
Chapter 13: May I Have This Dance 1/2




Summary: The gang meets up familiar faces as they attend Alexandria's party. Tonks is up to something...

Once again, Harry found himself in an awkward position in the incoming port key area at Dover's ICOP office. This time he was in a plank, his body in a rigid push up position. Magic spiraled up his forearms and left an uncomfortable dazzling light in his vision. At his side Jon was rising up from his customary crouch, a bright blue electric pulse of magic swirling around him. Harry noticed that even Sarah was a bit awestruck at Jon's entry from her fetal position on the floor. Tonks had tried, really, but being on all fours with her butt in the air wasn't a vast improvement for her self-dignity.

It did, however, make Harry grin in guilty pleasure. He tucked his knees under him and sprang up to his feet, offering her a helpful hand. Jon was doing the same for Sarah.

"What was that?" Sarah asked, twirling her finger at Jon's feet to his body.

"He's got this cool magic portkey signature," Tonks explained, dusting off her knees. "Aggravating, isn't he?"

"I got you," Sarah said, drawing her wand and casting a quick Scourgify on Tonks' dress. "Jon," Sarah called.


"Do you terribly mind if on the next jump we could go first, so I can capture that magic effect on my camera? It will really help my standing in the office," she begged.

Jon stared at her, not knowing what to say. Harry cut the silence.

"Your office?" he asked. "Who do you work for?"

"Witch Weekly," she said, smiling. "There could be something in it for you, depending on how well my editor likes the picture. And of course, how well sales go that issue."

Harry looked at Jon's perplexed expression, Tonks' smirk, and Sarah's hopeful smile. He nodded at Jon.

"If you must," Jon shrugged. "Shall we?" Jon picked up his suitcase and Sarah's overnight bag and went up the stairs. Harry and Tonks reached for her bag the same time and their arms brushed against each other.

She smelled like heaven was the first thing that came to his mind.

"I can handle it," Tonks offered.

"Allow me," Harry smiled at her. "I need the exercise," he joked. Tonks returned the smile and indicated for him to go ahead. They followed Jon up the steps. To Harry's surprise, there was a small gathering of festively dressed wizards and witches forming a disorganized line to the main service counter. Parents and their children were having animated conversations while they were waiting.

Harry spotted Daphne Greengrass with two people who appeared to be her parents. Marcus Flint was with a young witch on his arm that he didn't know, Hannah Abbot and presumably her Mother from the resemblance, and looking timid and a bit out of place, Neville Longbottom was standing beside his grandmother. Neville's eyes opened wide and his expression changed as he spotted Harry. He gave Harry a short wave. He said something to his grandmother who looked in their direction. She frowned, then reluctantly nodded. Neville came over.

"Hey! Good to see you Harry, thought I would have been the only Gryffindor here!"

"Hi Neville!" Harry said offering his fist. Neville hit it after a moment of hesitation, not sure of what he should have done. "Good to see you too, all is well?"

"Yes. Sorta. I am not sure what I am doing here," he whispered. "My gran received an invitation for us to go to a birthday party for Alexandria Potage. I never heard of her, but gran said I need to get out there, at some point, and this would be a great way to see France," Neville sighed, fixing his robes. "How do I look, horrible..or nah?"

Neville was dressed in very fashionable robes, which somehow did not achieve the desired effect on his chubby build. He fit in well with the style and pomp of the other patrons waiting in line, though.

"You look great, man. Nice robes. Guys, this is Neville Longbottom," he introduced. "Sarah, Jon, Tonks." Neville shook each of their hands with a growing smile on his face. He lingered a bit on Tonks' face. "Anyone else we know here?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, Hannah is there. I don't know if you remember Flint from Slytherin, he is in the Quidditch team. And another Slytherin girl, Daphne Greengrass. We spoke for a little bit. She was saying that Draco Malfoy was supposed to be here, but something happened recently and they couldn't come. Dunno what that's about."

More small talk ensued and after a few minutes Neville's gran called him up to the counter as the line progressed. "It's okay if I hang out with you guys when we reach? Hannah and I said we would stick together seeing as it seems to be a 'who's who' event," he finished with a bit of a whisper.

