
Chapter 26: Scandal

Chester was invited by his mother in law to do some shopping together with his sister in-law. He was already in his 6th months of pregnancy and his mother insisted to shop for babies clothes and necessities for both him and Anita.

Ever since marrying to that family Chester had experienced a lot of things that he never once experience before. He got a family that he can call his own. He got the love of a mother, father and siblings he never felt before and he got Terrence love that he thought he will never going to have before and the rest are just bonus, but despite having a husband that is extremely wealthy Chester choose to remain the same. He still lives in the same apartment where he used to live and still work to the same shop where he works.

"Chester son, how is my son treating you?" Tiana asked. They are now looking for maternity clothing since Chester's tummy is becoming bigger due to the pregnancy.

"He's treating me well mother." Chester blush. Terrence has bee giving him everything. They didn't even signed any prenup agreement which the lawyer explained to him that he is now entitled to half of his spouse wealth, assets and properties making him rich too. The lawyer even gave him one of his credit and debit cards for him to use which never once did Chester even use. He was so used to the living of the poor so he knows how to spend well and wisely.

After hours of shopping his mother in-law suggested for them to eat in a fine dine restaurant before heading home. Chester is not familiar with all that expensive thing and what they called dining etiquette. His mother in-law and Anita knows it fully well so they are the ones who do the ordering for him whenever the three goes out.

His mother in-law excused herself to the comfort room while waiting for their food to be served, so it was just Anita and Chester. The two was busy talking about their Husband's when out off nowhere an middle aged lady suddenly slap Chester on his face. Chester was still in daze when another slap landed on his face.

"You slut! I thought I made it clear that I never wanted to see your face ever again!"

The woman felt that slapping his face was not enough so she pulled Chester by his hair and drag him out. Chester fell off on his chair and the woman eyes immidiately landed to Chester's stomach "You're pregnant. So what kind of old man are you fucking this time? Is it someone else's wife too? You disgusting bitch." Anita grab the woman to keep her from pulling Chester's hair.

"Hey stop it, let him go. What did he ever done to you?!"

"What did he ever done to me? Well he just let my husband fuck him. You Hear? He spreads his legs to any man who has money. He let any kind of man to fuck his filthy hole as long as they have money to pay for him. He's a bitch, He's a slut." Chester can't talked back, he knows that what the woman said is true. Her husband used to be his client until the woman caught them. That was then when he was still selling himself.

"Please let go, it hurts." Chester begs he's already feeling slight tingling pain from his stomach afraid the if this continues something bad might happen to his baby.

"I'm sorry if I ever did that. I just badly need some money. I kept my promise. I never once met your husband again after that. Please let go. It hurts." Chester keeps on begging that only made the woman even more angry. She just launch a kick to the side of Chester's stomach. Chester crunch in pain because of the kick. The woman was about to kick him again when Anita shout. "What the heck are you all looking at, help me to stopped her!" The guards came running and cease the woman.

Chester was crunching in pain from the blow he received. Anita came to tend to him. "Call a doctor!"

"What happened here?" Tiana asked in worry when she see Chester lying on the floor.

"Long story mother we need to get Chester to the hospital. And you make sure to bring that woman to the police station we will deal with her later." Anita saw that Chester pants has a red spot on it.

"Anita we can't afford to wait for an ambulance. Call for someone who can help us carry Chester we will drive him to the nearest Hospital." Due to so much pain Chester already lost consciousness.


Chester was woken up by the voices of the people around him. He just can't seem to open his eyes. He felt so weak and exhausted.

"Does Terrence know?"

"No father we still haven't informed him yet. Mother said he's still in the court handling a big case. We will inform him once the hearing is done."

"So how is he?"

"He's stable now. They manage to stop the bleeding. Good thing the kick landed on his side ribs and barely hit his stomach but they are still doing some observations on the baby."

*Good thing my baby is OK* Chester thought which made him calm even if he's still too weak to move and to asked he's just thankful that nothing happened to the baby.

