
Part 6.12

Reeze doesn't react to the dynamite I show him. Not at all. It was like his face was carved from stone. I guess at this point we were beyond talking to each other. Now was the time for violence.

Maybe in another life I wouldn't be such a violent guy. This is not that life though, so it doesn't matter. One of the dynamite sticks I'm holding has a fuze that's three times linger than the others. I hold the end to the lit candles in the candelabra. It sparks and the fuze is lit.

Behind me Trogo cusses and runs off somewhere. Which is smart. If I wasn't me I'd be running away from a man holding a lit stick of dynamite as well. In response Reeze does something that sets me on off and makes all of my hair stand on end. He swings his sword, except he doesn't.

The purple edge that Reeze's sword has possessed leaves the sword and floats a few feet away. I blink twice and I'm looking at a copy of Reeze standing next to the original. I can tell it's a copy because the second Reeze is glowing purple and is slightly see through. I don't know how he's done it, but if I had to guess it's some kinda sword technique. I heard in Impel Down that the best swordsmen can do some really crazy stuff. A purple copy seems like it counts as crazy stuff.

"Future Strike Technique." Reeze says, as if it explains everything.

Then the copy starts walking towards me while the original stays back. This is ringing all kinds of alarm bells in my head. I was right before, Reeze is dangerous. As dangerous as the prisoners used to be to me when I was a child.

The things is... I'm no longer a child.

By now the lit dynamite's fuze had almost burned away completely. Holding onto it for any longer would soon become an extremely bad idea. So I decided to give it to Reeze. I appreciated the dynamite when I got it from Ahlola, so now it was time to give it to someone else so they could appreciate it even more.

With a flick of the wrist I sent the stick flying to the original Reeze at four-fold speed. As fast as the dynamite was, Reeze was faster. His sword swung quickly, but not so quick I couldn't see it, and cut the fuze of the dynamite so it wouldn't go off.

Hmm. That's not good. What's worse is that the purple copy is now running at me, with the original Reeze right behind it. Instead of jumping back and dodging the copy I decide to go on the offensive. I temporarily store the unlit dynamite in my belt loops and withdraw my fancy pistol.

I fire a thirty-fold bullet right at the copy, then the damndest thing happens. The copy doesn't dodge! It just takes the giant bullet like a chump, and then it disperses like mist. I don't let it make me drop my guard, it's too convenient.

Sure enough the hair on the back of my neck rises up and I duck in time to dodge a glowing purple sword swinging where my neck used to be. The copy is behind me now!

"Bad touch! Bad touch!"

A donkey kick behind me disposes of that copy as well. But then I have another problem. The actual Reeze is in front of me. He's fast... but not fast enough.

I have my gun up and fire a Hundred-Fold size bullet at him. Reeze doesn't hesitate to cut the giant ball of metal and continues to charge me.

For some reason he thinks he has the advantage. Weird. It's obvious that I have the advantage.

I flip the candleabra around and the remaining two sticks of dynamite are lit. I've got what... eighteen seconds? Yeah. That's about right.

Now that I'm done with the candelabra I drop it. It has served me well but now it's use is at an end. So sad. With my now free hand I grab my hockey stick, and place my pistol away in favor of grabbing one of the dynamite sticks. Then I do something stupid.

"Moa Moa Hundred-Fold Dynamite Totem."

I toss the dynamite in the air and then there's a twenty foot long stick of lit explosives spinning upwards in the air. Reeze's jaw drops and the purple clone I see off in the side of my vision fades away. Then Reeze buckles his knees, and I see something completely new.

I see a man fly.

The guard captain begins to rise in the air like nothing I've ever seen before. The best I can see, he's kicking the air and moving upward. Double jumping over and over I guess. Could I do that? I know I could kick the ground hard enough to send me flying, but I don't know if I could kick the air hard enough. The air is pretty soft.

Reeze flies up and as he does I calmly place the remaining lit stick of dynamite on the ground d and line up my shot. I just have to wait for the right time.

Reeze flies up high enough to cut the fuze, and I see my chance. I only have a fraction of a second, but that's more than enough time. I pull a trick from way back in my hockey days on Level Three.

I can only multiply the speed of something by one hundred. That's a hard limit, a rule I can't break. Thing is... there's nothing stoping me from cheating.

I swing my hockey stick at Hundred-Fold speed. Then when my hockey stick moving at a hundred fold speed I increases the speed of the dynamite stick a Hundred-Fold as well. For those who can't math as well as I can that is Ten Thousand-Fold speed. That's very fast. Very, very fast.

At speeds like that the entire stick of dynamite combusts and is just an explosion heading straight for the goal. In this case the goal is a poor old guard captain. Poor guy.

The explosion engulfs his entire body and he screams. Then he falls to the earth, the massive stick of dynamite without the fuze lands soon after. I walk over to him, swinging my hockey stick casually as I do so. He lays on the ground, his sword still clutched his hand.

I try to kick the sword away from his hand but the iron boots make things awkward and I think I accidentally break his hand when I do that. Whoops. I lean in close and look him over. There's the faint smell of cooking meat that reminds me of Level Four. He's burnt, but it's not too bad. He's just being a wuss about it.

I turn around and there's a crowd of the crew looking at me. I jerk my thumb behind me at Reeze and tell them, "Tie this one up and break his legs so he can't run. I need to talk to him about something later."

The hyena Mink from before is standing in the crowd. I point to him and several others in the crowd. "Trogo. You, you, and you. You're coming with me. The rest of you, grab those nobles."

I resume my walk torwards the mansion I was heading to earlier. But now I have a small group with me.

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