
Chapter 40: Surprise!

"Dexy are you ready?" Lee called out to Dexter the two of them are about to attend Lee's mother charitable birthday party.

"Just a minute honey." Dexter doesn't usually take that long to prepare but for some reason he been in the walk in closet for too long that's why Lee decided to check on him and there he was standing in front of the mirror wearing only his pants with teary eyes.

"Honey nothing fits me anymore I couldn't button all my polo and I'm afraid that I might hurt our baby if I forced to fit into these polos. My tummy is getting bigger I look like a tadpole." Lee look into his clothes that are hanging and choose a white turtle neck and a black coat.

"Here try this. This is stretchable enough and the black cost will create an illusion that your tummy is slim." Lee handed him the clothes.

"Really?" Dexter snipped a little.

"Of course!" Lee watched Dexter putting on the top. True to Dexter's words he's now starting to show a baby bump which explains why his polo shirts won't fit him anymore.

"It did looked good on me, but I look fat and a few months from now I'll look like someone who swallowed a watermelon" Dexter looked at himself in the mirror.

"Well you will be the most handsome big belly watermelon swallower if ever that happened. Come here I bet you forgot to put lotion on your belly again." Lee squat in front of Dexter and lifted Dexter's shirt. "Hold this for me Honey." He gently squeeze a palm of lotion and rub it on Dexter's baby bump. "You don't want to have any stretch marks after giving birth."

"They say putting things like this won't really prevents it from happening." Dexter pout.

"At least it will lessen the possibility. Ok done." Lee got up "Let's go." Lee said.

"What about Maica?" Lee asked. "Should we picked her up?" Dexter laugh a little. Lee and Maica have a good relationship with each other considering that she is someone he used to loved but since Maica is a dear friend to him Lee didn't act awkwardly towards her instead he also befriended the woman for Dexter's sake.

"She said she'll meet us there so there's really no need for us to pick her up." Dexter explained. The two went inside and Lee start driving the car.

"Will Liam I mean that person named Aiden be at the party?" Dexter asked.

"I think so Mom gave his family an invitation considering that Tea is close to their father."

"I missed Liam I want to see him but I don't think he would want to see me considering that he is no longer Liam anymore." Dexter felt Lee's hands on him giving him a light squeeze.

"He may not be Liam anymore but I don't think he would say no to you once you approach him. Why don't you go say hi when you see him there." Lee smiled giving him some assurance.

"Ok." Dexter said.

"Dexter darling!" Rebecca greeted when she saw the two.

"Happy birthday Mother."

"Ow thank you Darling! You look dashing by the way. I think pregnancy is going well with you. I remember when I was pregnant with my two sons. I have became very very unattractive. My armpits darkened, my neckline darkened and my face puff and I start having pimples but look at you! You are glowing!" Dexter feel a shamed he just thought he was unattractive just earlier but his Mom thought that he's dashing.

"Mom you are making my Dexy blush I feel rejected somehow. My Dexy doesn't believe me whenever I told him that he looks good but with you he believes you instantly! That's so unfair." Lee is complaining like a child that they already got the attention of the other people.

"Cause you have been showering me with compliments. Never once I heard you sad something negative that would insult me. Even maybe if my body is covered with mud and dirt you would still think it looks good on me!" Dexter sighed.

"Of course! Nothing in this world that won't look good on you. Even your pimples looks good on you!" Lee insisted. Dexter lost strength arguing with this matter to Lee.

"Mom see what I mean? I won't get a decent answer from him if I ask him." Rebecca just laughed at the two. She's right in accepting Dexter to her family as Lee's other half. Lee looks happy and contented. She never once saw her son this happy and that only happened when he met Dexter. Maybe perhaps Lee still has lots to learn but she knows with Dexter her son is in good hands. She just wonder about his other boy though the two had finally made up but she still yet to hear from Teakyun.

