
Chapter 88: What is it that you're Hiding?!


Just like promise here is another update 😃! I just watch Camp Sawi the other night I never watch it for years because I thought the movie was no good but damn why did I wait this long? The movie is good. I don't know how to translate the word Sawi in Camp Sawi. The word's meaning changes depending on how you use it and in this it means like Failure in love. It is like a Camp for those who failed in love but the movie teaches you that if you failed in love, don't stop cause the day will come where you will be the winner in love with the right person.

Ok enough with the sharing, anyways to all my new readers welcome! and thank you for reading my work I hope by the time you reach this chapter you will be able to see this cause I have been reading all your comments from the first chapters till the latest Chapters you read and I'm so happy Reading them all.

For my old readers who still reads and waits for my updates (Even though I'm really really slow when it comes to updating ssshhhhhh hahaha.) As always thank you all for the never ending support and comments you are sending (Awwww I feel so love 😘) I enjoy reading them so thank you all for giving a minute of your time for that.

Anyways for the next update I will be posting on Thursday, so happy Reading 😊!


Nigel blew the smoke in the air while listening to the ringing of the phone from the other line, it didn't take long before someone answered the call. (Nigel how's everything there?) Nigel smiled still shocked from all the information he just found out.

"That Alpha you sent us to pick us up, you bastard knew all along that Alpha is married to Shun, Lee!" Nigel almost yell.

(Yeah so what's of it? Is there something wrong it he's an Alpha married to another Alpha?) Terrence asked.

"Arrrrgghhh you should have at least given us a head! We didn't get even know that you are friends with such high profile people!" Nigel said, he is full of frustration he deliberately humiliated himself by jumping to a conclusion that both Dexter and that Omega who's name is Nicolas are married to each other.

(Originally it's Lee and Zeejay who are my friends but since both are married of course their spouses are also my friends. Also just a reminder, don't get onto Dexter's nerve, he may look like the silent type of person but in that place he is the real boss if you know what I mean not even Lee can do anything about his authorization and of course not even me. He is my friend's spouse so we do respect him.) Nigel throw the cigarettes on the ground and step on it.

"Yeah I figured as much, also you friend Lee he already told everyone that, that Alpha is the real boss in this freaking huge mansion!"

(Of course that's understandable, every wife is a boss in their husband's eyes. Lee just takes it to the whole new level, well that kind of thing works for the two of them, that way Dexter can take Lee.)

"Why is there something wrong with that man Lee? He looks decent even on his all interviews he looks and sounds decent." Nigel only heard a loud laugh as a response.

(You don't know that man! Lee is crazy well his craziness reduce the moment he met Dexter. Anyways always keep your eyes on Rion and don't hurt Lee no matter what you do don't hurt Lee in anyways if you still want to see the light of the day make sure not to hurt that man in any other way.) Terrence was just messing up with Nigel cause he knew there's no way that the man would hurt Lee, he just want to tease a little cause the man is very serious.

"You are scaring me man! I'm going to drop that call." Nigel didn't wait for Terrence response.

"You still haven't sleeping yet?" Lee asked when he got out of the shower room and saw Dexter on his laptop on their bed.

"I'm just finishing up this report for my brother." Dexter said.

"Do you want to work in your office?" Lee sit beside Dexter.

"I want to cause it will be easier to work there than to work here at home but I Lexter is still too young. I won't miss it for the world so if I can still manage to do my job here without sacrificing too much time for my son and for you then why not?" Lee close Dexter's laptop and took it away only to place it on their bedside table then he lay down his head on Dexter's thigh.

"I'll be busy these coming week. Tea will have to leave for the overseas again." Lee said with so much sadness in his eyes and Dexter can clearly see it which makes his heart winced in pain to see those sad eyes on his own husband.

"Why don't Teakyun just stay for a little longer? Theo just gave birth 3 months ago." Dexter brush the still dump hair of Lee.

"You know that my brother has his own battle that Theo didn't know right? He himself is seeking justice in another land because of what happened to Theo. He's almost there Dexy just a little push and he will dominate the business in the capital of that land. He did worked hard for that, he wants power, influence and wealth in that country just to trample on those people who dirtied and step on Theo's dignity and innocence. I can understand where Teakyun is coming from cause if that too would had happened to you." Lee looked at Dexter to meet his eyes. "I would probably do the same thing too.

