

The building looked truly unremarkable; Its walls painted white, not bothering to hide the cracks, while the door emitted an unbearable screech every time it was pushed, alarming all those within of any sudden intrusion.

The insides look even cruder… Right upon entering, Garett's consciousness darted through the place while grasping everything with Perception.

An aged office desk stood amidst the sea of documents that littered the place, in front of it sat a middle-aged man with a goatee, reading glasses and a coconut hat. From his waist hung an empty holster, the revolver missing from it was actually upon the desk, on arm's reach and probably loaded.

"Yes? To whom do I owe the pleasure? It's not every day that an Executor enters my office." The man said, lowering his head to look at the pair from above his glasses.

He seems very capable, a different image than what Lurmon let's out, that's for sure… Garett analyzed the man, his Perception realizing he was being analyzed himself.

"I-I, my name is Garett, sir. Father Charles sent me here." He stammered for some reason he couldn't explain, involuntarily letting out more information than he initially wanted to convey. "I met the young Executor Hilren on the way, as he seemed to require help, I thought of bringing him here."

Damn! What the hell? Is this some kind of supernatural superpower as well? He is dangerous… Evading his eyes, Garett felt the urge to keep talking lessening.

"Good reaction, most people take a while longer to notice, you seem to be able to feel it clearer than other Marked." The captain spat, nodding to himself after this initial probing; he then turned to look at the young knight.

"Name is Hilren, milord. Member of the 9th Division of Executors, under the direction of Captain Lurmon; and I'm here to humbly ask for your assistance." Slightly bowing, Hilren appeared unaffected, his voice unwavering in front of the Hunters Captain.

This bastard! He didn't even look the man in his eyes! Did he already know about that ability? And he hadn't even warned me… Garett inwardly complained, vowing to himself on getting back at Hilren sometime.

"Lurmon's minion, huh? Fair enough, speak your mind." He then turned to look at Garett, his expression softening a little. "As for you, Garett, we'll speak about your situation after entertaining our guest here. Please, be seated."

He's treating me that differentially after knowing that Father Charles sent me? The way he treats Hilren didn't change. And where do you expect me to sit!? The whole place is a mess... Garett looked around, choosing to sit on a small bench near the door.

"Yes, sir. I came to you today as the expedition team that should've returned earlier today has yet to arrive, I was in hopes that you'd have some information about it." His head still bowed, obviously afraid of meeting eyes with the captain.

Serves you right for not warning me, next time you should think about being more considerate... Garett had a smug smile plastered on his face.

"An Executor's expeditionary team? I recall one leaving three days ago, so they were set to return today? That's interesting... No, I don't have any information regarding this, but we can take this opportunity to show our new recruit how things work around here." He briefly glanced at Garett before getting up, his heigh almost matching the giant's outside.

What? Do you want to show me around? I didn't even say anything about joining the Hunt... The sudden turn of events made Garett realize he inadvertently got entangled with the Hunters.

The captain approached him, the edges of his lips curling up slightly. He then took off the reading glasses and stowed them away in one of his pockets.

"In case Father Charles didn't tell you, my name is Dante, Dante Fords from Oxfrig. Let me ask you, Garett, have you ever left the insides of this city?"


The noisy and light atmosphere was slowly replaced with the oppressive silence, the graveness in the face of the guards on duty was palpable. The freezing wind seemed able to cut the skin of those that stood atop the walls, with their attention never to waver.

"Impressive, eh? We need to stay sharp at all times, we suffered more than once as a result of carelessness. Now all our members are strictly trained to never let those things happen again." Dante said with confidence, his shoulders lifted with pride.

This only shows how dangerous the situation is, while the recruits training in the fields looked very relaxed, these veterans are very tense... Garett analyzed the situation, the feeling of impending doom slowly building upon his heart once more.

"You can feel it too, right? Something is not right." Hilren approached him from behind, muttering in a low voice, almost inaudible to even Garett, but Dante somehow managed to hear.

"Oh, both of you are very perceptive. Yes, we're expecting something to happen; to be more honest, it's been a week of waiting now, and if the Expedition team is also missing..." He didn't finish his words, but he didn't need to, as the message was fully conveyed to the two of them.

Dante approached the main gate, his eyes fixed outside. Not many people lingered here, as most merchants quickly entered the city after paying the taxes; The ones who stayed were all blocked by the guards for further inspection or were too poor to afford the accommodations on safer places in the city.

The gate stood open during the day, only to close every night after the bell tolled thrice. It was something akin to an unspoken rule, with the ordinary people not knowing the reason; but never bothering to question why.

"You know how it works, right, young Executor? If the expedition team doesn't come back by the time we close the gates, they'll be filed as dead." Dante said, his words only aggravating the situation.

