
Chapter 42: The Date

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the late post. I was really so busy yesterday so I was not able to upload the third chapter which I promised you guys so to make up for it. (Cause I really hate breaking promises.) I will be releasing another chapter tomorrow. Thank you so much I hope you guys can enjoy this Chapter.

Love author


Lee was sitting in one of the benches in the park, he has been waiting for like more than 2 hours and 30 minutes in that place. He already got nth times of invitation from both men and women who passes by. He can even feel and hear the stare and whispering of the people around him assuming that he got stood up. He looked at his phone again and tried to call the number on the screen. (𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲.) More than the fact that he is frustrated he feels more worry about Dexter.

"10 more minutes if he's not here then I'll go straight to his house." Lee told himself. It was their promise day of their date and yet the Alpha is nowhere to be found in their meeting place.

Ten minutes had passed and no Dexter appears. Lee stand up and was ready to take a cab when he heard a man shouting in the distance calling his name. He immediately shift his gaze to where the voice is coming and see Dexter walking fast towards him with his left arms holding his crutch to support him. Dexter was still out of breath when he reached Lee. Lee was about to speak when Dexter held out his palm in a stopped sign and continuesly catch his breath.

"You done?" Lee asked annoyingly.

Dexter looked at him. "Yeah, have you been waiting long?" Dexter asked, based from Lee's expression he think the answer is yes. "Don't bother answering it's obvious based on your expression. I'm sorry ok... I kinda over slept... Didn't mean too." Dexter said in a whisper.

"So you got me all worried cause you over slept? What about informing me first at least that would have save me some peace of mind on what happened to you and why aren't you even answering your damn phone?!"

"I Forgot to charge my phone..."

"What?! say that a little louder so we could understand each other." Lee scorn.

"I said I forgot to charge my phone last night."

"Aarrgghh that's why I told you that I'll come to fetch you so both of us can come together but who suggested that we should meet here and to not even bring our own car." Lee was really frustrated. It was his first ever date in 29 years of his existence and he didn't know that it would be like this. He even went as far as to disturb Terrence and Lance last night just to get tips on what and what not to do during dates.

"I was waiting for fucking 2 hours and 40 minutes in that place and for me that was like eternity!"

"W-wait what? If my memory serves me right we agreed to meet at 9 but I got here around more than 10 in the morning I was only an hour late." Dexter put his hand on his chin caressing it with his finger while acting like thinking then suddenly looked at him. "So you mean to say you got here an hour and 30 minutes early from the time we agreed upon?"

"N, No I-I.... I was just thinking about the traffic... Yeah that's right the traffic... right right. I don't want to be late because of the traffic... yeah traffic right." Lee said trying to make an excuse as to why he came so early.

"Ok, if you said so.... Come on let's start this date. This will be so ecstatic and thrilling. I will assure you that this will be something you will never going to forget." Dexter pulled Lee by his wrist and the both of them rode a bus taking them to the place where Lee knows nothing about. It was his first time riding in one.

"Why do you look so surprise?" Lee asked.

"I haven't ride a bus before, you see I just see this everyday in the street but I've never really ridden one before." Lee said his eyes are wondering in every corner of the bus. He was like a child who had seen a toy for the first time.

"Rich people's problem." Dexter said.

Lee looked at him. "Why? you are rich too." Lee said.

"How can you say so? You don't even know me. You still haven't me my parents. Aside from my name and address you know nothing about me. And let me just add no investigating of my background or else this relationship is over got it."

"Yeah I know, I'd rather have you say it yourself than me finding it out from an investigator...." Lee said agreeing to the Alpha. he avert his gaze as if thinking when suddenly he spoke. "To answer your question well first off, you don't look like someone who is poor or a middle class. You look more higher than that judging from the place you live and the car the you have not to mention your hobbies for sports and traveling that is not something an ordinary person could afford. That's why I thought you are also rich."

Dexter laugh. "I'm not rich my parents are. I was just able to do all that thanks to my parents money but recently they have frozen all my credit cards and bank accounts because there is something that they want me to do but refused to. I stopped my hobbies and traveling cause it costs too much and the unit I'm planning to sell it so as the car. I'm actually looking for a place to stay that costs much cheeper. I want to be free, free from my parents, free from their grasp." Dexter looked at him who is also looking at him as if he is reading him like a book

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dexter asked smiling at him.

