
Chapter 22. Trolling a Hero to be

After breakfast, I and Jaune went outside of Shion so that I can start training him. Well, when I say training I mean messing with him at least for the first week then seriously training him for the rest of his stay at Shion which at least 4 weeks. Once I feel that we are far enough so that the rest of the Arcs don't find out what we are doing I find a good spot to start messing with Jaune. Jaune looked eager to start my so-called "tests" so first let's break that enthusiasm of his I went to a nearby boulder and broke it with Echo Tremor then said to the blonde goofball.

Silva: Okay Jaune the first thing I'm going to have you do is move these rocks over there.

Jaune: Ah... Why?

I simply grinned and started telling him a load of bull.

Silva: This to test not only your strength but your patience and diligence. While you are doing that I will work on setting up your next test.

As I walked off Jaune started moving the rocks and while he's doing that I will build some from the past life that gave me no small amount of misery. The aerotrim is something that my daughters talked me into trying and I soon learn its terror. It spun me around in an uncontrollable fashion in every direction at high speed, needless to say, I lost my lunch and punished the girls by going through it as well. As I build it from wood reinforced with magic it took me a couple of hours but I was finished, after that, I went to check on Jaune to see his progress and I was a little surprised to see him almost done. He was making good time in transporting the rocks, as I watched him work on his task he finished it in another 2 hours and he collapsed from exhaustion, thankfully Mrs.Arc packed us lunch so he can rest here without going back to the Arc vacation home.

As we ate Jaune asked.

Jaune: How many tests are you going to put me through?

Time to spout bull again.

Silva: Jaune is your enemies or Grimm going to tell you when they are going to attack you, no they will not so I will not tell you because I wish to train your mind on handling unknown circumstances and on how to not give up in the face of seemly endless work.

Jaune just tiredly nodded in response and I continued.

Silva: With that in mind Jaune once you have rested enough I will have you move the rocks again.

The look on his face was priceless so I took a picture with my scroll and patted his back as I walk off to find other things for Jaune to do for the week he sits there petrified, oh this is going to be a fun week for me at least for Jaune not so much.

( After a week of trolling Jaune)

Well, I have to say my week was fun and I got some good memories and even better pictures. What I got Jaune to do was braid the fur on a bear which I told him was to test his bravery and dexterity, then I got him to make friends with an animal to "teach" empathy, I swear it still cracks me up thinking Jaune bribed a squirrel with nuts to be his friend for that test and that squirrel that I suspect unlocked its aura because it blackmailed Jaune into spending most of his allowance on nuts. Oh, I had some fun screwing with him but now its time to seriously train him, so first things first time to unlock his aura so I called the naive hero over.

Silva: Jaune you have passed my tests so its time for you to lose your virginity.

I really can't help myself it's too fun messing with him, Jaune looked at me wide-eyed then said.

Jaune: Really!? I still want to unlock my aura but to say goodbye to my virginity is great too.

I just grinned then shot his hopes down.

Silva: Sorry just messing with you but I will unlock your aura thou.

Jaune looked crestfallen at first but got excited again at the thought at unlocking his aura, I walked over to him then placed my hand on his shoulder to use my aura to unlock his. As I try to jump-start his aura I found that he has more aura then what I was expecting and I was expecting a lot he almost has as much as I do and that is saying something because my aura surpasses most average Huntsman. It looks like he has some serious potential I'm definitely going to give him my notes on aura skills for him to train in when he leaves Shion, with that in mind I spoke to Jaune.

Silva: Jaune you have a lot of aura, it looks like I'm going to have to up your training. So Jaune are you ready to experience an agonizing training course that even the creatures of Grimm would turn tail and run from.

Jaune just took a couple of steps back then looked around for an escape route but to no avail, I started to laugh sinisterly which made the guy pale and said with a wide grin.

Silva: What I'm I saying, of course, you are so let's get started shall we.

From miles away from Shion the sounds of a girl screaming could be heard but no one found anything even after sending a search party to find the source then finding nothing and the rumors of a haunted trail began that only drew more people to the town for vacation.

( Weeks later)

Jaune stood before me a new man in the weeks my "training" I put him through he wasn't as scrawny as before he was now clad in lean developing muscles but with a dead look in his eyes if there's one thing I've come to like about Jaune its that he always bounces back no matter what I put him through. Now for an experiment that I have on my mind for a while, I asked Jaune.

Silva: So Jaune what huntsman academies do you plan on going in the future?

Light reappeared in Jaune's dead eyes then he spoke.

Jaune: I'm not sure but do you think I can get in?

My response was.

Silva: Yes I do think you can get in if you pass their entrance tests and I think Atlas Academy will suit you best.

I'm trying to see if I can change the plot drastically or if there's some kind of plot armor in place to make sure that certain things happen like Jaune getting into Beacon Academy. Jaune was thinking for a moment or 2 then asked.

Jaune: Why Atlas?

I smiled then gave my reasons that was what I really thought why Atlas would suit him.

Silva: For starters, Atlas is more military-oriented which I think will help you develop more effectively in terms of leadership and tactics if you're given a chance then there's the fact that I think you will have good synergy with Atlesian women making it so that you're more likely to have a girlfriend in the future.

Jaune's eyes sparkle at the thought of him having a girlfriend which I think is true because in the canon he was quite popular in Atlas with him receiving casseroles from women there when he was doing missions as a crossing guard. Well, with all that I said I think he's going to at least try to get into Atlas Academy, plus from what I have seen so far is that there are definitely girls interested in him but his sisters scare them off so if I do see him again we can swap stories on our girlfriends. We head back to the Arc vacation home in Shion for the last time because tomorrow is the last day of the Arc family vacation and Jaune packed his things yesterday. I had dinner with the Arc's for the last time then insisted that I help with the dishes which Mrs.Arc agreed and Mr.Arc was helping me. As the 2 of us washed the dishes Mr.Arc said to me.

Mr.Arc: So you have unlocked Jaune's aura behind everyone's back what do you have to say for yourself.

I bluntly told him.

Silva: Mr.Arc if it wasn't me that unlocked his aura he would still try to get into one of the huntsman academies and someone else would have.

Mr.Arc sighed that made him seem like he aged a couple of years than said exasperatedly.

Mr.Arc: I guess your right on that account even if I still disagree.

He sighed again then went back to washing dishes along with me, night soon followed.

( The next day)

I gave Jaune a guy hug then gave the Arc's my goodbyes as I went a different direction to get the Menagerie I was heading directly south and in a couple of weeks I will be outside of Mistral's borders and I hope to see the wildlands of Anima in all its glory.

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