
Veeling Frisky...

Reima sits between where Harry and Ciri are sitting, trying to stop the young boy from biting her head off... Glancing over he can hear a red head, probably Ron say "Mate, that bird was fit.", Reima ends up smirking however when he gets slapped by Hermione for "Being insensitive.".

Around him many more people join the stands, one being a man wearing a green and yellow striped jumper, he's overweight with blonde hair and an average face. He greets the Weasley's and Harry after briefly speaking with the Minister. He glances over the Witcher duo but doesn't say anything, instead electing to walk forwards to be visible for most of the people in the stadium, putting his wand to his neck he welcomes everyone. "Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome! Welcome to the final of

the four hundred and twenty second Quidditch World Cup!", Immediately as he says this many people start waving flags of either green and white or black and red, the respectively belonging to Ireland and Bulgaria. The red heads on Reima's left burst into cheers, shouting like apes and disturbing the relatively quiet atmosphere of the top box, suddenly a huge scoreboard appears with the two teams featured prominently on it. Many advertisements are also shown, various brands of candy, makeup and clothing are shown off as the fat man continues. "And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... The Bulgarian National Team Mascots!" he shouts with a smile as many blonde women appear on the field, dancing away under the awed cheers of the stadium.

Reima feels a mild compulsion to, Ahem, "Bed" these women immediately, however it only lasts a moment before he realises what these women are : Veela. He glances at Ciri and sees her unconsciously licking her lips as she watches them... Weird? Looking to his left he sees that Harry's attention has finally been drawn away from Ciri, and towards the Veela. He tries to shrug off Hermione's grip but some stern words cause him to regain his composure, unlike some of the red heads that look as if they're about to leap off of the stand to their demise... The bright side? Maybe some of their splattered remains would be in contact with a Veela?

Eventually the dancing stops and the angry crowd begs and pleads for them to return... Reima rubs his chin, if they wanted this sort of show they should have just gone to a brothel.

Ciri nudges him with her elbow, "What's going on?" she asks, curious at the stadiums sudden shift in mood.

Reima "Those women are Veela, they unconsciously entice men with their aura's and strangely can transform into bird like creatures that can throw fire..."

Ciri "Were you affected?" she asks.

Reima shrugs "As a gentleman I am immune to the wiles of wicked women." he says pompously.

Ciri leans in her chair while crossing her arms, "Yeah, whatever you say, Rei"

Not long after the Veela had stopped dancing the announcer begins again, "And now, it is a pleasure to introduce the Irish National Mascots!" he says, while Reima mutters under his breath about being bias.

After this announcement huge fireworks go off in the shape of a shamrock and start peppering the crowd in gold coins, Reima would be following Ron Weasley's example by scooping the coins into his Folded Space, were he not already aware that they were fake's created by the Leprechauns. Beside him Ciri fiddles with one and looks surprised when she bites one to check it's softness.

Ciri "It's real?" she mutters in surprise.

Reima shakes his head, "No, they'll disappear in a while." She doesn't seem that bothered by this and flicks it off the stand, creating a metallic sound as it flies through the air.

The leprechauns leave just as quickly as the Veela, leaving the announcer to stand again, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome... The Bulgarian National Quidditch Team!" He starts to list off the various players, specifically noting the presence of the seeker Krum. At the mention of his name the stadium starts chanting for him, cheering as he passes the various stands, he raise his arm in triumph as if the game is already won. He passes by the top box and nods to the Bulgarian Minister but stops momentarily when he seems to see Ciri? His gaze lingers on her longer than Reima would have liked, Ciri herself glares back as if she had just encountered a Drowner...

Ciri "Have we met him before? He looks far too interested in me for it to be anything else."

Reima grins "Maybe, or perhaps it's love at first sight?" he says and receives and elbow to his stomach.

Next, the fat man starts to introduce the Irish team. Reima doesn't note anyone of interest in their ranks and just continues to watch, interested in how this'll look in real life. A man walks past selling Omnioculars, Reima doesn't really need them as his enhanced sight and dexterity which grants him incredible reaction speed allows him to easily see what's going on. He does however buy one for Ciri, who's squinting to get a better look at the players further away.

She seems confused as he hands it to her but nods in understanding as she sees various people around them using them to spectate. Reima notices that Harry isn't actually using any, rather, he doesn't actually seem that interested in the game. Instead he just sits there brooding and occasionally taking glances at Ciri. He mentally sighs, not knowing if it's possible for the two to reconcile, either way, he'll have to get rid of the soul shard lodged in Harry's scar. Depending on how the boy acts this year he may attempt to help him, after all, even after Voldemort is dead, he'll still have to live in this world.

Krum's got the hots for Ciri? What's this mean for Hermione? You won't find out in the next episode of Dra-EBW!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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