
Chapter 12: First step

It has been three days since the incident but his parents act like nothing happened and went on with their lives. He tried to asked them countless of times but it seems that they are avoiding in answering the question by giving him indirect answers that it already starts to tick him off that he decided to go home early. His mind has been running to the incident that happened 3 days ago that he can't do his job properly which needs a lot of thinking and analyzing.

When He got inside the living room the voice of his mother easily captured his attention. He looked at his mother who is hugging his youngest from the back while it sits on her lap. While Uno is just sitting beside his grandmother on the long sofa and his second child Dos is sitting on his wife's lap. He looked at his youngest son and Terrence can't help but think that he might be the same as Chester. Thirdy is different from his older brothers and Terrence already knows that. He doesn't take after him but more like to Chester. He is tiny for his age like most Omegas are and he doesn't have any scent that most Harris exhibits even at early age that's why Terrence knows that Uno and Dos are both dominant Alphas because even without the test they can already sense their pheromones — but Thirdy is. a different case. Thirdy can either be an Alpha who is not a dominant or an Omega just like his mother.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard his mother's voice once again. "Ow come on kids why won't you let Wowwa go with you? That's so unfair! I used to be the person who always goes with you during your family week trip at school so why won't you let Wowwa come with you?" Tiana asked pouting at his grandchildren who doesn't want her to come with them.

"Wowwa it's for parents and child only beside it will be the first time that we will go with our Mother. Other kids have been making fun of us cause they never seen our parents they said that brother and Dos only have Wowwa. If we go with Wowwa they will make fun of us again! I want to show to them Mom. They will even envy us cause Mom is so pretty." Dos proudly said.

"Dos got into a fight before because kids has been teasing us. It might be a great opportunity to stop them from teasing and bullying us because of our parents issue." Uno said while reading a book.

"Brother I told you not to say!" Dos complain.

"Is that true?" Chester asked. Dos bend down his head while nodding.

"I didn't get hurt though, they were the once who got hurt. Dos punch them hard." Dos explained.

"Dos son, it's not about who got hurt and did not. You should not get involve with a fight. It's not good. No matter what other kids says don't let it get to you ok?" Chester lifted Dos face so he could look at him in the eyes.

"But the other kids keep on saying that Dad doesn't love us. That me and brother are just born out of accident that's why we only have Wowwa and Pappu to go to our school activities. They said Daddy is busy with different women and men that's what they heard from their Mommies and Daddies. That Dad doesn't loves us. They don't even believe that Mom exist. When I showed them your photo they said that Dos is only making that up. That's why I hit the kids at school they don't believe Dos. But I was telling the truth but no one believes me. It was only brother who was there for me, he always shoos away those kids who teases Dos." Dos rub his eyes from the tears.

"Sssshhhhhh Mommy is here now. From now on I will always going to go to every school activities that you have so that other kids won't make fun of you. Mommy will show them just how much I love both of you." Chester hug Dos. and then he looked at Uno and mouthed thank you which made his eldest son smile.

Everything that Terrence heard is like knives that stabs him deep. He didn't know that everything he did would have this great effect to his kids. He didn't know that they would be bullied and judge because he has been a jerk sleeping around with different men and women. He didn't know that there are issues like this existing and circulating but because he didn't gave them enough time to have a proper conversation these issues were left in the dark only to be dealt with by his two sons on their own. He didn't know all that and wouldn't know if he haven't over heard their conversation. So then and there he made a decision. He step in and said.

"Instead of your grandma why can't Daddy go with you and your mother to this family week trip of you two at school?" Terrence asked. Everyone's eyes landed on him but no one said anything till Dos jump to his feet and run towards him. "Really Daddy? You will come with us? With me and brother Mom? Can we also take Thirdy with us? Would it be ok? His operation is scheduled two weeks from now so we can take him with us right right right?" Dos excited asked.

"Your Daddy is busy Dos." Tiana said to her grandson, she doesn't want to get his grandsons hope when clearly Terrence didn't gave them enough of his time to even talk to them.

