forgotten and hopefully we won't be joining that history."

Ciri remained silent, only nodding as she moved out of the workshop and back to the street. Glancing up and down it, she could see more bones littering around, half buried in sand and rumble. Her mind was already wondering about what would happen if she failed in her greater mission…whole worlds filled with dead cities like this.


Jorah's remark had her snap to attention and nod to him. "Just lost in though. You'd think I'd be use to seeing this after all my travels…and being here for days. I guess I was wrong."

"It's a good thing. It shows your still human in the end…and a sense of empathy still." The knight assured her. "I've seen men who've become too cold to death and violence. What they become is…disturbing."

The two of them move down the street, each one glancing to a different side to look at the ruined buildings all around them. Few buildings had any doors left, what few remaining being wooden wreaks hanging on their hinges.

"So why do you think we'll find anything among these ruins?" Ciri questioned.

"Experience. You do remember I ran with plenty of groups since coming to Essos, be it mercenaries or smugglers. Ruins like this are prime places for dead drops or long-term storage for smuggled items. Isolated locations like is are perfect for such discreet dealings."

"Ah…fair point." Ciri muttered, though narrowed her eyes as she'd notice a marking along an alley wall. It wasn't like the aged graffiti or chiseled directions written in a forgotten language that littered the city, this one looked much more recent. The symbol looked like an arrow through written in some Essos dialect. "Check this out." Pointing it out, she led Jorah to it where the knight quickly examined it. "I can't really make it out. May be a quick learner, but the words seem almost…gibberish from what I can make out."

"Because its smuggler slang, sort of a code speech. In person it…well…sounds like an insult contest or senseless small talk." Jorah explained as he studied the writing. "Seems this is directions, most likely to a stash." Gesturing forward, he took the lead down the side alleys that snaked throughout the district.

"Seems like you gained quite a few skills since you left Westeros." Ciri remarked. "You know, you haven't told me or Dany why you were exiled from Westeros."

"Its…a complicated and personal matter." Jorah sighed, glancing a bit back at the silver haired woman before looking forward. "I guess I haven't shared much about my life back in Westeros during our travels, so I guess I can share a bit for now." Reaching a split of alleyways, he'd pause to look between them as he continued to speak. "I was born into House Mormont of the North, a highly respected family because of our history of honor and loyalty. We had our own island, Bear Island-"

"Wait Bear Island?" She giggled. "So let me guess, when your ancestors found their home it was full of bears."

"Well…yes…and it still is." Jorah muttered, seeming a bit embarrassed by Ciri's teasing manners. "My House was and still is a blunt and simple family." He shrugged slightly as he tried to continue his story. "Our island home isn't rich with resources, but it was in a key location to protect the north western coast of the North from the Ironborn raiders. Over the ages my home produced the strongest men and woman warriors, which were valued at three bannermen each."

"Female warriors, that is a rarity."

Jorah nodded in agreement. "Between the younger warriors leaving to hone their skills on the mainland, leaves our defenses thinned out." His gaze focused on the right most street, gesturing as he'd lead the way in that direction. "Since we didn't wish to lose what little we had, the women are trained to fight when needed. It is of course a choice, but many even the youngest sees it as an honor and duty."

"Heh, I'm sure I'd be welcomed there then."

"I'm certain you would." However, before he could say anything more, he noticed another smuggler's marking the way to a narrow side street. "Story will have to wait for now…we're getting close. Let's be on a guard though, since whoever made this trail may have left traps."

Ciri nodded as they'd move down the narrow alleyway, forcing them to move single file until reaching a dead-end yard. There were eight doors set around, the most intact ones the two had seen since coming to this abandoned city. "These look new. Crude but sturdy." She remarked.

"Considering the effort put into this stash, it must mean it's a valuable one." Pacing to one door, he studied over the worn wood. "No doubt these doors will be trapped or be dead-ends. Going to have to be careful searching for these."

"Wait is there any clues to the right door?"

"Not from what I can tell. The smugglers would obviously remember and if this was a dead drop the buyer would no doubt have information beforehand." Moving to one door, he shifted to the side of one door, carefully pushing the door open. Pausing, he glanced inside and see that just beyond the doorway was a short pit, filled with deadly spikes. "Simple yet well-made…" He remarked

One by one the two checked the doors with all sorts of traps. From trip-wire crossbows, maiming bear traps and even a spiked jaw trap. A few doors did lead to ruined and empty rooms, until at last the two only had one room left. "Should I have the honors?" Ciri said with a smirk to Jorah.


Carefully opening the door, a surprised look crossed Ciri's face at what was revealed. A collection of sturdy crates surrounding a chest were set in the back of the room. "A lucky find indeed." Already she was moving to enter the room, but Jorah suddenly had one hand grasp at her shoulder to stop her.