"Of course!" Harry agreed. Neville nodded and said his goodbyes to the others.

"He seems normal," Tonks said, watching him walk off. "Perceptive. This really is shaping up to be a sacred twenty eight hoity toity type of gathering," she murmured. "Well, considering who I recognise here. Didn't think the Potages were into that sort of thing."

Their group joined the back of the line. Harry waved at Hannah, who waved back at them cheerfully. Daphne spotted him, their eyes touched, and she simply nodded. Flint noticed Tonks and Sarah, and disregarded the two boys. The line moved without much delay, and after a few minutes they were in front of both Rook Littleborough and Wazza Rivers. Harry spotted Barty Crouch Senior in the office behind, cross checking invites and documents.

"Looky here," Rook said, his eyes running through the invitations. "You guys get around," he said drily. Wazza looked up from his work and scrutinized Tonks, Jon and Harry.

"You three again," Wazza noted. "Everything went smoothly last time?"

"Yes," Harry said.

"Oh I didn't tell you did I?" Rook said offhandedly to Wazza. "They apparently are also part of a Clan. The Cro..."

"We are here on leisure, not work," Tonks cut him off. "Are you supposed to be blurting out people's business in front of everyone?"

Rook stopped, looking up at her. "Hm. Pardon me. Here is your re-configured portkey, Ms Tonks." He handed each of them their invites. "This will connect you to Calais. From there you would receive another connection to Cite de Carcassonne. Have an enjoyable evening."

The four of them thanked the International Co Operation official and stepped into the designated portkey circle. Jon stood apart, allowing Harry and the two women first.

"You have your camera ready?" Tonks asked Sarah. Sarah flicked her wand and it popped out of her travel bag.

"Yes, let me double check..." she fiddled with the controls. "Right! Let's go." The three of them touched their portkey charm with their wands and disappeared.

Jon count to ten, then entered the circle. He arrived on one knee, his other boot planted firmly on the ground, head bowed. The magical effect was pulled in from the floor, and began to spiral upwards as he stood up. The camera was clicking away in the couple seconds it took him to get to his feet.

"Nice!" Sarah commended, reviewing the raw film through the lens. "Whoa." She showed Tonks a particular capture, a ghostly overlay caught in one of the pictures. "What is that?"

"It looks like a ... a lizard? Or a dragon?" Tonks murmured. "Jon , Harry come see this."

The two of them looked at the image shown on the camera. Jon frowned.

"It is an effect of my magic, I guess," Jon shrugged. "Let us keep going." The crew raised eyebrows at Jon's clear dismissal. They grabbed their luggage and went up the stairs into the diner. They followed the other party goers down the corridor and into the adjacent office. There was another line, this one being the French side of the ICOP port key queue. As soon as they stepped into the office, two officials came up to them.

"Bonsoir. Greetings, if you please, come with us for a moment," one of the officials requested. The four of them followed him, but his partner pointed at Sarah. "Not you," he added kindly. "Please join the line, your associates would meet you shortly."

Tonks, Harry and Jon were taken into a smaller sub office in open view of the regular travelers.

"Have a seat," the ICOP wizard offered them, pointing to the three chairs in front of an office desk. "I am Monsieur Koman and this is just a formality. Please read this document. Your port key has alerted us to the presence of B ranked registered clan hunters on our soil. Our magical law enforcement security level has been elevated to yellow status, this is just a courtesy allowing you to read, and be in agreement with; our port key services, the purpose of your visit and conduct forthwith."

They accepted the rolled up scrolls and all three of them read the summarized policy. Basically it enforced that no aggression towards locals would be tolerated, and Ranging without writ of Guild services or French Government approval was not allowed on this visitor-level portkey. Penalties of breaking this agreement could lead to immediate detention and may be followed with prosecution.

"This applies to all visitors, but with elevated status in effect, all known Hit Wizards, Hunters, Curse breakers and Apothecary guildsmen must be notified in person. Are we in agreement, Hunter clan The Crow's Vambrace?"

"Yes, sir," they agreed, signing the scrolls.