"I know cause you love me that much." Dexter said. "I will also do the same maybe more cause I also love you so much. I already talked to Terrence he already agreed. I will fix everything and will get the permit to build an apartment that will serve as a sanctuary for those abused Omegas." Dexter tried to change the subject but diverting it to the apartment they are trying to build.

Lee reach out his hand to touch Dexter's cheek. "Can you handle the management of the construction for me? Just tell me if you need my help." Dexter smiled at the concern he always gets from Lee.

"Don't worry I can handle it. Besides you already have a lot on your plate right now. What I want is for us to finish what needs to finish before Lexter grew up and starts to question why his father is always busy." Dexter laugh at his own joke then his smiles disappear. "Make Love to me Lee." Dexter said, Lee pushed himself up to capture Dexter's lips.

"When is your last rut?" Lee asked.

"I never count, why?" Dexter asked.

"As much as I wanted for us to have a baby right away, I don't want you to get pregnant without your body recovering fully after giving birth to our baby." Dexter looked at Lee with such loving. Only this man can make him fall in love over and over again. He's the only one who always puts him first.

"You know it will be hard for us to conceive again right? And we will be very lucky to have another baby again. So how about we don't count and just make love. If a baby will come then a baby will come. I at least want Lexter to have a sibling." Dexter peck a kiss on Lee's lips.

"I know but I just want to make sure that you're body has fully recovered before we try again. Do you know how scared I was in the delivery room? If I will be asked I think Lexter is enough. I'm scared that something might happen to you. I won't be able to handle it." Lee took Dexter's hand and kiss it.

"Nothing bad will going to happen ok? Come here and make love to me." Dexter said before claiming Lee's lips.

Dexter woke up with his body sore all over because of their last night's activity. He looked at himself who's now cleanly dressed. He remember passing out from the mix of pleasure and exhaustion but Lee never left him to sleep without cleaning him first. He looked around him to see if Lee is still around but he found no presence of his own husband so he figured that the man might have left for work already. Dexter quickly fix himself of a decent clothes before coming down to eat breakfast.

"Young master Lee left this for you Dexter. He made it himself." Dexter looked at the plates of food covered by the cling wrapper and he noticed a note on top of one of the plates.

"Good morning Dexy honey. I'm sorry for always being so busy, I miss cooking for you after you love me more because of my cooking skills. Once things are done and I have more free time, I'll cook you breakfast again. I love you.

Your Honey,


Lee's letter put a smile of Dexter's face. Dexter sit on the table and start uncovering each plates. If anyone would ask him Lee is the best decision he ever made.

Dexter is in the middle of eating when suddenly Nigel sit on the table too.

"Can I sit here?" Nigel asked.

"You're already sitting." Dexter simply answered but Nigel only looked at him.

"I'm curious it's the first time I have seen a both Alpha male couples much more a married one with a child."

"Why? Is there something wrong with that?" Dexter ask.

"Did you do it for money?" Nigel asked out of nowhere. "Don't get me wrong I have met a lot of people who only got together to people they don't match with because of the money and status that come with their names." Nigel said.

"Why are you so curious? Do you want to know if my relationship with my husband is for love or for money?" Dexter asked calmly.

"For someone who's being asked of an awkward interrogating questions you sure are calm." Nigel complements.

"My marriage with Lee has a prenuptial agreement. I don't own any single cents in his money. I only have the authority as long as I am married to him but I don't own them. Does that answer your question?" Dexter asked.

"Did you really gave birth to that baby?" Nigel asked again. Dexter sigh and put out his phone only to show his photos when he's heavily pregnant with Lexter.

"I gave birth to that baby." Dexter continued with what he's eating.

"I still don't get it. A lot of alphas who are in the same relationship as you two don't last aren't you worried that things won't workout for you two?" Dexter now finally get why the bastard is giving him such weird questions since earlier.

"Ow yeah I think you are doing this on purpose. Were you pissed about the fact that you got it wrong yesterday? Mr. Alpha no matter what anyone says about my relationship with my husband it won't change the fact that we are married and that we have a baby." Dexter got up from his seat and walk away.

"Auntie get me all the foods that Lee made I'll eat them in my room."

