
Chapter 7: The Long Night

"So it came out positive?" Terrence looked over his shoulder to see his Dad walking towards him. "What are you doing here all alone in the Garden?"

Terrence place the cigarette to his mouth inhaling and exhaling the smoke before he answer his father. "I was just taking some fresh air."

"You shouldn't be smoking you know that right? I thought you quit along time ago." His Dad asked. Terrence drop the cigarette on the ground and step on it without finishing it off.

"I smoke whenever I feel stressed out."

"Then what's making you stress right now?" Robert asked, it has been years since the last time he talked to his youngest son and the reason why Terrence has been in the Mansion recently is because of his youngest son.

"He really is mine." Terrence said in a whisper. "The results came out positive we are a match. I was thinking that all this time I thought we wasn't mine but it turns out he is mine."

"Hhhhhmmmm You didn't use your mind, you simply believe what was written on that piece of paper." Robert commented.

"But that won't still change the fact that he left me for another guy. I won't forgive him for that." Robert Pat his son to his shoulder.

"I pity Chester for having a husband who can only think so little of him." Terrence looked at his father angrily.

"Shouldn't you be taking my side? I'm your son!" Terrence shouted all these years he can't understand why his parents never took his side. He was the one who has been left behind. He was the one who has been hurt and he was the one who was cheated by his wife but never once his parents blamed Chester for what is happening to their family.

"Chester is at fault too but you gave up on him way too easy. Me and your Mom ran an investigation. At first we hoped that it's not what we thought it was but it turns out it is. Right now we just want him safe and healed from his traumatic experiences." Robert said.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. About your Divorce let's work on that after Thirdy is fully healed. Me and your Mom will handle it, Chester will be leaving with us for the mean time and the kids but soon we will get him a place on his own. As for your kids I think your previous set up will work just fine since you are always out anyways so them visiting you on weekends is the perfect set up for you." Robert explained.

"No! The kids will stay with me. That's the reason why I'm planning in Marrying Trina so they could have a mother that will look after them...."

"They already have a mother Terrence and they love Chester just fine. Don't make things too complicated for them. You can just have a baby with that girl Trina whom I don't even know about, if that's what you really want. Don't force the responsibility of Chester as a mother to some other woman who you are not even sure of if she'll ever treat them as hers.... For now let's focus on my grandchild's recovery. When he is well enough we can tell the kids so we can start processing it." Robert turned around to get back inside but stop to tell his son one last thing. "I just hope that you won't regret any of your decisions. I still don't know the truth myself but if what we thought is right fuck I don't know what I'm going to do."

After that talk walk back to the Mansion, he just keeps on walking and walking till he reached the door to the room of his sons. He gently opened it and saw his children in one bed with Chester. Chester was on the left side of the bed while the three are on the other side. Terrence doesn't know why but his hands automatically moves to caress Chester's cheek till he can feel Chester slightly shift his position lying on his back. Terrence continued with what he was doing, tracing the features of his face till his finger tips landed on Chester's lips. He keeps on caressing it till Chester opened his eyes. Shocked and questions are all in his eyes that are gazing straight to his. Terrence didn't break the stares instead he broke the silent by asking him a question. "Why did you came back? I was doing fine being like this and then you came back again. Are you planning to hurt me again?"

"If I promise not to leave will you give us a chance?" Terrence didn't expect the question.

"But you don't love me. You told me that." Terrence retort back.

"How about you do you still love me?" Chester asked.

"No, the only feelings I do have for you now is hatred. I won't be deceived." Chester sit up only to hug him.

"I don't even know who you are but I don't know why whenever I see you this thing here keeps on beating. I hated when you disrespect me but I hated more when you said that you will end the marriage that I didn't even know existed. I don't know what I did to make you hate me and I don't know what I did for you to be hurt like this but I want you to know whatever it was that I did. I'm so sorry, I can't turn back the time and I can't repeat it again to make it right but I'm believing that I have a good reason for doing what I did and if what you said is right the only thing I can do is to say sorry to you. I'm sorry." Chester blink a couple of times. He doesn't know why but meeting Terrence brought him different kinds of emotions that he can't explain. He wanted to defend himself from the man's accusations but he can't cause he knows nothing of what happened in the past.

Chester pulled back from the hug to face Terrence. He smiled at him as he continued with what he was telling him. "I will accept any terms you will give just don't take the kids away from me. They are the only ones that I have." Chester beg.

"For the next week before the operation and after the operation while Thirdy is still healing, live with me. You and the kids will move to my flat."

"W---WHAT?!" Chester asked.