This guy doesn't know how to read the mood! But its true now that I think about it, why close the gates at night? The only explanation would be if we are trying to keep something out... Garett realized, sinking in the notion of how dangerous was the world they lived in.

"Sir, if it is so dangerous out there, how do we expect the expeditionary team to survive when they leave? They left more than two days ago..." Garett asked, doubts filling his mind.

"Simple, we pray for protection, as that's the only thing you can do if you are weak." Dante drew the symbol of the goddess on his chest, his fingers deftly moving on a trained fashion. "May the Goddess provide them with protection."

"May the Goddess provide for them." Garett echoed while glancing at Hilren, the young man's face grave; his hand grasping tightly the Eternal Judge symbol.

"Did you know someone from that expedition team?" Garett asked as he noticed the Executor's unusual countenance.

"Yes, a friend who went to the academy with me. This was his first expedition..." He answered, his voice firm in order to hide his emotions.

"Steel yourself, kid. This is the life of the Marked, we fight death and corruption on a daily basis, and if we don't end up dead, we end up mad." Dante said sternly, as a senior lecturing a junior. His eyes never leaving the path outside.

And then the silence outside was broken by the sound of limp steps, every guard on duty raised their guns while aiming in the direction of the road's turn; waiting for visual on whatever was the source of the noise.

"Hold!" Dante ordered in a loud voice, his fist raised above his head while the frown on his face deepened.

On the distance, a human figure slowly emerged from the mists; with muddy clothes and shreds in various places, the figure limped while approaching the city walls.

"Hold!" He repeated the order once more, and after making sure everyone obeyed, he cautiously treated closer to the figure.

The figure turned out to be an old man, his eyes without any luster and with deep cuts covering his skin. The man seemed more dead than alive, his mouth mumbling unintelligible noises.

"H-He is coming, p-pl-please! Save me! He is not human anymore!" The man said as he collapsed, his eyes still open but his consciousness fading.

Dante's eyebrows visibly lifted, he then lowered his hands and drew his revolver.

"Take aim!" He bellowed, also lifting his gun in the direction the old man came. "Carry the old man in, and close the gates."

Two strong-looking guards came from the gate's sides, lifting the old man from the ground and carrying him to a side door leading to the insides of the wall.

The sound of steps could again be heard, this time they were firm and steady, and Garett could clearly feel alarm sounds ringing from the insides of his head; every bit of his instincts telling him to leave!

I shouldn't be here! This is a place for trained soldiers! I'm not a warrior... Garett took a couple of steps back, his legs trembling with the pressure!

"Stand still, lad. It's too late now." He then heard Captain Dante's voice, he sounded calm; as if everything was just a common occurrence. "All Hunters on duty, forward!"

As the gates closed in, a few people started to take positions near them; five people, to be more precise.

"I told you, boy. You'll only get yourself killed by continuing here." Burdren's large figured could be seen among them, with his rifle on hand and a cigar on his mouth.

Hilren took a position at the back, fully aware that he wouldn't be of any help in a fight while unarmed.

The steps slowly got closer, the figure of a young man wearing Executor's vests appearing with it; his red hair mixed itself with the afternoon sun, and a smile could be seen forming on the edges of his lips.

"Vellen!" Hilren's surprised voice cut through the air; relief and unrest melding in one as he took a step forward.

"Stand your ground, Executor! This area is under my jurisdiction." Dante spat, his countenance aggravating while looking at the new arrival. "You don't seem to be accompanied, where are the remaining expedition team members?"

"Dead, probably." Said 'Vellen' as he shrugged, his eyes analyzing the team of Hunters.

This guy is dangerous! My intuition is telling me to run as fast as I can! But Dante said it was already too late... Cursing his luck under his breath, Garett focused and stealthily materialized a knife hidden on the insides of his clothes.

"Probably?" Dante questioned the weird choice of words.

"Yes, probably. They entered mommy's best after all... It would be surprising if they came back alive." 'Vellen' smirked disgustingly, his eyes stopping on Hilren for a second before focusing on Garett.

"The Hunters are really getting weaker as time passes, even a weakling such as this can become part of it?" He laughed wickedly, only stopping after a few seconds. "Now it's your time to die... Probably."

As he said that, the skin on his body started to move! The sound of snapping bones echoed as his build increased and noticeably grew to become even taller than Burdren!


"FIRE!" Captain Dante's voice sounded, and as such the hellish battle began.

Hey there! ToS author here! I’d like to thank you for your support! Remember to vote if you like as every power stone counts :)

I’d like to extend a special thanks to those who left their comments and constructive feedback! If you find any typos or have anything to say, please do!

Also, follow me on twitter for frequent updates on the series! @TheFakeXF

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