

Brandt opens his eyes to Saga sleeping next to him. He smiles and gently pushes a few locks away from her face. His touch wakes her up and she smiles as soon as her eyes meet his.

"Good morning." She greets with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning, love." He kisses her forehead. "It is quite early, you should stay in bed. I will make sure nobody comes into the room."

"Why don't you stay in bed with me for a bit more?"

"I like to go to the training grounds early, it makes me accomplish more during the day."

"You know, if it is exercise you seek, I can provide that right here." Saga raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"I know you can." Brandt answers with a grin. "But I need a different type of exercise."

"Fine." Saga pouts. "I wish we could at least have breakfast together, my love."

"Me too." He kisses her forehead again. "But mother wants to have breakfast with me today. She said she has something important to discuss. How about dinner at your friend's house?"

"I am tired of always having dinner there, Brandt."

"I know, love. I promise you that after this mess is over, I will take you away and we can spend time together. Just you and me." She smiles.

"I would like that very much."

Brandt captures her lips with a breathtaking kiss before leaving bed. As he walks to the bathroom, Saga bites her lower lip while she watches Brandt's naked body.


After freshening up and changing, the prince heads to the training grounds. He has been coming every day and practicing with soldiers. He finds that training helps him free himself from the anger that he has built up from the recent events. He has been noticing though that there are less and less men around when he arrives.

Brandt starts his daily routine by stretching his muscles and running for about half an hour. After that, he heads to the Training Hall but finds it empty.

'Where are the soldiers?'

He walks out and looks around for anybody close by.

"You, over there." He calls the only two men he sees in the distance. They both pale. "Come over here." They both comply immediately.

"Your Highness." They say in unison as they bow to the prince.

"I need someone to train with, why don't you two get ready for some wrestling." The two men look at each other, frightened. There have been rumors going around about the prince coming every morning and using the soldiers as punching bags.

"Yes, Your Highness." The first soldier answers with a wavering voice.

The rumors are true. The prince basically uses the two soldiers to let out his anger. The whole time he is wrestling, he pictures Gary's face. He also thinks about Siv. He imagines them together enjoying their time and laughing at him. One of the soldiers groans loudly after the prince slams him on the ground.

"Your Highness." Shelby intervenes. He has been watching the whole thing hoping that Brandt would stop on his own. But it did not look like he would. "It is time to get ready for breakfast with Her Majesty, my prince." Brandt looks at his assistant and then back at the frightened men.

"Right." He leaves the grounds right away and heads to his room. "These men are a joke. If they are all this weak, then we might as well surrender to the East." Brandt spits, irritated. "Where is Erling, she has been gone far too long." Shelby follows the prince.

"I am afraid she is still in Tampere. The Earl has passed away and she is his only child, Your Highness."

"Well, she cannot inherit the Earldom anyway. So what is taking so long?" Benson pushes his glasses up, a bit surprised by the prince's words.

"I believe since the captain is an only child and unmarried, they are trying to find a distant male heir." Brandt throws him a look as they enter his bedroom.

"This might create an inconvenience since we are on the verge of a war. Maybe she should just marry somebody and get it over with. We need her here." Brandt walks to his bathroom, leaving Shelby with an ajar mouth.

'When did His Highness become so indifferent to other people's sorrow.'

Benson waits for the prince to finish his bath, then he helps him with his clothes. He reminds him of the meeting he has with the generals in the afternoon before leaving him in front of the queen's chambers.

"My son." Ylva calls Brandt when he enters her sitting room. She extends her arms for him to come closer and, when he does, she takes his face in her palms and kisses his forehead. "How have you been?"

"I am alright, mother." He sits on the chair across the table from her. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I have been better. The elders have been pestering me so much about the Vying."

"Right, it has turned into a disaster." One of the servants pours some tea for the queen and then the prince.

"Yes, unfortunately it has." Ylva agrees as she takes a bite of her poached eggs. "I believe it is time for you to choose one of the Rouvas."

"Excuse me?" Brandt looks at his mother, surprised.

"Well, you will have to do so anyway. Why not just finish this whole mockery of an event and choose your bride?"

"Mother, it is not the right time. With everything going on in the East-"

"My dear, before worrying about the borders, you should worry about your own capital. The elders are getting restless. Choosing one of the Rouvas will calm them down." Brandt eyes the queen for a moment. She is right, but he is still hesitant.

"I know it has been difficult for you. My dear son, my heart aches for you. But you are the Crown Prince of Pyama. The future king of this nation. You have responsibilities, Brandt."

"I do not need a reminder about my responsibilities, mother." Brandt utter, irritated.

"I am not reminding you, son. I am telling you what you need to do." Ylva's voice changes into a grave tone. "Choosing the right Rouva will even help with the situation we are in right now." Brandt clenches his jaw.

"And you are going to tell me which one is the right Rouva, mother?"

"Well, you can choose between the two princesses." The queen sits back in her chair. "Vanta can send reinforcements against the East, through the Blar Sea. But Jyvaskylai might help with the duchess." Ylva says through gritted teeth. "Dragor is not an ally anymore, and we might have to eradicate them as well." Brandt's eyes widen.

'I will not let her ruin my plans.'

Happy Sunday everyone!

It seems to me that, to Ylva, destroying the duchess might be more important than winning against the East...

A bit disapointed that we didn't reach our numbers for new readers, but Love Game did get a few new ones. Oh well, we'll get there, slowly but surely :)

Also, I wanted to announce that I am starting another story to take part in the Spirity Awards. Yay! I will start posting chapters tmrw, I hope you check it out too. It is a contemporary romance, so a bit different from Love Game.

As always, thank you for your support! :)

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