"I can help you...."

"I didn't asked you to help me. I didn't made you my boyfriend so you can be my new credit card. I want to try this relationship right."

"Just how rich your parents are?" Lee asked

"Not as rich as you are don't worry. My family is actually nothing compare to yours."

"How did you know? Do you know me and my family?"

"No just my guts telling me and besides you are friends with a Montero so it's a given that you are also a filthy rich spoiled bastard who was born with a golden spoon in their mouth." Dexter said laughing. Dexter looked at the window before telling... "Let's keep our family matters and privacy that way till we figured if this could work or not. If this could work maybe we can tell them if not at least we will spare them the pain." Dexter said, Lee agreed but he already knows inside of him that they will meet each other's family and he will make sure that it will happen.

None of them speak after that talked till Lee felt Dexter's head swaying. He took a peak to see what is happening to the Alpha and realized that he was just sleeping. "Hays he must have stayed late last night for him to be this sleepy." Lee said to his self. He gently hold Dexter's head and slowly guide it to his shoulder so that the Alpha could sleep comfortably. Lee felt his heart beats so fast because of that, the feeling of having the person you like sleeping on your shoulder is overwhelming. It was the first time for him to ever felt that way. It didn't took him long before he himself fell asleep leaning his head slightly to Dexter's head.

It was the conductor's announcement that woke up the two Alphas. "I feel asleep." Dexter said looking at their surrounding analyzing it when the bus was about to run again that's where he realized where they really are. "Stopped.... stopped this is our stop, we will go down." Dexter hysterically said that made the people stare at the two of them weirdly. Dexter's face flushed from embarrassment and quickly run to go out from the bus, Lee followed him from behind.

"You had made quite a scene back there pppffffttt." Lee said trying to hold back his laugh. He can see how flustered and embarrassed Dexter is by the color of his face that reaches up to his ears.

"Laugh again and I'll make sure to punch the light out of your face." Dexter warned and went to walk to their destination.

"Ok, ok I was just kidding. Where are we anyways and where are we really going?" Dexter didn't answer him instead he went to walk on his way to the place where the two of them will be dating.

"We are here." Dexter said smiling at him. Lee looked at the place and start frowning.

"Where? I see nothing." Lee point out.

"There looked a head of you." Lee looked at where Dexter is pointing. Confusion is still written all over his face till his wrist is grab by Dexter.

"Aarrgghh just follow me." They went straight and find themselves queueing for an entrance till they reached the ticketing booth.

"For how many?" Asked the lady.

"Just for two please." Dexter gesture two using his fingers as he said it to the lady inside the ticketing booth. After getting the tickets they went to the entrance.

Lee can see stalls of foods, man in costumes, people walking and colorful tents. He was confused as fuck to where the heck are they. "Where are we? It's like we just came to the place where Alice went." Lee looked at him flatly. "Are we in wonderland?" Lee asked.

"Not quite, come on I'm so excited it has been so long since I have been here." Dexter pulled him. They walk and walk under the heat of the sun till Dexter stopped to turn around. "Are you afraid of the heights?" Dexter asked.

"No of course not. There is nothing that I'm afraid of." Lee said without a hint of hesitation he knows to himself that never in his life he has feared something so he is confident enough to answer his lover's question.

"Ok then, I think we won't be having a problem riding that!" Lee looked at the direction to where Dexter's finger is pointing at. His eyes pop open upon seeing a tower so high as if it's touching the sky and around it circle's a steel of rings with seats attached and the people who are sitting on it are waving and some are screaming as the round thing keeps on climbing and climbing till it reaches the top. What happened next is what makes Lee regret the thing which he said earlier. The loop of seats around the tower suddenly dropped in speed the moment it reaches the top and the scream of the people sitting on it reaches to where they are standing.

Lee suddenly felt cold upon hearing their screams of horror. He looked at Dexter to see if the other is also feeling the same thing too but Dexter's expression is the complete opposite of what he is feeling right now. He can see the excitement and adrenaline to his eyes by just witnessing that looped of steel to dropped.