There are lots of big name guests at the party most of them are businessmen, politicians and famous personalities. Dexter has gotten used to this kind of events cause each time Lee would take him but because most of the guests are from the business circles there are times that he's left alone but that doesn't bore Dexter. He knows that Lee needs to associate with those people and Dexter doesn't really have any interest to introduce himself and fit himself there. He knows those kind of people would just going to question his background and he doesn't want to create what happened four years ago. A scene was created because of him when someone indirectly put an insult to Dexter's background but Lee didn't stay quiet so as his husband's family. That made Dexter swore at the back of his mind to keep a low profile when it comes to such social gatherings.

Dexter busied himself picking food at the buffet table when his phone ring. He looked at the ID caller and saw it was Maica. He immidiately answered the phone.

(Where are you?)

"At the Buffet table."

(Yeah I see you. Wait.)

"Ow there you are. So how do I looked?" Maica asked.

"You look pretty of course." Dexter said complimenting the woman.

"It's my first time attending to such grand party. My husband doesn't take me to one." The smile on Maica's face suddenly vanished. "He said he will be attending today a party with that woman."

"Hey don't be sad that's why we invited you here so that you won't think about that cheating husband of yours. I just don't understand why you aren't leaving that bastard." Dexter snorted and out of anger he just grab a snack and put it straight to his mouth.

"It's hard to explain my situation but if you were in my shoes I think you would be able to understand." Maica said sadly.

"Lee won't cheat on me." Dexter proudly said.

"I know but if ever he did I bet you won't leave him just right away." Dexter went silent he knows that it was just a what if but the thought of Lee cheating on him suddenly hurt him but Maica is right even if Lee would cheat on him he knows that he won't be able to just leave him right away he just loves the man so much and he is thankful enough that Lee is crazily in love with him that no matter what he ask of him Lee would do without second thought.

"Let's just go to our table." Lee assisted Maica to their table. It was the table where Lee and his parents are at with the other important guests. Since they are still busy talking to other people around the table is almost empty. The people sitting on the table gave them a meaningful look when the two went over there to sit. Of course Dexter sit beside Lee's chair and Maice beside Dexter.

"May I know who you are? Cause I think you are at the wrong table." Dexter looked at the man. The man looks the same age as he is and amongst who are seated there he was the only one who voiced out what the other guests have on their minds.

"Don't worry we are at the right table." Dexter looked at Maica and didn't mind the man. "You just sit there I'll just go get you some food."

"You already got lots why do you have to get another one?" Maica asked she doesn't want to be left alone. The people in the table is looking at her like their computing the amount of what she's wearing which reflects to her value.

"Not for us but for you. That food over there are just for me." Maica looked at the food and gave him a ' seriously how can you eat this much?' look to him. Then the waiter came in to offer his service.

"No I want to get the food myself." Dexter thanked and refused the waiter insisting that he'll get it himself. So in the end Dexter finally get what he wants and went to pick the dishes which he wanted the reason behind it is because he also wanted to get something for Lee himself. When he got back there was already a commotion.

"Why don't you just go home. This is not a place for you." Said the woman to Maica.

"I'm sorry gentlemen. I don't know when did this woman followed me here." Dexter looked at the familiar man who's talking. When he finally realized who that man is he quickly got over there to help specially when Maica's husband pulled her arms harshly to make her stand up from her seat.

"She's my guest I invited her here." All attention shifted towards him.

"Dexter you are also here." Calvin looked at the man who asked the question earlier. "Do you know him?" Calvin asked the man.

"No I don't I was also wondering why he's sat in this table with that woman but it looks like you know him?"

"No I just know him by name and face but we are not acquainted." Calvin said totally denying him.

"Please let her arms go she is my guest." Dexter warned.

"I think you need to go before I call security." Said the man who asked him earlier.

"Sean you better call the security now to let this two out. They will only going to cause us trouble." Calvin suggested to the man.

"You better hurry up Sean." Janine seconded.

"Are they your guests?" Dexter asked the man named Sean.

"Yeah, I invited them here. So they are my guests." The man said.