"Live with me together with the kids. I can't trust you not to runaway with the kids like the last time you did so live with me, so I can keep an eye on you."


Lance went home feeling tired but all his tiredness fades away whenever he sees every bits of things that holds Liam's memories and in the middle of reminiscing the thought of Aiden Miller fills his mind. He can't help but feel like he knows the Omega for a long time but not at the same time. He got up from the bed and walked to where the frames of Liam's photo of him and his are displayed. He hold on to it and start talking as if the frames have ears to listen and have mouth to speak.

"I have met someone who has the same voice as you but he is far from being you. Maybe if you were here you will tell him that he is quite arrogant hahahaha." Lance finger tips traces Liam's face who is smiling in the photo. I hope that you are happy there. Don't worry about me here Love. I'm trying to carry on just how you would want me to be." Lance exhales deeply as if that would stopped his tears from racing to go down from his eyes. "You really are unfair. I wanted so much to blame you but I can't. I just can't so I'm trying to be happy but misserably failing." Lance was still in the middle to talking when he heard a commotion of someone who is raging havoc in his house till he heard a loud tug to his door. Lance went to open his door to see the cause of it only to be welcomed by Bea who appears to be drunk.

"Bea what are you doing here?" Bea's eyes landed on the frame that Lance is holding. She tried to snatch it away from Lance but Lance was quick to move it away from her reach but she still tried to grab it forcing her way till she finally grab that frame of Liam from Lance's hands.

"Bea give that to me!" Bea hold out the frame showing it to Lance.

"Is this really what you want? This Dead person? Lance this Omega won't speak to you anymore, no matter how much you talk to this it won't answer back to you. Do you get me?" Bea looked at the person in the frame with much contempt.

"It's because of this person that we can't be a family. It's because of this person that you can't make me happy! It's because of him that you can't give me the marriage that I WANT!" Bea throw the frame on the floor, it was not enough for her that she has to keep on stepping on it to feel satisfied. She keeps doing what she was doing till she felt Lance from her behind stopping her from what she's doing.

"Bea I said stopped! What is it that you want! I already gave you everything, I didn't even question you one bit for all the things that you asked of me..... but me I'm asking only one thing from you and that's to respect my decision. I can't marry you." Lance said desperately. He doesn't know how he can make the woman understand, he has been trying for years but Bea is stubborn she doesn't listen to him one bit.

"Is that really your decision?" Bea seems to calm down a bit which made Lance at ease.

Lance nodded in response. "Yes."

"Then there's no need to co-parenting with Lander. I decided if you can't give us a whole family then it's better for us to leave permanently out of your life."

Lance felt the horror of not seeing his son again so he tried to stopped Bea. "Bea you can't take away my child from me. I'm his father."

"I can Lance, I'm his mother after all. All the rights falls to me his mother. So you choose that Dead Omega or marriage with me." Bea walk away without waiting for Lance's answer.

Lance pick up the frame with broken glasses. "Are you ok Sir?" Sebastian asked.

"No, but what can I do. I love that child." Lance answer, he was torn between his love to Liam and his love to his child.


Nicolas was brushing the hair of his son when his eyes opened. "You're home late."

"Are going to scold me again for coming home late?" Nicolas asked, by now he got used to the fact that Zai is more like a parent than a child towards him. He has been over protective of his mother that when he reached the age of 9 he began monitoring his where about and who he is with.

"That depends on where have you been and who you have been with." Zai said calmly.

Nicolas pursed his lips bringing his gaze up thinking of an acceptable answer that will be accepted by his strict son of his. "Hhhmmm let me see. I went to your uncle Lee's house and uncle Dexter to congratulate him personally. I'm with your uncle Drake so everything is fine."

"But why does your eyes says otherwise? Something must have happened." Zai squint his eyes as he question his mother. "There is something you are not telling me. Moooommm? No secrets remember?"

Nicolas ruffle his hair as he laughed at how adorably mature his son thinks. To think that the child is just nearing 12 years old. "I saw your Dad there. I was not really expecting it. He learned about you but he thought you were your uncle Drake's child."

Zai averted his gaze from his mother. "Let him think what he wants to think. It's not like we needed him anyways. He has his own family now it's better if he won't know. Besides I have no interest in meeting him."

