
Strange Screen

As Jason rushed toward Amanda he saw the sky crack and with it came a strong burst of wind shattered the windows, flipping desk and sent both Jason and Amanda saying through the air. He hit his head and was knocked unconscious but before he did he saw Amanda out cold laying on the floor near him.

Class being determined based on physical and mental attributes.... Class Determined: Assassin. Skills Acquired

Jason woke up with a headache. when he opened his eyes he saw a strange screen floating in front of his face.

"What the fuck" he yelled as he tried to swat the screen away. His attempts were in vain though as his hand harmlessly passed through the screen, after about half an hour he calmed down enough to actually read the screen

Name: Jason Moore. Race: Human

Class: Assassin Title: None

Health: 100/100

LVL:1 EXP:(0/100)

Str:15 MP:10/10

DEF: 5 AGI: 25

INT:12 LUK:19


Passive: Stealth Beginner(6.7%)

You are better at sneaking around, make 5% less noise when moving.

Passive: Dual Dagger Mastery Beginner1(17.8%)

Due to continue use of dual daggers you are more comfortable with them/20% more . damage with dual daggers.

Active: Sever Beginner (0.0%)

When activated blade had a 50% chance to sever limbs. 30 STM

Shadow Shards(SS): (0/100)

"What the hell, am I a game character now, and what are Shadow Shards"? Jason thought, "Does this have to do with that strange crack I saw in the sky and wind that knocked me out, or have I finally lost my mind"? Just then Amanda woke up as well and saw the same screen Jason had. She shrieked which shook Jason out of his thought.

"What is this and why can't I get rid of it"? she asked, Jason, got up and walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down its just a Screen I have one too that tells me my stats, what does yours say?" After hearing Jason's voice she calmed down and looked at the screen.

Name: Amanda Green Race: Human

Class: Mage Title: None

Health: 100/100

LVL:1 EXP: (0/100)

STR:10 MP:50/50

DEF:5 AGI:10

INT:25 LUK:14


Passive:Mana Absorption Beginner (0.0%)

Your body is more attuned to mana making your body a perfect vessel- Mana Regen 10%

Active: Spell Create Beginner (0.0%)

For the cost of Levels and EXP, you can create your own spell. Cost depends on the spell type and Strength.

Shadow Shard(SS): (0/100

"So you're a mage and I'm an assassin, I don't know what's going on yet but we need to find Thomas and Blade before anything else happens." As if on cue they heard a deep roar and a shadow headed toward the pair.

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