"Not so fast." He calmly muttered to her, making Ciri freeze up. She just realized it too as she felt a firm wire just at the top of her boot. She noticed how Jorah nodded to the side, making her see among the loose dust and sand a dried-up corpse nearby. "Going to have to move fast. Whatever triggers this trap will happen as soon as you move. Lucky that is your forte."

Ciri smirked a bit despite the nervous edge she felt. Letting Jorah stand back she focused on her inner power, glowing blue energy swirling for a short moment before she wrapped. She put herself as far away from the doorway a possible, which was a smart move as a spiked claw trap lashed out from the side and stabbed where she had just stood. The device was much more complex than the other traps, having a counter-weight system to reset the claw back into place. "A final trick for any intruder." She remarked, moving to the reset trap as she simply cut the wire cords that let it spring forward.

"Most likely a final security measure." Jorah remarked as he moved to check the dried-up corpse nearby. "Must have been here for months to end up like this. Could have been another smuggler who tracked this place down or simply a drifter who stumbled onto this."

"An unlucky fate." Ciri remarked as her own attention fell on the lone chest, which on closer examination had quite the tough lock. "Now…what is in here?" Reaching behind her head, she tugged off a small hairpin she had holding up the small bun styling she had. Tying the fine metal pin, she knelt down to the chest lock to examine it more closely.

By now Jorah noticed, curious at what she was doing. "Lock picking?" He questioned.

"Let's just say I haven't told you everything about my past." She slyly remarked. "There was a time when I was on my own and I got caught up with a gang of young thieves." Fiddling with the pin, she carefully shaped it out before inserting it into the lock. "Taught me a few skills my father's tutors or even the Witchers wouldn't have. Useful if dubious."

Jorah simply nodded, deciding not to be too distracting as he let Ciri focus on her lockpicking while he checked through the crates. Minutes passed by as she worked the lock, ending as the mechanism gave a click. "Still got it…though need to work on my speed." Ciri boasted while Jorah walked over to her side. "So what have you found so far?"

"Mix of weapons, armor, clothing and tools. The usual items." The man remarked as Ciri grasped the chest lid to lift it up. Looking inside as the woman shifted aside fine silken cloth and bags of coin. "At the least we won't be going to Qarth empty handled nor looking like complete beggars." Yet as the items were shifted aside, his eyes widened in surprise at what he saw.

"By the Seven, Old Gods and everything else…how in the Hells did they find this?!" Jorah muttered out in complete shock at the true treasure at the bottom of that chest.

Two Days Later

Daenerys strolled down a side street that lead away from the market camp, having finished speaking with her people. So far, their concerns have been taken care of, leaving her with more time to herself. She had changed into a sapphire blue tunic gown with leather pants and banded boots, a more regal outfit then her Dothraki garb but practical in design. Following close behind them were Dany's three dragons, eagerly staying close to their 'mother'.

Walking alongside was Jorah, who had gotten a few light armor pieces added to his usual attire which was properly cleaned by now. While studded leather bracers, new sturdy boots and a flexible leather vest pale in comparison to the plate he formally had it was more suited for the arid environment. "Anyway here we are." He remarked as they entered a yard area had been cleared out of piles of sand and possible junk, offering plenty of space to move around and set up some basic training dummies.

"So this is your little surprise Ciri?" Dany asked curiously, eyeing her warriors as they finished getting the last dummy set deep into the ground. "Planning to drill the Bloodriders or offer training to the others?"

"Not exactly." Ciri stated before she'd give a grunt setting the last dummy in place. "This is meant to train you Daenerys.

The Targaryen gave a confused look at the remark, while Jorah sighed out having expected this. "Ciri, I'm not a fighter like you. I've…well…" She'd pace towards one dummy designed to be someone with a squared shield and sword. "Closest thing I've ever had to a weapon was a stick when I was a child."

"Told you this is a bad idea." Jorah muttered to Ciri when he paced over to her, though she gave him a sharp glare to have him quiet down.

"I think both of you misunderstand what I'm trying to do here." She remarked back, arms across in front of her. "Despite having us and in time her dragons protecting her, it would be wise to at least teach her some basics on self-defense."

Dany had a thoughtful look on her face as she moved around the yard, staring at the practice dummies and noticing some wood short swords set around. "I guess the thought hasn't cross my mind." Yet the distant look in her eyes hinted that there had been countless situations such skills would have been invaluable in.

"Before I was even taken in by the Witchers, I was expected to one day be able to physically protect myself. Being the daughter to the world's biggest empire draws plenty of enemies and the last line of defense for your own life will be yourself." Ciri moved to a crate set aside as a makeshift table, picking up something wrapped in leather. "Besides, if you plan to be a ruler it would be best you know how to wield this."