"Very well then. I don't want to cause trouble so Calvin let her go and let her seat here on this table and enjoy the night quietly." Dexter doesn't want to create any trouble. He also doesn't want to throw the man out because he is after all his friends husband so he doesn't want to shame the man.

Calvin let go Maica's arm and the stride towards Dexter. "Did you just command me on what to do? You are nothing but a black sheep of your family."

"I'm warning you, lay your hands on me and you will definitely going to regret it." but Calvin didn't listen and pulled his his shirt. Sean shout and called security. Everyone except Maica thought that the security will tuck Dexter down but it was Calvin who they restrained.

"Are you stupid? That man over there is the one causing trouble but why is he the one you are pinning down?" Janine hysterically said.

"What's this all about?" Everyone looked at the star of the event.

"It was nothing there has been a misunderstanding." Dexter said he doesn't want to create a scene specially on his mother's birthday. "Please release him." Dexter told the body guards.

Rebecca went near to Dexter when she noticed that the man is a little pale. "Darling are you alright?" She feel his temperature. Everyone was shocked at the hostess action. They dare not to believe that Dexter was not an important person but they are witnessing the affection and care the Shun, Rebecca is giving the young man.

"I'm fine Mom just gut a little panic attack but I'll be alright." Dexter said.

"Where's your personal nurse and the nannies?" Dexter smiled awkwardly.

"We left them, Lee took only the guards." Dexter said then he saw his Mother type something and then in one seconds Lee can bee seen running towards him.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt tell me Dexy?! Aaawww awww awww." Then his mother suddenly and repeatedly hit him.

"You dare to ask him if he's ok when of all the people you didn't brought with you the nannies and the nurses?!"

"Mom don't be angry in Lee I'm the one who insisted not to take them. I felt secured here with you guys that I didn't think of my health. I'm sorry Mom." Rebecca stop hitting her son and went to hug Dexter.

"Ow son don't be sad it's not your fault but don't do this anymore ok? Mom will be very worried."

"Yes Mom."

"You must eat. Lee go sit with him he must have felt lonely. Ow Maica darling you are already here. I was wondering what time will you come cause if I haven't seen you for one more hour I was planning to have someone pick you up." Rebecca hug Maica.

"Auntie thank you. I just got here actually." Maica was a little ashamed for what happened but good thing it doesn't looked like that both Lee and his mother noticed it.

"Ow is that so? How about coming with me for a minute let's just leave the couple for a minute and accompany this old lady will you?" Rebecca said laughing.

"Auntie you don't look old you actually look the same age as me." The two went in to the crow till they can no longer see the two ladies.

"Dexy are you really ok? Mom said that you are a little pale." Lee asked in worry.

"Is that why you came running?" Dexter tease then he looked at the people in the table even Calvin who is now sitting in the table with that woman Janine.

"Lee honey I want you to meet my best friends husband Calvin." Lee looked to where Dexter is looking.

"Calvin I'm you already know who Lee is?" Calvin looked puzzled on what kind of relationship the two have but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to know someone who has a high reputation as Lee Shun.

"Mr. Shun I'm Calvin I'm actually Dexter's friend too." Calvin said introducing himself.

"Ppffftttt...." Dexter laugh. "I'm sorry nothing carry on."

"Just Lee, I'm Dexter's husband." Everyone who heard it gulp and Dexter has that looked of someone who sits on the throne as he watched those below him get tortured one by one.

"D-Dexter I d-didn't know t-that you got married?" Calvin stutter.

"But you both are an Alpha!" Janine blurted out.

"Is that really a problem?" All eyes went to the man behind the two cause it was none other than Dongha.

"Having an alpha as an in law that marries my son is not really a problem to us so how can it be any of you people concern?"

"Dad don't worry I don't mind?" Dexter smiled at his father in law.

"Dexter son, is my Son giving you a head aches?" Dongha asked.

"No with him being so busy he doesn't have any time to give me headaches with his craziness. I actually miss it from time to time."