"Please look after Chester for us. I will follow your mother to the precinct I want to see the face of the woman who dare hurt my daughter in-law." Said Terrence father


"Release me this once! Don't you know who I am?" The woman keeps on shouting and shouting.

"Seriously can't you shut your tramp? I can hear your voice all the way from the precinct's entrance."

"And who are you? What is it to you if I shout? This police officers doesn't seem to know who they are jailing. I will sue you all of you. Once I got out of here I'll make sure to sue everyone of you." The woman keeps on yelling and point everyone.

"That's if you ever get out." Tiana couldn't keep her anger. The woman suddenly went silent.

"Who are you? and what do you care?"

"The pregnant man you just slapped and kicked he is my son, my daughter in-law precisely." Tiana carefully explain to the woman.

"Oh that slut." The woman laugh as she mock Chester in front of Tiana. She even speak louder so that everyone in the room can hear how much of a slut Chester is.

"Well I have a trivia for you. That slut is a prostitute who spread his legs to be fucked by everyone who is willing to pay for him and my husband is no exemption. And did you know I just found out that he also star in some pornographic video where he was being fucked not just by one or two people but by many. If I were you I would doubt if the child that he's carrying really is your son's Baby." Everyone in that room was looking at them with the news that the woman broke.

"I hate to break it in to you but that was before when He still haven't met my son yet. I also have a trivia for you. My son marked that Omega two years ago and that Omega is already married to my son meaning the baby he's carrying is a Harris." The woman became pale upon hearing the word Harris.

"H-Harris y-you mean t-the f-family of Lawyers?" Tiana nod in response. "I don't believe it you are just bluffing. He's poor and just a trash in our society!"

"And do you even know what Chester's full name now?" The woman didn't answer.

"His full name is Chester Wong Harris, married to Terrence Harris my youngest son." It was the man who just walked in who answered the question.

It was Roberto Harris the known Lawyer. The moment the woman saw Bert she knew that the woman in front of her is telling the truth.

"Hi darling." Tiana said without looking back at her husband. She felt her husband stand from behind her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Have you informed Terrence?" The Man asked in all seriousness

"Not yet." Tiana answered. "So what do you plan on doing with her?" Her husband asked.

"Let Terrence deal with her. Terrence will never going to have his peace of mind if he won't be the one who will deal with this. You know just how he is

after all both of your sons take after you."

"OK then, I'll inform Terrence." Bert was about to go outside when he stopped. "Just a piece of advice. You should start thinking of a way on how to beg for his forgiveness. The man is ruthless." The woman felt weak on her knees with Terrence father's remark.


Robert saw his son drinking all by himself in their house mini bar. He look so tired and burdened.

He sat in one of the high chairs just beside where his son is sitting. Terrence was so lost in his own self that he didn't even noticed his father.

"What's the problem son?" Bert help himself and pour himself a glass of scotch. He took a sip and let the hot sensation on the liquor line in his throat.

Terrence raised his head and look at his Dad. Bert can see the tiredness in his eyes, the anger and confusion. "Dad." The only words left Terrence mouth.

"Why are you drinking yourself here instead of staying by your wife's side?" The old man was trying to see what might cause Terrence to act this way. This is far from the son that he knows.

"I don't know Dad. I don't know if I have done the right thing by marrying Chester." Terrence drank his glass empty before pouring himself another glass of scotch. "There was a video that. Chester's face can clearly be seen, all his confessions and apology can clearly be heard and you know what's funny? The way my employees and co-lawyers who have seen the video and knows that Chester is my wife looked at me funny like they are telling me that I married to such a slut." Terrence drank again his glass empty and pour himself again with another one. "I even caught some of my employees who went so far as to look for Chester's old porn videos."

"So did they found one? Knowing you."

"Of course not! I already had those fucking videos deleted the moment I knew about their existence." Terrence sneered and grab the bottle of Scotch and drunk straight from the bottle itself. He was thankful enough that none of those porn videos were had a hard copy. All of Chester's adult videos are soft copies that are uploaded in a certain websites. He had to hired tech people and hackers who knows their way around to that kind of things and thankfully he was able to handle things smoothly.