Undoing the wrap revealed a sheathed short sword, the sheath being an aged gray and having faded dialect across it. The exposed hilt and cross guard was beautifully designed with the pommel being shaped like a roaring dragon with a deep red gem set in it's jaws. The grip had a smooth scaled pattern for the 'body' of the beast while the cross guard set to be like spread wings.

Daenerys walked closer to the held-out weapon, staring across it with wonder. She could just read those faded words and knew that this was a weapon of her people. Grasping the weapon, she drew the blade out slowly, trying not to be clumsy with how she held it. With the blade out, she stared at the rippled pattern across the flawless Valyrian steel, a crafting secret lost to the ages. "It is beautiful and far lighter then I thought." She muttered. "So you found this in the stash? How could smugglers have found this like this, much less leave something so valuable."

"Now that is a mystery onto itself. Could have been discovered by treasure hunters, stolen or traded around. As for why it was here, it could have been left for someone to pick up or they simply didn't understand it's worth." Jorah explained with a shrug. "Whatever the reason, it's better suited to be in your ownership."

"Yet it shouldn't just be a hip ornament." Ciri quickly added. "If we plan to impress the Thirteen after all and it will no doubt take more then the dragons to sway them in aiding us. You have to show them that your capable to carry your family name despite what has happened."

Dany was silent as she thought over these words and nodding. "You are right. I have to be stronger…more confident in myself if we are to deal with this Council." A determined, excited look hinted in her eyes as he looked up at Ciri. "So how do we start?"

Giving a pleased grin, Ciri moved closer and helped Dany sheath the Valyrian short sword. "For one this sword deserves a name."

Again Daenerys paused in thought as she held the gray sheath tightly. "Sigligon. It means reborn in Valyrian. As I and my dragons were reborn in fire, so will I give this sword a new life under my care."

"A fine name Khaleesi." Jorah complimented, Ciri nodding in agreement.

"Now then, unless you have any plans for today, we best get started!" Moving to the wooden swords set aside, she'd pick two up for the both and hand own to the nervous Valyrian. "First off we need to work on the basics. How to grip the weapon, handle it's balance, stance and the like." Yet already she could see the blank look in Dany's eyes from so many details. "Trust me. May seem like a lot but it's not too complicated."

Ciri would lead Dany into the center of the yard, while Jorah stood back to lean against a wall to watch. He had a doubtful look but seemed curious to watch how Ciri would teach his Khaleesi.

"So what first?"

"How to hold the sword for one. Took a while carving these practice swords, but their close to the weight of Sigligon." Ciri replied back. "First off you can't be loose with it. Being too relaxed can strain your wrist and make it easier to fumble with your weapon."

For half an hour help held the young Targaryen figure out how to properly hold the weapon. From every aspect of the hand, arm and shoulder, Dany would get an idea on properly holding the practice sword in one hand. "I think I'm understanding this."

"It's all about understanding yourself and the weapon you choose." Ciri chuckled with a small smile. "Anyway, next step is your stance. Your footing is key if you plan to go offensive or defensive, though in your case defense should be favored." Pacing around the Targaryen, she gave a small gesture. "Spread your legs out, turn your feet and bend your knees slightly. A low stance means your harder to move and hit."

With a few minutes and a little bit of prodding, Ciri soon got the young Targaryen into the correct stance. Though glancing at Jorah, the knight seemed a bit baffled seeing the ashen haired woman practically manhandling the Khaleesi who was trying her best not to laugh out.

"Gods sister! I get it!" Daenerys nearly giggled out as she shifted to stand straight again, though her eyes did get wide realizing what she had called Ciri. "Sorry just…reacted like that…"

For a moment Ciri stared back, a bit taken aback but smirked. "You shouldn't. If anything that is something we need to practice before we get to Qarth. Have to make them believe we are related after all."

"Right…I nearly forgot." Daenerys muttered, brushing back a bit of hair from her face while trying to glance away to hide the faint blush she had. "It's strange. We've been together for a little over a month, yet at times you feel more like a sibling to me then Viserys ever was." She had shared pieces about her late brother, from his cruel manipulations and slipping sanity which was case within the Targaryen family from their tradition of often marrying within their bloodline. In a way Ciri knew that Dany was glad he was gone after the terrible things he had done to her while pitied him at the same time. Perhaps if things had been different, he would have been a kinder and truer brother.

It took Cirilla a moment to gather herself to answer back. "I'm honored Dany." She softly answered back before patting the girl on the shoulder, making her look up at the ashen haired woman with a welcomed look in her fair eyes.

There was a small cough though that did draw to two girls attention, being reminded that Jorah was still standing by watching. "If you wish I could leave." He offered with a smirk. "Rather not intrude on such bonding." Both sighed and rolled their eyes, but it just made the knight laugh out now. "You two really are alike."

