
Comments of chapter undefined of Dark Wind, Icy Snow - RyuTar, YinYuan [BL]

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ZaiWin should of told him but I guess I understand why he didn't. Snow has such a pure soul and I guess he's still a bit naive so he understands that he did it unconsciously but he did it and that lays heavy on his shoulders it doesn't matter who they are friend or foe he took life those emotions are heavy for him even thou he had no choice but that's just one of the things that make him different from the rest that's what makes him Snow... his ability to feel and not just blindly follow. RimJan ....now that girl is a mystery and not the good kind she knows way to much things she shouldn't know. They like Snow's red array and think that they can use him in this war but there's definitely more why be so .. kind of accommodating to him why not be forceful yes I know they are blackmailing him with the kids but they haven't hurt him but why were they ordered not to what roll does Snow play in this game of war. Thanks for the chapter


Yup, I'm sure InnArg will have something to say about that 🥰

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heyyy 😊 chapters are as good as ever! and I have a question. My stories I posted on Wattpad or my fanfiction, is it free and okay to upload them and post chapters on here?


I'm happy that snow explained everything to Zaiwin.at least now zaiwin know abt the reason why snow left with those ppl and it'll help the trust between em get back to wt it'd been before those happenings🤧🤧