
What It Means to be Called a Friend


Last night was crazy.

Dominic beating me up.

Mina realizing that she's been wrong all along.

The rest of Alpha crying.

Twice crying.

Dahyun ignoring me for the rest of the night.

Revealing everything to Mina.

The entire JYP artists witnessing it.

It was just great…

Dominic still hasn't come home since but he texted me that he's over at his penthouse in Gangnam. He told me that he just needed some time to think and reflect on what he did. Mina on the other hand was just broken. She was still devastated after she found out about the truth. She wanted to apologize to Dominic and give him a chance. Dominic isn't answering her calls though. We asked her to give him some space.


She didn't even say hi to me when I met her at the company when I was grabbing some of my things from the recording studio. She passed by me as if I wasn't there. It really hurt. Guess she still hates me for hurting Mina like that. I'll give her time to cool down.

Today, I just wanted some time off from my own company, from JYP PD-nim, from JYP Entertainment, from my members, from my job as a producer for Twice, and just go out there and help my friends who were in dire need.

Guess who?


That's right, the most amazing, baddest, sickest girls with some crazy vocal ranges -- MAMAMOO. That's right. I'm meeting Mamamoo today to help them with some songs. I'm excited because even though we meet in award shows a lot, and Wheein and I are practically almost like siblings, I've never officially hang out with them.

Big Hit was slowly getting better in dealing with their trainees and their boy groups. But sadly, Big Hit was having problems running their girl groups. Mamamoo included. It was really hard to watch them starting to crumble only after being able to showcase their talents in a year. They didn't really get any good songs. Big Hit was focusing on groups that actually generate money, and they didn't treat the idols who weren't making money fairly.

Money-making groups would always get the best producers. Non-money-making groups on the other hand were left to rot. I didn't like it one bit. That was why I was going to meet their president and deal with him if they wouldn't allow me to help them.

Here's the thing. The president and the CEO of Big Hit are not in good terms. That is why it's going to be difficult for me to penetrate to him. Why?

Only the board members and the CEO know about my REAL identity. This president is new at his job so he has no idea who I really am. He probably heard my name. No one in that position wouldn't know my name. He probably doesn't know what I look like either. Still, I just can't march myself inside the office and confront him. That'll be rude.

Anyway, I'm here in front of Big Hit Entertainment to meet Mamamoo officially this time. I went inside and waited for them in the lobby. One of the security personnel spotted me sitting at one of the chairs in the lobby. I'm probably standing out so much because I'm wearing all black with a pair of sunglasses, a black face mask, and a black cap. I probably look suspicious.

"Excuse me, sir. Can you please take of your mask?" He said with his left hand on the holster of his gun.

"Umm… I don't think that's a good idea." It wasn't a good idea. I would probably cause a commotion here since everybody knows me now. There were trainees everywhere. They were even staring at me and were giggling.

"Sir, I have to ask you to come with me if you won't comply." He insisted.

I sighed. "Officer, believe me. I can't do that. I'd love to. But I can't." I told him.

He then approached me big strides. "That's it. You're coming wi-"

I couldn't let him finish his sentence because he took out his gun while grabbing me on the collar. I swiped his gun and threw him to the ground and pin him there.

I disassembled his gun with one hand, "Look… I know you're just doing your job so I'm sorry. My name is Kim Jinbo, otherwise known as JayB from Alpha. I came here to meet my friends from Mamamoo. Happy?"

The next thing I knew I was surrounded with the entire security with their guns pointed at me. I raised my hands in the air and slowly stood up. I was about take of my disguise when they told me to stop and were about to shoot.

"Woah! Relax. Easy. I'm just going to take of my disguise." I told them as I slowly took my disguise off.

As soon as everything was undone, they gasped in surprise. I smiled wryly. "Ta-da…"

"JayB-ya? Stand down you idiots!" Jimin came by to stop the security from pointing their guns at me.

I chuckled. "Jimin-ah! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

We both hugged each other before he glared at the security personnel. "What are you doing here?"

"I came by to visit Mamamoo and help them out but the security here is pretty much tight." I said as I helped the guy I pinned down up.

He then touched his chest as he pretended to be hurt. "I'm offended JayB-ya. You didn't come to see us."

I rolled my eyes before giving him the 95 liner's hand shake. "Whatever. I bet you came here a while ago and just watched me beat that poor security up."

"You know? You're actually right about that. How'd you know?" He sarcastically said.

"Whatever. Can you at least contact Wheein-ah? I've been waiting for about 30 minutes now." I told him.

As if it was right on cue, I could hear someone running over. "JayB-ya!"