"Very good," Mr. Koman nodded. He stamped their invitation and took out a sickle from a bag of coins. With a wave of his wand the sickle attached to the invite over the portkey charm. "Here is your direct portkey to the grounds. Please feel free to leave from the designated travelling circle. Enjoy your evening."

At the departure area Sarah was nervously waiting for them. "Everything ok? People were whispering that you might be in some sort of trouble..."

"No," Harry said. "Everything is fine," he placated.

"Guards should be suspicious, it is their duty," Jon commended. Harry groaned. Sarah raised her eyebrow at Tonks.

"Don't mind Jon," Tonks lamented. "Let's go already!" The four of them entered the circle and tapped the invites with their wands.

They arrived in a large, extravagant courtyard. There were lit torches and tall street lamps with fairy lights in the bulbs. Decorations stretched across high above the crowd gathered by the main steps to the castle main hall. Harry looked up at the medieval structure, comparable to Hogwarts by design but not in size.

Close to two hundred people were assembled outside in a loose crowd, most of the party revelers clustering around three circular bars that were spread over the large courtyard. Waiters and Waitresses carrying trays were offering finger foods and refreshments to the patrons waiting for the main doors to be opened.

There was a red carpet leading up the five wide steps into the main building, with two podiums at the top manned by a man and a woman. The man was dressed in a suit complete with coattails, top hat, cane and monoculars with attached chain. He had the air of a generational family butler; aged, arrow straight, and meticulously groomed with nary a smile on his face. The witch was young and vibrant, talking to guests who were proceeding up the steps to enquire about the delay. Harry thought she must have had a cheering charm about her, for even slightly agitated guests left the conversation happier than before they talked to her. A string quartet at the top of the steps provided soothing low key music to the patrons drinking and talking in the courtyard.

"This is nice," Sarah said, taking a couple pictures. Tonks was scanning the faces of the crowd. Some of the faces looked familiar, and she was trying to figure out from where.

"Some are from Salles and Estagal," Jon read her mind and shared his thoughts with the others. "Those are the Rabiot daughters, Rylai and Ramelie, and a few others from the church. Also I have spotted Madame Payet." He focused on the pretty girl standing next to her. "She was the one that brought me the basket," he mused. Jon remembered their last interaction with the healer, when he was posing for the statue. "Is that her daughter?" Jon said appreciatively. "Why would she say that her daughter was too young for me? She seems older," he asked Harry.

Harry watched the girl. She did seem older than they were by a few years. "Jon. You don't understand. Nobody expects guys our 'age' to be in a clan, far less what we accomplished at Estagal. And you don't come across young, either, even if nobody knew you took out the Russians," he whispered.

"What are you two up to now?" Tonks enquired, suspicious of their whispering. "Every time you two plot like that, I get all nervous."

"She helped me with the basket for my hamper," Jon explained, nodding towards the girl next to Penelope Payet. "Nice girl," Jon smiled appreciatively. Tonks spotted the girl they were talking about and recognized the healer.

"Ms. Payet is here," Tonks said seriously. "Does that mean Michael could be here too?"

"I don't know," Harry said, now on the alert. "Didn't see him. Could be a possibility."

At that moment, Neville and Hannah came across. "Hey, there you are!" he greeted, a glass of what appeared to be butterbeer in his hand. "You should talk to the guys in blue, they would organize your stuff and have it sent to the rooms. You are staying over, right? And this is Hannah Abbot. Hannah- Jon, Tonks, Sarah, and well... Harry," Neville added unnecessarily.

"Hey," she said shyly. Hannah looked at the two older girls with a bit of envy. "Nice to meet you!" As if summoned, a young man in blue came across to the crew with a clipboard and quill.

"Good evening, honored guests," he said in a thick French accent. "My name is Adam, and I will help you with your things. May I see your invites?"

"Sure," Harry said, giving it to him. Adam took it and frowned, then looked for Harry's scar.

"Mr... Mr. Potter.." he stammered. "It is an honor," he said awkwardly. "I have seen your face recently, haven't I?"

