
Chapter 1: Fall of the Leviathan, Rise of the Dragons.

Within a strange space of utter darkness that lies on the edge between dimensions, 7 sinister figures surrounded a whirling pool of chaos. Within this pool was projected an image, from across time and space, across the dimensions themselves. The image showed a gigantic black serpent in a standoff against 3 divine beasts high above a floating city. A blue skinned giant, a crimson dragon with two mouths and a golden winged beast, commanding them was the spirit of an ancient king.

"The Egyptian God Cards have revived."

"This is a blunder of the highest order."

"The Great Leviathan is in trouble."

"Should we recall the God Beast?"

As they watched, the Great Leviathan unleashed a great beam of dark energy towards the ancient Gods, who countered attacked with their combined power. Obelisk the Tormentor punched forth with the power of his 'Fists of Fury' while Slifer the Sky Dragon blasted out great bolts of lightning with his 'Thunder Force' attack. Not to be out done the Winged Dragon of Ra Spewed out a river of heavenly flame with his mighty 'Blaze Cannon' and the three Gods under the command of the Pharaoh pushed back the dark beam.

"It is too late."

"Dartz has failed us."

"The power of the Pharaoh is truly magnificent."

"Kecht… it pales before our Lords true power and don't forget that Balorg."

Unable to resist the combined power of Divine beasts the Great Leviathan was consumed in a brilliant explosion. The shockwaves unleashed cleared the skies and signalled the beginning of the collapse of the mythical city of Atlantis below.

One of the figures waved his hand over the image, causing it to disappear. The outcome had been decided, they had lost. None of the features of these figures could be seen, but on the foreheads of each one glowed a green seal. A Unicursal hexagram surrounded by a ring of runes.

"That world is now lost to us. Our Lord will not be pleased."

"It is but one world Locus, in time all worlds will fall to the will of the Orichalcos."

"You take this too lightly Dahark, the loss of a single world is one thing, but the loss of the Great Serpent means one less Beast God to lead our forces."

"Just who was responsible for recruiting that idiot Dartz anyway?"



They all silently dropped the subject of responsibility, none of them wanted to mess with that mad women. If not for the favour of their Lord none of them would ever have anything to do with her. The weak feared the strong, the strong feared the ruthless, but even the most ruthless of warriors feared the crazy ones. And Hella took crazy to a whole new level.

"Has the next world been selected?"

"Yes, Balorg found quite a suitable world for us and the Great Wolf is being prepared for insertion."

"Well Balorg? Tell us what have you found for the Orichalcos?"

"This world will be quite suitable. Its Spirit realm is well developed and will allow the Fenris to feast and quickly restore its strength after it arrives through the barrier. I have discovered that this particular world is even connected to two other worlds with high levels of energy. Conquering all three will more than make up for this most recent blunder..."

As the figures continued to talk a grey mist covered the area before fading away like a mirage, taking all trace of these people and the chaos pool away.

Some time later, that same space was visited by three bright lights.

"They were here."

"Yes, I can still detect the faint trace of that cursed power."

"To think, I had hoped that the destruction of the Great Leviathan would be the end of this…"

"We cannot rest yet, our duty is not finished."

"But where has it gone?"

"Through the crack between worlds, through the deepest shadows where no light will reach."

"Should we ask the Chosen Duellists for their aid once more?"

"No, the Pharaoh and his friends have their own destinies to fulfil here. Besides only spirits can pass the beyond without consequence."

"Then we must find new champions to fight the Orichalcos."

"Agreed Hermos. Come! For the Honour of Atlantis!"

And the three lights disappeared together, piercing through the darkness to realms unknown.


Drake didn't know where he was. He couldn't remember how he had got here, it was like he had always been here, waiting.

Was this a dream?

He felt strange, like he was floating in an endless sea. He was surrounded by a soft blue light that blurred everything, all that was clear was the duel disk on his arm. But where was his deck?

The silence was broken by an etherical voice.


Suddenly before Drake eyes appeared a vast field of duel monster cards, never had he seen such a collection which ranged from the most ordinary Basic Insect all the way to the rarest legendary beasts.

This must surely be a dream. In which case he would build a dream deck!

