
Chapter 79: Drunkards


I love you all guys!!! No matter what nationality or country you are from I still love you all so let's spread love 😊🥰♥️😉. Ow to someone who offered to make the cover photo of this book thank you so much 😊. I know how to make one but I'm really so busy so your offer really is a big help to me. So thank you so much 🥰 I'm really excited to see it and I'm looking forward to it. Finally this book is going to get it's cover photo!!!!!.

Anyways Chapter 79 is here so Happy Reading as always 🥳😊 Chapter 80 will be on Saturday Probably night time here😉.


The sting on his left cheek can still be felt even though half an hour has already pass. Yes is has been half an hour when he faced his raging parents. "Is this really what you want?. You wanted to ruin your life for that lowlife Omega? For all I know he only loves you for your money! You know what he did to me? He took the money I bribe him with and spent it. Is that really the kind of person you wanted to spend your life with?"

"He's nothing like that Mom." Zeejay said trying to defend Nicolas. Another hit landed to his face this time it came from his own father.

"Are you talking back to your mother?! We put up with everything that you want. When you said you didn't want to be on business major cause you don't want to handle any of our family's business! You wanted to act you said that's what you want, that's what your passion is! And now you are ruining your career for such a filthy Omega! Why don't you take after your brothers?!" His father shouted.

"Brothers?" Zeejay sneered. "Don't make me laugh Dad, we don't treat each other like siblings. Do you know why I didn't follow to your footsteps and have a share of this fucking business? Cause that brothers that you are telling me about is killing each other to replace your position as the new Chairman! You think I don't know that my eldest brother orchestrated the death of Zyrille my only sister because you and Mom favors her more than your eldest son. She typically a threat to his position so he had to eliminate her! That's how shitty this family is. Siblings killing each other for a mere position in the family. That's why I didn't involve myself. That's why I choose this path, not because I can't but because I want to live." Zeejay received another slap from his mother. "How could you!"

"It's true I lost one sister and one brother because of this none sense competition. It's better to leave the competition between my two brothers who are so much willing to kill their on siblings for things that won't bring much happiness to them. And you how can you even turn a blind eye against your own children just to protect your own reputation and this company's reputation." Zeejay was about to receive another blow from his father but he throws at them what's inside the envelope.

"What's the meaning of these?" His mother asked.

"You know what are those. They are the evidences that will tie up my two brothers who got involved with my sister and brother accident. If you don't want me to expose your two proud sons then don't meddle with me and my wife's life. Also don't meddle with my career or else I'll make sure to expose this even if you can get away with this I'm pretty sure the company will already take a huge damage and loss by that time. I'm no longer asking you to accept me and my wife or any of our children in the future. If you want to you can just cut me of to the family register I'll just marry into the family of my wife, it won't makes such difference." Zeejay said before turning his back to them. "I'll be announcing my marriage to Nicolas, I don't care about my share of your wealth for all I care you can just take it and give it back to your two sons. I won't be the brand and the face of your company my lawyer is already fixing that up, we will pay for the fee of breaching the contract so please don't bother." Zeejay took a deep breath after stepping out of the mansion where he grew up. The whole issue just to be with Nicolas cost him fortune that he can now say that he almost got himself broke. He literally cut off ties with his family, pay his whole fortune for several contract that he breach not to mention the issues now he needs to face. Technically his whole career is in the brink of sinking down. He's not so sure where to start so he could earn money he's really broke. He already sold his properties that he earned, his cars and many more he didn't know that cutting ties with his family will going to cost him this much. Zeejay got into the car that Lee lend to him, his friends are the only one who knows the real status of his finances, he still yet to tell it to Nick he's afraid that Nick might leave him if he knows what happened. "Whatever, you wanted Nick and Zay so you better suck it up. Family is more important than money. Yeah I have to fix things so I can get Nick and Zay out of Lee's house." Zeejay whispered to himself, he took out his phone and tried to call his friends.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Lance shouted from a distance. He raised his hand to show the cans of beer he brought with him.

"Hey sit here!" Zeejay shouted back.

"Man you didn't even brought a piece of cloth to cover the grasses!" Adrian shouted back who's walking behind Lance. Yes Adrian choose to invite his friends outside. A place that he frequents when he has problems. It is an overlooking high place where you can see the town below. The scenery is breath taking specially if is night time. The wind makes you feel relaxed and makes you forget all that problem you carry inside.

"Hey don't worry when I heard that this is the place I bought a lot on the way. The last time we spend time here I woke up full of insect bites." Terrence hurriedly run towards them..