Terrence carried Dos. The first time that he ever carried his son after five years since Chester left them. "Daddy can make time. Daddy has been working none stop so I think it would be ok if Daddy can take a week off."

"Really Daddy?" Dos hug his father wrapping around his arms around his father's neck. "Wowwa did you hear that? Daddy will come and Mommy will come. The kids will going to see My Daddy and Mommy. I need to call Joey I will tell him." Dos said as he tried to get down from Terrence and run towards their telephone. They just look at him while he talk someone over the phone.

"Hello Joey, My Mommy and Daddy will come to the family week trip. I told you I have a Mommy and my Daddy loves us. They will come, they will come. Daddy just confirmed it just now. I'm not lying, I'm not lying." Uno closed the book he was reading and place it neatly on the table before walking behind his brother to take the phone from his hands.

"They are coming with us. If you don't believe it then it's fine, just see it for yourself the day after tomorrow." Uno said before dropping the call. He flinched his finger to his brother's forehead.

"Ouch that hurt Brother." Dos complain.

"Don't go calling your bullies telling them that our parents are coming they won't believe it unless they see it. Besides it's too early to say if Dad will really going to come. We still have two days till that event." Uno said.

"Two days? It will be on two days?" Terrence was taken aback he thought it will be by next week.

Tiana sighed she already saw it coming. a last minute leave won't work for the likes of them who handle cases left and right and that week long leave is typically a no no. "I think Wowwa will be the one to accompany you in your trip." Tiana said.

"I told you it's still too early to be so sure." Uno commented like he doesn't care and Terrence saw how Dos face became sad.

"Dad will come. Mom, I will come instead." Terrence said with finality.

"Can you make it? Can you arrange all your cases before you take a leave? It will be a week long and a week long means putting them all on hold for one week." Tiana asked his son.

"I will make it happen." Terrence said, before going he walked towards them and one by one kissed his sons on forehead before leaving. Uno and Dos was really surprised with their father's action. It was the first time Terrence kissed them that they are awake he usually does that when they are already asleep.

"I need to go, Dad will be home late." I love you.

"Did Dad just kissed us?" Uno asked he still looking at the Direction to where his father went.

"And he said I love you to us too." Dos added.

"Daddy is not sick is he?" Uno asked.

"Wowwa I'm getting scared for Daddy maybe he is sick." Dos said to his grandma who is also surprised with his son's action just now.


Troy went inside board room to start the board meeting. They are discussing about the next steps towards their company goal and the involves a lot of part taking to the Montero Empires chains of hotels where they need to win all the biddings for their projects. Troy was impressed by the presentations and agrees in most of them when someone from the board raised their hand for question.

"Is this the only plan that we have so far?" One the board members asked. He looked at the pretty man. A man he never had seen before.

"And who might you be?" Troy asked. "This is a boards meeting. Someone who isn't part of this should not stay here." Troy said in a commanding tone that made everyone silent.

"Mr. Sy there's no need for you to shout after all I am a part of this board." The man calmly said. Confusion is written on the man's face. "Base on your reaction it seems the news hasn't reached you yet. If so then let me introduce myself to you. My name is Aiden Miller and I hold the 20% of this companies shares which makes me the second highest share holders next to the Sy's. If you want to you can check with your staff." Troy can feel sweat forming to his forehead after hearing it even though the place is fully ventilated. He can't believe that someone who he hasn't heard nor see till this day would hold that much shares in the company a single person who holds a whole 20% shares. Where the shares that the Sy's holds in combination is 40% which makes them the biggest share holders of the firm.

"Now that I already gave you an explanation can we go back now to my question?" Troy tried to compose himself and gesture for him to proceed. "So as I was saying. Is this the only plan that we have? Cause if this is it then this company literally lives off from the projects we got from the Montero's. What if we stop winning their bids what will happen to us then? We are selling the Furnitures at a typical high price compare to it's cheap quality....."

"What did you just said?" Troy didn't like the way that it sounds.