Dexter pulled him to the line of people who wants to get on a ride. Every passing time makes his heart pound and every scream makes him sweat even more. "Should we really need to ride tha-that thing?!" Lee stutter in nervousness as he points his finger to the drop tower ride.

"The drop tower? Yeah, it's not that extreme and besides you'll get to see a nice view once we are up there." Dexter smirked, he's getting more fun seeing the scared looked of Lee's face.

The two of them were already in the next batch for the ride when Lee spoke. "Dexy honey It think we should pull out I mean look at them screaming in fear. I'm only worrying about you, it would be bad for you to ride on that thing."

"Hhhmmm nah! Don't worry nothing bad will happen to me there. Ow we are next come on." Dexter grab him inside the entrance of the ride's fence that restricts other people from coming in. The two of them was assisted by the staff considering that Dexter is injured. Once seated he gave his crutch to the staff and the other staff started fastening their seat belts, putting their lap bars and lastly pulling down the over the shoulder restraint. Lee almost blow all the air he has inside when one of the staffs press hard the over the shoulder restraint to ensure that it is tightly locked. It didn't took them a long time for the staffs to start walking outside the fence and a loud buzzer starts alarming citing the start of the ride.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...." Lee said like a mantra the moment he felt that they are starting to escalate slowly. His hands are cold, sweaty and slippery as he hold tight to the metal bar on each side of the over the shoulder restraint.

"Here hold my hand." Dexter offered he can sense the fear that Lee is feeling right now. He extend his arm to his side to where Lee is seated.

"Fuck where is your hand I can't grab it."He can hear laugh just beside him. "Are you making fun of me?! Fuck where is your hand, hold my fucking hand, hold it hurry up."

"There I got you don't be afraid. I'm just here." Dexter was still laughing while assuring the alpha. They were already more than halfway to the top. And the time seems awfully slow as they waited for it to reach the top only to be dropped down.

"Fuck, it's so high fuck, fuck, damn it fuck it's so high. Aren't this thing going to drop yet. I'M READY MOTHER FUCKER SO DROP US NOW!" Lee scream.

"Hey just take it easy, we will get there." Dexter said he can feel how cold the hand of the Alpha. "So there's something that an Alpha like you fear of ey?" Dexter asked trying to get Lee's attention and focus about the fact that anytime soon the tower will drop them at full speed.

"Of course not there is nothing in this world that I'm afraid OOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFF HHHHAAAAAAAAAAA." Lee was still defending himself when the moment he has been waiting for suddenly happen which made him scream like a lady being butchered. It dropped the at full speed only to be stopped suddenly and pulled up again only to be dropped again and it repeat the whole thing till they had consumed the whole 2 minutes ride.

Dexter looked at the person sitting beside him when the ride was finally finished and they have been released from their seat belts and protective restraints. Lee remained seated looking like a wasted woman who puke herself out. He quickly helped Lee to stand who was still in dazed. "Are you ok?" Dexter asked. Lee looked at him as if wondering and analyzing who he is and when he finally did he immediately break free from his support trying to stand straightly but miserably fail as his shaking knees sold him out.

"Come on its ok. It seems you are not used to this kind of thing." Dexter said they are now heading in one of the benches inside the amusement park. "O-Of course not. I was just feeling a little under the weather even before we got here that's why." Lee lied, looking and admitting weak is never his thing.

"And why are you still fine even after all that... that... that thing you know?" Lee asked he can't accept the fact that he was the only one who has been gravely affected by that monstrous ride.

"I like extreme rides. Amusement park is one of my favorite place in the world. If you are frustrated you can scream your lungs out and no one will judge, you can cry and no one will asked and you can cussed without looking bad. It's like releasing all that building anxiety and frustrations inside without getting yourself intoxicated. And like magic you feel better. It's like experiencing near death situation and surviving it all at once."

"Have you ever been here before with someone other than me?" Lee asked looking at him with a serious face.

"To be honest no. I always go to this kind of place alone. It was actually my first time coming here with someone." Dexter explained

"I thought for a second that the name of this place contradict it's meaning for there is nothing amusing with this place but what you said made just now made this my most favorite place of all." Lee said.