Nigel looked at the back of the Alpha who just left. He doesn't know why but he's really interested in him the first time he saw him. The Alpha has a peculiar personality and yet it's neither annoying nor comforting. He never met such an Alpha who carries an authority to his tone and actions and yet acts carelessly in front of that one Alpha. He saw it how Dexter respond to Lee's kisses when the Alpha kissed him from behind. It was like those kinds of things is a natural thing for them but he doesn't look like the kind of man who will get intimate with anyone.

"Hey he'll melt if you keep looking at him." Nigel looked at the person who suddenly spoke from behind. "That man is married I should remind you of that, which means he's off limits." Nigel looked at him with so much confusion. "I'm Van by the way. I'm his personal Physio. I started working here not too long ago. He's peculiar and yet shines brightly, can't help but get drawn to him even though he's an Alpha. Those are my first thoughts when I first met him and saw how he acts. No wonder the young master of this house fell in love with him at first sight even though he's an Alpha." Van said.

"Fell in love at first sight?" Nigel asked again.

"Yes that's what all the servants in this house has been saying. Shun, Lee is the first one to fell in love with him at first sight and he didn't stop till he got him to say yes to him. I bet you saw those two together. Dexter looks like the kind of guy who doesn't know intimacy but just you wait when he's with Lee he changes. His mood is greatly influence by Lee himself. If the man is happy you can see Dexter's eyes happy too. If the man is anxious even though Dexter looks calm I will bet all my salary he's already looking for the reason why his husband is anxious and the worst if Lee gets into trouble or gets hurts ow boy you wouldn't want to know. Not even Lance Monstero could do anything." Van continuesly say.

"You like him." Nigel said.

"Yeah, what is not to like about him. You only been here one night and he already got your attention didn't he? Stay here few more days I bet you yourself will admit that what you feel right now is attraction towards him. I know cause that's how I also looked at him before but you know the man is off limits. Dexter loves Lee, I thought it was for the money at first but I thought wrong he loves Lee." Van said.

"Well you might be attracted to him but I know I'm not going to get attracted towards an Alpha male." Nigel got up from his seat.


"Fuck! Why didn't you tell me this immediately?! Why did you let this happen?" Axel can see Mr. Collin facing back and forth talking to someone. Axel tried to listen without getting caught.

"I'm sorry Sir, we didn't thought that we will actually going to lose the case. We didn't know that the jury will favor the Omega."

"Idiot! The one who opened that slut's case is none other than that Terrence Harris! What will you do if that slut talks to that lawyer about this? Huh? Answer me!" Collin shouted at the man infront of him.

"This won't do." Collin turn his back and tried to inhale some air. " Give me a gun."

"Sir please, don't please don't Sir. I'll fix this, I swear I'll fix this."

"Too late, you should have thought of that while that bitch is still in prison!" Then Axel heard a loud gun shot. "Clean this and throw away his body. I want you to find where that bitch crawl to and once you do kill him. I don't want any rat lingering around us waiting to rat on us. If you don't kill that bitch we will all get killed by the boss. So kill him before this news reaches the boss's ears. I don't know how you'll find him, even if you check all the CCTV'S then do it!" Axel hear everything, good thing that they act fast and erase all the footage that will lead to where Rion is.

Rion felt so tired after coming home on the apartment he has called home for the past 5 months although he misses his real home but going home right now is not an option as it might get his siblings to harm although Axel knows he could depend of Author but still Author is still just a kid.

"How about we talked for a minute Axel."

"A-aiden? What are you doing here?" Axel got up from his bed he didn't even noticed Aiden's presence inside when he got in.

"I want to know the truth and what we really are dealing with." Aiden demanded.

"It is not something that you should need to concern yourself around just support us in this case and we will do the rest." Axel said, he turned around to go to the toilet but Aiden held him by his arm.

"Axel, I have checked all those people included and those list and they are not just someone. We are up to someone big, if what you are saying is true and those people and companies in that list are just people and companies supporting that kind of business then it only means there's a person above them, more powerful than them who controls and speaks for the path in which they will take." Axel looked at Aiden eye to eye then he sighed and later on laugh like a crazy man.

"You know what Aiden, this is the reason why I like you cause you are using your head." Then Axel became serious all of a sudden. "Well this is confidential so I'll expect for you not to tell to anyone."

"If you badly want to win this then you shouldn't be keeping secrets from me." Aiden said.