"Is that so? Maybe I should take over the job Teakyun left." Dongha thought.

"No father that would lessen the time that you and mother have travelling."

"We can just resume it once Teakyun is back."

"No it's fine Dad."

"Dexy what are you saying? This is an opportunity for us! Just let that old man do all the job and I will gladly do you aaawww" Dexter hit him to the stomach with his elbow.

"No we are ok Dad. This is also a good practice to him to be responsible." Dexter insisted not minding Lee.

"I am a very responsible man. I took responsibility to you, I married you. I even begged you to marry me....."

"Don't you have any shame in your body?" Dexter whispered but still can be heard by others. "How can you openly say that you begged me to marry you? People who can here will make fun of you!"

"I don't care even if they make fun of me what matter to me is you, just you!" Lee stubbornly said.

"I just can't win with you." Dexter finally give up with Lee's craziness.

"Dexter son can I borrow this young man for a little?"

"Sure Dad." Dexter looked at Lee as if telling him to go with his Dad.

Lee got up but before we went with his Dad he kissed the top of Dexter's head. "I won't take long."

"Gentleman please do take care my precious son." Dongha said pertaining to Dexter. Everyone nodded in agreement not wanting to upset the respectful man.

Dexter who doesn't want to stay in the same place as those people decided to get up taking with him is his plate. He's really thankful for the fact that the party was held in his in law's Mansion and that the personnel in the Mansion knows him. If it not maybe something bad might had happened to him. He decided to go to their room, in every house of his parents Lee and him have their own rooms so as Teakyun and Theo. Dexter wanted to lie down and relax a little he will just inform Lee about his where about but a hand hold him up.

"Wait!" Dexter turned around to see who it was. "Let go." He said. Calvin hurriedly let go of his arm.

"Dexter I know we may not be in good terms but it's still not too late to fix this relationship right?"

"Look just don't mind me and I won't mind you. Just act like you don't know me." Dexter was about to leave when he was halted once again.

"I just want us to be friends....."

"Well I don't want to be friends with you."

"Dexter son!" Rebecca called.


"Where are you going with your plate?" Rebecca looked at the plate that Dexter is.carrying.

"I was planning to go to our room, maybe rest a little." Rebecca looked at him with worry.

"Are you really ok? Do we need to call you a doctor?"

"I'm fine Mom just a little tired that's all."

"Don't go home tonight. I'll tell Lee, just go upstairs. Maica dear won't you accompany Dexter to his room if that won't cause too much trouble and just sleep here for tonight. I'll ask the maids to prepare a room for you and also something for you to wear."

"It's ok auntie I'll accompany him." Maica agree.

"I'll go with them too." Rebecca looked at the man who just spoke.

"And who might you be?" Rebecca asked. Dexter was having a bad feeling about that.

"I'm Maica's husband and Dexter's friend too." Dexter wanted to deny it but for Maica's sake he doesn't want to cause a scene and shame the man in front of his mother, as long as he doesn't do anything funny then he thinks that it's alright.

When Dexter, Maica and her husband are inside his and Lee's room Calvin couldn't help but admire the hugeness of it. "Is this really a room? Your room has a receiving area?"

"Ow shut up. I went here so I could get away from people like you."

"You really got so full of yourself just because you manage to trick that Alpha. So you have thrown your pride as an alpha ans letting yourself get fuck just to have a taste of.these! I can't believe that you are that clever."

"Say what you want to say. Think what you want to think. People like you won't understand what I feel towards that Alpha. He is worth throwing my pride away as an Alpha and submitting myself for his love towards me." Dexter sneered at Calvin.

"Calvin! Dexter is nothing like that!" Maica depended her friend.

"So you really are getting yourself fuck! Hahaha I wonder what will your family think of you if they know this." Dexter felt his body stiffened upon mentioning of his family.