"Really?" Dexter looked at him with a hint of mischief with his smile.

"Hhhmmm, hhhmmm." Lee assured.

"Ok then, enjoy this place to the fullest so let's go to the next one." Dexter drag him to their next ride and his heart calm the instant he saw the next ride that they will going to try.

"Aren't there any rides scarier than that? Really Dexy honey that?" Lee even pointed his finger to the large pirate ship that is slowly swinging back and forth and every swing it goes up and up and up till it tilt almost vertically in the air.

"We'll see about that." Dexter said with a hint of a promise of breaking Lee's proud and boastful attitude.

There is not much people queueing so they immediately was able to ride the next batch of the Pirate Ship. The staff assisted Dexter again to his seat before he gave his crutch. He made sure that the two of them will be seated at the end and farthest part of the ship. The staff started pushing down the lap bar that will keep them safe during the whole ride. They heard the buzzer and start feeling the Ship moving, swaying in small movement.

"See not that scary, is this all this thing could give? Dexy honey I won't sign up for this cheap ride. I mean come on where's the thrill in this?"

"You'll see, you just wait honey and you'll get more than what you are asking for." Dexter didn't bother explaining and just gave him a sweet smile.

The swing became harder and higher and Lee start to feel a little anxious with how high they are getting that on the next swing he suddenly grab and hold the lap bar tightly. People are already starting to scream and he is starting to panic when he realized that the only thing that is keeping them from falling is that lap bar. "Fuck, fuck, fuck...."

"Isn't this fun? Here is the thrill you are looking for come on lift your arms in the air wwwwwaaaaaahhh hahahhahaa" Dexter said as he lifted his hands in the air not even holding the lap bar.

"Wwwwaaaaaahhhhhh fuuuuuccccckkkk" Lee was now literally banding down hugging the lap bar as the once ascend again but was pulled out by Dexter.

"Hey don't bent down it's dangerous. Just grab on to me if you want to grab on to something." Lee hug Dexter tightly while screaming his lungs out and beside him is the laughing Dexter who is pulled out his phone to take a photo of them together.

Lee throw up the moment they got out. "I thought you said there was no thrill to that." Lee just glare at him. "That ride was dangerous, it doesn't have enough safety features unlike the first one we've tried! That ride is going to kill me because of it's unsafe operation."

"You are over reacting. Let's just eat, being with you in a ride makes me very hungry." Dexter suggested, they walk towards the shawarma stand. "Where are you taking me?" Lee asked.

"I don't see any restaurants here." Lee keep on looking around any dine in restaurants but failed to see one.

"I hate to disappoint you but today we won't be eating in one of those. Come it's time for you to have a taste of ordinary food of this ordinary world." Dexter said lifting one of his arms like endorsing the place, he looked around the place that his lover is referring to but his face fell down when he saw nothing but different stands which are full of foods he had not tried before.

"Mister two orders of these please, also please add extra cheese and hot sauce." Dexter politely order and paid the man. Lee looked at the pile of meat skewed vertically that is now in shape of inverted triangle. The man sliced thin piece of it on each side and chopped the lump of meat into tiny and fine pieces. He then took a pita bread, preheated it and placed the fine meat in there along with many types of veggies, cheese and sauce after that he rolled it to a cone shape then gave it to Dexter. "Thank you so much Mister." Dexter said to the man he then turn his gaze to Lee and handed him his food.

Lee looked at it like it is some kind of out of this world kind of thing. "What the heck is this?" Lee asked.

"Food isn't that obvious?" Dexter unwrapped his shawarma and take a bite.

"You call this food? How is this a food." Lee raised the shawarma to his eye level and carefully scrutinize it.

Dexter blows a loud breath. "Rich people are too ignorant to the food of the common people." Dexter said out loud to himself while rolling his eyes to Lee. "If you don't want then just give me that." Dexter said grabbing the food away from Lee.

"No! it's your first treat to me so no." Lee pulled away the food from Dexter's attempt of taking it.

"Then why are you even complaining. Next time I won't be treating you argghhh."