"Ok, ok you see this case is just a way to handicap the real company who's running this in the dark as the Omega trafficking and trading is their biggest source of money and they are also the people responsible for creating people like me. Children being taken away from their home, force to be built like a war machine with no feelings we are part of their highest and most expensive commodity." Axel tried to explain without giving away much of Terrence and Jules identity.

"I know you can hide me for a long time from them but Aiden, there's a limit on how much time can one person hide. Also I don't want to run anymore I want to fight for my freedom. So I can love Jules openly."

Aiden nodded. "I see, we need to work on a back up plan just in case this fires back." Aiden immidiately said.

"What do you mean back fire?" Axel asked he was kind of confuse on what Aiden is saying.

"Dexter and I already had a hunch so we have been preparing. What I mean to say we need to know how much public information our families have out there." Aiden said.

"Let me say it in a most understandable way Axel. If the trial starts those punks will try all sorts of cheap trick just for us not to continue or sell the case. The nearest possible target is the whistle blower himself but what if they won't get the whistle blower then they will resort to the next nearest subject and that is?" Axel asked.

"The lawyer..." Axel whispered.

"Yes the lawyer, they can. come to different direction and hot at the same time. It can be their friends, family and relatives anyone who they can get their hands on them. So we need some reserve plan. Everyone within the circle or our family should need to have someone tailing them and we will erase any articles or news that connects each one of us nor our husbands to one another. We will shortened the circumference of our focus security by eliminating the fact that our husbands are all friends to one another by that the majority of our security will be focused only to those people who needed it to."


Terrence opened the door and saw his wife sleeping siting next to their youngest. He walk beside him and put his jacket around his shoulders. When he didn't find him at their house he thought that there's only one place that Chester would go and that is where Theo is.

Chester's shoulder move a little and his eyes open sleepily. "Terry." Chester rub his eyes.

"You can sleep some more on the sofa. I'll watch both of you." Chester reach out to touch Terrence face.

"You look tired, I think you're the one who needs some rest." Terrence catch Chester's hand and place small sweet kisses on it.

"I'm ok, seeing you and our child takes away all my tiredness. Kitten I will be away for weeks I don't know when I will be back."

Chester stayed silent for awhile before he opened his mouth to speak. "Is it about work?" Chester asked.

Terrence brush Chester's hair, it's already at shoulder length. Terrence has to admit Chester looks really beautiful the kind of beauty for him that he can't get enough. Maybe it's just him cause no husband doesn't adore their wife. "Yes, you know Rion's case right?" Terrence start.

"Yeah, you said that you won his case and that he's finally released?" Chester asked. "I was actually planning on visiting him once I'm not busy."

Terrence smiled. "Kitten will you be angry with me if I did something that can put your friend's at harm's way?" Chester looked at Terrence with a lot of questions in his mind.

"I don't know cause I still don't know the whole story just yet. Will you tell me everything so that I'll know the answer to your question?"

"I think I can't win against you." Terrence sigh three times before he start telling Chester the truth, the only thing that Chester needs to know.

"We found out that Rion is a Victim of a big human trafficking that victimizes Omegas. They are being sold in a red light district as sex workers in disguise of their debts that needs to be paid. Omegas who refuses are being drugged and sold to the bottom part of the red light district and there they are forced to have sex till their body can no longer handle the drug and they die in overdosing. To those who knew better like Rion they work under them. every one to two years they are being sold to a different brothels to confuse them on how much debt left that they need to pay. Those things are just the tip of the ice berg. It varies from different circumstances on how they acquired the Omegas. People like Rion ended up like that but there are also Omegas who has been forced to work to pay their parents debt..." Terrence stop there he almost say *Just like you.* to Chester.

"I didn't know, all I know is that he works as a prostitute and that he's paying for a huge debt that he doesn't even know how much." Chester stayed silent for a moment playing with his own fingers before he sit straight and looked at Terre.

"Terry is there something you're not telling me?" Chester asked. Terrence doesn't know how to respond cause he has many things that he's not telling his Chester.

"What do you mean?" Terrence asked.

"About who I am before we got married." Chester answered his husband. He waited for Terrence answer but nothing came. "You didn't came home for two days and in that two days, I was confronted by someone who happens to see me in the grocery. She told me that I'm a slut and that I seduce his husband and that a prostitute like me will never have a family." Chester can still feel the sting on his cheek and the pain on his scalp but he didn't let Terrence see it.