I turn to see Wheein with the rest of the members of Mamamoo jogging over to us. Jimin then smiled. "Speaking of the devil. Well, I better get to practice. I'll see you around, JayB-ya."

I gave him a hug and a handshake before he turned to Wheein. "He's all yours, Wheein-i. Please watch over him. He just kicked one of our security guard's ass with no sweat."

All of them gasped before Wheein spoke. "So it was true!"

"What's true?" I asked.

Moonbyul-noona then said, "JayB-ya… did you really throw down our security with one hand like he was nothing?"

"Wow… I guess exaggerated rumors travel fast." I said with a stoic face.

They just rolled their eyes before Hwasa said, "Let's get to the practice room to talk."

"Actually, I was hoping I could bring you guys somewhere else." I told them as I looked at everybody around me who was staring at us weirdly.

They looked at me with a confused expression. They looked like they really wanted to ask but at the same time, they were too scared to know.

I chuckled at their facial expressions before I grinned. "It's going to be fine. You'll see."


"This… is where you're taking us?" Solar-noona said as she stared at the simple house that was in front of us.

I shook my head as I chuckle. "Let's get inside. I have a surprise for you."

They followed me with a little hesitation as they looked at me with their confused faces. It took me a while to realize that the house looked abandoned on the outside, and it was like I was taking them there for a trap.

But all that changed the moment they entered the place. They started running around and practically said "wow" and "amazing" several more times. After they have seen everything that was inside, they all bombarded me with questions.

"What is this place?" Wheein asked.

"Who OWNS this place?" Hwasa asked.

"Where's the owner? Can we meet him?" Solar-noona asked.

"I bet the owner is handsome, huh?" Moonbyul-noona said.

I laughed. "Gosh… you guys actually got too excited before I got the chance to tell you."

"Oh my God…" Moonbyul-noona gasped as she covered her mouth.

Solar-noona must have realized what she was thinking because she leaned in to ask. "Is this… yours?"

"THIS…" I paused before stepping a little closer to them and handing them a key. "…is YOURS. It's your very own secret clubhouse or something."

They were looking at me in disbelief before they started laughing. They noticed that I wasn't laughing along with them and was just smiling at them.

Solar-noona then said. "You're… not joking."

I shook my head. "No… I'm not."

I stood beside Wheein and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Wheein-ah… It might be super late since we were all busy promoting at that time, but… Happy Birthday."

She stood there all shocked. "But… but…"

"I know. It still needs some work, and I was going to give it to you on Christmas instead, but I think your situation right now demands this place." I told her.

She then spoke softly… "Is this… like the time when you bought Jimin-ah a Lexus?"

The other members of Mamamoo dropped their jaws in shock as they stared at me in disbelief. It made me chuckle and said, "Yes… and Sungjae's Camaro… and Minhyun's BMW… and also Joshua, Seongchul and Joenghan's café. Basically, it's your turn now."

Her eyes became watery as she stared at me. "What did I ever do to deserve a brother like you?"

"Umm… you went out of your mom's belly in 1995…" I joked which made her punch me as she cried.

"So when's the next meeting for the 95 liners going to be?" Hwasa asked.

Wheein snorted, "So you're finally joining because of this?"

She held her hands up. "Well, Duh. If it involves gifts like these then I'm in."

We all laughed at her joke and hang out for a while when the food that I asked to be delivered arrived.


"Wow… I never thought that we'd finish the album in a week." I said as I leaned back on my rotating chair inside Mamamoo's new secret clubhouse.

Moonbyul-noona went out of the recording booth. "I never thought that you were actually a slave driver JayB-ya."

"Tell me about it. I actually see you in a different light right now." Wheein added as she continued to lay on the carpet inside the recording booth.

"I never thought I could hit notes like those in my life." Solar-noona complained as she plopped on the sofa.

"What are you guys talking about? You actually did well." I told them.

Hwasa rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You actually turned into a different person the moment we started recording 4 days ago. You only gave us the entire day to memorize our lines and to familiarize the melody of the songs."

"But you did it, didn't you? Besides, you guys need to catch up before the year ends so that you can start promoting next year. I'll deal with negotiating with your company to extend the deadline next year." I told them.

They all groaned in response which made me chuckle. After telling them to go to the dining room to prepare for dinner, I immediately called someone on the phone.

"Hello? Who's this?" The voice from the other end said.

"Hi samcheon. It's me." I replied.

"JayB-ya? What made you call at this time?" He said.