"I bought insect light traps, they are fully charged so we will be safe!" Derrek added who's also running towards them.

"Don't worry about the foods I brought our griller! It's fun to have bar b q a perfect partner for the beers!" Lee run while carrying with him the big griller that it almost half the size of his body.

"Fuck you really are crazy Lee! Are we allowed to have bar b q here?" Lance asked.

Every just shrugged their shoulders. "Most people don't know this place besides it's already late at night now I guess they wouldn't mind." Zeejay said.

"Then Bar b q it is!" Lee shouted.

"But wait did you even brought something to grill in that?" Terrence asked.

"I did, when you texted the place I asked Dexy and Dexy made me those marinated meats and fish. We will be grilling tonight baby!" Lee said excitedly.

"Ok ok good, come on let's light this baby up!" Adrian excitedly said.

"Oopppss." Everyone went silent when Lee suddenly said that. "I think I forgot to bring charcoal with me.

"Fuck how will you grill those meats if we don't have charcoals?" Terrence was about to hit Lee on the head but he stopped. "Do you think Dexter will know this?" Terrence suddenly asked.

"We are the only witness here. No one will talk so hit that moron now!" Zeejay said. Terrence didn't hesitate he hit Lee mercilessly.

"I'll drive down to the nearest town to buy some charcoals." Derrek said laughing at his friends.

"Lee go with him." Lance said to Lee.

The rest set up the place so the can settle comfortably.

"So what happened?" Zeejay asked Terrence.

"Same old, same old. Thirdy is still sleeping. I guess my little baby is having a beautiful dream that's why he still doesn't want to wake up." Terrence said.

"We still haven't told Zay yet. We figure that if he knew he will insist in visiting that son of yours probably everyday." Zeejay said. " How about the twins?"

"They are doing fine but I know deep inside it's breaking them to see Thirdy that way. You know those two they are really over protective when it comes to Thirdy. They just don't want to show that they are sad cause it's going to make their mother more guilty to what happened. They don't want to see Chester blaming himself. I don't know why but I'm still lucky to have such mature kids to even understand the seriousness of the situation."

"Well how can life be this difficult?" Zeejay sighed.

"I think we have been cursed because of our philandering and playing around." Lance added handling down a can of beer to both Terrence and Zeejay.

"Yeah perhaps." Adrian said sitting down on the cloth they put on the grass.

"If so then why is that bastard Lee having a good life? Why isn't he the only one having a hard time? I can understand Derrek cause among us he's the only who's not an asshole" Zeejay asked.

"Maybe because I wasn't such an asshole to my Dexy compare to all of you!" Lee point out his fingers to his friends except Derrek.

"You! You made Nick chase after you! You, you hurt Liam countless of times! You, you bet on to Nash." Lee continued.

"Hey you tempted me! You're the one who started it all!" Adrian took a defense. "Argh anyways me and Nash are both good."

"Really? If so then introduce him to your parents then." Lee taunt.

"Damn it I never thought that breaking ties with my family will cause me this much. I never thought that choosing Nick and Zay will cause all my fortune. I'm literally broke man!" Zeejay mess his hair. "I promise Nick to give him a good life but what kind of life will I be able to give him now that I'm broke not to mention my career flashing down the sink. My family did everything in their power to make sure they will ruin my image. If I had known this would happen I should have build a business of my own with the money that I have. Perhaps I have been to confident." Zeejay drink the whole can in one go and then open another can again.

"Hey who do you think your friends are? Now that you officially cut ties with your family then why not sign up a contract to ours? We will make sure to fix your image. This time if you manage to pass this make sure to save up and have another source of your finances Zee." Lee put his hand over Zeejay's shoulder.

"We always knew that you are much smarter than your brothers when it comes to handling business. It's like a natural talent of yours." Derrek added.

"Yeah we know that you don't want to get entangled with the messy world your family is living that's why you stay low." Adrian commented.

"Don't worry about it too much we are just here for you." Terrence assured him.


Chester is fixing all the things he needs to bring back to the hospital. He doesn't have any trainings with Axel today. The Omega said that he has business to attend to that's why he decided to go home to take some clothes back to the hospital and to also attend to his boys just like he always does to them each single morning but after his boys goes to school that's the time when he also prepares to go back to the hospital again. When everything is all set he got his car keys and was about to go to the garage when his phone ring. He looked at the caller ID and there saw Dexter's name on it.

"Dexter?" Chester asked.

