
Chapter 18: K.O!

"Okay, you ready?" Xiu Ye asked a familiar black haired cute kid. Both of his arms raised, by shoulder level, and hands clenched tight.

"Ready!" Tang Wulin said out loud, trying to take the same fighting stance as his cousin, though unlike Xiu Ye's, his was slightly sloppy.

'Unsurprising. He hasn't really done any fighting before in his entire life, he is a kid after all, well, that's going to change.' The two children were currently in the open fields of the park, ten feet away from each other, blue silver grass swaying beneath their feet.

It's been nine days since Yu Fei had left Glorybound City, and the same days since Tang Wulin became the disciple of Mang Tian.

Xiu Ye had been depressed for a couple of days since Yu Fei's departure, but that was solved when the latter contacted him via soul communicator. A method he, and Yu Fei, despite staying quiet about it, totally forgot about until now.

His previous down mood came back up and he began going to his days normally.

Also, he had promised Tang Wulin that he would teach him how to fight, but they always were busy with school, blacksmithing, cultivation and depression.

And so, after they settled with their daily routines, Xiu Ye finally decided to have Tang Wulin's lesson start today.

"Good luck big brother Wulin! Big brother Ye, go easy on him!" A familiar silver haired loli excitedly shouted several meters away from the kids, her arms waving around in the air.

Oh and Na'er came to cheer them on. As she had nothing to do, except staying in the house and do house chores, which she already did. She could only attend elementary school when she awakens her martial soul.

"Wulin, look and listen." Xiu Ye concentrated for a moment, the seven tracing processes going through his head in 0.1 seconds, a cyan-blue light appeared in his right hand. Opening his hand, a Federation coin appeared.

Tang Wulin's eyes light up like stars at the sight.

"Wow! Ye, how did you do that? Can I also do that as well?" The possibility of producing hundreds, thousands, and even millions of Federation coins entered his mind. Although he was young, but his dream of getting a spirit soul had made his greed surface earlier than it should for other kids his age.

Xiu Ye blinked and thought about. Can he teach him? Projection is to shape soul power into the material composition and design of an object that is being imagined by the soul master. The item is not everlasting however, with numerous reasons, but the most reason is that it's easily broken compared to the original.

The better the image in the caster's imagination, the more stable and longer lasting the object will be, and it can be further improved by having technical knowledge of its construction, such as a blueprint, having materials to overlay the desired shape upon, or the seven steps of tracing.

'No.' A familiar and irritating voice resounded in Xiu Ye's mind. 'You are not wrong that you would be able to teach him projection, or more specifically the original called the Gradation Air. But tracing? It's impossible. The only way for him to learn it is to have the same inner world as yours.'

'Why does he need to have the same inner world as me?' Xiu Ye asked.

'...' Ryūjin Jakka didn't answer.

'Old man?' Again, he received no answer.

Xiu Ye's eyebrow twitched, feeling frustrated in dealing with the old sword spirit. Are every powerful old geezers this secretive? Tch. Just wait when I have enough control of my projection and inner world, let's see how useful you'll be then!

"Ye?" Tang Wulin's voice snapped Xiu Ye out of his one sided conversation with Ryūjin Jakka.

"Sorry, kinda lost in thought. I could teach you this ability of mine, but only the original and prototype version of it."

"Eh? Is it the same as yours or not?" Tang Wulin asked in confusion, tilting his head by the side. His stance completely down.

Xiu Ye shook his head.

"It's the same, however it is different. As I said, what I can teach you is first version of my ability, or you could say, self created soul ability: Gradation Air. It is the ability that materializes objects, in accordance to the caster's imagination, through the use of soul power. In simple terms, you can make anything, except living beings, with your imagination and through your soul power."

Copyright can go screw itself. Xiu Ye knows that he wasn't the original inventor of this technique, which is a cause of concern of how he gained the ability but he'll deal with that later on, and it's not like the creator could go bitch to him about it.

"However, this ability to recreate anything is not perfect. As the thing you want to project is big and complex, then the cost of soul power will be equally higher. Not to mention the fact you'll need to memorize every detail of the projection for it to work–"

"What about federation coins? Can I project them?" Tang Wulin interrupted Xiu Ye with barely suppressed agitation and excitement.

Xiu Ye raised an eyebrow before the realization of his cousin's circumstances reminded him, almost facepalming himself for forgetting such a information.

"...You can." Tang Wulin cheered. "But it'll be investigated by the Federation for them being unregistered. They'll try to find you, your family, friends, classmates, teachers and anyone who just barely knows you and they will try to interrogate you and them about the unregistered coins. Be it through bribery or torture."

His cousin's face quickly turned pale, images of himself and the people he knows and care about being tortured, like not being fed for two days, flashed through his head.

