
Hanabi used Headbutt ... It is super effective!

Kurama was heading home after saying goodbye to the girls who had decided to continue training. While walking through the commercial district, he could feel like someone was watching him - "Deja vu ..."

Slowly he looked around as he tried to feel the presence of whoever was watching him but with all the people around him, it was impossible. He was about to release some of Chakra so he could make the person watching him come out but he changed his mind when he saw a familiar silhouette appear behind one of the lampposts - "..."

Kurama shook his head to see how the girl peeked slightly, she was none other than Hanabi Hyuga, Hinata's younger sister.

"I feel like I've seen this before ..." - Kurama muttered while in another reality, a Hinata sneezed.

"I think he hasn't seen me ..." - muttered the young Hanabi as she peeked back - "I'm sure of it ..."

Kurama decided to ignore the situation because he felt she would stop following him after a while but to his displeasure, that didn't happen. Hanabi continued to follow him for 10 minutes. He slowed his steps fully and gave the young Hyuga a look, who, seeing that the boy was looking in her direction, decided to hide again. Kurama had to admit that the girl had talent ... Maybe it was something genetic of the Hyuga clan?

Again, the Hinata of another timeline sneezed.

Kurama changed course towards an alley and Hanabi continued to follow him at a safe distance but before she knew it, the redhead's silhouette had disappeared.

"Where will it have gone?" - Hanabi asked as she left her hiding place.

"Who?" - asked a voice behind her.

"Kurama-san ... a kind boy with red hair" - Hanabi replied but jumped when she realized that he was behind her. The poor Hyuga could only blush to see that she had been caught again.

"It's not good to follow people, Hanabi-chan" - said the redhead with narrowed eyes - "Not when that person may have bad intentions ..."

"H-Hi ... Kurama-san ..." - Hanabi said with an embarrassed face.

"Hello ... but don't change the subject, Hanabi-chan" - Kurama replied while looking at the Byakugan princess - "Why are you following me?"

"W-Well ... I saw you while I was returning from the academy and I thought we could talk for a moment ..." - Hanabi said while looking at him expectantly.

"I see ... but you just had to come to talk to me ... there was no need to hide and follow me as if you were a Stalker" - Kurama said as his eyebrow trembled slightly.

Hanabi blushed again when he heard how the redhead had called her. She couldn't say it was an incorrect term, after all, she was following him from the shadows while watching all his movements.

"I just wanted to talk about my Onee-chan ..." - muttered the youngest of the Hyuga sisters.

"If you want to know about Hinata-chan, you just have to talk to her" - sighed the redhead while shaking his head.

"I know ... but I still haven't been able to gather the courage to talk to her ..." - Hanabi sighed as she gave the red-haired orange-haired youngster a shy look - "We haven't talked in years ..."

"That's why you have to try, Hanabi-chan" - smiled young Uzumaki - "Hinata-chan won't be the first to act because she feels you don't want to talk to her"

"It's impossible for that to happen!" - Hanabi shouted but blushed when she saw the way she acted - "It's just that some of the Elders keep saying that Onee-chan doesn't deserve to be the heiress of the clan ... and they are forcing me to train tirelessly ..."

Kurama just snorted in annoyance - "Those old men seem like they have a stick in their ass ..."

"You shouldn't say bad words in front of me, Kurama-san" - the young Hyuga denied in disapproval.

"You should not spy on people, Hanabi-chan" - Kurama replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Ok ... I admit my fault" - Princess Hyuga sighed in defeat.

"Well ... now it's time for a little punishment" - Kurama smiled as he gave a playful look at little Hanabi.

"Why do you smile like that, Kurama-san ?!" - Hanabi asked with slight fear. Kurama was giving her a look that did not presage anything good.

"Kurama-san?" - Hanabi asked again feeling the redhead grabbed her head and she could not let go.

"What would have happened if they had attacked you for following the wrong person, Hanabi-chan?" - asked the redhead while applying more force on the grip - "What would have happened if they had kidnapped you?"

"Etto ... Kurama-san ..." - muttered the young Hyuga as she winced in pain - "My head starts to hurt! I could even swear to hear how it cracked!"

"You say you feel pain?" - said the still smiling Kurama with his eyes between closed.

"It hurts Kurama-san! You're going to break my head if you keep squeezing it so hard!" - Hanabi shouted as she tried to get rid of Kurama's grip - "Itai! Itai! Itai!"

"I hope you are learning the lesson" - Uzumaki said coldly as he released her.

"Yes!" - Hanabi said while rubbing her head to try to reduce the pain - "I promise not to follow strangers!"

"* Sigh ~ * Just be more careful, Hanabi-chan ..." - Kurama sighed while stroking her hair - "If it were someone else, you could have ended up worse ..."

"H-Hai ..." - Little Hanabi nodded weakly as she stroked her head - "Mental note ... don't make Kurama-san angry ..."

"Well Hanabi-chan, I can't let you roam around these sides alone so I'm going to take you home" - Kurama said with a real smile this time.

"Thank you Kurama-san" - Hanabi said calmly but when she took a step, she began to feel a little pain in her ankle.

"Hmm ~?" - Seeing Hanabi's discomfort, Kurama realized that the girl's right ankle was a little purple - "I guess it was when you tried to get rid of my grip ..."

"I'm sorry Hanabi-chan, I guess it was my fault that you hurt your ankle" - he said heavily as he looked at the small swelling in the Hyuga's ankle.

"I-It wasn't your fault Kurama-san, I know you cared about me and you did it to learn my lesson" - denied the young Hyuga while giving him a small smile.