(Get out of the house right now and hop inside the van we are all here.) Dexter didn't explain much he just simply end the call. Chester decided to do what the Alpha told him and when he went outside there waits a big black Van that looks like those use by big celebrities and important person.

"Get in!" Dexter shouted. When Chester got inside it doesn't look like a van at all. It feels like it's has a mini room inside.

"Amazing right?" Nicolas voice out what Chester couldn't say.

"I don't really want to bring this big daddy but we are about to bring a lot of people in so I decided to drive this." Dexter explained.

"But a van this big is just too much Brother!" Aiden almost shout. "Why do you even have this huge van anyways?" He added.

"Lee wanted to travel just me, him and Lexter maybe after when the busiest part of his project is done so he had to customized this like a little home inside." Dexter explained. They continued to drive till Dexter made another stop this time he called someone again to go out and minute later Drake came in. He also have that expression when he went in.

Nash hate having breakfast with his so called family but after he reveal that he's already in a relationship with an Alpha his so called family has been keeping a close eye to him. He's still in the middle of chewing when his phone rings. All the eyes are on him so he didn't answer then his phone ring again and then again.

"Tell your boyfriend that you are having breakfast with your family." His father's wife told him.

"He's not my boyfriend." Nash answered back before answering the call.

(Come out Nash we are outside your home.) Dexter said.

"What why? I can't I'm having breakfast I can't go." Nash said in a whisper.

(I'll go get him.) Nash heard Nicolas voice, (I'm coming with you.) If he's not mistaken it's Theo's voice.

It didn't take long before the door bell start ringing. His uncle went to open the door. Nash was about to get up too but his sister stoped him.

"Let uncle deal with your boyfriend."

"I told you his not my boyfriend!" Nash growl at his sister. Nash looked at his uncle and the two person walking behind him.

"Now what do we have hear Nash I was expecting an Alpha but I was greeted by such two beauties." Nash two sister almost drop the spoon they are holding when they saw Nicolas and Theo.

"I'm Nicolas and this is Theodore we are friends of Nash. We just want to invite Nash with us if that would be ok?" Nicolas asked politely.

The mother cleared her throat when she finally got back to her senses. "I don't know what kind of influence you might bring to this child but seeing how heavily pregnant your companion is I'm pretty sure it will be not a good kind of influence after all the kinds of you are only good when it comes to spreading your legs wide open. Who knows whose father is that bastard you are carrying is.a"

Nash heard his sister Jenny laugh and his sister Cassey cough as she whispered "Slut."

"I'm sorry but I think you misunderstood." Theo whispered his voice is shaking but he's still trying to be brave to defend himself. "I'm married and I have a husband. My babies have a father." Theo added.

"I'll find it hard to believe everyone can say that." His father's wife said.

"If I prove that I have a husband will you let Nash go with us?" Theo asked again.

"Theo you don't have to prove anything to them." Nash was about to pull Theo and Nick with him but Theo didn't budge. He turned around to show his mark to them.

"I have an Alpha and my babies are not bastards." Theo dialed Teakyun's number but Teakyun didn't answer so he dialed his secretary's number and put it in a loud speaker.

"Mr. Jhoson where's my husband he's not answering." Theo asked.

(I'm sorry Sir but Mr. Shun is currently in the middle of an important meeting right now. Do you want me to say anything to him?) Teakyun's secretary asked.

"Please bring the phone over to him I'll talk to him directly." Theo said.

(Very well then, please hold for a second.)

"He said Shun." They can hear his both sister whispering. "Yeah I heard but there's no way that he's that man. Probably he's married to one of the guards."

(Hey Teddy how's my wife? Did you miss me?) Theo blush hearing Teakyun's voice.

"I'm sorry to disturb you in the middle of your important meeting."

(I want to see my beautiful pregnant wife.) After Teakyun say it he heard a lot of congratulations in the other line it was probably the people that his husband currently having meeting with.

The call ended only to be replaced by his husband's face time. (So why did you suddenly called me?) Teakyun asked.

"Nothing it's just that Nash parents are quite strick can you asked them to let Nash go with us?" Theo said cutely.

"Teddy darling give the phone to his parents." Theo handed his phone to Nash's mother.

Nash's Father's wife suddenly got up after seeing Teakyun. "S-Sir it was nice meeting y-youm" She said stuttering. "My name is Tracey Evans Sir."

(Let's cut to the chase Mrs. Evans can you let Nash go with my wife and his friends?) Teakyun said getting straight to the point.