"I don't know, could be," Harry grinned, shrugging. Adam returned the grin and accepted Tonks, Sarah and Jon's invite.

"Ladies, Lord Black," he gave a small bow. "Welcome," he added. "I will see to your things. They will be taken to your rooms and secured with a charm which would alert you to any tampering, and immediately call the security. Please enjoy your evening!" Adam let them sign for their things, gave them a small parchment with their room numbers and charmed their luggage away.

"Lord Black?" Hannah and Neville said in unison. Jon looked uncomfortable, but he nodded.

"Please, call me Jon," he requested. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Hannah," he smiled at her. Hannah returned the smile.

"Same," Hannah said. After a few minutes of small talk the music dipped and came to a close. The Butler with the coat tails cleared his throat under the effects of the sonorous charm.

"Good evening, honored guests. Welcome to Carcassonne hall. I am Monsieur Valmont. It is my honor and pleasure to be your host on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Potage, and their lovely daughter Alexandria. The family is grateful to be honored by your presence and do hope you have an enjoyable and memorable evening. Please feel free to come to me with any concerns . After you have been seated, dinner will be served. Thank you, and enjoy the party!" The musicians started a festive tune.

The grand double doors opened and light shone down from inside the main building along the red carpet. The crowd slowly began to ascend the short flight of steps. The young woman at the podium accepted the invitations and introduced them to the Potage family who were standing inside of the doors, greeting guests and shaking hands.

Alexandria Potage looked absolutely radiant in a pretty peach colored dress. The colour contrasted with her dark hair which was done in a cascading French fishtail braid. In her hair were a few glittering jewels, really adding a royal flair. Neville whistled as they approached.

'Wow," he breathed. "Like out of a story book."

Harry agreed silently, watching the other guests pouring in front them. Tonks and Sarah were first up to the maître.

"Bonsoir," she greeted. "Names?"

"Hi! I am Tonks and this is Sarah Clearwater," she offered. Sarah smiled at the greeting witch, taking out her press identification.

"Hello, I am a photographer for Witch Weekly. Heard of it?" The greeting witch nodded. "Would it be alright if you asked the birthday girl and her parents if I would be able to take some pictures?"

Harry observed the proceedings.

"One moment," she turned to Monsieur Valmont. She whispered into his ear, and he nodded a couple times, watching Sarah, Tonks, and the others. He made a beeline towards Alexandria and talked into her ear. Alexandria looked to where he was pointing and recognized Tonks, himself and Jon. She waved and beckoned Sarah and her crew over.

"Hi!" Alexandria greeted Jon and Harry. "Glad you came! Ms Tonks, was it ? How are you? Introduce me to your other friends!" she said cheerily, a grin permanently plastered on her face.

"Neville Longbottom, Sarah Clearwater, Hannah Abbott, " Harry did the introductions. "This is Alexandria." Greetings went around and Alexandria asked if Sarah would do the honours and take a picture of them together.

"Sure!" With a wave of her wand, the camera hovered in place and all of them came together for the picture. Alexandria was in the middle with her arms around Harry and Jon's waist. Tonks was on the other side of Jon and Sarah on the end. Hannah smiled prettily next to Harry and Neville bravely had his hand around her waist. The camera clicked and flashed a couple times as they smiled for the pictures. They disbanded and Alexandria thanked them all.

"May I take a few more with Jon and Harry?" she asked Sarah as the others dispersed.

"No problem," Sarah said, raising her eyebrows at the two boys. She took the camera and lined up the shot. Jon went first and offered Alexandria his arm. Alexandria, surprised by the gallant gesture, slipped her hand through and rest her hand on his elbow. Jon stood arrow straight and stared at the camera, a faint smile turning up one side of his mouth. Alexandria also took a regal stance, tilting up her chin with an aristocratic flair. The camera clicked and flashed a few times.

Next, Harry came forward. He smiled at her and lightly rest his arm around her waist, leaning in a bit for the picture. Alexandria leaned in as well, and both of them grinned. Sarah nodded and gave them an ok sign.

"Thank you so much! I do hope you two come and share a dance with me later!" she gushed.

