
Oscar, the OG Black Knight.

Reima looks down the long hallway that used to contain a crossbow wielding undead... Now? A black knight stands menacingly blocking the way with it's large shield...

Reima "Are they called black knights because they're all really tall?" he quips to himself as he approaches it, Arcell already in-hand. He runs his fingers across Arcell causing Crystal to form on it's surface. The black knight runs towards him while readying it's shield for impact, when it gets close enough it slams it's shield across trying to strike Reima who easily dodges it. He looks at the wall that was hit by the shield and notices small fracture lines on it... The black knight continues and brings it's sword down causing sparks to fly when it misses and hits the floor.

Reima stomps on it's sword causing the knight to be unable to pick it up, he can feel it getting annoyed as it drops it's sword and tries to punch him in the face with it's thick metal gauntlet.

Using Windfall to dodge and slow the knight Reima jabs Arcell into it's knee joint causing it to stumble, taking advantage of this Reima bring his leg up in a round house kick which slams into the knights helmet and knocking it on it's ass. He continues his assault and brings Arcell stabbing down into it's visor with both hands piercing it's skull and rendering it white dust.

Reima "Whoo, that last time I fought one of them solo was a bit more difficult... Either I'm getting better or this guy was crap." he notices a white glowing ball on the floor, picking it up it morphs into a heavy black shield... Nice.

After finishing off the knight Reima walks through the familiar corridors and eventually come to the point where Oscar of Astora had died... He suddenly hears a clinking behind him, turning around he sees familiar armour staring at him... Oscar's hollowed form wielding it's weapon prepares for combat, "Yo, this is kinda cliche isn't it? Don't make me have to kill you." he says when preparing Arcell for combat against him..

Oscar doesn't say anything, instead he just lunges at Reima with his sword, it gets parried easily and Oscar receives a hard punch to his helmet causes him to stumble back.

Reima "You hollow cunt, you try that again and I'll take your arm!" he shouts at the insane knight.

The knight slowly rolls towards him as it's armour is too heavy to be manoeuvrable, it completes it awkward role and tries to slash Reima who uses Armament Haki to stop the damage. "Right" Reima states with finality as he viciously chops at it's sword wielding arm. Chink! It completely cuts through the armour and severs the arm which drops lifelessly to the floor... Oscar seems confused and looks at it's arm for a moment.

Reima "Huh, this seems familiar somehow.." he says as Oscar tries to bash him with his shield... Reima cuts the other arm off which causes another short pause to their combat. Oscar, again, looks down at it's severed arm and back up at Reima... It runs at him and starts kicking his shins...

Reima "Stop that... I'll take your leg... Right!" He swipes upwards removing both legs from the undead who falls on it's back... How on earth is it still alive?

Reima "You say it's a flesh wound and I'm gonna find a way to permanently kill you, I swear to god."

Luckily for both of them, it doesn't say anything... It does try to remove it's helmet to bite him but he decapitates it before this skit-like situation can go on any longer. He takes the Crest Shield that Oscar had dropped before continuing on.

He enters the area containing the balcony and Fog-gate and gets assaulted by three hollows who are easily dispatched. He continues on through the door and sees two hollow knight guarding the door at the end... They hold their shields up and approach him, some semblance of tactics seems to remain as they approach him in some kind of formation. One swings it's sword at him while the other covers it with it's shield, Reima knocks away the sword and kicks the shield with a Armament Haki front-kick causing the undead to be launched like a bullet into the wall behind it. It's ally apparently not noticing it's instant death keeps trying to swing it's sword while forgetting about it's shield, apparently you forget about defence when you're doomed to die forever. Reima grabs it's sword with a Haki infused hand and crushes the rusty brittle blade like it's pasta, the undead seems confused as it tries to swing it's broken blade at him but misjudges the distance... It receives a 360 tornado kick to the face which essentially bends it's spine into a pretzel before dissipating into white mist.

After killing the guards Reima uses the key he collected from the room to unlock the gate and walk through, he descends down the stairs and finds the Rusted Iron Ring... It's use in the game was to help you move through high water like swamps, marshes etc... In reality though the use must be more varied than that? He'll have to experiment with it at a later date but he suspects it would probably make you amazing a swimming or something... He drops down the half ruined stairs and follows the path back to the area where he'd fought the Asylum demon... He mediates for a couple minutes before preparing to jump on the fragile stone floor and start fighting the Stray Demon.

Hopefully Reima'll never have to face the viscous killer bunny.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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