

"Okay okay, let's eat," Vice Admiral Crane helped the two out of the predicament.

"Xin, tell sister about your plans," Momousagi started interrogating Xin.

"Uhmm, I want to train here until i can use my current power,"Xin said embarrassed.

"Xin, don't be shy. Sister Tsuru told everything about you to me, at the start Sister Tsuru told me that there is a boy that is that she rescue in the sea he looks like a rabbit but she know your a boy, I was really interested, and wanted to immediately to bring the person here to see if it really looks like a rabbit. However Sister Tsuru didn't want me to come and see you in her ship, and said let's wait awhile and see what kind of child did i rescue. Then yesterday, Sister Tsuru suddenly told me that she found a promising kid ——" When Momousagi said these, Vice Admiral Crane just smile. Momousagi continued, "I asked Sister Tsuru what happened, she say to me that she found a future grandmaster even he was young he have a determination to become strong and she said maybe in future you will change this world to a better place to live. Xin kid, essentially Sister Tsuru almost praises you as a god. Originally I was still very much curious to see the kid that looks like a rabbit, but then Sister Tsuru said you definitely have the ability to become a powerful individual in the future, so I didn't say much."

Xin clearly understood Momousagi meaning, after saying so much, she just wanted to indirectly tell him that she has an expectations.

Vice Admiral Crane continued, "Xin child, although you have a shocking talent in using staff weapon, you still have to work hard in improving your self.Just what you said to me you need to work to improve your body condition so that you can use your full potential."

'Ai! Typical Grandmother, I had thought that Vice Admiral Crane's view was already modern, I didn't expect that it still didn't move away from the traditions. After reading so many books and novels, I clearly understood that the majority of the knowledge learnt at school will be used at work in the future. However Grandmother already underestimating me.'

"Grandmother, sister, I think I will not disappoint you guys," Xin promised.

"Ok let's finish this and sleep early for the three of you, you still have to in school tomorrow"Vice Admiral Crane said

"Yes grandma/Yes sister tsuru" Three said


The next morning, the sun shines there have a thin fog shrouds the entire city, and under the shine of the sun the entire Marin Ford seems to be in the fairyland.

"It's was so different here in One Piece's World. The air quality and the aura here are much better than white room i usually leaving. It's no wonder that people in this World can become powerful with just training there body."

In the light of the sun, Xin stood in the small courtyard with Vice Admiral Crane.

"Let's go, I can only lead you into the door. As for the other, you can only rely on yourself i will going to pick you later."

"Thank you grandma ..... but i can go home all by myself."Xin said in fusterd tone, after all, Vice Admiral Crane delivered him in front of the school.

"Haha."Vice Admiral Crane just smiled and no one knew what she was thinking.

The Marine Academy, which has only existed in the Marine Ford. The only purpose is to train new marine student, or to choose an excellent student for World Government.

"The highest principal of this college is the Marine Fleet Admiral Yamakaji,Fleet Admiral Onigumo, and now Admiral Sengoku, Zephyr and Vice Admiral Garp and other Rear Admiral will come to the teacher from time to time, little guy, you need to learn from them. "Walking on the road, Vice Admiral Crane explained the foundation knowledge to Xin.

"Yes grandma."Xin smiled

A moment later in the eastern part of Marin Ford, close to the center of a large college stands proudly.

Sanding at the gate the vigorous and powerful sign "Marine College" words all indicate this is the right place.

Vice Admiral Crane walked and said, "The college is divided into three levels, lower, middle, and high. These are well understood. I don't think I need to explain them. If you want to have to use all intelligent in marine, then you It is best to enter a middle class or a higher class."

"En."Xin Nodded.

"Yo?Is this not Tsuru-chan? How come you come to college today? "A rough voice came, only to see an old man of 50 or 55 years old dug his nostrils without image, and walked casually toward the distance.

"Good morning Grandpa Garp."Xin standing on the crane behind.

"Hina? It seems that I have to go to school with her at the same time. "Xin eyes shine, when he sees young girl behind of Garp.

"Why are you here, why didn't you chase some pirate? "Vice Admiral Crane face is black and she is helpless about this comrade-in-arms.

"Haha, this time I went out and found a kid who has a great potential, so take him to exercise."Very proud, Vice Admiral Crane saw Garp's stinky fart look,Vice Admiral Crane feel he wants to kick this old fart.

"Is this kid?"Vice Admiral Crane turned and look to Hina, nodded slightly.

"She have a Bind-Bind Fruit. Although it hasn't grown yet, I believe she must be no worse than other marine."Garp smiled, and Garp accidentally swept Xin.

Garp lough "Hey kid it's you hahaha .. come here with grandpa i will train you to become powerful"

Before Xin can reply. Vice Admiral Crane said "No I will find him a good teacher not you hooligan"

Then she grab Xin hand and walk inside of the campus

"Let's go Xin do not mind that stinky old man"


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