(AN: Just an fyi, he's still a six year old innocent kid.)

"So, you still want to learn about Gradation Air?" Tang Wulin quickly shook his head around. "Good. Later on however, I could teach you a couple of my other self-created soul abilities to help you in combat and blacksmithing."

"For now, I'll whip you to shape. When this coin drops to the ground, we start. Ready? Then..." Xiu Ye flipped the coin up through the air.

It flipped around in the air for a moment, the light from the sun reflecting on its silver surface, and in that moment, Xiu Ye and Tang Wulin's eyes met. One was filled with calmness and the other of nervousness, but there was a similarity of determination between them.

As the coin hit the ground, Tang Wulin stomped on the ground, his right arm cocked back, and he took great leaps towards Xiu Ye. In a moment, he crossed the ten feet distance between them. He jumped in the air, his fist going towards the latter's face.

He was going all out! In his mind, since Xiu Ye has a much higher cultivation rank than me, then he should be able to handle me.

Xiu Ye almost let out a curse. The speed in which Tang Wulin moved had immediately caught him off guard. This was also his first real combat against someone after all. He just wanted a light spar between them to determined the latter's training regime.

But the bastard had actually gone and wanted to fight him all out! Now, normally he wouldn't be anxious about fighting someone with a lower cultivation base than him and low tier martial soul. But this is Tang Wulin, someone who has the Golden Dragon King inside his body: giving him an absurd physical strength, speed and defense compared to his peers.

'Alright bud, you asked for this.' Literally, he did ask him for a fight. Also, no one wants their face getting punched.

Several long cyan-blue lines appeared and lit up on Xiu Ye's left arm, reinforcing it to be stronger, showing clearly as he wore a black T-shirt and blue shorts. He took a slow sharp breath in, as Tang Wulin's was in front of him, in midair, his fist was about to struck his face. But his mind remained calm.

He raised his reinforced left arm, his wrist hitting Tang Wulin's right forearm and casually diverting it to the side. His eyes widened in shock about the strange lines around Xiu Ye's arm and at how easily be was able to swat his fist away. But before he could think further, he felt something on his chest and the next, he saw the whole world spinning around him and blacked out.

"Big brother Wulin!?" Holding her head with her hands, Na'er screamed in fear and worry as she saw her adopted brother's body buried into the ground. The culprit? Xiu Ye, whose palm buried him into.

"Ah... Oops?" Xiu Ye said, sticking his tongue out while hitting his head.

"Big brother Ye!"

After a few series of apologies and screaming, Xiu Ye and Na'er quickly took Tang Wulin out of the small crater he was in and plopped him under the base of a nearby tree.

"Really, I'm sorry about it Na'er." Xiu Ye said with a ashamed and regretful expressions while scratching the back of his head. Sitting the left side of a resting Tang Wulin, who thankfully wasn't seriously injured. Just passed out from the sudden shock of force going through his body. It wasn't really a surprise, as this was his first battle after all.


Na'er, sitting on the other side of Tang Wulin, looked away from him with a pout, still not forgiving him.

Xiu Ye let out a sigh and decided to just let leave it there. She was just acting like that because she's upset and the apology he spew should go to the person who was currently asleep. She's a kind and gentle girl after all, she wasn't that childish to hold a grudge.

Looking down on his palm, his brows lightly scrunched down.

'Iron palm. A Hakuda technique that, while gathering their entire arm strength into their hand, uses an open palm strike which can effortlessly shatter a Hollow's head with a single strike. A purely physical strength technique which can be amplified with the user's reiryoku, though it's soul power now. I had learned this and other more techniques from Yamamoto's memories. I just didn't think it would be that powerful, I just used it with just about seventy percent of my strength.' Glancing at the still down Tang Wulin, he shook his head.

'No, that's not right. It was powerful because Wulin didn't properly guard himself, heck, he even forgot to cover himself in soul power. Thankfully I didn't reinforced it with soul power, I would have killed him!' A cold shiver run down Xiu Ye's spine and his face paled at the realization.

It was bad enough that he almost killed his cousin, but what's more worse is that he almost killed Tang San's kid! The Sea God! Asura! And Supreme God King! Just from his sneeze could erase him from existence!

'Beating him up with all of his bones broken should be the line I shouldn't cross, for now. Hmm. By how much he uses his fist first; boxing and other fist techniques, since he'll need to be in close range, I should add a movement technique as well should be adequate for his fighting style for now. I could add other more techniques in his arsenal later on. Oh wait, I didn't teach him boxing yet!'

Even though his unconscious, Tang Wulin's body suddenly shivered. As if his body had sensed an ill omen of the future.

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