"Of course of course." Tracey said her hands is still trembling. She never knew that she can talk to the person she can only see in the news and magazine as one of the most powerful, influential and wealthiest bachelor in their country but recently that man announced that he's already married but she didn't expect that the pregnant Omega infront of her will be the wife of the said man.

(Please give the phone back to my wife.) Teakyun said in a very authoritative voice. Tracey gave the phone back to Theo. Theo said his goodbye to his husband he doesn't wish to disturb him even more than what he did.

Tracey's daughters and brother couldn't understand what was going on as they didn't saw the man on the phone but Tracey immidiately let Nash go with his friends but before Nash went with Nicolas and Theo he told them. "My boyfriend works for his husband as his security guard." Before completely going out.

"What happened Mom?" Jenny asked.

"That Omega is married to that man." Tracey sit down her legs is still trembling. He can see the danger in that Alphas eyes even though it was just a video call.

"What man?" Cassey asked.

"Well I didn't know that Nash have some beautiful friends. I like the pregnant one. He looks like someone who will be fun to break as you fuck him." Her brothers remarks made her blood boil.

"Do you know who you will be dealing with once you lay even a finger to that Omega? Do you?!" She start shouting.

"Why are you getting work up all of a sudden?" His brother asked.

"Shun Teakyun, you know that man right? Well the husband who he's telling is that Shun, Teakyun!"

"No...." Jenny whispered.

"You must have been mistaken Mom, you know there's no way." Cassey added.

"I saw and I talked to him he really is the man.Nash said that his boyfriend is working for that man. Maybe we can have more use of him."


"What's with all this?" Nash asked when he got inside.

"I don't know Dexter said he will tell us once we are all here together." Aiden explained. "I even left my work for this cause he said that it's really urgent."

"So tell us now Dexter." Nicolas commanded.

"Well our good for nothing husbands and your boyfriends are all lock up in Jail. We are all headed there right now"

After the long drive and processing of their release of papers all the Alphas finally can now get out of the police station.

"Dexy honey!" Lee run towards Dexter but Dexter only hit him.

"Do you really want to fill all the police station here with your records?" Dexter pinch Lee's ear.

"Dexy it hurts it hurts, honey."

"So what happened?" Aiden asked Lance who's embarrassed by the reason why they all ended up in a prison. All their cars were impounded.

"I don't exactly know. Don't ask love please." Lance is still massaging his head because of the hang over.

"Come here, eat this and this will help with your hang over."

"Terry, are you alright?" Chester asked full of worried in his eyes.

"Kitten come here give Terry a hug." Chester gave his husband a hug just like what the man asked of him.

"Boss you got arrested? Great thing to do yey!" Nash said sarcastically.

"Ow come on Babe don't be like that. How about give me a kiss?" Adrian point his lips towards Nash but Nash only push Adrian's lips away with his palm.

"Wow my great husband got himself inside the cell along with his foolish friends. Now I really do believe in the saying that birds of the same feathers really do flock together!"

"Wifey don't be like that to me." Zeejay said cutely to his wife.

"Who are you calling wifey? I don't know you!"

"I'm quite surprise that the media still haven't reach the news just yet." Aiden said.

"Well Terrence parents made sure it won't happen." Dexter explained. " I also asked Mom and Dad's help. Honey they are really furious by the way so ready yourself. Dad arrange your flight tomorrow he will be sending you to where your brother is. Dad said help him for a week there." Dexter said.

"Dexy you agreed?!"

"Of course not honey I only agreed to Dad to have you sent there for three days but you need to finish all the 7 days worth of work there. So I suggest for you Honey to rest well and sleep tight tonight cause tomorrow you will be flying off to where your brother is." Lee's face became very gloomy then suddenly he grabbed Dexter and shouted to his friends.

"Morons move faster I want to go home faster! I still need to make love to my husband." Dexter just let Lee say what he wanted to say after all he's surely will going to miss it for three days and aside from that he also want to make love with his husband as much as Lee wants to with him.

"So did you guys do this time?" Aiden asked.

"We don't really know when we woke up we are already inside. The officer told us that they noticed a smoke coming in that place so they check it out and when they arrived they caught us dancing around a bon fire naked. So they arrested us for public indecency." Derrek explained.

"All the girl police officers are all blushing at us fuck that is so embarrassing." Lance seconded.

Nicolas cupped Zeejay's little man. "So you showed those girls this?" Zeejay winced in pain.

"Wifey it was not intentional I swear."

"I think I know who start this whole bon fire idea. I think it's probably my husband again right Lee honey?" Lee had a very nervous smile on his face as if his wife just hit the right answer to that question. "Of course it is you honey." Dexter answered his own question.