"At such times I would like to have learned some kind of medical Jutsu" - sighed the redhead. He could regenerate at high speed because he was a Semi-Bijuu and his body had been tempered with large amounts of Mokuton chakra but he had no way of helping others.

"With the ointment of my clan, this will be like new, tomorrow" - Hanabi smiled as he tried to stand up with nonconformity.

"That relieves me a bit but it doesn't change the fact that it was my fault that this all ended up like this" - Kurama said seriously - "I know ..."

Young Uzumaki slowly approached the young Hyuga, who could only blush at the sight of the redhead's face so close.

"Onee-chan, give me strength!" - Hanabi thought as the boy got closer and closer. She could feel Kurama's breath even though it was mild.

"Is something wrong, Hanabi-chan?" - Kurama asked to see that the little girl did not move.

"Calm down Hanabi ... take a deep breath ..." - murmured the Hyuga minor while trying to calm down - "He is the boy that Onee-chan likes so don't think about anything weird ..."

Kurama only saw her with a smile while thinking that the two sisters were similar.

After a while, Hanabi gathered something of value to be able to look at the boy but knowing that he would lose him soon, she raised her head with great speed, not knowing that Kurama had approached again to try to help her - "Eiii~!"


"Ugh ..." - Kurama could only let out a small groan of pain when he felt how the little Hyuga had hit him on the chin. Normally this would not be a problem but Kurama was not prepared for the attack.

* * * * *

Hanabi used Headbutt ... It's Super Effective! Critical Hit!

Kurama fell facing the floor while Hanabi fell on top of him.

Wild Kurama has been weakened, Hanabi gained 150 Exp points ... Hanabi level up ... Hanabi wants to learn Zen Headbutt, but she already knows 4 Movements ... Do you want to replace some to learn Zen Headbutt?


What attack do you want to erase ... Headbutt, Tackle, Karate Shop, Pursuit.


So you want to erase Tackle?


3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Pff ~ Hanabi has Forgotten Tackle... Hanabi learned Zen Headbutt...

* * * * * *

"K-K-Kurama-san ?!" - shouted the surprised Hanabi while watching the redhead on the floor.

"Ugh ~! You have to be more attentive to the surroundings, Hanabi-chan ..." - muttered the Uzumaki while rubbing his chin.

"GOMENASAI!" - Hanabi shouted as he repeated his apology at an impressive speed.

"Don't worry" - the redhead smiled as he turned around and told her to come closer - "Go up, I'll take you home"

"..." - Hanabi just nodded in shame as she climbed on the boy's back and had to admit she felt safe.

"It's time to leave" - the redhead smiled as he started running towards the Hyuga Residence. Hanabi had to admit that this was fun.

After a while, the two arrived at Hanabi's house.

The guards were surprised when they saw them arrive, especially when they saw the smile that the young Hyuga had on her face. Hanabi was known in the residence for always having a serious expression but with Kurama, she was acting like a normal girl - "Etto ... Kurama-sama ... How do you bring Hanabi-sama on your back?"

"When I returned from my training with team 8. I saw that Hanabi-chan had hurt one of her ankles" - Kurama replied - "How could I leave her there alone without protection?"

The guard raised an eyebrow as he looked at the young Hyuga's ankle and noticed that it was inflamed. Slowly he turned to see his companion who nodded without saying anything and quickly ran towards the Residence.

"I guess he went to tell the doctors" - Kurama said calmly.

"Indeed ..." - nodded the remaining guard - "Thank you for bringing Hanabi-sama, Kurama-sama ..."

"Don't worry" - the redhead nodded - "By the way, Hinata-chan won't come back in two hours ... she keeps training with Ino-chan"

"Thank you, I will inform Hiashi-sama" - the guard nodded as he looked at the young Hyuga - "Hanabi-sama, I think it would be better if you got off Kurama-sama because I am sure he has something to do"

"Ok ..." - Hanabi murmured as she moved carefully from the boy's back.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to stay any longer but I have to go home" - Kurama said as he looked at the Byakugan princess - "See you soon Hanabi-chan and remember what I told you"

"I got it, Kurama-san! I'm not stupid!" - Hanabi said with dissatisfaction although she thought otherwise - "Pff ~! Don't even think I won't do it again!"

"See you later!" - said the redhead while disappearing from the Hyuga Residence.

"Kurama-san ... I guess I'll have to help Onee-chan" - Hanabi muttered as she thought about how to give her older sister an advantage and maybe with that she could see the red-haired boy more often.

"Did you say something, Hanabi-sama?" - asked the guard.

"It's nothing" - the young Hyuga denied, just to see how a group of Medical Ninjas approached her location.

* * * * *

It had been 15 minutes and Kurama was home again. Slowly he opened the door but that was when he heard a sound he knew quite well. Very carefully, he walked to his room, only to hear moans from within. Slowly he opened the door and saw something he sincerely expected. Kushina was masturbating as she moaned his name.

The beautiful redhead woke up from her pleasure session when she heard the door open, only to see how Kurama gave her a half-smile. She tried to defend herself but no words came out of her mouth, so she just let out an embarrassed sigh.

"I honestly did not expect this reception" - Kurama said while looking at the half-naked redhead.

Kushina just covered her face because of the shame she felt but was surprised when she felt like someone was touching her Secret Garden. Slowly she looked up and noticed how Kurama stood before her with a passionate look. She immediately understood what would happen so she activated the Privacy Seal so that the two could begin their new act of passion.


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And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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