"I don't think you know the real situation here do you? The reason why you keep on chasing after me is because you wanted to be on the good side with my in laws. Just a tip my in laws are not the right person that you should want to get close to but their first born Son Teakyun but unfortunately Teakyun is not here and the one who's acting with Teakyun's position in none other than my husband. I don't think you are in the right position to mock me. Even if Teakyun get back I will still have the power to make my brother in law to take you down. Do you know how? Teakyun spoils Lee and Lee my husband listens to everything that I say." Dexter threatened. He walked near him and leaned closer till his mouth is right next to Calvin's ear. "So don't even try to mention this to my family or else that company that your parents work hard for will be gone in an instant." Then he walked out of the room.


Zeejay has been going around the mall all day buying anything that a twelve years old boy would like. After he's done shopping for gifts to give his son he went straight to Nick's apartment. He pushed the doorbell when no one answered he pushed it again after waiting he was about to push it again on the third time when the door opened. He was greeted by a frowning face not that he was not expecting it but the person who was giving it is not the person who he was expecting. But nonetheless Zeejay is still happy.

"What are you doing here?" Zeejay said when he opened the door and saw Zeejay's smiling face far far from his usual face that always ready to put up a fight against him but his demeanor suddenly change into something that is more docile than hostile.

"I have brought you some presents. I don't know which you like so I kind of bought random things that a twelve year old kid would like." Zay looked at all the paper bags without interest

"I have no interest with such things. My Mom is not here so get out of my face now before I call a cops on." Zay was about to close the door but Zeejay snuck his hand in the middle causing it to get hit with force.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch." Zay looked at him without any remorse with what happened.

"Not my fault you're the one who put your hand in." Zay was about to close the door again when Zeejay shout.

"Wait I came for you, though I also came for your Mom but I want to see you." Zeejay said. Now that he has a closer look Zay really looks like him.

"Too bad I don't want to see you." Zay shut the door close.

Zeejay tried attempted to push the doorbell again but stopped himself from doing so. If he's intuition is right the moment that he will push the button is the moment that he will surely be sent to prison again and he doesn't want that to happen so he decided to just wait outside. Night time came that he already fell asleep to where he's sitting.

"What are you doing here." Zeejay opened his eyes to see who was talking. He smiled when he saw that face which he hadn't seen for more than one month.

"I want to see you. No I came here for you." Zeejay said.

Nick sigh and inserted his keys. "Its late go home to where you are staying."

"Can I stay here for tonight?" Zeejay said while looking at Nicolas back.

"No you can't stay here....."

"I love you. Can you give me another chance?" Nicolas remained silent after Zeejay cut him off.

"You said that before too but you just left." Nicolas remained to his position facing his back to Zeejay.

"I know I thought it was the best decision to just set you free but I can't be apart with you. So I gathered all my courage and swallowed all my pride just so I could try again." Zeejay walk near Nicolas.

"I don't want to be a homewrecker." Nicolas felt Zeejay's hands on both of his shoulders.

"You won't be and you will never be. I'm not married I was never married."

"But the people knows that you are and your family what about them?" Nicolas knows that he shouldn't be asking the obvious. He knows that no matter what in this lifetime he won't have the man that he truly yearns. Zeejay won't destroy his career and he will never choose him over his family so it will be the same thing whether he's here or not.

"About that my Nikka and I already talked about it. We will give a statement about that fake marriage to the public to properly explain it. I was in a hurry to go here so maybe after I come back that I'll fix that but if you want I can give them a call to settle this matter once and for all. And also about my family I think I'm most likely will be disowned by them not that it matters anymore, I have lots of money enough to make sure that you will live a comfortable life with me." Zeejay said like he was bragging that what he did was an achievement.

Nicolas turned around he shake Zeejay. "What were you thinking?! Are all the things that you just said are true?" Then Nicolas let go of Zeejay and start pacing back and forth. "No that can't be true. You will never going to do such things. Yeah right right you are only saying those things to make me believe with your lies."

Zeejay took his phone out and dialed someone while Nicolas is busy pacing back and forth talking to himself. "Hello Nikka."

