
Monster Examination

Siverra went around looking for monsters, not only did he want levels, he also wanted to learn the information and patterns of monsters to see if they were worthy of being tamed.

He found his eyes upon a lone monster. It was a small blob like thing, it had a leaf sticking out of its head as it was eating little nibbles off of a tree branch with a smile. It was making odd muffled high pitch noises as it ate happily.

'It looks like a rare mutated monster! I'll continue to observe it for the day..' Siverra thought before he jumped towards the behind of a tree.

The small monster heard this and made a slight gargling noise that sounded more like a squeak, he was a bit afraid and the blob's color changed to blue then changed back to normal as he continued eating.

Other than slowly eating and sleeping, Siverra was able to see one of his battles! The slime jumped onto its enemy and proceeded to not only absorb the enemy's blood, but shoot wind attacks while it was inside! The enemy which looked like a bat, died without effort.

'Interesting.. if I were to strengthen either of those abilities..' Siverra was already considering adding this monster to his team!

'I need to think hard because I can't add too many monsters. It would take forever for them to all get strong!'

Siverra opened up his pocket dimension after much thought, he had a plan to test certain things about this monster. He looked at his Crocoplant and spoke to it.

"I need you to test the capabilities of this new monster.. if they're up to par then I'd like you to play with it and let it know that we are not aggressive. " Siverra said with a smile and giggle, but to his surprise the Crocoplant replied in a high pitched voice; "Yes Dad!"

This sort of made Siverra feel a bit awkward, he had cared for this Crocoplant for a while now and he hadn't known it could talk, he did however feel the same emotion towards his 'son'.

The Crocoplant slowly went towards the slime-like creature, in response the creature gurgled at the Crocoplant and changed blue. It seemed more scared than it did angry.

The Crocoplant then lightly tapped the slime on its face and the creature responded by trying to absorb the Crocoplant. It shot many different wind attacks at the Crocoplant and even a rare lightning attack! However, the Crocoplant was unscathed. The monster saw this and shrieked.

The monster turned purple and seemed to be fearful of the Crocoplant, the plant just made a weird look at the slime and pet its head, the monster than turned a shade of pink and purred.

'Hmm. I think I'll name him Rainbow Leaf' Siverra thought to himself, while he was at it he decided to also name the Crocoplant, it previously had one but it was ridiculous. 'The Crocoplant will now be called Bubbles.' Siverra smiled when he thought this, it truly fit his cute appearance.

Siverra slowly introduced himself to Rainbow Leaf after Bubbles calmed the creature down, he then put both of them in his pocket dimension and went back to looking for monsters, only he wasn't looking to tame them anymore, just to kill.

Siverra walked until he found a dungeon like existence, it wasn't a cave like before, but was a strange forest. He knew it was a dungeon because he found the Heart.

'I wonder what type of monsters will spawn here.. I need to keep a careful eye out, I'm not as strong as I was and this is an unknown location.. I should take note of my surroundings.'

Siverra looked around and all he saw was tree, tree all around. Occasionally there was some strange colored trees as well as some having some type of material growing on it. Other than the trees Siverra noticed something odd, some of the leaves on the discolored trees seemed to move. This made him think and slowly realized, some of these leaves were living!

"Mana Detect!" Siverra used one of his magics to find the closest monsters, he sensed for their mana and was going to kill some, he then saw that the leaves themselves had mana. This made Siverra very curious.

'I might as well take some of these.. I don't know the use of them or if they have any, but its better than leaving them and not knowing.' Siverra then picked some of the leaves and put them in his pocket dimension, even if he had no use for them, his monsters may enjoy the friends!

'Its a shame I can't fit my gorilla inside of my dimension.. if only..' Siverra was still upset that his gorilla may be killed, but he trusted him. He lived that long without Siverra's guidance after all.

Out of no where Siverra heard a strange sound that captivated him, there was a strange whistling in the air, it sounded soothing but also dangerous. This feeling made all of Siverra's hair stand up on his arms.

'I'm going to find the source of the sound.. ' Siverra thought as he started to walk towards whatever was exuding this strange sound that made him feel this odd sensation.

He then found the source after walking for an hour, it was a pitch black wolf that was whistling to bring in prey!

'Oh god' Siverra instantly thought, the Wolf started to chase after Siverra! Siverra was doing his best to cast different spells as well as attempting to run away, to no avail. He then realized that the best way to deal with this wolf was head on! He was unsure of his power but he needed to make a decision, now.

Siverra turned as the Wolf pounced at him and casted one of his spells!