"Why? It's true that the quality of the materials used to build those furnitures are cheap. They are not properly dried and the wood used are not compact which makes it prone to pests. That's also the reason they have lots of replacements of furnitures that came from us cause most of those things doesn't even reach a year. Which goes back to the quality issues that we have." Aiden explained.

"Mr. Miller the thing is no matter how cheap our products are and not matter how low quality it is they will still going to buy from us." Troy said with confidence. "That's why we only have them as our goal."

Aiden place his elbows on top of the table, hold his two hands and rested his chin on top of the back of his hands. "And why is that?" Troy's explanation got him all curious.

"Cause Ms. Salvacion who is currently the assigned project manager of the Montero's Hotel Chains is on our side. So as long as she's on our side then the success of our company is guaranteed. Specially now that the two are going to get married. In the future it won't be just the Montero's Hotel Chains but all of their business firm's that are under the Empire. Imagine us taking part in all of that? It will be like discovering a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. So did that answer convinced you that Montero Chains of Hotel is the only plan that we need to focus on?"

Aiden leaned back to his chair while smiling at his brother "Yes it did, now I know why we are so fixated on them. It is very much a good plan indeed." Aiden said agreeing to his brother's statement but deep inside he is laughing on just how easy it is to lure his brother in to giving him the information that he needed.

After the meeting was done Troy asked for a minute to speak with Aiden. "I believe we still haven't introduce ourselves properly just yet." Troy said. "Troy Sy the President of the Sy's Corp. Well soon to be the CEO."

"Nice meeting you. Aiden Miller I'm Chairman Miller's son. My father invested here about four years ago but because of all our other businesses he decided to give his shares to me but because I also decided to invest here I acquired certain percentage of the company's shares which gradually add up to what my father gave me that explains the 20%" Aiden explained, he knows that the 20% shares that he holds is already posing a threat to them thinking that he might be going after their company being the second biggest share holder in the company.

"I didn't know that Chairman Miller has another son." Troy said.

"Yeah he has been very protective of me cause you see I'm an Omega." Aiden said which surprised the man in front of him.

"You are an Omega and yet he...."

"My father doesn't discriminate. He trust me when it comes to things as this. He believes that I'm capable of doing what Alphas can do. So I'm expecting for your to give me the same trust as my father gave to prove myself worth to this company." Aiden said.

"You are interesting. Well if it's Chairman Miller then I think we won't have any problem. We have known him for four years now. Sorry for taking some of your time but I have to go now. Nice meeting you." Troy said before leaving.

"Like wise." Aiden answered back.

"You are indeed something else. I didn't see that coming." Aiden's smile disappear after Troy was already out of his sight. He turned around to his the man behind him.

"Mr. Reese." Aiden said.

"Just call me Nelson, You asked me those list so you can buy them their shares to add to the share that what your father gave you. That's cunning."

"Nelson I told you I do everything in action. I'm not all talk I like to walk my talk and see results instead. So for your next work. Find all the bids, jobs and contracts that we have with the Montero's. I need to know it all. We will tear this company from the inside but before that we need to get all the information we can get. Can you do that for me." Aiden asked.

"Of course. So see you around?"

"I don't have much choice do I?" Aiden asked.

"Nope you don't. Don't forget my additional pay for my extra service last time." Nelson said before going.

Aiden took out his phone and looked for his father's number 'Father Avenger 🤔'

"Dad it's as what we thought it was."

(So that woman really has something to do with them.)

"I'll fill you in the details later Dad. I need to go back to my office. There are a lot of things I need to fix there. We will bid for the construction of the Montero's new chain of hotels. We need to get that project." Aiden said.

(Will you be able to win that? We develop and build houses for real estate not buildings and hotels that will be a big leap to switch from one to another. You need to study that further we can't risk making mistakes here not only our reputation is at stake but also our people.) Chairman Miller reminded.