This was the CEO and founder of Big Hit, Kim Do-hoon. He's also a distant relative of my father. That's why I call him uncle. He was the one who asked me to invest in them which brought them to where they are right now.

"Tell me what you know about Bang Sihyuk-ssi." I told him in a cold tone.

There was a pause in the other end of the line. "Why are you asking about the president of Big Hit Entertainment?"

"My friends are under his… 'care'… Yet, he's messing with them saying that he'll terminate their contract if they don't find a good producer and make money before the year ends." I told him the details.

"That son of a bitch. Don't worry JayB-ya. Since you asked for it, we'll do something about. There have been rumors about him doing… improper things… with female trainees and girl groups. It's been going on for a while now. We were looking for hard evidence against him but the guy is clean." He said.

I smirked. "I'll email it to you when I have something. I'll probably be sending it later tonight."

"Really?" He sighed before he continued. "Why am I not surprised? Well, anyway, what do you want me to do with him? Kick him out of his position?" He asked.

"Makes sure he rots in prison." I told him in a cold tone.

"You sent shivers down my spine just now. I can do that. I'll wait for your email tonight." After that, we both hang up.

I then made another call.

"Woah! Hyung! How are you? It's been days since you came home. We're playing mafia right now over pizza and ice cream. Are you coming over?" He gleefully said. There was a lot of noise in the background, they were really enjoying themselves. It was our long deserved break after all.

I sighed because I knew I had to pull him out from that to make him work. "Can I take an order?"

There was a long pause at the other side of the line before his tone changed into a serious one. "To who am I sending this to?"

"Bang Sihyuk." I replied.

"Alright. What would it be?" He asked.

"3 whole sets of chicken." I answered.

"Alright. You're order will be delivered in an hour. Same place?" He then continued.

"Yes." I replied before hanging up.

It was our code for finding every dirty thing he can about the name that I gave him. It was to confuse anyone who was probably tapping our phone. It's not like anyone can tap into our phones. Zee was the one who made these phones and no one can possibly hack from a master hacker. But just in case.

Now I just had to wait and see what he has for me.

An hour later, I received an email from Zee and I opened it. When I saw the contents, I smirked knowing that this guy's days… were soon over.


"I just can't believe we're finally free from that man!" Hwasa shouted as she popped a champagne.

We were inside their "Den" as they would like to call it. We spent two whole days here because it was practically chaos right now in the company. Their president was finally exposed for a lot of things, especially in prostitution. He was now being brought to jail for the rest of his life. To make things worse for him, I called Jeong Do to be the company's lawyer against this man. He didn't stand a chance at all.

That's why we were celebrating it over some drinks. After a few more drinks, everyone was now tipsy from the alcohol. Solar-noona started admitting what she was feeling. She told me that she was feeling rather lonely. WGM didn't even call her back. It was when she finally cried that made me give in and have me call WGM to see if they could do something about it. And they did…

When morning came, everyone was groaning from their hangovers. I, on the other hand, was perfectly fine. I was in the kitchen preparing us a meal. "Good morning everyone!"

"Ya! JayB-ya. Stop yelling. My head hurts from all the yelling." Hwasa said as she came out of her room.

Solar-noona then came rushing over to me. "What did you do?"

"Good morning to you too, noona. I see that you've sobered up. What in the world are you talking about?" I said sarcastically.

"You know what you did. The producer of We Got Married just called me. He said that they would want to interview me today so they can start shooting next week. I'm finally going to get a guy!" Solar-noona was ecstatic.

I gave her a wink as I patted her shoulder and placed the bacon on the table. "You're welcome."

She then tackled me and proceeded to peck my cheek with kisses. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Ahh! Noona! Eew! Brush your teeth! You're breath stinks! Ew! Ew! Get off me!" I complained but she continued to hug me plant kisses on my face. It was like having an older sister who was pestering you.

"Ya! Unnie! No fair! JayB-ya didn't even kiss ME yet." Wheein came over and scolded her Solar-unnie as she tried to pull her off me.

"Ya! You ain't kissing no one! Not one of you! Ew! Get of noona! Aah!" I squirmed.

It wasn't until my phone started ringing that they fell into silence and stopped playing around. I grabbed my phone and went outside. "Sohyun-ah? Good morning. You're up early."

"Ya. When were you going to call me, huh? It's been months!" She complained.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I asked.

She grunted. "You promised me something, remember?"

My eyes widened in the sudden realization. "Oh… THAT…"

She then harrumphed. "Mhmm… THAT… the blind date that you promised me. Don't tell me you forgot?"

I laughed wryly over the phone. "Me? Pshh! Of course I haven't!"

I did…


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