
AI Chip (174 words)


The sound of an explosion snaps me back from the darkness that held me and into a well-versed calculating calm.

Letting my electric blue eyes dart over my surroundings in order to take in as much information as possible which then got transferred, reorganized and finally summarized by my AI research and assistance chip that I implanted into my brain at the age of fifteen.

This little thing is the first of my many absurd inventions and it only got more and more unbelievable as time went on with all the upgrades that I added to it.

Anyways, 0.1 second passed and I got a summarization of the current situation directly loaded into my mind.

Jumping up from my lying position I give down the order to reduce my pain sensitivity to 60% so that I could move unhindered.

'Bruises and a sprained leg, nothing too bad. From the summarization it seems that I have been transported into another time or space or both, need more information to get a better picture

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