"Alright enough distractions." Ciri quickly spoke out. "Right. Grip and stance check…let's see if you can get a proper swing or two done." Nodding to the nearby training dummy, Dany approached it and shifted into a ready stance as she had been taught so far. It wasn't perfect, yet suitable for now. "Now using a sword requires aligning your body and the blade properly. Its important you never pull back or angle the weapon improperly, otherwise it is you who'll get cut."

The warning did drawn a nervous gulp from Daenerys who then nodded in understanding. Focusing on the dummy, she'd pause as she planned how to slash out with the wooden sword. With a determined look she'd swing the weapon in a diagonal manner at the nook of the dummy's shoulder and neck. She'd twist her body about to flow with the attack until at last the wooden weapon struck. There was a resounding crack and yell of shock as the practice sword bounced roughly off the wooden dummy, the weapon flinging out of Dany's hands.

"Ugh! I think…I over did that." Wincing, she rubbed her wrist, looking at the chipped spot she had made. "I flowed through the strike like you said though."

"You did. Not bad for a first try." Ciri commented as she picked up the weapon. "But you are correct, you put too my effort into the attack and couldn't handle the impact. An armored or tougher target requires you to also judge the force you have to put forward as well."

"I find it so baffling though. When you or the others fight it seamless from my point of view."

"All about practice and experience. Trust me, I had the same problems you did while learning. A full blow like that would have worked on a softer target, yet with a tougher one you have to pull the blow back in a whipping motion." Quickly she shifted her stance before giving a quick controlled blow at the same spot Dany had picked. The weapon cracked again the wooden dummy, yet it wasn't as loud as Daenerys own blow. Quickly retracting her sword arm back, she then twist her body as she side stepped to flow into another blow to the dummy's side. "You use the momentum to flow into your next attack or in your case reposition yourself." Flipping the practice blade in her grip, she offered the hilt end to Daenerys who hesitantly took it back.

"It makes sense." She remarked simply back as she examined the weapon before stepping back into place. Stance shifted once more, she had a stern look on her face before she'd lash out like before yet slower. Striking the same spot as before, she gave a low grunt but didn't lose her weapon this time. Pulling back, she'd back step with a small pant before stepping forward to strike at the side, then to the hip.

"That's it. Focus on precision and pacing." Ciri remarked while pacing close by to obverse each move. A faint smile showed as Daenerys became quite focus, even as when slow down or fumble with her weapon. "A good start Dany…a good start."

Three Days Later

Time passed by as the next few days for Ciri were dedicated in helping around the market camp, scouting through the city and training Daenerys. While it tiring work, it was far better then the hardship they had faced in the Red Wastes a week ago. Having a roof over her head, fresh waters and proper meals did make quite the difference after all. Then there was the growing sisterly bond she was having with the young Targaryen during practice, different from the countless hours of chatting and storytelling they shared so far. She had always wondered if she'd ever be a suitable teacher when it came to training and it seemed that was a possibility considering the current results.

"Remember where your moving. Back away when attacked and press forward when on the offence." She quickly informed before slashed out with her wooden sword which Dany blocked with the flat of her own weapon, redirecting it to the side.

The two were at the yard once again, both facing each other in a practice fight. They had improved the training yard to have a few crates set aside to make an elevated platform to test balance and positioning. Daenerys was proving to be a good student when it came to combining everything she had learned over the last days. While she had much to learn, the young Targaryen showed quite the determination no matter how rough training became. She had earned a few scraps and bruises from a few mishaps yet didn't let them get in the way of their lessons. From the sidelines her three dragons watched with curiosity, sometimes play fighting against each other whenever things got boring for them.

Daenerys did stagger back from the block, always surprised at just how strong Ciri was despite her slim build. "Just hard to keep track of everything." She panted out, the two taking a pause so the Khaleesi could catch her breath. "Moving around, tracking your enemy movements all while trying to avoid being hit." She chuckle a bit, shaking her head a bit. "I can say I now have an idea how my loyal protectors feel in a fight."

"That is good. Most rulers don't understand just how difficult fighting and warring is." Ciri remarked as she raised up her practice sword again, Dany tapping her weapon against it to show she was ready. The Witcheress lunged forward right after, Dany having to lean back with a small yelp to avoid the end of that sword from jabbing her shoulder. "Seen too many rulers who don't understand the price such conflicts bring."

Dany nodded as she soon fall into a pattern of parrying blocks and dodges, relying on her natural agility. She'd do a few counter attacks, short quick blows that Ciri avoided though it can the young Targaryen space to step up onto the crate platform. With the added height she'd give a broad swing at Ciri's head which would have surprised any other opponent. Ciri leaned back in time, arching her flexible body away to just miss her by inches in a quite impressive dodge.

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