(Zeejay! So how are you have you seen him?) Nicolas stopped with what he's doing when he heard a woman's voice. He looked behind and saw Zeejay having a video call with the woman that he knows as Zeejay's wife.

"Yeah he's here but he doesn't believe me. Can you tell him that I'm telling that truth?"

(Let me see! Let me see!) Zeejay faced his phone to Nicolas. Nicolas said hi awkwardly.

(Aww you're so beautiful no wonder Zeejay fought for you against his family.)

"F-fought for me?" Nicolas pointed himself as he asked the question.

(Hmm hhmmm that's right. Also the reason why he officially asked for this fake marriage play to end. We are soon planning to announce it publicly after he comes back. He was really in a hurry I bet that guy still hasn't had a decent sleep ever since we went back to his parents house to tell the truth.) Nikka is a very talkative girl and in just a short moment she manage to tell the whole story. Nicolas is finding it hard to believe any of it. Base from how he knows Zeejay he is pretty sure that the man won't do any of that. After the call Nicolas was still in daze.

"So do you believe me now?" Zeejay asked hoping that this time Nicolas will believe him.

"What the hell were you thinking! You are destroying the career that you built for yourself in this past 18 years!"

"If that can make you mine then its all worth it."

"G-go home take back what you told them." Zeejay caught Nicolas hands when the Omega tried to push him away.

"You were pushing me away when I was giving importance to those things but when I gave them up for you here you are pushing me away again." Nicolas took his hands away.

"You are just confuse. Go home, sleep and think all of this over." Nicolas went inside his apartment in a hurry he didn't even gave Zeejay a chance to speak. He hold his chest and leaned against the door. Tears slid down his face, tears he has been holding for so long since he woke up in a hospital only to find out the Zeejay left him.

"No he's just confuse. He will surely going to change his mind again." He wipe his tears away.

"Mom?... You must be hungry I left the food on the table just heat them up. I'll be sleeping now." Zay said. He clearly saw his mother crying and whispering something to himself. Without asking Zay already knew the reason of those tears again but he choose to pretend not noticing them. His mother will only feel pity and embarrass towards himself if he ever bring it up so Zay choose to just pretend.


Teakyun has been noticing it since the time when Theo came back after going alone to buy something. His wife has been acting strange for some reason. "Teddy are you ok?"

"Ah? Ah yes I'm fine. I'm ok, just a little tired that's all. I feel sleepy I guess I'll go first."

"You should go then." Rachelle said like she has been waiting for the two to get out. She doesn't want to associate with Penny less people.

Theo stride towards the bathroom. Teakyun felt off but just shrug the thought off thinking that Theo was just in a hurry but when Theo didn't come out for a long time Teakyun decided to take a peak. He turned the knob and thankful that it was not locked and slightly open it only to hear faint noises of crying. Teakyun hurriedly went inside and saw him his lovely wife crying. He hugged the Omega to comfort him. "What's wrong did something happened?"

"Teakyun?" Theo was in shocked he thought that he locked the door but Teakyun is already here there's nothing he can do to cover the fact that he was crying. "This is nothing, I just fell and it hurts." Theo lied.

"You are lying. No one will cry this much if they just fell." Theo stayed silent.

"Will you hate me if I did something that you don't really want."

"That depends on what you did but I don't think I will hate anything that you will ever do even if that hurts me." Teakyun pulled from the hug and one by one wipe his tears away. "Cause nothing is more painful than the thought of loossing you. So mind to tell me what is it that you've done which made you cry this much?"

"I called Dad and fought with him because of you." Teakyun can tell that Theo is lying but he choose to stay silent, he pretend believing to his words. He just thought that if Theo is not ready to tell him what it was then he will just wait for him to tell him the truth.

After the two took a shower together they went to bed and sleep but not long ago after they drifted off to the Dreamland Theo woke up because of hunger. He tried to sleep it off but the intense power of craving is getting the best off him making him fully awake. Unable to contain it any longer he decided to go down and buy himself a strawberry ice cream that he has been craving ever since waking up.