"I won't let anyone feast their eyes on my wife's body that is mine. MINE! HE IS MINE, MINE ONLY!" Terrence growl.

His dad drank his scotch "Yeah that must have been sucked to be married to such kind of wife but I just want to remind you." His Dad looked at him with seriousness. "He refused to marry you for the same reason you are drinking yourself right now. He doesn't want you to feel the shame he himself has been feeling for the longest time. He doesn't want the other people's respect of you to be gone all because of him, just because he has a dark past. But you insist in to marrying him. You went so far as to tell us, your family about his shameful past to make sure we won't be passing judgement to your wife and to accept him fully despite his dark past. If you feel ashamed and degraded by his past actions then just think what he might be feeling right now, I bet he feels more shame and embarrassment than you are."

His father stand up and place his hand on Terrence shoulder. Giving him his comfort and advice as father. "In that short time we came to know Chester we realized he is indeed a good and strong willed person. If you can't handle this son then just let him go." Bert can see the darkening of Terrence eyes and the clenching of his jaws.

"Never dad, I won't let him go. He is MINE!" His father smile with what he just heard. "Then man up and be the kind of man that he deserve. There will be more of this kind of things in the future. You need to be prepared." His Dad was right. It was never Chester's fault. He just did what he saw fit during those situations at that time and it was not his wife's fault.

Terrence who was now sitting alone fetch his phone and dial the number of a person who he knows that can help him.


Chester woke up with the familiar scent of the man he has been missing. His Husband's sleeping face is the best thing a person could gaze first thing in the morning. Chester can't help but to caress lightly the strands of Terrence hair. He looks so wornout but still so handsome. *His handsome face in the morning is bad for my heart. He is making my heart pound.* Chester thought. He can't help but smile to himself, he just miss his Husband. Chester was startled when the sleeping Terrence grab his wife's hand and look at him without moving from his position. He brought Chester's hand to his mouth and place small kisses on his knuckles.

"Miss me kitten?" Terrence asked which made the Omega blush. "No answer? Why cat got your tongue?" Terrence got up from his sit and leaned forward to kiss Chester on the lips. "I miss you so much Kitten. I love you." Chester grab Terrence by the back of his neck and pulled him forward to him, kissing him deeper which the Alpha granted. They were so into one another when they heard a loud knock on the door which made the two broke their kissing session.

"Sorry to disturb you but you must be the husband I assumed?" The Doctor asked.

Terrence quickly turned around to face the Doctor. "Yeah I am, sorry if I was not able to visit yesterday. So how is my wife and baby." Terrence asked.

"Your wife is fine now. We are still observing him and the baby so he still needs to stay here for a little longer." The Doctor explained. "Also please refrain from doing any sexual activities that will need penetrations. We manage to control the bleeding but sometimes there are still some spotting so we want to be careful with that."

"What bleeding? Chester?" Terrence was curious. He knows that there has been a commotion and that a woman cause a certain scene but he never heard about the bleeding. He heard the news from his Subordinates and not from his family so he didn't really know the details.

"The patient has been admitted here due to a heavy bleeding cause by a blow to his side. Luckily the kicked landed a little above of his stomach which hit his rib cage area. But the impact of the kick still opened his cervix causing the bleeding." Chester can see the darkening of Terrence face. He hold his Husband's hand calming him down.

"Hey I'm fine now, don't worry I'm ok." Terrence look away. The Doctor told him his wife's condition and the things that need and need not to do after that the Doctor took his leave.

"Mother and the rest of your family knows my past. How did they know? Did you tell them?" Chester asked as soon as the Doctor's gone

"Yeah I did, before we got married." Terrence explained. Chester begin to cry. "I'm so sorry I'm such a dirty whore. But despite that they still love and accepted me. I don't deserve you all."