"Sure!" Harry said. Jon bowed his head in agreement.

"Of course." He smiled at her.

The crew moved along and sat at one of the large, round tables that could accommodate twenty seats. They were talking to each other for a few minutes when Mr. and Mrs. Rabiot, alongside Madame Payet, walked across with three stunning teenage girls and a young boy in tow. Jon put down his glass and got to his feet. Harry and Tonks followed suit.

"Mr. Black, Mr. Hallow, Ms. Dora!" Mr. Rabiot greeted. "This is truly a pleasant surprise. I did not expect to see you again so soon, but I am happy it is for such a pleasant occasion. "

"Monsieur Rabiot, " Jon nodded, and they shook hands. "Richard, I hope you are well," he asked the young boy. Richard just stared, a grim expression on his face.

"I am. Thank you." He hesitated, almost as if preparing himself for a speech. "I want to become a strong wizard, just like you, Mr. Hallow and Mr. Black," he declared in a halting English.

"Mr. Hallow?" Hannah and Neville whispered to each other behind their hands, confused.

"When did you learn how to speak English?" Ramellie, the elder of the girls scolded. The family looked down at their youngest with an expression of amazement.

Richard responded in French and the family laughed. Rylai translated. "He says that he learned those words specifically for when he met you two again. Even though he didn't know if it would ever happen. But it is a promise."

Madame Payet spoke up. "You know them, Robert?"

"Yes, they came to our rescue. They are the Clan from London."

"Clan?" Sarah whispered to Tonks, bewildered. Tonks shook her head.

"Later," she responded.

Penelope Payet turned her head from the trio to the Rabiots a few times, perplexed.

"It was your son ? That was abducted?" Madame Payet hissed in surprise. "They never specified in the meeting, they just said that the boy was returned safely!"

"I told our council man not to do so. I did not want any stigma upon our family, through no fault of his own. Let's keep it private, Penelope. All right?" He gave his son an affectionate pat on the arm.

"I see. Garcons, Mademoiselle Dora, this is Melisse, my daughter. Our families know each other because Ramellie and Melisse are very good friends at school. And it seems that we both have a lot to thank you for. How long were you here, again?"

"A day and a half," Jon responded.

"You work fast!" Payet said. "I always wondered why Madame Maxime spoke as if she dealt with you earlier."

"There is a magnificent statue of you going up now in the square," Melisse added. "It is called, 'Le Chevalier Immortel'."

"Ca c'était quoi? est-ce vrai?" Rylai exclaimed. Melisse laughed, nodding. "Isn't that true, Monsieur Black?"

"Yes," Jon said, a bit embarrassed. "Not the immortal part, however. I'm just an ordinary man. Um, Wizard." Jon rubbed his hair in exasperation. The three girls began to whisper behind their hands.

"Children!" Mrs. Rabiot snapped, and the three girls stopped their chatter. "Pardon these girls, they are young still," she said, her face stern.

"It's ok," Harry said smiling. "Jon isn't one for too much pomp and grandeur." Mrs. Rabiot nodded, pleasantly surprised that Jon was so humble.

"Small world, isn't it Madame Payet?" Tonks said eyeing the three girls.

"Oui! I must say you do look so lovely, Miss Dora! And who is your friend?"

"This is Sarah Clearwater," Tonks introduced. "Sarah, Penelope Payet." The two women shook hands and more introductions followed around the table.

"Please, join us," Harry offered, pointing at the free seats. The two families graciously accepted and occupied the table.

"Blimey! I'm going to find Gran and Mrs. Abbot," Neville jumped up, almost forgetting. "Save some seats for them Harry!" Neville called behind him as he took off searching. Harry groaned inwardly as the Rabiot's looked a bit confused. Neville found his Grandmother and Mrs. Abbot in conversation with the Greengrass family. Within minutes all of them came walking over and introductions were made.

The French families were now openly staring at him, Harry 'The Boy Who Lived' Potter, aka Roderick Hallow.

Harry realized that their table was drawing a lot of attention as all of the other tables were presently only seating groups of two or three. Their table was already almost totally occupied and full of chatter and laughter. He recognized faces of Beauxbaton girls from the Tri-Wizard tournament and spotted the main attraction herself.