Teakyun woke up with the sound of his phone ringing. He was still half awake when he answered the call but the news he received made him fully awake.

"What hospital he's in right now?" For the first time Teakyun was really thankful that Brent was with them. Brent was fast enough to move when he told him that he received a phonecall regarding Theo. He didn't waste anymore time and drove the three of them to the hospital where he was sent. Teakyun doesn't have any idea why Theo was sent to the Hospital but right now he's worried that his previous sickness might have relapsed again or if there were any complications with the operation.

"Theo Shun, where is he? I'm his husband." Teakyun asked the doctor in the emergency area. He didn't wait for the two who is still parking the car.

"He's still in the hybrid room. The doctor is still trying to control the bleeding." One of the nurses explained.

"Bleeding? What bleeding?" but even before the nurse could answer his question there was a man who pulled his arm.

"Are you that person's companion?" Then the man vow down apologetically. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I wasn't responsible enough. I'm so sorry."

Raged starts crawling up to his spine after hearing the man but a boy suddenly hold his hand. "It was not Papa's fault it was my fault. Uncle was just helping. I accidentally broke the car's window. The lady and man got angry uncle saw it he just helped me. I'm sorry it's my fault if it wasn't for me."

Teakyun could not understand what happened fully but he more or less have a hunch on what might have happened.

"Are you the guardian of that Omega?!" Teakyun looked at the man who has a cast on his right arm with a beaten face.

"Teakyun husband of the patient." The woman beside him who also have few scratches on her face sneered.

"So how do you plan on compensating us? That wife of your has few screws loose in the head! He just went straight beating us and crashing my car!" The man shout which made the people look at them.

"That's not true! Uncle was just protecting me. You two are the one who first raise your hands against me. Uncle just fought back."

"How do you explain our injuries then?" The woman talked back.

"Then why is the person in the emergency is my wife then?" Teakyun asked back.

"We were just depending ourselves against his assult."

"Are you the relative of the patient?" The doctor asked.

"I'm his husband." Teakyun answered.

"He's stable now. We manage to control the bleeding luckily the baby's grip is strong. He's also have light concussion but it is not something serious...."

"Baby?" Teakyun whispered.

"Looks like your wife still hasn't told you or maybe he too doesn't know. Anyways he's more or less 5 or 6 weeks pregnant."

"When can the patient be discharged?" Asked the man. "We want to make sure that he won't run away from his responsibility."

"I told you to admit the two from different hospital." The Doctor said to his nurse.

"We did but the nearest hospital is also full so we have no choice but to take them in. The Police said that they are already on their way."

"Very well then." The doctor sighed then he faced the two.

"I'm sorry but the patient still needs to rest, you can just talked to the Police and file a complain."

Teakyun gritted his teeth with everything that he's hearing. "No one will take him away." Teakyun said.

"Teakyun what happened to Theo?" Brent asked when he caught to Teakyun.

"Then pay for all the damages that stupid bitch caused! I might consider making his sentence lighter." The woman said.

"Fuck! Said sorry to her." Rachelle whispered to Teakyun when she recognized who the woman is. "That woman is the only daughter of the Governor in that province. She is known as the spoiled princess of her family. " She added Brent also became pale when he recognized who that woman is.

The woman smirk after she heard what Rachelle just whispered. Minutes later the police came in. They took the statement of the woman and her boyfriend and soon after they went to speak with the Doctor asking to take the patient away for an interogation. The Doctor didn't allow it but the Police insisted specially after the Governor shows up.

"My wife is resting if you want to talk with someone then you can speak to my lawyer. He's on his way here. I'm sorry that you need to wait for a little bit it was in a rush and I have to have someone to pick him up." Teakyun explained.

"Who are you to tell us to wait?" The Governor asked with threat in his voice.

"I'm Shun, Teakyun." Everyone shivered at the coldness of those three words.

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