"Don't you really want to know him? I won't mind." Nicolas said. Nicolas still remembers the time when Zai finally learned the true Identity of his father. It was on Zeejay's wedding day. Nicolas was watching in an international channel of the live telecast of Zeejay's wedding with a rich Alpha woman. He knows it will hurt him but for the last time he wanted to see the man the he loved for years to finally settled down in hopes that seeing him tying the knot will finally going to give him enough reason not to hope and to finally end his one sided love for the Alpha. Zai saw it and asked him who the man is and why his mother crying over the man. Nicolas tried to lie to his son but eventually got caught weeks after that incident. The disadvantages of having a smart son. The kid can deliberately connect the dots together. Zai was able to fit all the pieces together, all the crying over the man's photo, all the crying while watching his wedding that should be a happy moment but his Mom is crying like someone just died. All the photos of him and that man stuck in between some books that are kept in a place that aren't frequently opened. All those things are some evidences that man has something to do with his Mom. So when Zai was already convinced he asked his Mother on who is the man and if he is his father. At first Nicolas tried to lie again but Zai insisted to know the truth at a very young age so he finally gave in and told his son the truth. Zai didn't say much, he didn't seem excited to know too and most of all he showed no interest in meeting or getting to know his father telling his mother he doesn't care about him.

Zai looked at him and took his hand bring it to his face. "I don't need a Dad when I have an amazing mother who has been my Dad and Mom all my life."

Nicolas wipe the tears that are threatening to fall from his eyes. "You are making me cry. Since when did you learned how to say such sweet words. Should I start worrying that you might end up making a lot of people cry when you grow up?"

"Ppssshhh Please Mom, don't group me with that playboy of a man that he is." Zai said.

"Zai that man is still your father." Nicolas reprimanded his son.

"More like a sperm donor to me." Zai retorted.

"Ss-sperm, sperm? s----sperm?... What?! to whom did you learn that? You are still young to be saying such things." Nicolas can't believe that his 11 years old son already knows such things.

"From the books Mom, don't group me with other kids. My mind works differently from them you know that. You had me tested." Zai retorted.

"The disadvantage of having a smart and cunning son." Nicolas whispered.

The two are still talking when they heard a knock on the door. The two looked at the person who is leaning at the entrance of the room, smiling as he looks at them. Nicolas smile back at the person. "Theo, have Zai been a good boy?" Nicolas asked.

Theo walk near them and seated on Zai's bed side. "Yeah Zai is a good boy. I have no problem taking care of him."

"I told you Mom that I have been good and uncle Theo please stop calling me a boy. I'm big enough not to be called a boy. That's the reason why Mom is not taking me seriously because people around me keep on thinking that I'm still a child." Zai said pouting.

"But you are still a boy? Uncle Theo will be sad if you grow up too quickly. You promise me that you will be my baby cause uncle Theo doesn't have any babies." Theo said sulking, Zai saw how it made his uncle sad so he sat up and hug him.

"I'm sorry uncle Theo, for you I'll remain your baby but for Mom I will be a Man." Nicolas eyes grew wider.

"Why is it when it's him you are a baby but when it comes to me you need to be a Man? You are way stricter than my own parents!" Nicolas complain.

"Cause uncle doesn't have a baby and you don't have a husband or boyfriend's to protect you that's why for you I need to man up so I could protect you Mom." Zai explained.

"Make sense, but Zai sweetie don't you want your mother to get married? How about uncle Drake? He has been courting your mother for a year now but your mother is thinking about you....ouch." Nicolas pinch Theo. "Don't say unnecessary things to the kid." Nicolas whispered to Theo in a way that his son won't be able to hear it.

"I like uncle Drake but he is a Beta. If Mom won't be able to get married to an Alpha it is better not to get married at all. Beta won't be able to ease my Mom's monthly heat." Zai explained.

"Hhhhmmmm I don't think the person needs to be specifically an Alpha, you see I'm married to an Alpha before but look at me now all alone. Drake is a good person he can make your mother happy if only he will open his heart to him. He is also good person who thinks of you as his son. So what do you think." Theo asked.

"Mom still holds the final decision. If it's uncle Drake then I have no objections as long as Mom is happy." Nicolas look at his son he felt so proud to raise such a good son. All his life he never regretted his decision to keep Zai, he never regretted his decision in living as a single parent raising a child alone even with the prejudicial eyes of the people around him to the likes of him. Discrimination against Omegas are everywhere but it is much worst to those who are with a child alone but having Zai is one of the best decision he ever made in his life. He doesn't mind spending the rest of his life living a single life as long as he has his son by his side.

"Uncle Drake and I finally decided to be just friends and I'm thankful that your uncle Drake understands that. I'm happy just to be with my precious son." Nicolas said that made Zai smile.

"Don't worry Mom even if I got married and have a family of my own I still won't leave you. You will live with me and my family. I promise you that." Zai happily declared. Theo ruffled his hair.

"Before you think of getting married I think we should first get you to circumcise." Theo teased.

