
Part 1.4

And So The Clock Turns

I'm not going to lie. The thought enters my head that if Impel Down sucks, everything else must suck too. I've been living in Level Two for two years now, and it has taught me one thing.

Shit rolls downhill.

I thought that Level One was bad. But Level Two has taught me that everything can just get worse. Level One was filled with razor sharp plants. Do you know what Level Two is filled with to torture the prisoners?

Monsters. Both figurative and literal.

Animals attack any prisoners on sight, wether they are in their cell or not. Then the prisoners themselves are stronger than the ones on the floor above. Much stronger.

To survive, I had to get stronger. Don't laugh, but I learned to fight by fighting rats. Not regular rats of course. These are Impel Down rats. They're the size of Bassett Hounds and wear little hats. I don't know who gave them their hats, but that asshole is probably the same one that taught the bastards ambush tactics.

Fighting those rats when I first arrived gave me the opportunity to learn how to use my Devil Fruit abilities. Apparently I ate something called the Moa Moa fruit. Which just means 'More More'.

The pirate I talked to who read the Devil Fruit encyclopedia told me that it would allow me to multiply my speed, or the speed and size of objects.

I could make a pebble huge, but I couldn't make an ant larger. Which means I couldn't effect the size of living things. Speed on the other hand was a different story. I could send people flying.

I could use my powers to make myself stronger too. I may be uneducated, but even I remember the most important law of physics, then make my own power equation. Force = (Mass × (Velocity × Moa Moa Multiplier) × Bull-Shit. My Bull-Shit is awfully high since being reincarnated, and it only increases as time goes on. Then I also use my power to multiply my velocity. It makes me stupid strong. If my base strength was higher of course, I'd be so much stronger because my ability multiplies me.

But you know what's sad? I'm still weak. I need to be stronger to hold my own.

Even after eating that Devil Fruit there's still ton of things that can beat my ass. For instance...

"Ramen and toast!" I hear an extremely loud voice roar from around the corner. I know exactly who that is. The floor boss.

That's right. Of Impel Down was a RPG dungeon, there would be a floor boss here to fight. It's a Sphinx.

In reality, it's not the kind tour thinking of. It has the body of a lion, face of an ugly man, and teeny tiny wings. Also he can speak. I don't know how smart he is, because he only seems to know a few short phrases, and all of them are food related.

Also, it hates my guts and whenever it isn't guarding the stairs, it hunts me. Why does it hate me you ask? Well, it attacked first. I retaliated by throwing a rock at it's butt... At a hundred times speed.

Back to the present however, the winged lion rounds the corner and sees me. He snarls. "Roasted pig flesh!"

I do the intelligent thing of course. I turn around and run. "Book it! Book it! Book it! Book it! Book it!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I run.

The Sphinx is tearing the ground apart as he chases after me. His eyes are wild and slobber is flying all over the place. It sends other prisoners into walls as it starts to gain ground on me. Looks like I'll have to hit the nitro!

"Moa Moa Twenty-Fold Dash!"

Fun fact. When I speed up, the world doesn't slow down. That means if I'm not careful I'll send myself into walls atvmax speed and hurt myself. It's why I don't move around at Hundred-Fold speed all the time.

Ianage to escape the Sphinx and I dip into a cell to catch my breath. The guy inside starts to sputter. "Oi! This is my-"

I punch him, and knock him into sweet unconsciousness. Not every guy on this floor is strong. Some of them are guys from Level One who jumped down so they wouldn't have to run through the trees anymore.

I'm strong. But not strong enough. I sit on the bench in the cell and catch my breath. I need to live.

"Forty one more years. I'm nine now. IshIshIshIshIsh. Time flies. I wonder what Warden has been up to? I haven't seen him since I was thrown down here."

"I've been doing paperwork Prisoner 10013."

My head snaps to the cell door. Standing there is the Warden himself, still towering over me. His face is set in stone, and he hasn't changed a bit.

"It's good to see you Prisoner 10013."

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