"Dark Orb!" He shouted as he shot out a sphere that was pitch black, it was a combination of Death and Space magic, it was swirling and creating a vortex in space itself but made no noise.

When the Sphere made contact with the Wolf the body of it slowly collapsed into itself, melding different parts than where they should be, it also sucked out all color from the Wolf's hair making it white.

Siverra just watched with his mouth agape and then he realized that he may not be as weak as he thought! But he was wrong.

The Wolf's body fell to the ground, twitching, but then its body started to shake and after 5 seconds it twisted every body part back into its correct position, but its hair stayed white.

Siverra noticed this of course and had no choice but to send out one of his monsters, he had to lean on them and just have some of the shared Exp rather than the full amount.

'I think I'll try Rainbow Leaf!' He then sent him out and instantly threw itself on top of the wolf, he started to absorb the blood and mana off of the wolf but it started to flow backwards, the wolf was absorbing the slime!

"No!" Siverra yelled and put Rainbow Leaf back into his pocket dimension and just as he was about to unleash one of his strongest attacks to ensure the wolf's death! He took his blade out and enlarged it, then he shot out 5 dark orbs that shot out an energy that focused on one point, it then all together focused a lazer at the wolf!

The wolf screeched but was vaporized into nothing in an instant, this wore out Siverra. He collapsed, he was incapacitated until he had sufficient mana regenerated.

"Killed Dark Wolf! Exp + 500!, level increased to level 2!" The notification resounded in his head, the Wolf was actually strong enough to let him grow a level! That was a good surprise.

While he was helplessly laying there many monsters passed by, but they seemed to be minding their own business. Not all monsters were hostile after all. But a strange person came.

This person looked like a man in his mid 50's, he was wearing a large plated armor. His sword was around as big as Siverra's body, and Siverra was by no means short. Because of Siverra's Blue Skeleton he was 7 foot tall!

"You.. you shouldn't go in this far.. I see you exhausted your mana in a tough fight.. start somewhere easier." The man then smiled at Siverra and started to carry him out. Siverra just replied with a smile as he couldn't move his body.

"How about we form a temporary party? I know you can't reply so I'll wait till you can." The man said as he was carrying Siverra out. Eventually, the man carried him all the way out of the forest, and he jumped onto one of the floating islands with Siverra in his hand. He then took him into a house and laid Siverra down on a bed.

"My name is Garcis, I am a warrior, if you'd like to party then when you are able to speak write down your level, name, and class. I'm going to go out to level and get mana crystals." Garcis explained as he left a pen and paper for Siverra

The man then left and Siverra was having a rare moment where all he could do was think! So that's what he did. He wanted to solve as many problems in his head that he currently could while he had the time. He also thought about other things, emotions, attachment, the people he's been with so far.

Deep down, Siverra was worried. He didn't want to become attached to this Garcis person and lose him too! There are many pros and cons to this party, but he finally came to a conclusion. He would enter a temporary party with Garcis and if he were to try to get close then Siverra would then push him away and leave.

'The only ones that are truly important are missing, or in my pocket dimension. Don't waste your time on people who don't matter.' Siverra told himself internally.

He then laid there for what seems like forever, and eventually fell asleep. He woke up to the man brewing tea and cooking Wolf Meat in the kitchen. Seems this part of the world was slightly more advanced to where he was previously.

"So, I didn't get time to fill out the paper.. I fell asleep." Siverra tried to explain

"I figured, now that you're able to tell me, then just tell me." The man replied back.

"My name is Siverra I am level 2 and my class is Magician" Siverra said, which was mostly truth but he didn't exactly know his class. The class system was created by humans and was given out by humans, therefore without going to a guild like existence, he'd be classless.

One of the Human Gods had created the ability for Humans to adapt classes, they were the Human equivalent of evolutions, but he was a monster before. This enabled him to in theory gain both benefits! Classes mainly gave stats as well as extra skill paths, which was a must.

"I see, that's perfect. I'll be the front line while you'll be the backline, hows that sound?" Garcis asked politely

"Sure, but I just want to point out that I just want this to be a temporary thing. I do not plan to stay in this area of the world too long.." Siverra explained, Garcis replied with a smile and nod of agreement.

"For now, it seems as if you regained your mana, we will head out back to the dungeon. Once we raise your level to a decent point we'll move on to a harder area." Garcis said as he chugged his tea and picked up his things and left the food in the fridge for when he got home.

"Lets go" Siverra simply said with a smile and got up.

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