"Don't worry Dad that's why I'm working hard to make sure that everything is perfect. I will be submitting a proposal to you that of course for your approval to make sure that my plan to join the bid is feasible. I won't jeopardize the company you entrust me with cause how can you trust me your other businesses if I can't handle this construction and development firm you have given me right?" Aiden heard his father laughed.

(Yes right. I want you to learn how to work smart. to use your mind and not to let your emotions clouded your judgement. That's why even to this revenge of yours I want to guide you as much as I can like every father would. I don't want you to make mistakes that you will regret one day.) His father's statement made Aiden cry. He immediately wipe his tears away cause he doesn't want anyone to see him cry.

(Son Daddy will help you get your revenge to those who have wronged you but Daddy will also going to always be there to remind you when is too much ok? Cause Daddy only wants what's best for you. Daddy still hasn't given up yet in finding a way for you to have a family of your own. Cause I want to see you having a husband again and a child again smiling as you tell that child of yours to hug his grandfather while your husband's holds your hand as you walk towards me. I want to see you having your own family moving forward from that painful past of yours. This revenge is a temporary thing and I hope after all this you will be able to find your own peace to finally leave all of these behind.)

"Dad you are making me cry. Aiden Miller doesn't cry, they will think that I'm weak." Aiden said he went inside the bathroom to hide his tears.

(That's ok just because you are crying doesn't mean you are weak. I even cried when I found out my wife died. Just promise me after all these mess and revenge you will live your life moving forward without looking at the painful past that you have.)

"I promise Dad. After this I'll move forward."

(That's good enough for me. Now go and make that proposal I'll see if your plan to bid can be done.) Aiden wipe his tears away and took a few deep breaths before answering his father.

"Yes Dad. Thank you for coming in to my life. I owe you everything Dad. I need to go. I love you Dad."


Zeejay has been looking for Nick for days now but he can't seem to find where the Omega has been staying since the time he saw him at Lee's house. He tried asking Lee on where the Omega is staying but Lee keeps on telling him that he doesn't know which he thinks that the Alpha is telling the truth. So he asked for his contact number that his crazy friend doesn't want to give to him even if he bribe is countless of times.


"Come on dude just tell me his number." Zeejay followed Lee to the kitchen who is now preparing sandwich.

"I told you I don't know his number." Lee answered.

"I'll buy you a new sports car."

"I have lots of it and beside I do have money to buy myself one."

"I'll introduce you to beautiful women. What do you say?" Lee glared at his friend and then throw him one of the sandwiches that he's preparing.

"Women Zee seriously? Do you want my Dexy to leave me you son of a bitch. For fucks sake I'm getting married." Lee throw him another set of sandwiches that Zee catch to eat.

"Sorry my bad. But Lee just tell me please. I'll do whatever it is that you want. So tell me."

"I told you I don't know!"

"You are lying, I believe you when you told me that you don't know where he was staying at but this time you are definitely lying." Zeejay insisted and then looked at the tower of sandwiches that his friend is making. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making a Tower sandwich with chocolate, orange and peanut butter fillings for my Dexy when he gets home." Lee answered.

"That many? Ow anyways back to my favour. Lee please give me his number." Lee sighed.

"Zee when Nick was chasing you, you didn't even turned around to look how pathetic he looked like at that time. Instead you played with his feelings for you. You used that to take advantage of his weakness. You just want him for his body nothing more but when Nick finally gave up on you there you are trying to chase after him. Zee as Nick's friend please just let him be. He is happy now and contented with his life. You don't know what he went through just so he could move on from you. You can't even admit that you like him and that is LIKE that we are talking about not LOVE" Lee laugh mockingly

"You can't even admit that you like him what more if it's Love. So stop chasing after him. You don't have the balls to go against your parents. You will only going to end up hurting him." Lee added.

End of Flashback...

He sips in to his cup of coffee while looking outside the store windows. He almost spilled his coffee when he saw Nick who he was just thinking but the Omega was with someone and that is none other than Drake.

