
Double Grandmon and Granddad

"What's wrong with her? She's in pain! My wife is in pain!" Geun just could not bear it. Ara had a very high pain tolerance, yet despite this fact, he could see the agony his wife was going through while in labor. 

"Geun! Please! Shut up!" Ara screamed before she grunted in misery once more. 

"Mr. Yeong." A nurse tried to calm him down and explained, "Your wife is having labor pains. Giving birth is known to have the highest pain scale. It's only normal that she feels this discomfort - "

"What do you mean, normal!" Geun lost it again. He ordered, "Do something!"

"Geun! Stop it! You are not helping! Just  - Arrggghhh!" Ara's words were cut off by her own scream, feeling more of the pain. 

"We are nearly there, Ara! The baby's head is nearly there. Now, push according to your contractions," directed the doctor. 

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