
Life 22: King of the North!!

After Shiori had fallen asleep on his shoulder, he stayed in that position as to not disturb her, she hadn't fallen asleep for months so it was only right to let her rest as soon he fell asleep.

-A sleep later:-

Furuichi woke up however he found that Shiori was nowhere to be found as he began his search for her, looking through each eleven bedrooms and suites to find her, yet found nothing- until he heard the slight sprinkling of water outside.

He was sure he hadn't hired any gardeners yet he looked towards his backyard and there he saw Shiori's dazzling figure as she was in front of me as the sun rose whilst dazzling on her beautiful face as her beautiful hazel eyes shined brightly whilst her dazzling brown hair shone in the light breeze.

It was a springlike seen – as Shiori now sported a smile instead of an indifferent facial expression- had she finally learnt love was all that came to mind.

And then as if a flashback no jutsu the previous days events came rolling in as he remembered…

It seems a misunderstanding had been formed and it was my fault - ["When I had nothing at all but a rotting apartment and a mere bicycle you were there with me looking for ways to improve my quality of life to me you're my lifeline- You're my family and my precious one."]

Yep that certainly sounded like a confession- but maybe it was right- he didn't want to ruin her disposition now as she finally began smiling and so – merely waved at her – immediately she turned with a smile as she heard the slight movements in the wind from behinds her.

"Ah, you're up Master- just a minute I'm currently watering our vegetables and fruits- wait a minute or two."

Yeah I'm not breaking it to her- she's finally happy.


After heading to school suddenly a voice called out to him- "Fuu-kun wait up!"

Knowing who it was immediately Furuichi stopped and as he thought it was his best friend.

Kenichi Kuuga the only one who called him Fuu-kun this was Furuichi's best friend if you will and was practically his brother.

He was average in height about 5'8 – 5'9 and had a lean body frame- and like Furuichi was a Bishounen.

Causing him to effortlessly woo people coupled with his gentle and amicable manner he was quite popular.

But he was the leader of the Otaku Club at school and was currently obsessing over Akuma.

Imagine if I told him I was Akuma- he'd probably faint immediately.

The two had been raised together in the same area but after his Grandpa had passed away.

Furuichi was sent to the Orphanage where he wasn't picked as his platinum blonde hair made him look like a delinquent.

Which he wasn't and his features were quite defined from a young age.

But he was never picked, and so it stayed that way until he became independent and began renting an apartment as he entered high school- while doing menial jobs on the weekend he paid his bills.

The two had met once again in the same school and as if normal- Kuuga always called him "Fuu-kun" oblivious to all the Fujoshi's at school but after a while he stopped minding it.

"What is it Kuuga?"

Asked Furuichi as he wondered just why Kuuga was calling him.

Reaching him Kuuga then said:

"Fuu-kun, you know that heir to the Ƶen Corporation- he's calling you for some reason, I'm not entirely sure why.

But Fuu-kun what did you do, he seems serious, did you steal his girlfriend!"

Hearing this one last line from Kuuga, Furuichi couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Pft!"

"No- definitely not Kuuga- oh right how's your Grampa doing anyway?"

"Ah, Grampa's fine, I'm making sure he's eating well but you know how it is- it's been hard earning money to pay for his medicines.."

Seeing his face when he said that, Furuichi felt an almost need to help him in this situation

He didn't want his friend to suffer and ruin his academic life by dropping out for labour work and destroy his career path living in mediocrity.

"Alright I'm gonna be going now Kuuga- but before I go I need you to do something- and only you can do this with your brains I believe you can do this."

Hearing this he nodded as he became intrigued into this mysterious task set by his Fuu-kun. With a determined resolve he said, "I will do it now tell me what it is."

Clearing his throat he quickly spoke, "Kuuga- I've recently made let's say a fortune in stock trading and foreign currency trading – and I've become a millionaire..."

However Kuuga was still not fazed as he said, "That's it?"

"What do you mean that's it- be surprised or something."

However Kuuga remained indifferent as he said:

"I've always known Fuu-kun was special- and with how gentle you are to your precious ones and how ruthless you are to delinquents it was only a matter of time."

Rubbing his head as Kuuga wasn't understanding why Fuu-kun had such a pained face as if he was shocked.

"Anyway Kuuga, look go to Azure Dragon Abodes- there look for houses and homes that you think look nice and that you think will make a lot of money if we buy then rent.

While at it pick a house for yourself- and take 40:60 of the overall profit- don't say no just do it- I've transferred money to this card and yo will be responsible now go.

With the rent it will be enough to buy medication for Jii-chan."

Now he finally batted his eyelashes- as his face underwent a few changes- then it became his usual cheerful face.

Then he bowed 90 degrees as he said "Thank you Fuu-kun I in the name of my family name Kenichi Kuuga- Promise to truly not waste your money.

I will pick the best houses and areas to buy and rent out- thank you for entrusting me with such a task!"

"Ok- Kuuga stop trying to be like a feudal lord and Samurai with that Clan name dignity thing and just get the task done- See Ya."

However with my perception and hearing I could tell he was still in his Seiza- but I didn't stop him he wanted to be a fictional character then so be it.

But I heard weird rumours already:

"Hey have you heard Itsuka Furuichi has united all the Yakuza within the entire North of Kurama City.

And that's Kenichi Kuuga- he calls Itsuka-san affectionately Fuu-kun its been reported that the two pretty boys are going out."

"Eh- Really, yeah actually it makes sense Kuuga-san is always smiling at him and calls him Kun which is only done by a girl affectionately to a boy.

Its clear Furuichi is the one with the pants in the relationship."

However I was too annoyed to say anything and left hurriedly- wondering what Kuwabara- my 'disciple' wanted exactly.

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