Lee didn't mind him and just took a bite. He thoroughly chew and taste it. The one bite was followed by one and another and another one untill nothing was left then without a word Lee went to the Shawarma stand and to Dexter's surprised Lee came back with 3 pieces in his hand. He was wondering why did he bought 3. As if Lee had read his mind Lee answered him. "one for you and two for me but if you are already full then that's three for me."

Dexter hold his stomach from too much laughing. "What?! It's not that I like this food is just that you got me all screaming from those rides that I burnt too much energy." Lee said defensively.

"Yeah, yeah alright I'll just pretend that I believe you pppffffttt hahahaha... hahahaha.... hahahaha...."

The two just walked around the amusement park, Dexter decided not to take another ride for now since they just finished eating and that will increase the chances for Lee to throw up after. "Hey want to go inside there?"

"What? Where?" Dexter was pointing at the horror house adventure.

"I have never went to one before." Dexter said that made Lee smile.

*It's time for me to redeem myself as a man.* Lee thought, he thought that going inside the horror house is his chance to show Dexter how manly he is but he thought wrong.

"Alright honey lets go in. If you feel scared just hold on to me ok?"

"Ok." Dexter simply said. group of people are not allowed to go simultaneously unless you are acquainted, they wait for at least 2 minutes before they let other people to go inside which adds up to the frightening, dark and heavy aesthetic of the hunted house. They just got inside but the coldness of the room made their body hair stand but the dreaded silence is what makes the place even more scarier. When the place is as quiet as the night every senses of your body becomes more sensitive which makes the person to react more than what is normal.

"Dexy honey just stay close to me ok, if you feel scared then just hold on to me ok?" Lee said his voice is stuttering.

"O-Ok." Dexter respond. But it didn't take long before someone suddenly sneaked behind Lee and placed his cold dark hairy arms around Lee's shoulder and the word that made the Alpha loose his face to Dexter forever. "Boo." Lee quickly run away from the man screaming that he even got himself trip many times till they can no longer see the man the only thing that they can hear are his scream that keeps on echoing inside the Hunted house. Dexter and the ghost man looked at each other dumbfounded by Lee's reaction before laughing their ass off.

"I've never seen someone get so scared by that simple trick." Said the ghost.

"Me too that was epic. I never thought that this could be more fun than what I expected." Dexter said wiping his teary eyes from laughing too much.

"I'll go ahead he must be waiting for me at the exit of this haunted house." Dexter said.

Lee was still catching his breath when he realized what he had done so he turned around and tried to get back in using the exit but the staff and guards block him from doing that. "My lover is still there, I left my lover there." Lee said trying to explain the situation hoping that they could let him in.

"I'm sorry sir but that won't do. Just wait for him to come out."

"Hey Lee I'm here." Dexter turn his gaze towards the guard. "It's ok." The guard let Lee go.

"So hold on to you ey? I think you should be the one holding on to me instead." Dexter said winking at him. Dexter noticed that Lee has been quite for quite some time now.

"Hey is there something wrong? You have been silent for quite some time now." Dexter asked

"Nothing I just feel pathetic this whole time. I looked like a complete looser. I can't even enjoy any of those rides we tried earlier, I even throw up and then that happened, trying to act so cool but ended up leaving you. You must be thinking poor of me now." Dexter didn't expect that the alpha would open up to him. As an Alpha it is hard for them to admit their weaknesses they are so used too with their pride that they strive for perfection to the point they already forgotten that they are also just human that are not perfect and Dexter fully knows that cause he himself is an Alpha.

"Well to be honest I like the you now you are more.... authentic. You don't need to be perfect, you can be pathetic, crazy, some times stupid, a loser maybe, weak perhaps and that's ok, that what makes it even more fun. So cheer up." Dexter said with all his sincerity.

Lee didn't say anything and just looked at him. "Hmm ok lets just try this. You see over there? Those stalls with lots of stuff animal toys? I want you to win a toy for me."

"What will I get if I win a toy for you?" Lee said still looking straight to his eyes.

"I'll going to give you three wishes. You can wish for anything except for sex that's off limits. So what do you say? Are you up for it?" Lee grin

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