"Hey, Hey don't cry. That was before but now you are My Chester, My wife. So don't cry." Terrence wipe the tears away from Chester's eyes. "Beside you are just whoring yourself to me now. How about welcoming me next time wearing only an apron with nothing beneath. That would be appetizing I guest." Chester hit Terrence on the head.


Ma'am someone is looking for you. He said he wants to speak to both of you and Sir. He is currently at the living room. Master is currently in there.

"Ok tell them I'll come downstairs shortly." The woman fix herself and her clothing. It must have been one of her husband's influential friends. She needs to be presentable as much as possible.

The woman can see from a far their guest. She is not quite familiar with the man's face but from the looks of it he came from a Rich and influential family. He looks so young and handsome but wears a posture of a wise man. The woman extended her hand to welcome their guest. "I'm Mrs. Richwood, take a sit."

"Now that my wife is here, so may we know who you really are and what brings you here?" Asked the middle age man.

"My apologies. My Name is Terrence Harris." The woman immidiately went pale upon hearing the name of the man. If she's not mistaken the name of the Harris youngest is Terrence. She was only able to get out of the prison because of her sister bail her out and because no one press charges against her.

"Terrence Harris, s-so what's the renowned lawyer doing in our house?" The man is already thinking number of the things he might have done wrong that could bring the young man to their house.

"I've been meaning to see your wife but I was really busy taking care of my wife who's in the hospital right now, all thanks to a certain someone" Terrence gave the lady a meaningful look "and by the time I have some time to spare she was no longer in the place I thought I can find her." Terrence was grinning which made the woman sweat out of nervousness.

"M-my wife? W-what is it that you need from m-my wife? H-have she done something to you?" The man nervously asked.

Terrence laugh out loud. "To me no." Terrence looked at the woman. "But to my wife yes!" Terrence face is becoming darker out of anger. His pheromones that he has been suppressing since the moment he arrived is starting to leak and this is making the couple even more anxious.

"W-wife? Sorry Mr. Harris b-but aren't you a bachelor? W-we don't even know that you have a wife." The man defended. His wife on the other hand is still sitting quietly. She thought that exposing Chester's past made the husband think otherwise to his wife, the reason why for the past 5 days the Alpha didn't even bother seeing the woman who beat his pregnant wife.

"I'm married and my wife is Chester Wong Harris." The man went silent. Of course he knows the name. How can he forget the name of the Omega he usually fuck before. The submissive Omega who will just keep quiet no matter what you do to him. If it weren't for the fact that he got caught by his wife maybe he would still want to fuck that cum dumpster Omega. But how did a low life Omega manage to married to a high class, rich, famous and influential family of Harris?

"Ring a bell?" Terrence asked. He knows pretty well that the man fully remember his wife. "My wife was eating in a restaurant together with my sister in-law when suddenly your wife slap him, pulled and drag his hair and kick him on the side of his stomach. I know your wife is fully aware that my wife is pregnant cause he is already in his 6th months but after landing a kick she's still attempted to kick him again, saying that my wife is a slut and a whore for sleeping with different man to make a living." The couple remained silent

Terrence leaned forward. "Let me just tell you one thing. I know everything there is to know about my wife. His past life and all dark secrets and skeleton in his closets I know all of them but I still accepted him and marry him in to my family. I never once hit nor hurt my wife. That's why I can't understand why did you hurt my wife?"

The woman kneeled in front of Terrence. "I'm sorry Mr. Harris I-I didn't know, I didn't know. I-If only I know I would-"

"Would what?! Because the only thing that you know at that time is you can get away from the law just because Chester is poor and knows nothing about his rights."Terrence stand up.

"Let me just tell you this. Ignorance of the excuses no one. We'll see each other in the court." Terrence left the mansion. He vows to never let anyone else to ever hurt his wife and if they ever try he will make sure they will answer to him.


Author's Note:

I was planning to released this update by next week but since I'm a sucker for you guys so here is another update for you beautiful people.

See you next week. I will be very, very busy this week so yeah see you next week. Thank you :)

Enjoy and Happy reading 😊!

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