
The Chasers

Hiding on each side behind the big rock while holding their breath, the loving couple got their guns ready, and pointed it to the direction of Marshal Lang and his men...

They wait...

After a while, they finally saw their chasers...

"Halt!!", ordered Nick Lang while he was scanning the area suspiciously...

Looking farther ahead, he saw that Marshal Shen horse had run ahead of them without its riders...

"Take cover!! Now!!!!"

But before everyone could find a place to hide, multiples shots were released simultaneously...

Two of his soldiers fall down from their horses, unmoving..., possibly died...

Aiming carefully only at Damian Shen's direction, while hiding behind the big tree pillar, he emptied his bullets...

Before he chased them, he had warned his soldiers that he wanted Venn Lee alive...

He just needed to hold them until help came their way...

The Emperor had called out all of his secret guards - about 20 of them - to aid him, however, they have to wait for a half-hour; this duration of time was needed In order to place personal armor on their precious horses' bodies.

While to catch up hastily to the traitors, their horses were not shielded; however, all of their horses were spooked with the loud gun sounds and had run back to the palace.

After using too much of their ammunition to a blank spot, because their enemy had cleverly hidden behind the big tree pillars that were surrounded by bushy plants.

Venusa stopped wasting her bullets and softly said," Damian..., I'll throw my homemade bombs to distract them and you'll use this chance to finish them!!". While she was talking, Damian was covering for both of them by shouting bullets in every direction without aiming at the enemies.

There should be five bombs inside her saddlebag, Venusa reached down and took out one of the bombs - with its ball shape and it was as big as half of her palm-. Instantly, she was out from hiding to threw the ball bomb in an open area near the enemies.


The powerful impact destroyed the tree nearby and the surrounding area, also it sent two of Nick Lang soldiers flying and the collision rendered them unconscious or maybe died...

Simultaneously, the soldiers nearby the bomb were trying to escape in panic, but Damian shot deadly at one of the closest prey and sent him to netherworld...

That left only Nick Lang with four men...

"Let us go, Nick Lang!!! Or...all of you would die here!!" threat Venn Lee with a clear crystal voice that was her original voice that Nick Lang didn't recognize.

"Venn Lee? I heard you were wearing a mask to hide your identity and your raving beauty.., but I'm surprised that you could also disguise your voice!!"

"Marshal Lang..., the Emperor was not the rightful owner of the crown..., he killed many innocent people for his crown including our parents..., why would you served such an evil Emperor?!!", asked Damian Shen persuasively.

But Nick Lang was not convinced, growing up in a modern country within a big conglomerate business family, to his conscience, everything was fair in love and war. But to halt for times, he answered, " The Emperor promised me his throne as a reward of helping him, could you give me Venn Lee without a fight if I was on your side?!!"

Hearing that, Damian Shen was mad beyond the realms and shouted, "Marshal Lang..., how despicable can you be for a one-sided love? Would you even break a family for it?."

Right at that stalemate moment, Dale and Willis suddenly appeared riding stolen horses from the palace. Dale was riding alongside Willis and fired expertly to the direction next to them.

Since the leftover men got a scare from the bomb, they were not willing to fire back. So, the men didn't get hurt because they were hiding cowardly for their life.

'Useless men', muttered Nick Lang while he was aiming at Willis..., sneakily..., he hides his body inside the bushes and slowly, he was letting his gun into a view to fire...

But quickly, Willis fired into the direction of Marshal Lang who was aiming at him, and with mastery, the bullet grazed his hand deeply and as the result, his hand was wounded severely and he drops the gun out from his hand.

That would give them plenty of time to escape...

Approaching Marshal Shen, both of them jumped out from their horses.

Willis begged, "Marshal Shen..., save yourself.., save your family and your powerful army..."

Dane added, "...about 20 secret assassination agents were behind us with heavy arms!! Use our horses, we will hold them for you!!"

Damian Shen was touched with their loyalty and pledged," Dane..., Willis..., my loyal men!! Please be alive!! From this moment, I promise to take care of your family for life!!!"

Facing them with her back, Venusa was busy gathering the rest of the bomb and some ammunition for them while keeping a little ammunition on her saddlebag, then she turned around to give them a fast hug and said with gratitude," Thanks, comrades!! Let's meet again in this life!!"

Dane and Willis were stunned by her eye-catching beauty and realized that she was Venn Lee and nodded in agreement.

Dane said," Marshal Shen, take care of your beloved woman!! Leave the rest to us..., hurry!!"

Meanwhile, Wilis was shooting at the enemy direction to cover them.

Without wasting any more time, the loving couple rode hard and finally escape by a hair's breadth from their doom...

- Marshal Shen headquarters -

After three hours of galloping nonstop, they arrived in the headquarters. Right away, they would prepare for a war against the Emperor...

All the soldiers were waiting at the training ground and Venusa was entering the arena and ordered," Get all the ammunition out and distribute evenly!!"

However, all the soldiers were looking at her with a weird expression and an admiration of her ravishing beauty.

Then she realized that they didn't recognize her face and using Venn Lee voice she said, " I have to hide behind the mask to hide my identity from the enemy!!", and she added with her original voice, " My real name is Venusa Shen, I am Marshal Shen rightful wife!!"

Everyone gasped in surprise, many rumors circling that she was dead. but the ravishing beauty in front of them was very much alive and very strong...

Before they could respond, Damian Shen strode to stand next to her and ordered, " From now on, my wife is my second in command..., treat her with respect and protect her with your life!!

All the soldiers answered like an echo.

"Yes, Marshal Shen!"

"At your command, Madam Shen!!"

He whispered at her very closely, " I'll let you handle them while I need to do another task!!"

After an hour...

Damian was just coming out from his office after the meeting with all his senior soldiers. He had elected four of them as captains to lead each battalion of a hundred soldiers. In total, he had 400 soldiers and 100 personal guards that were living at his mansion to protect his daughter and him personally.

Marshal Lang had the same number of soldiers and the evil Emperor would definitely bestow his secret agents to aid him, they were about 100 agents in total.

Thus, they have the same amount of manpower.

However, he had the best strategy to win the war and he would win the capital city favor by disclosing the Emperor's bad deeds from mouth to mouth. He had already sent 20 soldiers to start the information, hopefully, he could win the citizen royalty...

After all, his family had been protecting the capital city for three generations.

The room was finally empty and he sighed deeply.

He disliked war, but as a powerful Marshal, he had no option to run..., he could only fight to the end. He was never afraid of death...

But now, the idea of leaving his beloved wife, son, and daughter was not an option.

Hence, as Damian Shen, a man who loved his family, he would be impregnatable and indestructible for the sake of his family's survival, moreover, he would win this war and killed the evil Emperor to revenge their parents.

Let the war begin.....

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