
Shady Deals

The day went peacefully; nothing unexpected happened. Jiang Yingyue took Han Qingshan around the village and told him all the stories about when she was a child.

They also walked past the house where they had lived when she was a child and saw that a group of children was playing outside, chasing after a wind dragon.

Looking at them, her eyes turned soft. "I am glad that my parents found a new house," she said. "Although they returned to from the capital, it is hard to stay in the same house, the house where they found their own son dead."

Han Qingshan nodded his head as he dragged Jiang Yingyue into a warm embrace.

He could not understand her complex emotions as he had never lost anyone that close to him before. However, he wanted to give her strength.

The two finished their tour at Jiang Yingyue's place where they ate some food before returning to the hotel room.

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