
Arc 6: Salt: Part 1

Mist is cool. I say that becasue the ocean is covered in mist and we are traveling through it. It's cool both literally and... the other word. The one that isn't literal, and sounds like a musical note.

"Hey." I say, getting the attention of a random crewman nearby. "What's the opposite of literal?"

The man wearing clothing that's all the identical shade of green thinks about it carefully. The tip of his tongue pokes out of the left corner of his mouth. I don't say anything and watch in horrified fascination. The guy's tongue continues to come out of his mouth until it dangles dangerously low.

It waves gently on the sea breeze, going back and forth on the wind. Like an inquisitive worm, I can't look away as it moves upwards. It traces the man's jaw, leaving a glistening, and oddly chunky, trail of drool. It's length is unbelievable. The man is still deep in thought, and probably isn't even thinking about it.

Gently, the tip pokes his own earlobe, pushing it back and forth. It's like an execution. I probably know how it's going to end and I don't want to watch, but I can't look away. The tongue extends, and not surprisingly at all, begins to poke around in his ear.

Why is there a wet suctioning noise? Oh... Why?

Just why?

It goes on for an entire minute before the tongue pulls out. I give a sigh of relief when it does. I never want to see anything like that ever again in my entire life. If someone hadn't already carved my face up, I probably would've been scarred for life. But mentally, except for physically.

However, the horror doesn't end. Instead of the tongue reeling back into the mouth, it dangles again. It begins to twist, like a worm I saw on a fishing hook. When it subsides, it lifts itself straight up. It stops just past the man's lips.

I try to get his attention, but the crewman is still deep in contemplation. I begin shaking my head 'no' desperately. But to no avail.

In half a second, the tongue sticks itself up his right nostril. But it doesn't stop there. Oh no. It continues to move, and soon enough I see the tongue emerging from his left nostril.

"No! No! No! No! No!" I feel myself saying.

The tongue cares little or my concerns I guess. It continues to floss the man's nose despite my shouting. Then it extends and does the unspeakable. I won't tell you what it is, that's how unspeakable.

That's how horrible it is. I could talk about all kinds of nasty and god awful things I've seen and done in Impel Down, but I have standards. Low ones admitably. Still, standards!

When the unspeakable act finishes, the tongue finally retreats to where it belongs. Then the man looks at me smiling and says, "Do you mean 'figurative', Captain?"

I just look at him. Then point to the ship at the back of fleet, barely within view because of fog.

"Do you see that boat way back there?"

He squints at the side of the boat, nods, looks at me and replies, "Do you mean the 'Did I Mention I'm Hungry' sir?"

"Yah. That one. I don't want you around me anymore."

He pales. "W-what do you mean Captain?"

"I mean I don't want you around me anymore. You're going to be on that boat now."

He gives a sigh of relief. "Whew. I thought you meant something else there Captain. I'll row over there first chance I get."

That won't do. "I said 'You're going to be on that boat now'. I didn't say 'later.' I said 'now'."

He looks uncertain. "Now? How?"

I ignore the fact that he just rhymed, and grab his little neck and lift him up. He begins to choke and panic, hitting my arm weakly and doing nothing. I eye the boat I want him on and take aim.

I get in position. Then when I'm ready, I throw him.

I watch him arc through the air, screaming the entire time. I grimace beneath my mask when I see he isn't taking the exact course I wanted. I forgot that there wasn't any wind.

I mutter under my breath, "Left. Left. Go left, not right. Right is bad."

If he doesn't go left and goes right, he'll hit the deck of the ship instead of the water right next to the ship. The last time I threw someone to another ship, he landed on the deck.

That guy went 'splat'. I want this guy to go 'sploosh' instead. 'Sploosh' is a water noise.

'Splat' is the sound of someone's skin bursting apart like a rotten fruit and all their guts and blood, which need to be on the inside of a person by the way, going to the outside of a person.

Luck must be on the guy's side. He goes 'sploosh' instead of 'splat'.

I look forward again, into the mist.


Mist is cool. I say that becasue the ocean is covered in mist and we are traveling through it. It's cool both literally and figuratively.


I hear vauge cussing above me in the crow's nest. Then some fumbling around.

When I look up I see the guy posted up there leaning over the sides with one hand grabbing the mast and the other cupped around his mouth.

"Land ho!" He shouts.

I personally don't see any land, but he's higher up. He probably has a better view than me.

I chuckle. "Land ho? That must mean we're finally at Diz-Harmony. I bet Dulchi is glad to be home. It took us long enough. Like, thirty four days I think. I'm not sure."

I grip the rails.

Am I excited? I think I'm excited. Men are running around behind me, retrieving weapons and the people I put in charge below me are barking orders around. They're getting organized. All according to the plan.

This is going to be great. This is going to be fantastic. I'm feeling free. I'm feeling amazing.

I spread my arms out wide, like I'm trying to gesture to the island in front of me I can't see. I smile unseen beneath my mask.

"What a lovely day."

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