
Part 7.2

I had only taken a few steps torwards the gangplank where some skinny Marines wearing ascots we're waiting for me when I stopped. Someone was calling for me. I turned around and I was actually very surprised by who was running up to me.

It was this ship's cook, Midnight Chow. In all honesty I loved this guy. He only cooked breakfast for every meal and he cooked amazing breakfasts. Breakfast is the best meal of the day, and since he cooks breakfast for every meal, he cooks the best meals every day.

He finished running up to me and stopped while bent over and panting. He wiped his forehead sweat with a rag sticking out of his stained apron and put it away before straightening up. Then he bowed abruptly, so much that his body was bent over at 90 degrees.

"Captain! Please let me come with you into Marineford."

I blinked twice and considered it. I didn't have a problem with it but I was curious about why he wanted to come. To my knowledge Marines and Pirates don't get along and that's the reason why I'm the only guy going into their own personal city to get that Letter of Marque I'm owed. My curiosity popped up so I asked him, "Why?"

Such a simple question from me seemed to set him off balance. He coughed before standing up again normally. "Personal business."

"Oh... Would I care to know about it?"

He shook his head side to side. "Not really. It will be quick."

I shrugged. Fair enough. If it was something that I wouldn't care about I don't see why he shouldn't come. I was just going to pop in and grab that Letter. At least, I hope that's what was going to happen. I assume that Clair and the rest of those people who were supposedly Keystone had tons of plans that they needed some help with.

"Sure. Just don't do anything that makes anyone want to kill you. You're a big guy and that means you have bug guts. It would be a shame for some poor janitor to have to clean your huge guts off the floor."

He paled along with a clear majority of everyone in earshot. Midnight Chow made some unclear head motions that I assumed meant he understood exactly what I meant to tell him. That was good enough for me of course so I continued walking.

At the bottom of the gangplank waiting for me was what I would classify as a 'horde' of people. All of them Marine men being nervous and wearing ascots. Why they wore ascots I have no clue. Especially because it would be easy to pull those rags hard and fast enough to rip their heads off.

There was one exception amongst the ascot horde. A man only a foot shorter than me wearing a white over coat. Strangely he wasn't wearing the sleeves because his arms were crossed in front of him so the coat was just hanging on by his shoulders. He wore a blue suit that matches his blue sandals exposing his hairy feet.

He spat on the ground in front of me when I walked off the gangplank. This upset me a little. Not sure why, but it did. Maybe it had something to do with the fact I hadn't spat at him so him spitting at me seemed unfair. On the other hand, maybe he expected me to spit at him so he spat first? Wait, should I spit at him? Nah. I'm wearing my mask and if I spit it will just be inside my mask the entire time and won't hit the floor. Sorry random Marine, I guess I won't be able to spit on your floor the way you want me to.

"You Tennoh?" He asks. His tone is laced with all kinds of contempt. So many flavors of contempt! It ranges from salty, sour, and every flavor in-between.

"People call me that. Who are you?"

He puffs himself up before responding. "I'm Rear Admiral Vice. Mannigan Vice. I'm to escort you to the Office of Extraordinary Affairs." His eyes narrow when he sees Midnight Chow. "Who's this, and why shouldn't I kill him where he stands?"

Chow stiffens up under Vice's scrutiny and I nonchalantly reply, "This is my cook. You shouldn't kill him because he only cooks breakfasts, the best breakfasts ever, and someone like this is on the threshold of being too good to kill."

Vice just stares at me. Not knowing what to do of course, I stare right back. He begins to stare so hard that I see his eyes begin to turn red. I don't have the same problem because I'm blinking.

We stare at each other for so long that the weather changes. The sky darkens slightly, and it begins to rain. My hood keeps my head dry, which I appreciate. The Rear Admiral isn't wearing a hat however so he isn't nearly as lucky.

Vice sighs loudly. "I hate pirates. Alright. I'm damp, angry, and tired from working. Let's go." He says while rucking his hands in his pockets and looking away.

He turns around and I follow him. Of course, I am glad he didn't kill Midnight Chow. I really enjoy the cook's meals and I would miss them if they disappeared. I'd probably go ahead and kill Vice's favor chef if he killed mine.

I'm petty like that.

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