But what theme should he choose? A versatile Hero deck? A fast paced Blackfeather? Perhaps a swarming pendulum Odd Eyes?

No! he wanted something more old school, a classic with modern enhancement. Something with monsters both majestic and awe inspiring.

In a flurry his hands moved, selecting cards with an almost forgotten passion, monster, spells and trap cards chosen without restriction.

Done, he loaded his deck into his duel disk. Now all he need was a…

"Let the challenge commence!"

His vision was filled with blinding radiance and then he found himself elsewhere.

Truly this dream wouldn't be complete without a proper duel with his new deck. But what was with this opponent?

A duel stadium field had appeared before him after the voice made its announcement, his opponent who entered from the other side looked like some punk rocker. A scruffy black, metal studded jacket, frayed blue jeans and dirty trainers. He had long greasy black hair and was wearing spiked bracelets on his arms and thick eye shadow on his face.

Drake himself was dressed rather plain in a crisp clean white short sleeved tee-shirt and black tracksuit bottoms, but this challenger was just scruffy.

Where was the legendary duellist a dream duel like this deserved. The King of Games, his eternal rival, the Supreme King or the King of Speed… he would even have settled for someone like the duelling monkey, the Chazz or a lovely lady like the Black Rose, or the Harpy Queen.

Instead he had some random nobody.

"Talent before mediocrity, I go first!" the punk declared.

So irritating. Seems like he was an idiot too, this was his dream, surely he should go first Drake thought.

[Turn 1 - Challenger LP:4000 Hand:5, Drake LP:4000 Hand:5]

"I draw, then I play <Pot of Greed> which allows me to draw 2 more cards."

"Now I play the field spell <Geartown>, but then I will active <Mystical Space Typhoon> to destroy my Geartown."

The clock work town barely had time to form around them before a harsh blowing storm winds shattered it into pieces that began to gather into a pile of bits.

"This activates my Geartown's special effect, allowing me to special summon from my deck <Ancient Gear>"

[Ancient Gear – Lv2 ATK:100/DEF:800]

He was playing an Ancient Gear deck then? This could be interesting, but why summon such a weak monster? A small collection of gears forming the tiny monster appeared on the field digging itself from the junk pile left behind by the destruction of Geartown.

"Because I control an 'Ancient Gear', I can special summon another Ancient Gear from my hand. I then sacrifice both my Ancient Gear's to summon the mighty <Ancient Gear Golem>!"

[Ancient Gear Golem – Lv9 ATK:3000/DEF:3000]

The two toy like monsters disappeared in a burst of light as a giant rose from the ground, clad in worn armour, its exposed clockwork innards were slowly ticking away. This was a towering monster of legend, a mechanical beast whose fame rivalled the signature monsters of some of the greatest and most famous duellist's ever.

Drake couldn't help but smirk, "Hehe, So you like to play with toy soldiers then?"

He wasn't going to be intimidated by a bucket of bolts. The punk scowled at Drakes taunt.

"Laugh while you can. I will show you how lucky you were for me to take the first turn."

"Then I activate <Ancient Gear Fusion> this allows me to fusion summon an 'Ancient Gear' monster from the extra deck, and by using my Ancient Gear Golem I am allowed to use monsters in my deck as the other required fusion materials. So I send the Ancient Gear Golem on my field and 2 Ancient Gear Golems from my deck to the Graveyard to fusion summon the supreme <Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem> in attack mode!"

[Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem – Lv10 ATK:4400/DEF:3400]

A swirling blue and crimson light engulfed the form the giant on the field and two more identical beasts, before morphing into a great mechanical centaur like creature, a great massive clawed left arm. It was one of the most powerful beasts a Ancient Gear deck could bring out.

Drake couldn't help but let out a whistle, this was getting interesting.

"Next I activate <Ancient Gear Scrap Fusion> which allows me to fusion summon an Ancient Gear monster using cards in my Graveyard. I banish 1 'Ancient Gear Golem' and 2 'Ancient Gears' from my Graveyard to fusion summon a second 'Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem' in attack mode!"

"Behold the monsters that will bring about your destruction! Tremble and fear! I end my turn."