"Uncle!" Zai shouted his uncle Theo's statement made him to blush terribly.


Aiden touch the screen of his phone to answer the call as he drive his way to an important meeting. "Hello?"

(Son when are you coming home?) The question made Aiden smile, his father never change he always calls to check on him whenever he gets home late.

"I'll be home a little bit later Dad, I'll just have to meet someone." Aiden explained.

(And who is this someone? Should I start doing a background check on this person?)

Aiden laughed at what his father said. "You know I can no longer date someone. I'm marked Dad, that's the terrible fate that a marked Omega like me has to accept. We can't be free from our bond to our Alphas." His father went silent on the other line. Aiden appreciate all the help his father has ever done to him that includes finding any means in how they can break his bond but they have tried different means, consulted different Doctors and experts but everything all comes down to one answer and that is a marked Omega will have to live the rest of his life being bonded to just one Alpha.

"Don't be sad Dad, I have you and G. Soon I'll have little nephews and nieces running around. My life can still be amazing. I don't need to have another Husband to build a family. Having you and G is already enough. Besides I have a good news to you." Aiden was trying to change the subject so that his father won't worry anymore.

(What's the good news? Will Daddy be happy with that news?) Chairman Miller asked.

"Yes Daddy will definitely be proud of me. I finally had someone inside the Sy's, he is the person I'm planning to meet tonight. He will be my eyes and ears. He will gather all the information about the investors, projects and shareholders of the firm. If this works I will deliberately going to tear them from the inside without them noticing it and by that time they do notice it will be too late."

(Now that's wicked.) Chairman Miller commented but Aiden swear he can hear his father laughing happily as he said that.

"Well you are the one who taught me how to be one. I can't wait to start this right away but having a concrete plan will take me to hundred percent of success rate than to rush my way to get my revange."

(Just remember son victory in war is determined on who is more prepared and has the more information about the enemy. That's why gather as much intel as you can, make use of all the information you will going to get and make sure use only trusted people in the field as your pawn in this game.)

"Yes Dad. Thank you."

(Don't work too hard. You also needs to rest and think about your health ok? I don't want you getting sick. Call me when you are coming back. I love you son.)

"I love you Dad." He was almost there when Aiden drop the call. He maneuver his car to the parking lot before getting out of the car. He let the waiter to lead him to the table reserved for two and saw a man sitting there. The man got up when he saw Aiden he extended his hand for a hand shake. "Mr. Miller."

"Mr. Reese." Aiden said.

"Come on sit down." Aiden sit down after the invitation.

"I will cut down to the chase. Why help me? You don't know much about me and my reason for doing this so why call me to offer me a help?" Aiden place his both hands on the table. He looked straightly to the man's eyes trying to read any changes in his emotions determining if the man is lying or playing some plot here.

"Let's just say it's for revenge. You see my name was not really Reese. I was Nelson Read but after my father commit a family suicide I was left all alone. The sole survivor of a tragical incident. I have no family relatives who wants to take me in so in the end I was sent to an orphanage and ended getting adopted by the Reese." Nelson explained.

"The Reese." Aiden was playing with his wine then he looked at the man again. "If I was not mistaken they used to be a business partners of the Sy's but for unknown reason they suddenly cut ties with the Reese and after that an embezzlement scandal broke pointing to Reese's."

"Yes, but my father is a good man. He won't embezzle money just to get ahead but it was the other way around. It was the Sy's who Rob the company of their money for their own profit and put all the blame to my Father. They cornered my father till it broke him. I want to see them crumble to the ground."

Aiden brought the Wine to his lips slightly smelling the scent of the red wine before taking a sip. "Are you determined enough to do all the things I will be asking of you?"

"Yes, besides you promise good pay. This will be a win win situation to me. I'll get my revange at the same time I will be paid handsomely."

"It won't be an easy job? There is a chance that you will be caught and if that happened your career is over." Aiden threatened.

"You won't let them capture me will you? Cause if that will happen then finding another accomplice will be hard."

"Cleaver." Aiden smiled at the man.

"Why are you doing this? If.... that's ok with you?" Nelson asked.

"I just simply want to take over their company. Figured that it will be beneficial for the Miller's group of companies to acquired a furniture business rather than to start our own. Beside Sy's are getting bigger as time passes by it will be a great opportunity to seize them as early as now. And through you it will be possible." Aiden explained not giving out the real reason. It's enough that the man knows only what he needs to hear not the truth. It will be much easier for him to carry out the plan if he knows only what he needs to know.

"Then I'm looking forward to working with you." Nelson said.

"I hope you can live up to my expectations." Aiden answered back.

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