Fleur Delacour was here, talking with some people he did not know on the far side of the ballroom. Tonks, who was sitting at Harry's left hand side leant over and began whispering in his ear.

"You do realize our clan aliases are now blown."

"Unfortunately, yes."

"You do also realize that most of these girls want to eat the two of you, instead of dinner. And the parents are willing accomplices."

Harry noticed that Tonks leaning over his arm like this was drawing looks from the other French girls. Daphne and Sarah were apparently oblivious, but Harry knew better than to underestimate the Slytherin girl. For all he knew, she was absorbing everything and not missing a beat.

"That's a bit much, innit? We're not prime bachelor material yet," he whispered back in her ear.

"They think you are older. Hell, I think you are older," she admitted.

"What, you jealous then?" Harry teased. Tonks chuckled, a nice husky sound in his ear.

"You see? That's exactly what I am talking about. No twelve year old punk would crack a joke like that."

"It's ok," Harry dismissed. "They're harmless."

"If you say so," Tonks warned. The conversation was interrupted when Adam came over to their table, bowed, and offered menus. He began filling water and wine in the glasses provided.

"If you will, honored guests, please press your wands against the dishes and the drink of your choice and it will be brought to you shortly. May I be of any other assistance in the meanwhile?"

Mrs. Longbottom pulled his sleeve and he bent low to listen to her request. He nodded and smiled. "Will there be anything else?" The table thanked him and proclaimed they were fine. Tonks leaned back in.

"I will need to talk to Penelope about Michael. There may be another twist. There are records of a 'Buck Trayard' being arrested in Spain. His age doesn't match Michael's. Older by a decade or more."

"Greyback's info are mainly rumours. Could be that it isn't the same guy," Harry admitted. "But I trust Jon's instinct." He scanned the crowd again, just in case he was here and they did not pick him up as yet. "Let me know what she says."

"Yep." Some minutes passed with pleasant conversation across the table. Tonks hesitated, then leaned back in. "I am not cramping your style, am I Harry? I can exchange seats if you'd like. Maybe you wanna chat up someone your age," she chuckled.

"You stay right where you are," Harry insisted out the side of his mouth just as Mrs. Rabiot addressed him. He smiled politely at Mrs. Rabiot while absentmindedly patting Tonks' thigh twice under the table and resting it there in a comfortable manner. Only when he finished answering the older woman did he realize what he unconsciously did to the beautiful woman sitting next to him. He calmly brought his hand up to his glass of water and took a small slip. Tonks mirrored his action, except sipping on her wine. Harry sensed that she wasn't actively displeased or angry. Most likely; she did not even notice the intimate touch.

Dinner was served shortly after and everyone enjoyed their meal. Harry made certain to mind his table manners and Jon also was a perfect gentleman, helping the ladies if they excused themselves from the table and always first to help them retake their seats. Fleur Delacour and Alexandria Potage walked over with two of their friends, and Alexandria stopped to make small talk with Ramellie and Melisse. Their visit was short and Alexandria stopped between the two boys before leaving, dipping her head between theirs.

"I hope you enjoyed the meal! Also, don't forget!" she smiled at them, her hands lightly resting on both of their shoulders. Harry and Jon returned the smile and reassured her that they did no such thing. Fleur scrutinized the two of them during their chat but said nothing. Alexandria patted their shoulders and wished everyone a great night and to not be a stranger on the dance floor. Harry sensed that Tonks stiffened when Alexandria was between them and felt his heart beginning to race.

Was Tonks jealous? Or was his private obsession getting the better of him?

After dinner was finished and dessert was now a fond memory, Monsieur Valmont came to the front where a tall cart draped in a red velvet material was now pushed in. The music dipped in volume and the fairy lights in the hall dimmed, leaving only the front of the ballroom and the cart in full spotlight.

"Honored guests, may I have your attention for a moment. I hope you left some space after that scrumptious dessert for cake," he tapped his wand and the material was dramatically whipped away, revealing a beautiful four storey birthday cake. Harry thought it was a cool twist on the sonorous charm that his voice resounded in English or French; according to your preference.