"Why are they always together whenever I see him." Zeejay whispered. He got up and decided to tail the two. Nick and Drake are happily talking to each other the he can't hear because of the distance. He followed them till the two went inside a groceries stores. Nick turned around to grab something so Zeejay have to turned and hide his face. He saw a hat and a shade, he took one of those and wore them so they won't noticed him. Zeejay move closer so he could hear the two and hide behind the fruit stand.

"So what are you planning to make for dinner." Drake asked.

"Curry Zai was asking me to make him one for dinner." Nicolas answered.

*Fuck just how close is he to that man's child that he has to cook him for dinner. Are they planning to get married soon?* Zeejay thought. He took a peek at the two and saw Drake putting his hand over Nicolas waist. Zeejay felt irritated just by seeing it so he took a piece of apple and throw it to Drake and hide right away after doing doing.

"Why what happened?" He heard Nick asked Drake.

"No nothing." Drake said. "Have you got all the vegetables that you'll need?" Drake asked.

"Yeah." Nicolas said.

The two move to the meat section so Zeejay followed to two hiding behind the fish tank.

"What do you think about this meat?" Nicolas asked. Zeejay took a peak at the two and saw Drake put his hands on top of Nicolas hands that hold a pack of dice cut meat.

"I think this one will do, we just need to get two more of this. ouch...." Drake looked behind him and saw a piece of fish thrown at him this time. He looked around to find who might be doing that but find no one.

"What was it?" Drake shake his head. "No it was nothing I thought someone called me. Let's go." The two moved to the goods section and Nicolas begin to put can goods in his cart. After that they move to the confectionery section. Nicolas tried to reach the pancake box at the top shelf but lost his balance good thing Drake was there to catch him. The two lock their gaze at each like the only person in that area was just the two of them and at that moment Zai's words came to his mind.

*If it's uncle Drake then I have no objections as long as Mom is happy.*

Nicolas looked at Drake. Even though he is a Beta Drake is exceptionally handsome and a good guy too everyone would be very lucky to have him. But Drake choose to always be by his and Zai's side. In a year and a half since he met Drake the Beta has been good to him and his son. And in a year that the Beta courted him he treated Zai as his own son even after he turned him down completely and choose to be just friends with him Drake never change like right now he volunteered to come to this country to make sure that they are safe. He is also a gentleman who decided not to share a unit with them while staying here. Nicolas wonder if he has given his heart a chance to try and love Drake instead. Will time comes that he can completely forget about Zeejay and love Drake for real? After all there are Beta's who gets married to Omega's like him and was able to live happily.

Nicolas reach his hand to hold Drake face. He was about to say something when a kilo of flour hit Drake's head and the flour sack burst scattering it's content on Drake's head and into the flour. Nicolas help wiping the flour on Drake's head and face that now looks like a ghost covered in white because of all the flour that stick on his face.

After that the two decided to pay for everything on the counter.

Zeejay on the other hand was gritting his teeth out of frustration. Drake has been very touchy of his Nicolas that he just wants the man to disappear from his sight. He remained hidden till the two finish paying on the counter. He was about to follow them when the guard stopped him.

"Sir your still haven't paid for those."

"What is it that I still haven't paid yet? Let me through there is someone I still need to follow, I'm going to loose them." Zeejay said trying to push through.

"But you still haven't paid for those yet." The guard insisted.

"I said let me through!" But the guard just tuck him down and then phone someone on the radio.

"There's a shop lifter at the counter 5." The guard shouted.

To be Continued.....


Chapter 13 Sneak peek....

"What do you mean where is he? Who are you looking for? Hey" Nicolas followed Zeejay and when he finally caught up to him he hold him by his arms to stopped him from coming in further.

"I saw him came in with you. So where is he?" Zeejay insisted by Nicolas doesn't understand what Zeejay was talking about. He is more worried for the Alpha finding out about Zai specially when Zai made it clear that he is not interested in meeting his own father.

"Mom who was it?" Zai said. Zeejay looked at the kid who looks like in his teen that called Nicolas Mom.

"Zai get inside." Nicolas said to his son.

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