"So Terry who am I before I have been your wife? When I told her I'm married she said that you will leave me if you knew but did you know about that? Or you did not? I have so many questions in my mind right now."

Terrence carries Chester's cheek. "Did she hurt you?" Terrence first ask.

"It doesn't matter if she hurt me. I want to know whether what she's telling is true or not." Chester demanded.

Terrence sighed. "It's true, you used to work as that and that's where you met Raven. His father owns that kind of business. You were paying your father's debt by selling off your body." Terrence immidiately saw the sadness and disgust on Chester's eyes. "Hey don't be sad, you know what? When I met you again after two years you have long stopped selling yourself to others. You live an honest life taking different kinds of jobs just to support both of our sons and to pay off your debt."

"Don't you feel disgusted with me? I have slept with a lot of men it doesn't even stopped there. When I was pregnant with Theo they violated my body. I feel so filthy Terrence. You don't deserve someone like me....." Terrence pulled him to a tight hug to stop him from saying anything.

"Of course not. If it's not you then who do you think is the only person who can handle me? Who am I going to love and live for? Kitten I only ever felt love when I met you and when you suddenly disappear 6 years ago I felt like you have taken my heart with you. Your past doesn't matter to me back then and it won't matter to me now and believe me when I say this it won't matter in the future." Terrence pulled out from the hug to wipe Chester's tears.

"So did the woman hurt you?" Terrence asked and Chester nod in response.

"She slap me and pulled my hair. She told me that you will leave me and....."

"And?" Terrence asked.

"I throw her. I got so mad when she said you will leave me. Mom has to come and settled things cause the woman said she will file assault resulting in serious physical injuries." Chester explained.

"Well that's my wife. I'm proud of you Kitten. Always put your guard up and don't let other people look down or trampled you. Don't be afraid me and your family are just at your back. I won't comeback for a long time will you be ok?"

"Don't worry I and the kids will be just fine also Zay has been keeping me company. That kid has been visiting frequently hahaha you should see your two sons that always look at the poor kid like they are about to kill him. Those two keeps on pestering me to increase their activities on self defense. They both said that they will protect Theo and won't let any other men to snatch him." Terrence clenched his hands to a fist then he took out his phone and went out. Chester can only smile and shake his head, with just one look he can tell that his husband will probably call his friend Zeejay about Zay's visitation. "Like father like sons." Chester is still bothered by the information he just received but Terrence is right there's nothing good in dwelling over the past. He needs to focus on what's happening right now specially after what Terrence just told him. He can tell just by Terrence facial expression that the case that involves Rion will be something big and probably dangerous.

"I think I need to pay Aiden a visit about this, maybe he knows something." Chester whispered to himself."


Two days pass and Rion enjoyed his time with the Shun's. He learned a lot of things from them and realized that love knows no obstacle if two people are both loving and respecting each other. He watched how Zeejay take care of his wife and kid. It kind of surprised him though to learn that Zeejay already father's an almost teenager boy at his age. He learned that Nick conceived his child when he was still young which makes him think that if he didn't abort all his babies they probably big now but he doesn't really have much choice with the line of work that he has and the people pressuring him with the abortion. He would be lying if he says that he didn't feel envious seeing their kids and their family and most of all how their husbands treats them. Unconsciously Rion touched the collar on his neck and wonder about that arrogant, narcissist man he met on the hospital. He shakes the thoughts away and sigh. "He probably forgot about me. Nah there's no way he could remember a lowlife Omega like me. It's enough that he showed me kindness and gave me this thing for the least I won't have to worry about anyone marking me unwillingly." Rion whispered. He tilted his head and looked at the bright blue sky, then slowly he lay on his back to the grass under the shade of tree and then close his eyes as he tried to feel the cold wind. This is what Rion likes about Dexter's place. It has many trees and it's literally close to nature for the mansion is located in the forest and just a little ride from the mansion there's a falls. Dexter told him that before marriage he actively joins extreme sports that's why Lee his husband finds this perfect location to build their house, though it's a little far away from the City the life here is something that he couldn't compare. Lee drives home from work everyday just so he could be with his family but on times that the Alpha ends up pretty late he just spends the night in his pad which is on the capital. In two days Rion learn just how nice of a person Dexter really is no wonder Lee is head over heals in love with him.

"Hey long time no see." Rion slowly opened his eyes to see the familiar voice of a man. "I see you still have that collar on you."

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