

"Okay, if I can become invisible then how long can I do it?" Hide and seek made a stopwatch and timed himself to see how long he could be invisible..... "58 seconds. That's not too long." Hide and seek spent the rest of the day timing himself and seeing how long he could stay invisible without becoming visible again. "1 minute 27 seconds. That's the highest I can get. Man this is really hard." Blackjack teleported into the room. "Hey, figured It out yet?" Then blackjack realized. Hide and seek wasn't there! Blackjack looked around trying to find hide and seek. Then hide and seek appeared. "BOOO!!"

"Argghhh! What the heck!"

"Hahaha that's funny."

"So you figured out your ability?"

"Well yeah I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I still cant teleport."

"Eh,you'll learn it one day. See ya." Black jack teleported out of the room and left hide and seek there. "Okay. Maybe if I try hard enough I'll be able to teleport. But I'm getting sleepy so good night."


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