[Turn 2 - Drake LP:4000 Hand:5, Challenger LP:4000 Hand:1]

He seemed so confident, as if victory was already in his grasp. Drake had to acknowledge that this punk had reason to be. Two beasts with 4400 attack that had penetrating attacks and an effect that would prevent the activation of magic or trap cards in response to their attacks.

They even had a replacement effect upon destruction. Many decks might have problems with this line up. Unfortunately for this punk, he was facing Drake.

"I draw."

"I activate <The Melody of Awakening Dragon> by discarding one card I can add two Dragons with 3000 or more ATK and 2500 or less DEF from my deck to my hand, and I choose two copies of <Blue-Eyes White Dragon>!"

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the legendary white beast of destruction, arguably one of the most famous and powerful beasts to ever grace duel monsters. Yes Drake was running a Blue-Eyes deck!

"The card I discarded was the <The White Stone of Legend> and when this card goes to the Graveyard its effect activates and allows me to add another Blue-Eyes from my deck to my hand!"

Now he had three Blue-Eyes in his hand, and everything he needed to wipe this nobody away.

"Then I play <Polymerization> to fuse my three Blue-Eyes together, I fusion summon <Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon> in attack mode!"

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon – Lv12 ATK:4500/DEF:3800]


As the coloured spiral of the fusion summon disappeared the mighty three headed dragon with gleaming white scales, let loose a earth shattering roar from each of its heads; Announcing its dominance to the world.

The punk looked nervous, even his mechanical monstrosities were no match for the pure power of Drakes beast. But he wasn't panicking yet, he had numbers on his side and his deck had more than one way to push his monsters attack high enough to combat even this legendary dragon.

"Then I activate the field spell card <Mountain> this card effects all Dragon, Winged Beast, and Thunder monsters on the field giving them a 200 ATK/DEF boost." Rugged great mountains arose from the ground around them.

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon – ATK:4500 > 4700]

"You think this small boost is enough to frighten me? The advantage is still with me and my Ultimate Golems!" The punk snarled in defiance.

"Advantage? Ha, you have already lost, you just don't know it yet. I activate the spell <Neutron Blast>. This card allows my Ultimate Dragon to attack three times this turn. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!"

Each head of the ultimate dragon unleashed a blinding beam of white scorching energy, blasting one of the giant machines into scrap metal.

[BEUD ATK:4700 > UAGG ATK:4400 – Challenger LP > 3700]

"You're a fool! My Ultimate Gear Golems effect activates when its destroyed allowing me to special summons a <Ancient Gear Golem> from my Graveyard in defence mode! Even if you have three attacks you will barely penetrate my defence."

A new metal giant rose from the field, kneeling down on one knee with both its arms crossed in guard in front of it.

"Ultimate Dragon attack the second Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!"

[BEUD ATK:4700 > UAGG ATK:4400 – Challenger LP > 3400]

History repeated itself.

"Again, my Ultimate Gear Golems effect activates and special summons a <Ancient Gear Golem> from my Graveyard in defence mode!"

"Now my Ultimate Dragon attacks and destroys one of your Ancient Gear Golems."

[BEUD ATK:4700 > AGG DEF:3000]

"That's your three attacks done and I still have a Golem and lots of life points remaining! My next turn will crush you!"

"You don't have a next turn punk."

"From my hand I activate the quick play spell <De-Fusion>, this splits my dragon back into the three creatures used to create it. And don't forget my field spell card gives each of them an addition 200 points."

3x [Blue-Eyes White Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3200/DEF:2700]


In a flash of light, the Ultimate dragon split itself into three, each majestic beast stood proud on their own mountain tops, wings spread with their heads raised to roar to the heavens.

"Now my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, finish this! Attack with White Lightning!"

[BEWD ATK:3200 > AGG DEF:3000]

The first dragon blasted the defending Golem into bits with its lightning breath, the two remaining dragons then launched themselves in a direct attack against the punk, drowning him in white light.

[BEWD ATK:3200 - Challenger LP > 200], [BEWD ATK:3200 - Challenger LP > 0]

<<Drake WINS>>

First Chapter done, and what better way to kick off the story than with a OTK with a legendary monster. In case your wondering Ancient Gear Scrap Fusion is a anime card from ARC-V.

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