
Mind power

"Okay this is the day!! I will teleport no matter what!" Then black jack appeared

"hey what's up? I came to check on you again."

"Oh okay that's nice. I was just about to try to learn my ability. Wanna help me?"

"Uhhhh nope! Bye!" Then black jack teleported out of the room. "Well that sucks. Guess I'll have to do this myself again. Hide and seek created marks each one a foot away, with chalk on the floor and started at the beginning. "Okay let's see how far I can teleport. Hhhnnngggghhhh." Then he opened his eyes. "Did I do it?" He looked down and he saw that he had... not moved a single inch. "Okay this is going to take a long time. After about a while hide and seek was getting really hungry and wanted to eat so he pictured a really big feast on a table and some really expensive silverware. Then it appeared. "Yessssss.... if that didn't work then man! I would be so hungry." Then he ate the food. Shoving handfuls by handfuls in this mouth. He was eating like he never did before! Then he stoped and looked at himself. Then he realized how unhealthy he was eating. And he stopped. "Okay. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Ummmm.... "then he pictured a big bowl of salad and finished it (Without the dressing)." Since hide and seek is full now he'll be able to do things a lot easier! He went back to practicing instantly! Trying his hardest to teleport. "Why is this so much harder than my other ability? I've been doing this for hours, and I can't even go an inch! Okay maybe if I mediate and clear my mind I'll be able to do this. Ommmmmmmmmmmm. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm." And then it appeared. In his mind. An old man. He looked very old and when he appeared, he said,

"hello." " uhhhh who the heck are you and where am I?" "Why, I am the dream catcher. I appear in the heads of people who have a name that is a game, like you! Hide and seek. I know all powers you are capable of, and I know everything about you because I mean like I can see your future."

"Oh ok that's cool. Um can you tell me the powers I can use?"

"Nope I can't tell you what they are, do, or when you'll learn them. I also can't tell you how you'll learn them and like anything about them. But I'll tell you one thing. You have a big future. Now ta ta!"

Then the old man disappeared and faded away. And at that instant hide and seek opened his eyes. "Woah. That. Was. Cool." Now he was determined. He was gonna find out his ability no matter what!

"Old man! I'm gonna do it!!" And then he collapsed.

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