"Dexy you won't punish me right? I mean Dad is sending me to a business trip for three days. There's no way you're going to punish your husband hours before his flight." Dexter tap Lee's face.

"I'll think about it honey so you better behave." Lee gulp at the smile.

"Punish him Dexter it's all that man's fault! Fuck my reputation as a lawyer is getting ruin all because of that man over there!" The other Alpha agreed and convinced Dexter to punish Lee.

"Shut up! If you guys won't shut up I'll tell Dexy all the things that you did to me!" Lee threatened. All Lee's friends suddenly went silent which got Dexter curious.

"What did you do to my Lee this time?" Dexter asked in a very calm voice.

"Nothing Dexter we were just playing around promise. You can have a full body check on him he's good as new." Lance nervously explained.

"Ok I'll check on him when we get back home." All Lee's friends was able to breathe peacefully. Lee on the other hand is feeling proud to have a husband that all his friends are afraid off.


Jules needed more information against the enemy so he disguise as an employee looking for a job and the specific is someone who will help in launder the money.

"Are you sure you're not an Omega?" The man asked him, the man got up from his seat and looked at his face closely. "You have such beautiful face even behind that thick glasses and shabby suit you really are pretty but perhaps you really are a beta, I can't smell you no matter what." Axel tried to make himself look like someone unpopular but despite that he still manage to get the eye of the one who's in charge and the most trusted man by the person that Terrence is after. Sometimes Axel curses his beauty but still he's thankful enough that Jules marked him with this he can now pretend to be a beta rather than an Omega who's always vulnerable to perverts who only wants to stick their thing inside them. Axel was hired immidiately because of his skills and clean way of doing his job. He was told to go home and get a proper rest before he starts his job the next day. When Axel got home to his rented apartment he make sure that no one follows him before he opened up his laptop. He checked every bugged he planted inside in that short period of time he was there. They were a nano type of bugged that can't be detected easily. Aiden was the one who thought of it first and Axel just upgraded it to a more portable tool. While working he decided to call his husband. "Sweety." Jules said without breaking his eyes to his laptop.

(Yes sweety? Where are you? Your GPS is saying that you're not at home.) Axel just laughed.

"I applied as the assistant of the one who's doing the illegal transfer of money. I'm a launderer now Sweety." Axel joke about it.

( You got in, are they suspicious of you?) Axel tone became serious.

"Nope except for Mr. Collin who I think take a liking of me." Axel grabbed the sandwich beside him he really feels hungry after that he heard something crash. "Sweety are you alright? What happened?" Axel stopped with what he's doing.

(Did that fucker touch you?) Axel.smile at the thought that his husband is getting possessive over him. It might be childish to hear and a little bit immature to think but he likes the thought that Jules is getting really possessive over him.

"Nope he thought I was a beta just like what I said in my CV. I won't disguise as an Omega or some Alpha might fly back here and dragged me out from there." Axel tease. "Ow speaking of flying backt Sweety when are you flying back? The doctor said that my hormones and pheromones are starting to increase. He said two days from now it might get higher and it will help in boosting it if we do it." Axel is getting a little bit shy saying those things.

(I'll fly back in two days, I already asked the HQ that I will be coming back to assist you in your cover, they will be sending a replacement of me to protect Clarence here. So make sure to clear everything we can't afford to blow your cover. Are you taking your shots regularly?) Jules asked.

"Yes of course I don't miss it, the doctor said my pheromones are showing some improvements. My ovaries are reacting to it too. If this continues maybe we can have our own children someday. Hey how were you able to convince the HQ?" Axel said while patting his flat stomach.

( Well it's easy I explained how important this mission is than to look after someone who can kill ten men attacking all together. Beside who said I will let my wife go undercover in such a dangerous place as that on his own. That set aside how many does my sweety wants?) Jules asked, he knows just how happy it makes Axel Everytime they talk about the future of them two having children. It is far from Axel's serious working face.

"I wanted a large family. Back in the camp the kids there are like my brothers and sisters. It's fun to have many siblings who will stay beside you even though things are hard." Axel said remembering his childhood back in that island. Then the expression on his face suddenly change when he remembers how the syndicate forcedly made them kill each other only remaining the strongest amongst them.

(Then I'll give you a big family sweety, that's a promise.) Jules words brought Axel back to reality then he continues to rub his flat belly as the two talked like there's no tomorrow. That's what they always do whenever the two of them have time or if they multi task. For Axel Jules is a breath of a new life to him his new start.

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