"The mystery guest who will have the privilege of Cutting the Cake with Alexandria will be our little game of the evening!" He grinned and Alexandria, who was standing to the side with her close friends began shaking her hands in protest, laughing at the situation.

"Edgar! You can't!"

"And why not?" He teased. "Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, we thank you for coming to our darling Alexandria's birthday celebration and hope you are enjoying the evening! So, here is the little game! The strapping young men here are seated on chairs that are charmed to recognize if they are accounted for, or preferably if they are not, since we don't want any misunderstandings with any fair damsel be they near, far, or currently holding her hand! So beware lads, if you are taken, the charm will know!"

There was a polite round of laughter.

"Right! In this glass bowl," he waved his wand with a flourish. A deep, clear, spherical bowl wrapped with a golden ribbon appeared on the cart. "In this bowl, Alexandria will select three balls. Gentlemen, please reach under your chair and you will find a slip of paper with a number on it!" Sounds of shifting chairs ensued for a few seconds and the general murmuring of voices increased. "You have them? Very good! Alexandria, please step forward and take out any three."

Alexandria needed to be cajoled and slightly pushed forward by her friends who were giggling and laughing at her. She blushed as she briskly walked across to the glass sphere. She took out three of the balls and gave them to Monsieur Valmont who bowed and grinned at the crowd as he accepted them.

"Now. Here comes the fun part ladies and gentlemen. You shall decide which of these three extremely lucky young men would have the honor of cutting the cake and maybe, just maybe, a chaste kiss from the belle of the ball!" Alexandria laughed out loud, scandalized that she would not be able to choose.

"You ! You are evil!" she cried out in laughter, hiding her face. The crowd laughed, getting more and more into this game.

"There would be some input from you as well, pet, never you fear. Uncle V will never leave you high and dry!" With another extravagant wave of his wand, a night eye mask popped into existence. Alexandria frowned, perplexed. "Come, come!" Monsieur Valmont encouraged, and placed the blindfold over her eyes.

"Now, esteemed guests, when I call out these numbers, the gentleman holding the number should come front and based on your applause or reaction, Alexandria would decide who would have the honour of cutting the cake!"

Alexandria screamed in exasperation, embarrassed that she was going through a lottery to pick a partner to cut the cake.

"Are we ready?" he drawled, to rapturous applause. "Number twenty two!"

A handsome youth around sixteen years old stood up, accepted a polite round of applause from his table, and walked forward with a growing clapping response and cheers from the crowd. He came forward and bowed respectfully to the crowd, waving at friendly faces he spotted. The cheers grew louder.

"Ah, a crowd favorite, is it? Give it up for Number twenty two!" there was another round of applause and cheers. Alexandria clapped in excitement.

"Number 7!" he called next. Harry froze. That was his number. Tonks leaned over and saw the parchment in his hands.

"Get up there, Potter!" she hissed, giving him a shove. Harry felt reminiscent of the Tri Wizard tournament. His table gave him a large round of applause and cheers began to ripple as people recognized who he was. The crowd politely clapped as Harry got up and walked forward. He was almost a foot shorter than the first boy, who offered his hand to shake in friendly competition. Only when the boy spotted his scar did his face go slack, and he just stared. He took back his hand, and suddenly looked very uncomfortable standing next to the Boy Who Lived.

"What a surprise! Once again for number seven!" Harry waved to the crowd and the cheers grew louder.

"Number nine!"

Tonks laughed aloud as she scooted one over unto Harry's chair. "You have got to be taking the piss... What is up with you two? Well, go on then!"

Jon stood up, and the applause slowly faded away. There was an almost eerie silence as Jon stepped out from his seat.

"'Le Chevalier Immortel..." a lone voice said. "C'est lui! Le Chevalier Immortel!" he exclaimed loudly. Murmurs went around the ballroom as he came forward, the phrase being repeated as recognition spread. When Jon arrived next to Harry and number twenty two, there were elevated voices speaking that phrase. He shook both of their hands.

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