
Matthew 22




Date: January 31, 2020, Friday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 22: 15-46

* Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar

1. The Pharisees set a trap for Jesus by asking Him if it is right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar:

a. What is the imperial tax?

A tax imposed by the emperor. Can be compared to our "income tax".

b. How did Jesus handle this trap?

Answer. He just said those who belong to Caesar, they would pay Caesar.

c. What lesson dad we learns from this?

Answer: let us be honest in paying income taxes

* Marriage at the Resurrection

1. Who are the Sadducees?

Answer: teachers of the law.

2. What did Jesus say about the marriage at the resurrection?

Answer: Jesus had the resurrection on Easter Sunday. And at his second coming, the resurrected dead would join Jesus in God,'s Kingdom.

3. How did Jesus prove to the Sadducees about the resurrection of the dead?

Answer. When he healed Lazarus.

* The Greatest Commandment

1. Explain in your own words what you understand about the greatest commandment.

Answer: love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your enemies.

2. Can you do the 2nd commandment without the 1st? Why or why not?

Answer: No. If you don't love God, you don't love your enemies.

* Whose Son is the Messiah, Son of God

1. What does Messiah mean?

Answer: savior

2. Whose son is the Messiah?

Answer: God the Father.

What lesson did you learn today?

Answer: we should fulfill our duties as citizen. We should also love God with all our hearts and love our enemies as we Iove ourselves





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